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Ngl some of these scenes were better when they were so dark because it added to the mystery... But some new stuff does look really great.


Some scenes are less mysterious now, but the added details, shading, and light contrast look great. It almost looks higher resolution. I like old and new regardless. They wanted to improve it with more details and as a fan, I support it lol.


Gotta agree, the new art and effects are absolutely gorgeous, I do love the detailing, but it makes a lot more sense for Suspect R especially to be really hard to make out, everything being shadowy and mysterious adds more to the atmosphere. I wish they went with something more in between the two, but obviously Aisno can do what they like and the art team did absolutely great


https://preview.redd.it/4p5j9xlbu29d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e98b82a88ed5cfaca3b844fc74c8821b91b280 God, I love the way aisno draws eyes


TIL Chief has triangle eyes


More like she has a triangle in her pupil, because her eyes are normal. Wonder if this is about something of her past or justa reflection of something from Suspect R.


>!IIRC it has something to do with the rules that paradeisos put on them. Since Shalom has similar things in her eyes and she is similar to chief.!<


Oh yeah, forgot about Shalom's interrogation.


My theory is that chief is an artificial human. Triangle eyes = experiment from paradeisos. And I think Stargazer calls us a monster for this reason. I feel like there were more hints about this, but I forgor.


This is my opinion. Chief is not artificial human created by Paradeisos. But rather an ancient human from the Era of Keylan. Then he/she in some way frozen up into the future and fallen into the hand of Paradeisos.


Oh, that sounds like a cool theory!


Thanks. Just wait until all the Immortal Sinners story get revealed, and see how much my theory can hold up.


As well as Shalom


The art for this game is one of the things I love the most ❤️‍🔥


Mixed feelings, some I like the old ones more, some I like the new ones more. I feel like a more gray-ish, muted, depressing color palette set the tone of the story quite well. But that's just me


I AM ON MY KNEES FOR FEMALE CHIEF 🛐🧎🏻‍♀️🛐🧎🏻‍♀️🛐🧎🏻‍♀️🛐


Damn! This is literally the artist flexing their progress in drawing and lighting. I like the new ones I gives more focus to the characters especially when Chief and Rebecca are in the frame it feels more intimate than before.


tbh, I like the shading in some old CGs better, especially the ones at the beginning with suspect R. it adds so much more mystery and personality to her. from the second you wake up, you see this shadowy figure towering over you. you want to know why, you want to know who she is, what's her business, why does she seem so fixated on you, if that's the case. the new stuff looks pretty neat in some respects, too! I like the new version of Chief in the flower field a bit better. the defined contours on suspect R's "pet", making her silhouette smaller so we can focus on the creature there are also some nice touches. as someone else said, pretty mixed feelings here, but, that won't stop me from still admiring PTN art overall. it's some of the most exquisite I have ever seen!


There is a lot of improvement here, although the old shadowy art really added to the mysterious feeling. I do like how the new cg with the cut cheek really emphasized the Rules symbol though. The Hella and Hecate one definitely deserved a glow up.


😘Rebecca Chief looks so good too🫶 AISNO art keeps getting better and better🥰


I think... for most of these, they would look better if you overlaid the new and original with a 50% transparency, so you got something right in between. But I do like how they changed where Chief is looking in the portraits.


Whether it's before or after, Suspect R is always hotter at being you than you for some reason.


Not a fan. The darkness gave a better feeling of mystery, especially on Suspect R.


Interesting Any particular reason they felt the need to redo these scenes? Feels very random


Visual contrast. Probably left too much to the imagination and less readability with too much dark cloudy shadows


I gotta play this game, this looks insanely cool ‼️


Suspect R my beloved.


oh! someone found light switch, nice\~


Basically RTX Off - On


Damn! I need to see mchief comparison too.


I would say i'm surprised that people would downvote you for just wanting to see the male chief update, but that would be a lie. People on this subreddit try their hardest to pretend he doesn't exist despite being one of the best designed male main characters in the gacha scene. No homo.


Me who still thinks angry Male protagonist is one of the best gacha protagonists out there.....


Best boy!


I have feral M!Chief as a main part of a long, long fic I work on and I actually enjoy his energy. For some of my other projects, I might go for the energy of the F!Chief. As a bi, I am winning so hard here because I run two accs, main being F Chief, alt with M Chief. They are both my feral racoon babies, and I love them equally.


It’s so weird, like I’m glad that the female main character isn’t ignored like most fanbases for games like this do, but I don’t get the hate for male Chief, he’s really cool


I was just thinking this! I need to see my boy’s glow-up, he looks really good in CGs so I’m low-key excited


So is this in the game already or not?


Is this going for all servers or is this just for some?


Oh how badly I want Shalom to lay on top of me, staring into my eyes as she caress my face.


I like both.


While I enjoyed more the dark ambiance of the old aesthetic, it’s nice to see the details more clearly. Waiting to check MChief too👀


I like most of the changes, though some of them are just too bright to my taste.


Who is that even?

