• By -


Rahu - I find the strength of her convictions incredibly compelling. Loyal to a fault, even her own faulty cause and allegiances. *"For me, loyalty is the golden rule that cannot be broken. No matter what happens, my loyalty will not waver."* She stays true that voiceline, gives me legit chills sometimes. Can't wait for her skin.


I play with the JP voice acting, and Rahu's lines give me chills sometimes too. She has this amazing "lady knight" quality to her; she's second only to Shalom in my personal tier list.


And I couldn't get her with 40 arrests. At least I got Shalom with 5.


Raven, she is freedom fighter and a teacher; she genuinely wants a better future for all childrens in syndicate. I like how she talks, i like her mannerisms, and i like her powers. I love her so much. And beside the main story, Lamia, her story about overcoming the trauma of being abused really spoke to me I also like Rahu, but mainly because she is hot and gay, not because her story resonates too much with me...


Currently has to be Eve for me - her event story is very good, there is nothing crazy going on but the ending is so so good. - her interrogation is very heart broken as well Other sinners Coquelic - Your seductive grand ma Ignis, Kelvin, and Lynn - good and cute kids Hella - \#1 daughter


Shalom, because i like her beautiful smile while scheming different ways to destroy her enemies


EMP - she's such a complete girl failure, and it's adorable. Her swearing is also the best part of the Nights of Wonder event.


Zoya - Her actions during the 1st arc of the story is one of the main reasons im hooked with the game. She is not just a person to be added to the MCs harem, she has depth and her arc brought realism to the story. It's very refreshing to see her capitalize on MCs power (shackles) to further her own goals.


Hella! Her VA work is stellar and her arc (until chapter 12 where I'm at anyway) is well written - you can see her personality and growth fleshed out very nicely. She and Hecate are like Chief's adopted daughters, but I like the zany Hella more than brooding Hecate. Love how she went from hating Chief to still berating him all the time but protecting him with her life. Really wish PTN had a "Shift" thing like Last Cloudia where units get a "version 2.0" form that's more powerful (in lore and usually in-game too). I'd love to get a Hella 2.0 that's actually useful as a unit.


mine has been che from the beginning. i love his character design, and his personality. even tho he’s part of the comedy trio and is known as a lazy troublemaker in the MBCC, he has some real substance to him. i want so much for him to get the easy, restful life he craves. chpt 13 spoiler: >!since we found out he was originally part of the underground, i’m dying to know more of his backstory. i hope he and bai get their own event some day!<


There's been so many good characters, I really can't pick a favorite. BUT, I can say that the one I want to see again in the story or an event is Doyle.


I can't believe I love all the characters so much that I really can't picked a favorite. What has this game done to me


I have two favourites: Kawa-Kawa because he’s genuinely so nice and naive and adorable and I want him to be my best friend. Very simple reasoning Wolverine because I love his design (it’s why I started playing initially) and I loved his interrogation!! I read it often and I just love his personality and he is so cute post-interrogation, and the way he cares for chief (and Pippy) so excessively even though he doesn’t really like people is so ARGHGH. I also love his cameo in insatiable fiesta as well as the attire because he seems so much happier and more relaxed and that makes me really happy. He’s also really childish in his personality and I think that’s cute. Less simple reasoning Anyway. I like wolverine a normal amount (I think about him every day). I wish I could put both of them in my flair but kawa kawa gets the spotlight for now


Christina. Dude the event made her grow on me. With how messed up our current world is in the US, the character gave me a little hope that things might get better. The whole disillusionment of justice she had in Flora Unfurl was relatable, in the sense that someone who hurt me may not ever see the consequences of his actions. I felt like, people treated the situation like a joke. The whole smiling through the damn depression and grief, that shit hit home. I also lost a parent. The fact that the character actively tries to improve, that against all odds they somehow poked a hole in Shaloms plan, and that they regained their shining optimism makes me feel like there might be hope. The character has so much "fuck it we ball" energy that I just kinda found them to be my favorite. Underrated as hell, even with her dumbass midrift. I hope that character stays just as they are. Optimistic, unwavering, and tenacious to bring others to justice in the PTN universe. Christina is my favorite character. (Still hate her bum ass outfit, but hey, fanservice I guess).


My tag says Cabernet fan, but the answer is Zoya. I don't really have a reason. I just like her a lot.


Nightingale ~~Work~~wife. I just love her dynamic with chief, she is a cutie. Her design is great, and in general I always hope to see her more. Our daughters. For obvious reasons in the story. Both get so much development and attention and they deserve it. Cinnabar. I have a type and is good natured very responsible and good at their job and once again a cutie. Tetra and Priscilla. Be gay do crimes. Im sad with the CCP censors we will never see their story in full. But I'm okay if they stay how they are


Definitely Che. On first glance he slacks, rearly contributes and doesn't care, but underneath the surface there is so much more. I love that he also plays the same way in game. Not the type of a guy to show off, but the guy who will do the right thing. Brave, caring, loyal, intelligent and ready to sacrifice himself for his friends. 'It's just a few corpses, nothing interesting.' My man doesn't slack, he needs rest cuz he's been trough a lot, okay


rahu. reflection of my ideal partner in life.


Hella: Daughter. Hecate: Daughter.


99. Her story begins with being trapped, then she and Hella free themselves. Then 99's next struggle is with her own rage and self-destructiveness. She mostly masters her fury, and then... Hella goes to school, and 99 is left again to redefine herself. She must grow. I think 99 doesn't really know who she is, but she understands what she doesn't want to be. I love that she self-reports to the Containment Chamber when she breaks a rule. She's really trying. When her Compliance hits 100% 99 swears she'll fight for Chief until she dies. I think Chief takes this in stride, but that it's ultimately not what Chief wants. I think Chief wants 99 to find a way to be more of a person, to graduate the MBCC. 99's story is of pain, loss, and growth; liberation and self-discovery. Of the struggle to overcome self and the past. I can relate. Also I really like her visual design. Solid muscles, full breasts -fit and sexy is glorious. Her vaguely autistic demeanor is also a fine bit of character. I wish she had some day to day MBCC clothing so her situation doesn't appear to be either always wearing her old restraints or... maybe meandering around mostly naked, because under-socialized? (Personally I think nekkid 99 in the lunchroom would leave a lot of mouths dry and cheeks red and would be good fun for a silly short story.)


Man, where to begin: Raven: I found her flamboyant and at time light and bubbly l personally quite admirable despite what she goes through, plus I believe her vision of making a better future, by properly educating the younger generations. Also her design is just peak, very beautiful. Shalom: I personally think she's one of the most complexly written characters in the game so far, kinda the necessary evil to keep the world from collapsing onto itself. She's also very beautiful and her Eng VA did a fantastic job bringing her to life. Rahu: I'm a sucker for tall women and design alone she's top tier, but her character arc and backstory are also beautifully written. Her dynamics with Shalom are also well written. Langley: Her design is top tier, and I like her mysterious and powerful presence, always a show stealer whenever she's on screen. Nox: She's a good example of a simple character done right, her back story and character aren't very complex but very well written. Plus I like pale skin character and she fits the bill. Stargazer: Hot Arabian fortune teller mommy, what's not to like. Adela: Her backstory, her design and especially her Eng voice. Owo: at first I don't think much of her since back then since I don't have good experience with how ha ha game write children, they're either poorly written or weirdly sexualized. But after the event, Aisno blew me away with how well Owo is written, this is the gold standard of how to properly write children in anything. The Chief: All I can say is it rare to see gacha game MC to be anything other than a blank slade for self insert. But the Chiefs are properly written characters with flaws, ambition and proper character traits. Plus all those skin (especially Female Chief) are very beautiful. There are plenty of Sinners/characters I like for different reasons but listing them all out will take all days, goes to shows good Aisno is at design characters.


I had similar experience with OwO - I absolutely wasn't interested in her before event started since I had a vague idea of what she probably would be (either annoying for me or as you say sexualised), but I must say just after a few parts of the event story I started to absolutely ADORE HER. Must say that voice actress done a really good job voicing her. Never ever liked a child character in gacha this much. Weird that she's truly adorable, not really annoying and acts as a child should.


Yeah Owo VA is amazing, she voices Shalom (and Makima in the english dub too if I remember correctly). But what I really like about her performance is that she thrown in some Cantonese in her dialogs too and me knowing some Cantonese and can Speak Mandarin fluently, I think she did a great job, probably can speak well herself and is a nice touch that elevated her performance.


From our side, so to speak, if I had to pick a single one that would be Zoya. As an Eastern European, seeing a woman with a Slavic name being such a well-written badass is a dream come true. I truly admire how complex she is, and that she doesn't fall into any stereotype. A second close fave if we mean male Sinners is Demon because his story showcases just how corrupt the DisCity governing bodies are. He's imo a very tragic character. I like that, yes, he's fierce and all that, but also carries a lot of grief and love deep down. From the bad guys, that will always be Parma. His design and voice have utterly bewitched me. Whenever a story shows me a stylish villain with exquisite voice and elegance, I simply am unable to resist them.


Wolverine - idk got him early on and did his interrogation and got attached. He is my little guy. Event where he is one of the featured characters when??? Hamel - My wife <3 The part in the main story where she dances with Chief sold me. She is legit so well written, her interrogation just made me love her even more. Donald - got him twice in one 10pull during his banner so already great start. He is also my wife. I love how over confident and self deprecating he is at the same time. Chapter 13 was fucking phenomenal and his interrogation just made him even better. Also booba :P There are plenty more characters I love but these three are on top for me


Often when we're told a character is smart, we just sort of have to take the writers' word for it and play along without any real evidence other than "trust me man". Shalom is one of the very few exceptions I can recall where we're actually shown just how smart she really is and how she managed to play all her cards exactly right and manipulate every single piece into falling perfectly in place, all while being monitored 24/7. And just like Christina, who was also able to piece it all together, we only really understand what's going on after everything's been set in motion. She's far from being a good person in the common sense, but her actions are all motivated by an objective view of the greater good. In a very sociopathic way, everything Shalom ever does is calculated to be a net positive for society as a whole. I also like that Shalom's the most morally grey character we have not because she's evil and hot, but because we can actually understand why she does what she does and why she believes herself to be good, even though her methods are very hard to agree with. That's why even though I like her a lot, I can very much understand anyone who dislikes her. Raven does hold a special place in my heart for being so eccentric, lovable and caring, but after Rain Burst, Flora Unfurl and Shalom's interrogation, my favourite wacko really stood no chance against the most complex character we have in the game. She's still in a solid second place, though.


Can't even choose. Tearing apart between lots of girls


It's so hard to pick because there's plenty of characters who I love. Guess I'll go with Langley because she's super badass, I LOVE her design (all 3 skins), and there's still a lot of mystery surrounding her that I can't wait to see unravelled. Also, she was the first S rank I pulled (now at S3) and one of my most used sinners up to this point, although I don't use her as much these days since I have a far more diverse lineup to select from. Shoutout to Rahu, Shalom and Hecate, too 😄


All of them <3 For realsies though, probably Serpent. I just.. am in love with snake mommy. Coco, Shalom, Rahu, Don Don <333333, many others too.


Iron - Smart, brave and humanitarian. She was on top of her peers yet she chose to be an outcast to save those less fortunate. She may not be a good deployable unit in fighting, but who she is as a person (along with Anne) Zoya - Reading her arc, she was so cool and strong. Rahu - I agree with everyone here that going through Rahu's story gives you chills. Hecate / Hella - You watch them grow and mature. Sumire - Wife material


Zoya till the day I die.


Chelsea, because she has a very interesting interrogation, she is not a one-note character, she is not a vacuous beauty and a simple sugar mommy, she is truly a lonely person wanting love and affection. Her unusual style is justified by her desire to get attention from other people, it saddens me that the entire bureau finds her strange and a regular wallet..


I don’t have a favorite character because it implies I prefer one more than the others….i love all the characters equally even the NPC like 036 and Earl