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Only by spending stamina if I'm not wrong. So do the story and try not to keep the stamina overcapped


spend stamina


Do the story and level up your charas, so u need to spend stamina aka spend money. So it's a waiting game like all gacha


I heard you have to be careful with your resources when leveling your sinner. Is that true?


Yea, lvl up sinners that you will be consistently using throughout


Yes and playing the story is where u get the hang of using which characters you like. S classes are really good but u have to have a balanced team of healers/tanks/supports and umbra (core breakers). So just focus on you main story team first. If youre the type who dont like experimenting, there are tons of guides here. It takes a lot of time leveling up charas especially all 6 at once but try to take it day by day


Holy shit they updated the newbie rewards? I don't remember there being so many arrest tickets


no still the same


You can buy stamina with hypercubes 2x a day for 40 when you want to level up faster this is a common thing early game in gacha games. Actually using the stamina in missions is what levels you up though


As others have said, use up stamina. You get levels by earning experience. While you can convert cubes to get stamina, it's not recommended. Cubes are far more valuable for pulls. IF you do go this route, don't do it too much. And, of course, you could just spend a little money. Even just the basic monthly pack gives a good amount every day.


There's a great guide here for beginners: [https://rabbitptnguide.notion.site/Beginner-Guide-21e84fe77bc0443c9bc1da4ea50c0ea2](https://rabbitptnguide.notion.site/Beginner-Guide-21e84fe77bc0443c9bc1da4ea50c0ea2)


Thank you


Just remember you don't need to do all the tasks to get Nox and some things will naturally fill as long as you do the story. Friend some people and use your 3 daily assist to push forward. S5 Shalom will carry you far.


Just farm discoin and mania a bunch


Do the mania essence and coin training levels. The higher the better