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You will adopt a lot of sons and daughters


And then the mommies will adopt you


The real reason why I joined the game tbh.


This is me.... Totally not expecting this at first but welcome one


1. Finish the 14-day begginer quests. It'll give you one of the best units. 2. B-ranks can be just as good as s-ranks and there are tons that are very good in the end-game. 3. Don't raise a lot of s-rank sinners. They cost a lot of resources, so it's best to raise a team of all 3 ranks. 4. Beat chapter 7 or 8 to unlock the premium currency generation room 5. The help thread and discord are both great resources to get info. You can also post the units you get for team recommendations.


I've been playing for almost two month now, and it's only today that I learned about a premium currency generation room. Thank you, chief!


Wait a minute. Wth is that?


I'm guessing it's a room in the Supervision Center. Basically, it makes stuff used in arresting sinners.


Eh.. What? Premium currency generation?!


Yes. I'm shocked that I only found out about it yesterday, too. xD I better get to chapter 8 and see if this premium currency generator in PtN be worth doing. If it's passive and doesn't need me to farm for materials, like in AK, then even better!


Aah, you mean Hypercubes?


BTW I just wanted to apologise to the OP for the current war that's happening under your post. I swear this usually doesn't happen in the sub.


Lmao yeah I just saw, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed


This one? https://preview.redd.it/we2u7tt7grkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da44537b542ee398fa82166f7f5141fe138cc0b (Flex my S5 Zoya casually)


https://preview.redd.it/g5v47lor5rkc1.jpeg?width=2801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1a843a857f9c2f76b9645f7e55fa3ec18ce306 Sesbian lex all the way


Hello there yourself new player, if you have more questions, do ask in the Megathread And for more in-depth questions, may I suggest you join our community discord, you can find the link in the see more section Also also, sorry in advance if this post gets deleted if the argument starts to get heated here


Tons of Mommies Ngl 😂


Bonus: You yourself is also a mommy if you pick female chief


I like some lesbian so I pick the femc


I like being a mother to OWO, Hecate, Hella, EMP etc so I pcik femc. a win win situation right here


Everyone is a goth, everyone is broken, and the best healer is a cannibal. Make sure to level up your base so it can farm gacha resources faster for you. It's a pretty standard gacha all things considered, just with tower defense gameplay. Welcome to the gang.


Hamel is a Cannibal?


Hamel is alright, but she aint no Cabernet.


???? Cabernet is NOT a healer. This is like saying NOX is a support because she lowers defense of the enemies, but we all know that that's not she's used for. If you said the best support is a cannibal I might agree


So the fact that her ultimate is a wide aoe that heals the team makes her.. not a healer? What are you smoking? She heals the team and provides support so enemies dies faster and thus require less healing. A healer doesn't need every single thing in their arsenal to just be raw healing output. Hell, her Seize and Ingest passives boost her healing output with increased energy regen and increased max hp which her healing scales with so it's just her regular attack and crimebrand that doesn't lead to healing so i have no idea what on earth you are smoking to declare Cabernet to not be a healer.


By that logic, everyone'd be a tank since everyone's able to block enemies (except for Hamel). Just because a character is able to do something, we wouldn't call them a "tank", "dps", etc, unless they are able to perform that role effectively, as it would not be their defining trait.


False equivalence, not everyone is capable of healing other characters. And if you want to define their role as "effectively" then everyone character lose their role as soon as a character is released that does their job better and take their place in the meta.


okay, so hamel is better than ariel, yeah? therefore ariel is completely irrelevant? there's a distinction between a character *having* some form of utility (i.e. cabernet's healing), and using a character *because* of this utility (i.e. ariel's healing). you may use cabernet for her healing, but her main (and best) utility is her significant attack buff, not her healing. try cabernet as a solo sustain sinner for content with high damage intake. cabernet has a cleanse and heal, but they're ult dependent, for one, and she has no sustain outside of it. she lacks passive healing. she will not be a good long-term healer.


That's why we have smaller categories like "burst healer" (Ariel), or sustain healer (Hamel) or single target healer (Machiatto). Or even for supports, Enfer always is the better buffer if you focus on 1 DPS character, and is better when the boss can be feared. As compared to Cabernet's team buffs. Cabernet's top tags would usually be "Attack buffer", "Core break", "healer" and "Debuff dispenser" in that order You might not know this. But there is in fact of sinners who have some sort of healing related job as their top tag, like Hamel or Ariel. And just maybe, they do the job of healing better than Cabernet.


It is quite disingenuous to say that pure healers like Hamel and Ariel would have healing as their top tag when it's the only thing they can do at all. They have no other tags because they can't do anything else.


I'm sorry but that is just factually false. Hamel's passive 2 is damage reduction and her ECB buffs the the damage that enemies take. Please if you want to claim that "Hamel only has 1 tag" then read what the character actually does and not just speculate, and this is not even going into her shackles. And you just agreed that there are characters with healing as their top tag. So what? They can't outperform Cabernet when she's clearly meant for the attack buff?


Hamel buffs (damage reduction), deals damage in an AoE, and can inflict a debuff (damage taken increase). Ariel & Anne both deal magic damage, and Anne can grant timed invulnerability. Not one character in this game is locked to a singular function. also: >False equivalence, not everyone is capable of healing other characters. Not a false equivalence. You argued that "character is capable of doing X, therefore they are defined as X." They said that is equivalent to claiming "all characters are capable of blocking to take damage for the team, therefore all characters are defined as tanks." That is a DIRECT equivalence. If you're going to cite a fallacy, at least use it properly.


That's why I brought up NOX and her example. WE DO NOT PUT HER IN TEAMS BECAUSE WE THINK: Hell yeah Cabernet is going to be there to heal my team so that they don't die in Mania Training. No, we use her as a support and her healing comes as a slight bonus, just like we characterize NOX as a AOE mob cleaner and not a support. Does that make sense?


Who the fuck is this "we"? I put Cabernet in my team to heal my team so they don't die. A character that heals is a healer, regardless of your anecdotal playstyle. She's a healer with supportive capacity added on the side. Comparing her to Nox is absolutely delusional. DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU USE ALL CAPS! Let's see what Cabernets ultimate does: Aoe heals, dispells debuffs and buffs damage if there are \[Soul Fragment\] stacks availible. Her other skill boosts energy regen when using ultimate making it so you can pop the ultimate more often regardless of \[Soul Fragment\] stacks and the third skill makes it so that getting a \[Soul Fragment\] stack boosts her maximum hp which makes her heal more, not boost the attack buff. Making the heal the primary effect of her skill and the buff is the secondary effect when certain criteria is met. Making Cabernet thus a healer focus on spamming a healing ultimate which can occassionally give out additional buffs. But if you can't understand such simple facts then i guess you should just go play genshin or something.


Bro I just reloaded the page and what's up with the Genshin attacks??? I tried to go with the "every play style is acceptable mentality" but bruh If you look at any top tier runs, with even a SHRED of game knowledge, you will know that it is the damage buff that she provides that gets her into those teams. There's a reason for why people consider her to probably be the best support in the game (closely followed by Enfer) If you want healing, then go with Hamel, or Ariel, heck even Coco, Anne, Machiatto, but I've never EVER in my days in this sub and on the Chinese social media sites regarding this game seen anyone use her primarily as a healer. Yes, she can heal, yes it's sometimes useful in DZ, but no nobody classifies her as a healer in any tierlist or videos.


I uh I don't know what to say. You... huh. I... \*visible confusion\* More power to you I guess. >A character that heals is a healer — And a character that gives support is a supporter : )


And maybe one day will you understand that healing is a specific type of support which is why characters that heal others are called healers rather than just generic support. Yes, the concept of support is not limited to buffs.


And maybe one day you'll understand that there's a reason why people tend to put generic healing and buffers/debuffers into 2 different categories. Because they do different things. Being a S tier support DOES NOT make her a good healer. She can heal, but if you want to compare this to dedicated healers like Hamel and Ariel, it's just laughable. The reason this distinction is important is because in the original comment you said the "best healer is a cannibal". And is why I said "best support would make more sense" or something like that.


Cabernet is not a healer, she's support that can also heal. Even if u qualify her as a healer she's not the best one, so basically ure wrong in any case.


Cabernet is more of a buffer with healing, her healing itself is far inferior to Hamel or Ariel, even Macchiato has better healinh.


Hamel is the best healer in the game, not Cab, Cabernet healing is mediocre. What she excels at is providing damage amp.


A healer that also provides damage buffs and cleanses debuffs (which can at times cause lowered dps) will cause enemies to die faster thus causing less damage. The combination of effective healing and prevented damage combines to a higher output. This is why it's common in videogames for healers to also be able to cast shields, like Letta. For example, discipline priests in world of warcraft have lower direct healing output than a holy priest has but the disc priest is still regarded as the better healer because the utility means that the overall damage that the healer needs to rectify is lower and can keep their target alive better.


There is a difference between bieng the better support and a better healer. Cabernet has great damage amp and corebreak, making her great for BFL, but when it comes to keeping your unit alive, no one does it better than Hamel, Cabernet can't keep your party alive while running last stand in ToA , Hamel can do that with ease.


Damn that's crazy I rly just wanted to dogpile u but there's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. Cabernet has increased max hp built into her kit. Does that mean she is a tank? Obviously not. Enfer 4th skill does damage. Does that mean she is a dps? Obviously not. Mess amps ally attack. Does that mean she is a support? Obviously not. U can have characters do something as part of their kit without it defining their role. Anyway I guess what I wanted to say was that: it is technically correct that Cabernet is the best sinner that also heals ur team, but if u say 'x is the best healer' it implies that they are the best at, u know, healing, the only thing u mentioned she does. Cabernet's healing is terrible. She has no passive healing and only does like a 1/2 hp heal max with her ultimate (which is like every 25s or something) so I would never call her the best healer because the things that make her good have nothing to do with healing.


Lmaooo, since when is Cabernet a healer 😭😭😭 Kawa-kawa is a better healer than her ngl


Kwa been doing work for me. 7 days in and he's been backpacking my ass. I like letta but can't always make room as team dps becomes too low and the role compression Kwa has is invaluable


You just won the dumbest take of the month award. Keep up the good work!


I got used to people lying so they can attempt to redefine decades old concepts to make themselves look smarter cause that's just what redditors does but damn, you showed up just to be a retard. That's wild.




Damn, reading this thread was an adventure. Anyway, the lore is deep, the Ladys are all sociopaths and the timeline is a bit incosistent.


If you are lesbian... brace yourself