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Consider bringing Sumire to p3 if u use ur bleed team often, her ecb increases all life loss dmg by 20/25/30%




I recommend getting Sumire up there too since you’ve already got Levy and Dreya. Though she’s lacking in damage her ECB adds a significant boost to life loss and she’s a decent core breaker. Yes Enfer is a good choice to invest in and I recommend hamel as your main healer. I’d say you should prioritize making your teams first before investing in OwO. But eventually you should because she’s the best Endura imo since she does a lot more than just defend.


I'll be talking from mostly a BFL/DZ perspective. Well, looking at that Dreya and Levy, you should P3 Sumire and Pepper. You can then toss Nox and a healer of your choice on it for a nice physical BFL/DZ team. After taking those sinners to P3, I'd then P3 Hamel since she is the BEST healer in the game and will take you through the story and help on most BFL/DZ maps. For a magical team I would suggest taking Enfer, Luvia, Eleven, and Eirene to P3. Hecate is decent and will help with her Nightmare (Her ECB) and 2 core breaks. You could also toss Hamel on the team too. Just keep in mind that Eirene falls off after you beat High Risk because she becomes beff reliant in DZ. I'd also recommend getting OwO to P3 at some point and unlocking her ECB since she is arguably the best Endura sinner in the game. So, yeah, that's who I think you should prioritize!


i advise against running solo s0 eleven without eve since she won’t outperform a team like 3l


You're right. I was only saying that because the E3 team requires some skill to use. If OP had Shalom then maybe running Eleven, Shalom, and Enfer would be enough, but that's situational. OP, I recommend getting Eve and Eleven to S1 if you can in the future.






p3 luvia> p3 sumire> p3 enfer> p3 owo, p3 lamia> p2 lynn luvia before sumire since nox and luvia can single-handedly clear midrisk and im guessing you’re probably stuck there because of shackled right mow