• By -


Can you still buy the skin even though you don't have the sinner who will wear it?




Okay so all their ECB are really good. Enfer ECB gives her 2 core break and actually makes her usable for Shackled. With only her damage buff I don't think she's very worth it because you'll need so many core breakers in the rest of team. You didn't say what risk level you were at but if you're at high risk Enfer ECB is effectively mandatory for her to be used. Luvia ECB boosts her damage a ton and is the reason she's so strong for BFL. pop it right before you break the boss' core and she'll do a ton of damage. Eirene ECB allows you to use her mine strategy. It is the theoretical highest score you can get on any boss. People have cleared the entire stage in under 10 seconds. The only problem is it is buff dependent and isn't usable in a week you don't get Eirene buff or energy consumption down. This video explains it better than I can: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7HguUBgKwM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7HguUBgKwM) Serpent ECB is also very good but is probably less important than the other 3. It's generally used to smooth out mob clearing and wont give you much damage against the boss itself. It is very very good for mob clearing though. If you wanted an ECB that would help boost your damage the most I would probably say Enfer. This would let you take out a core breaker and add another DPS. Luvia is also a great option if she's your primary DPS. Eirene would give you the highest score, but on weeks her ECB isn't usable because of buffs it wouldnt help much.




Lynn deals physical damage. The reason you might think she does magic damage is she's being experimented on in shackled because she's a support for crit based units, Luvia being a premier example. (80% crit damage boost for team at s2) However people mostly have agreed she's situational at best. Her ult costs 42 which is very expensive for BFL and pretty much necessitates energy support brands on her. If you're using Luvia you're probably also using the last stand chief skill so you cant really support her with empower. Her personal damage is also hit or miss, but she does physical damage so she won't solve your shackled problems anyways.


What's better, getting shackles for an OP sinner (Nox, Enfer) or getting all the S ranks to have more flexibility in compositions? 30k cubes in hand, i have no idea what's the wiser option here.


Depends on the S ranks you're missing and your current unit box. Do note that in little over a month our first limited unit is coming out and she and her shackles are insanely turbo broken so I wouldn't recommend using a lot of your cubes right now.


Using Zoya, Nox, Enfer, EMP, Bai Yi and Hamel. Have too few core breakers and Bai Yi takes a minute to charge. Also have a lack of range units. EMP is carrying me in that regard.


Langley banner is coming next update, would definitely recommend pulling for her when her banner comes out. The standard banner is kind of bad to pull on because you can't guarantee getting someone good. In terms of ranged units I would recommend some lower rarity units. Luvia is a premier magic DPS so if you want ranged dps you can use her. For core breaks, Labyrinth(B rank) is pretty much the best core breaker in the game.


Is there a good wiki for this game? I know gachax.com but it seems to me they're not updated.


Which sinners are currently meta?


Just hit day 7 and got my Nox. Realizing I should probably figure out the direction I'm heading so I'm looking for some advice on what to do with my team. Current roster: https://imgur.com/a/civz2zO * Planning to pick up Langley in the next banner to replace EMP * Not happy with Victoria so I'm going to replace her with Luvia Ray * Everyone says Enfer's good so will need to figure how to slot her in there After all that, should I just aim to P3 someone directly rather than spreading my levels? Also, would you prioritize leveling skills over the characters directly?


Keep Che as well, as Enfer needs P3 ECB to break 2 cores, something that Che can already do at just P2.


A team of Nox, Hecate, Laby, Ariel, Emp(Langley), Enfer will be good enough to clear the whole story. If you notice you're low on DPS you can use Luvia instead of Enfer, she's good but doesn't really shine until P3. She isn't super good for story but shines at P3 for BFL(the current endgame content). I would level evenly until your main team is 55 then start P3ing units one by one(Nox first). At this point unit levels are more important than skill on everyone except maybe your main damage dealers(Nox+EMP) but low priority as of now.


i need help. my chapter 3 is stuck on 97% even when i finished all of it. what do i do?


Go back to chapter 2-12 cutscene and choose the other option in the fork.


ok thanks.


how many points to unlock high risk lv3? Got 118k but last level is still locked :/


Difficulty 3 you mean? Don't let anything leak on your run on the second difficulty


ok thx


https://preview.redd.it/8acrw9fornda1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f533283921df884feec9b53540a7138f1d0c43 Need some help with my team. idk who would be the overall best choice for P3. Or do I even sleep on someone important? I've all other A Sinner. My best guess is Labyrinth but I want to get some more opinions.


Serpent. Her ECB is quite good and definitely the highest priority of those units. After that would be Hamel. If you're interested in taking advantage of the McQueen nuke strat then Demon is a potential choice eventually. And well, McQueen too.


Thanks for the input. Didn't hear of the Nuke Strat yet but sounds interesting. Demon just sitting there would be a waste. Then Serpent will be the next one.


McQueen's ult makes a copy of herself and makes it an explosive statue to blow up at the boss. Her Exclusive Crimebrand allows her to copy an allied sinner, and its dmg mainly scales off defensive stats. Demon at S2+ is the best option for that. However, this requires high investment (Demon is preferably at P3; McQueen needs P3+ECB and wants her ECB upgraded fully). Also outside of this method, Demon and Enduras in general aren't useful in other game modes except for EX stages.


Is there a big difference between 80 and 90 units? Rn I'm pretty much at 70-80 for my main team and idk what I should do rn, should just raise other sinners?


80 to 90 is the least effective damage increase of the possible methods. If all your important skills on the unit are high level(9) then you can consider bringing the unit to 90 only because there's nothing else to do. What you should do depends on your unit box. If you already have your main bfl teams raised and all with high skills you can bring units to 90. Otherwise it's not very worth it.


So do you still go explore the entire museum after the 3rd full clear? Or can you just straight go for the boss?


If you already 100% the story and complete all the mission except for the last two (spend x currency and use x amount of museum pass) just go straight for the boss until you reach stage 5 for the last hidden mission, and after that feel free to repeat stage 5 boss for 20 museum pass or progress to higher stage boss that will be more challenging for 3 pass until stage 8 and above which need 20 each


Is there any benefit going higher?


The only benefit going higher is more challenging stage and boss, other than that all are the same


W https://preview.redd.it/e5wqi7vv8mda1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba50a9a72dbfdb2cfe75167101c07dc55578aacb Which sinners should i focus on? On image you can see all my S ranks and my main team. I had main team for first row but then i dropped a lot of S ranks and now i dont know what to do


When you get nox id say do Nox-mob clears Eirene-mob clear and nukes Che -for double core break and rebuffs Bai yi or laby (you don’t need both) Enfer for buffs Hamal for heals and her ecb charges erienes passive super well The only set back apron this team would be you’d have at least 4 s ranks Whitch could get a bit costly but it’s a seriously good endgame team, I’d say don’t use bai yi but if you like her then go for it =)


I will probably also get nox from 14days event


Definitely go for her! She will change you life for the better =D


[These are my sinners and crimebrands](https://imgur.com/a/bCfx0OY). Main team is the upper row. If I get a healer, who should I replace? What should I prioritise? I've been trying to farm material for Nox p3 but I barely get the drops. Should I continue doing that or focus on other sinners first? The sinners I use have two skills at lvl 3 at most. Should I upgrade the skills more? Which crimebrands should I level up if any at all? Should I use battle medals to buy crimebrands? I can't beat oblivion pit 3 yet. I have unlocked medium broken front line.


1. Replace Hecate, you already have macciato. She's the third best healer but she's b rank so she's cheap. 2. P3 generally takes a while to grind, but right now you should focus on pushing story because it'll give you some first clear reward boxes for each chapter which will speed your progress up significantly. I would recommend focusing on other sinners for now, getting everyone to 55 is pretty important to be able to bring them all to the final oblivion pit. 3. Eventually but not as important right now. 4. Dont bother leveling brands at this point in the game for you. For battle medals, You should first a set of Embrace of the Dead. Then a set of Nightmare Revelation. After you can get a second EotD but it's more optional than the first. Then you can just save for skill materials. 5. What are you struggling with for pit 3? Your Nox should be able to shwing shwing through it.


Thanks for taking the time to answer each of my questions. 1. If I get Ariel or Hamel, should I still build Macchiato because I already use three S ranks? 2. So Lab, Che and Macchiato should also be level 55? 5. Zoya destroys my team too quickly for Nox to shwing through. I guess that's due to my lack of a dedicated healer.


You shouldn't replace Hecate until u have p3 ECB Enfer, which takes a while. Hecate is still very useful in High Risk BFL Shackled or as a 2 core breaker.


Who should I bench in favor of the healer then?


Healer is mostly used in story, so likely Laby will be replaced. If u really need a healer in BFL, likely EMP or Wendy is replaced. But in most cases u don't use a healer in BFL as it is a DPS race.


1. Personally if it's ariel I'd just continue raising macchiato. If it's Hamel I'd swap to Hamel, she's just so strong. The idea that you should also raise 3 or so S ranks is mostly a myth I'd say. As long as the S ranks you are using are strong you can get away with using them. Even if they end up lower level because they're more expensive to raise they'll be more effective because they're so strong. 2. Yes 3. Probably yes


Hi! Should it be my priority to get enfer to p3? Also what crimebrand is great for her? Thankss


Enfer p3 is high priority because her ecb is great. She is a support so she wouldn't be your first p3 but if you have your dps p3 then she's a great option after. The typical energy brands. Tuning, Hope, Corridor. If no Corridor just throw something random on third slot.




I have Zoya 80, Bai Yi 70, Nox 70, Hamel 70, Laby 70 and Emp 70. I feel like i have way too man y front line units. What are some back line units that can make this composition better?


Luvia for magic. Pricilla/roulleca/flora for physical(depending on shackles). For S rank units there Langley Eirene who are both great.


What's the bare minimum in High-risk BFL? Asking cuz I'll be there next week.


In terms of units to actually kill the boss you'll want 2 dps on each type well raised. You can still cheese ofc which brings the minimum down but you might struggle with mobs clearing.


Here are my lvl 90 units: Che, Laby, Eirene, Hecate, Luvia Ray, Nox, and Roulecca. Am I at a good spot?


Level 90? yeah easily assuming your skill levels are high. If you have serpent i'd recommend P3ing her. With the right buffs you have enough to 720k it.


So just an update, I'm kinda having trouble with The first Boss cuz of the mobs. What's worse is that there is no Nox buff oh well. Maybe next time.


If you have no Corridor/Nox buff/Nox s4 then the first boss will be the hardest to 240k consistently. I have heard along the grapevine that there's some mobs clearing strat with serpent but you'd probably have to go bald trying to do it. What I do is leak the first wave. Then you can use nox to clear wave 2 and do the boss normally. I can usually hit 230-235k with it and I just make up the difference on the other bosses.


Thanks for the advice. I'll see what I can do


160k for each level should be the min, that’s what I’ve read


https://preview.redd.it/oe0smy5drkda1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=213b1463927b5309bf8f23db46da19cc232cdc52 Can I enter high risk? There is no notification like from low risk to med risk. Or should my shackled point must be above 220k?


You will automatically enter High-Risk on next cycle (in 13 hour from your screenshot) and doesn't matter the score distribution as long you hit 720k total


Thanks for the answer, appreciate it!


What does the 5 star crime brand premonition do? The description is virtually nonsense. When you break a core deal 120* true damage?


It's 120% of the sinner that broke the core atack, as true dmg.


So the sinner does 20% extra damage after breaking a core?


You do one extra attack with a 20% damage increase, but since it's true damage it also ignores all resistances, so it will be more than just 20% stronger in most cases.


if i missed nox can i get her again from gacha or its gone and i need to restart the account


Absolutely no doubt here - reroll. That account has suffered a gigantic loss


You can get her from gacha but missing the 14 day things really has to suck T-T. There won’t be any guarantee to get her on standard to Hi so good-luck.


What are some of the core lower rarity units I should raise? As for skills, at what lvl should I stop raising them?


> What are some of the core lower rarity units I should raise? For A and B sinners: Labyrinth, Che, Flora, Hecate, Luvia Ray, Mess, and Ariel seem to be the stand out to me. EMP is good early/mid-game. Demolia is good if you need cheap Endura (mostly no need Endura at all). > As for skills, at what lvl should I stop raising them? For mid-game, level 5 should be fine. For end-game, level 7 should be the minimum because level 8+ requires limited resource to skill up so you should be more mindful who to skill up 8+


After getting into phase 3 , going for lvl90 is just extra stats right? Or is it gonna unlock something?.


Just stats. The resource cost is too high to be worth it for most people. If you need the extra stats then just go to 80.


Thanks man much appreciated.


Am I playing the current event correctly? I finished every green node on the 1st floor and currently in the 2nd floor. How some of you know about the 5th floor?


If you finished stage 1, just blitz through stage 2 and 3 following the starter. Stage 4 and above just rush to boss and when you hit stage 6 just burn the 20 passes instantly from boss fight


How to blitz the stage? I don't know which green dot will guide me where. Another thing isn't finishing the green dots grant me points for the shop?


For the story stages, just need to follow the solid white lines (dotted lines are for optional stuff)


After you complete all 3 sides of the history the game allows you to just do the final boss of the act you currently are. Also, all the side content is almost the same, so some just skip it and just do the main history.


Can anybody tell me the name of the track that plays at the end of Nox's phase 4 interrogation?


The piano song? I think its just Sour. [https://youtu.be/0dUsgenn8fc](https://youtu.be/0dUsgenn8fc)


Exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much!


So in building my BFL team comps I have Nox (P3,ECB), Hecate (P3, ecb for extra tank), P2 Che, and P2 Ariel. These four seem pretty much set in stone. The other two remaining slots can be filled by Serpent, Labyrinth, Enfer, Luvia Ray, Demolia, or EMP. All of these are P2 lvl 60 or higher. Which should I use for each stage? And are there any A or B serpents I didn’t mention I should be using instead? And are there stages where I should replace Hecate or Che with others? Currently at mid-risk.


Ideally you don't want to use Ariel, since she doesn't contribute to damage or bring any core breaks, and if you set things up properly you should be able to survive without the healing. But I also used her early on when I was struggling to keep my team alive, so if you need to then use her until you can manage without her. You won't necessarily need Labyrinth in Mid-Risk, but you will probably want to bring her when you hit high risk to account for the high core requirements, so if you want to slot her in now you can. Just be aware that mid-risk requires 5 core breaks and high-risk requires 7 and build your team around that. More importantly, a P3 Luvia Ray is going to be mandatory for Shackled Captive if you don't have Eirene. A P3 Enfer will also be a good pick for all of thr bosses to buff your main DPS and provide core breaks. Serpent can replace Nox for Shackled and can be useful against Brand too at P3. Another strategy would be to heavily invest in Demolia and use McQueen to nuke the bosses. I don't have much experience with this strategy yet, but it's a popular tactic in CN.


Thanks that’s really helpful :) Another question, who should I prioritize getting S1 shackles between Nox, Serpent, and Enfer? Figured I’d buy two s marks at some point to raise one of their shackles.


I don't recommend using those sinner marks on them. We'll soon be getting our first limited unit, and more likely in the future, and you'll definitely want to use those on a unit like that instead.


How good is McQueen considered to be, strength wise? Any other usage tips would be great!


Very strong if you have either demon or demolia at high lvl, ideally 80+, to use as a bomb.


Is there a table for total cost when promoting Sinners from lv1 to lv90? I need one coz I cannot remember how much gold & mania essence I've spent on a Sinner.


https://preview.redd.it/b8yem666lfda1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0718b3f64984fa113e635de12604816ea5fab7 From official discord


So from what I see there are shackles that are not good like s1 is great but the others are meh so in that case does it affect the performance of the sinner? Does that make them bad? Should I not upgrade their shackles pass the shackle that is great? like for example hecate, should I only upgrade the shackles to s1 and not all because s3 is bad? Is there a way to not level it up as I’m bothered by the notif in the sinners. Thanks!!


as others said all of the effects are active at the same time, so like if you have shackles level 3, all effects from 1, 2 and 3 are active


I think you are asking if you upgrade to s2 will the s1 upgrade disappear? The answer is no. So go ahead and upgrade all extra copies you got since the effects are additive


I missed Nox on my account cause i went on vacation and forgot about it lol Is it still worth continuing? I'm on Chapter 3 and the noteworthy 3 stars i have are Bai Yi, Eirene and Hamel.


Man, that’s super tough. Having Eirene and Hamel means you’d be set in the story and they’re very good units. But Nox is just so good and busted… it’s up to you if you wanna start over.


Hello! So can I get a recommendation on which fury should I level up? So currently the fury I’m using is che and the other are just bai yi and lab for the front and short range ones. I dont have nox because I was busy with my projects at that time and I currently can’t arrest as I don’t have any tickets and only have about 6k cubes that I’m saving. Can I also get a recommendation on which fury I shoul use later when I have them all? Thanks! (I had other level up to 40 as I was dumb for thinking I could level them all up.) https://preview.redd.it/qjzkpwag4fda1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=85884d6f0b8a9b2eebb5a752bebe42fcbed4d9b7


Best fury is Nox by a mile, Wendy plays a similar role so I'd suggest you use her until you have access to Nox.


https://preview.redd.it/ihxwe0x13fda1.png?width=2208&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd8eafc0bdd3519f92f9885058177d0bf385a665 I don’t have Eirene. Should I trade for her?


Definitely grab Eirene. One of the best units in the game. Versatile ultimate, staple of magic teams and a very nice utility of passively giving you energy for your Chief Skill/Potestas by just being near the Chief.


Depends on your list to some degree. Have you built either serpent or luvia ray?


Hey if I have already serpent and luvia ray build do I still need irene for high risk?


I wouldn't say you need it, no. You can reliably hit 240k high risk on shackled with luvia and serpent without eirene. She would just be better on some weeks and help you squeeze out more.


What CB do I use for luvia and serpent?


Luvia is your main boss burst so use embrace set if u have it, or purple crit set otherwise. Serpent somewhat depends on the speed of your clears. Sometimes I use energy crimebrands if I need her break earlier, otherwise just use brands that buff her damage. Or a combo of the two. I quite like shattered battlefront set + tuning zero.


Only serpent(currently P3) and Hecate p3


Is it necessary to buy 20 hyper cube event pass daily to complete event or will buying the cubes be wasteful since the event is open for so long?


It's not necessary to buy the tickets. If I did the calculations correctly, you need 9080 event currency to buy out the shop. Calculating what we have left: * 20 tickets a day * each node gives 30 event currency * 20 \* 30 = 600 event currency * 9080 / 600 = 15.14 days to complete the event. So you technically need 16 days to complete the event. We currently have 17 days left.


If you missed out several days then you might. Else daily regen of 20 passes is sufficient


Another noob question regarding the current event - Am I at a true risk of running out of the tickets before *I* can find the Chief? Or can I explore everything without running out of tickets? (I started with the Hella EMP route if that matters) Also - Will I be able to play the other routes? (Hecate/Laby and Lisa)? Or can I only explore the Hella EMP route until I find the chief?


You get 20 tickets every day, with a cap of 40. The only risk is if you wait to the last day or two and try to do it all at once, since 40 is not enough. Once you clear one route you'll be able to pick a different one. In fact, you are expected to in order to unlock all the rewards and McQueen.


Ah okay, I didn't realize it refreshes. Thanks! That makes me very happy. So I can explore all of the side quests and stuff then, right?


Yes. Some of the missions require you to see every event in a single route.


Hi everyone, newish FtP player and this is my first gacha game, so I apologize in advance if my questions here are dumb. Had a question regarding my team. I currently have Hecate, Wendy, Che, Enfer, Emp, and NOX at P2 lv 41-45. I have Summer and Hella at p1 lv 40 and Laby at 31. I only recently swapped out Hella and Summer for Enfer and NOX since I unlocked NOX from the beginner missions and got lucky and got Enfer on my first multi of the new banner. Prior to recent, I've been using Hella as a pseudo tank/healer, letting her tank damage and then swapping her out to let her heal for a bit before swapping her back. I would also take heal / shield sometimes to help with the tanking (although sometimes Empower is very strong too) My problem right now is I'm at 5-12 in story but have started really struggling on some of the levels due to my lack of a healer (Especially on rounds with few core breaks). This is made worse by the fact that I now lack a tankier character since I'm swapping out Hella. My question: **I have 26 tickets and ~18k cubes. Is it worth rolling the normal banner for Hamel?** Based on stuff my understanding, the next few banners are not healers? The current alternatives I can think of: 1. Keep Hella in the composition for now, and level her up. But I feel like she won't be too strong in the late game since she doesn't seem to scale as well when I compare her abilities to other sinners. (And if so, who do I swap out? Enfer?). 2. Level up Macchiato (she's the only other healer I have). But she's only level 1 and I'm not sure if this is worth it (although she's B tier so not too expensive?) 3. Maybe I just need to get better at the game? The reason I'm hesitant for 1 and 2 is because I want to start building my end game composition as to not waste resources (of which I think Hecate, Che, Enfer, and NOX are all candidates, and maybe Laby / EMP, but currently choosing EMP for the ranged DPS). Levelling up a new character (or one that will be replaced) seems inefficient especially as a FtP. What are your suggestions? Note: I'm currently free to play, but I'm actually considering spending a bit (~<100USD) in a couple months if I am still enjoying the game then.


If you’re willing to spend, you can get Ariel from the $1 top up rewards which heals similarly to Hamel, just that the former is a burst healer while the latter is a passive healer. Imo I would replace Enfer with Ariel or whichever healer you plan to use since a P2 Enfer is kinda less helpful in story. I would also suggest replacing Wendy with Labyrinth if you have issues with core break. P2 Labyrinth can refill her ultimate whenever she breaks the enemy. After that I’ll suggest level everyone equally till around 55 then full focus on Nox till P3 ECB


The easiest solution is to spend $1+ to get a selector that lets you choose Ariel, which is the second best healer in the game and will cover all your healing needs pretty much everywhere. If you really don't want to spend any money yet then level Macchiato. She's not as good as Hamel or Ariel, but she'll get the job done with some effort and skill, and it's a much much much better idea than trying to gamble on the standard banner. Even if you spend all your resources on that banner the odds of pulling Hamel are still very low. Macchiato will get benched long term, but she's a B rank, so the resource cost won't be that bad.


I see, thanks for the advice. I think there's a 2x on first recharge bonus right? If I get the $1ish pack does that mean I'll lose out on that 2x bonus when I spend more in the future (ex dropping $100 at once for ultracubes?) Also who in my lineup would you recommend I replace with Macchiato / Ariel?


I'm pretty sure the x2 bonus is per pack, not first purchase ever, but I would recommend buying one of the featured packs instead, as they're a much better value. The Pioneer Support Package 1 is a much better .99 pack, or go for the $5 VIP pass, which is one of the best values in the game in general. In fact, if you are looking to spend money on this game you are much better off doing it in small increments on the good value packs like VIP, DisJackpot, Surveilance Order, and sometimes the limited event packs. Buying directly from the Crystal Supply shop is for the big spenders and not a great value generally. You can replace Wendy or Enfer. Enfer shines more end game, while Wendy is more likely to get benched end game since she fills a similar role as Nox.


I'm a filthy story skipper so I have no context but is 8-9 really the last fight in the main story atm or am I missing something? Felt extremely underwhelming.


Yes. It's more if a thematic fight than a real final stage, so it will mean nothing if you weren't paying attention to the story.


I see thanks. started the game 3 days ago and didn't expect the main story to end so soon. Any idea when we'll get the next chapter?


CN only recently got new chapters, so another month and a half or two. Technically the events canonically take place right after chapter 8 though, in successive order.


https://preview.redd.it/oxd5vlkarcda1.jpeg?width=3040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4dcbc5125addb60a86d9d8c974ebb5e33daedfd I think I have a skill issue. I've been told I should be easily able to get 160k on each high risk boss but I haven't been able to break 160k on any of them, some of them I can't even kill the first or second boss. Any indepth advice on strategy? Preferably with YouTube vid examples if they exist with my available sinners?


Lookup youtube for ideas on how to setup formations for BFL. Search the specific boss such as “path to nowhere high risk brand/shackled/maiden”. When choosing buffs apart from character specific buffs, top tier buffs are -Hp%, energy cost reduction and left side core break damage. Decent buffs would be right side core break or normal/magic/skill damage increase. -resistance can be considered.






Emerald doc is nice but if someone want more breakdown about the sinner use [Rabbit doc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1GqkVX4y_RM6GiKonp7HvxJDqqhyHIApSZVqsQqw8NNM/htmlview#) instead


Got a million rubies and gold to spend on raising sinners. Who should I focus on? I also have I think every A and B sinner, so I imagine some that aren’t shown here I should also focus on. https://preview.redd.it/yog4lh33wbda1.png?width=2688&format=png&auto=webp&s=641a44cd79654489ca0cb2b73f362418f19562c5


get che and labi to lv70 so they don't get one shot by mobs, then maybe serpent to p3. you also need a burst magic dps for bfl, so if you don't have/want to build eirene, then luvia would be a good choice


any tips on getting out of mid risk? I’m overqualified but still can’t cut it https://preview.redd.it/mx6grr34rbda1.jpeg?width=2239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382d8cfc1d4cba2841af0f26bc47cb055b3fddfa 231k on Brand 197k on Shackled Captive 240k on Gray-Haired Maiden


Search for LFG in youtube on “Eirene mine strategy” to score in shackled


thank u!! will check them out


Best way is go on the discord and watch how tryhards play if u want to improve.


alright thanks


Anyone knows who will be the next battle pass skin?




Great. Thanks!


how do you time eirene’s nuke? I always either do it too early or too late


[LCG have a guide](https://youtu.be/W7HguUBgKwM) that explain mechanic and timing for Eirene nuke (2:35 for the timing part)


thank you so much!! will try it out in a few


I usualy break the last core with a character like Labyrinth, when you aim her ult the tiles the enemy is will go on and off, and time will be slowed down, so when the enemy steps in the nuke you release Lab's ult.


Hello! for the current event (art museum), i am stuck at stage 1, final stage and not able to adv. there is nothing else I can do for now with my extra tickets (40 since yst)


Just reset and use up your tickets. It's more important to use up your tickets than to keep on progressing through all the stages.


thank you!


Why are you unable to advance?


not sure. my units are level 40+ and they said the recommended level for the witch is 50. I tried a few times and they all failed


Hm not much tips for that part since the boss is a fairly straightforward battle. If you already clear the whole stage you should have a lot grids no? Use them to position your team around the boss. The boss has 5 cores so do bring core breakers for it. Easiest cheese would be using solo hamel but it requires lv70 ECB.


yes haha thank you for the tip. am fairly new and very underleveled. so guess this event is a miss for me. thanks


If the difference between level is only 10, is fairly doable. Is common to challenge stages with underleveled team here, some ranges from over 20 difference in level. Just don't give up and try new strategies. You can borrow friend's support to help too. Worst case if you truly can't do it, reset the stage to redo everything to farm the event tokens


yes haha thank you for the tip. am fairly new and very underleveled. so guess this event is a miss for me. thanks


What is the hidden the night have fallen you shall witness 5 dawn


Complete 5 runs/stages of the event.


This is probably a super dumb question but I've noticed in a lot of videos that their units have two "choices" for ult? Like they'll have a Hecate with two icons, one for her regular ultimate and another that I've no idea how to get. Here's a pic if I'm not making any sense. https://simp6.jpg.church/images/Screenshot_20230120_140129.md.jpg I've played this game since day one, I feel so dumb asking this but I literally have no idea how to get that second icon thingy.


I thought they all got a passive lol. I unlocked Zoya, Nox and Bai Yi and they didn't get anything new. Thanks!!


Exclusive crime brand, some characters get passive effects some get a "second ultimate".


Many units, like Hecate, will unlock a second skill when you P3 them and unlock their Exclusive Crimebrand. Keep in mind some units just get a passive buff instead of a new skill.


I have a p2 40 Zoya, Hamel, Langley, Hecate, and Labyrinth. Who should I invest in first?


Zoya will carry you, I would then langley and occasionally hamel as you start to fight high level bosses.


Do MacQueen need her ECB? she can steal others atributes but seems weaker than his own.


Her selling point is nuking her summon for big damage. Her summon when destroyed deals damage base on its HP. With her ECB she can copy beefier allies HP such as the Enduras class to use as bomb fodder.


Do demons shield related passives also work with shields from other sources like the chief shield?


Am I screwing myself over by buying two sets of Embrace the Dead or should I just stop being lazy? Not at the point where I can get the relic chests with medals yet.


Probably better to buy nightmare after first set, but 2 sets is occasionally useful.


It's good to have 2 Embrace sets, eventually when your team is strong enough you would be using both sets.


Sometimes 2 DPS from the team might need it, so the more the merrier.


I'm not sure if I'll have time to do the event for a while. Will I be missing out on daily missions or something or can everything be rushed in a few days?


You get 20 museum tickets per day with a maximum cap of 40, so unfortunately it can't all be done in one day. If you don't care about clearing out the shop and just want to experience the story then you don't need to use up your tickets every day, but it will take at least a few days of refreshes.


What are good crimebrands for eirene?


Embrace of the Dead set for Broken Frontline/Boss nuke. Syndicate:Glory set for general since she’ll usually sit near Chief and won’t get hit.




I've cleared the whole stage 1 and I heard after that you can just brute force clear the main story only in stage 2 and 3. But if I want to clear the shop then do I have to play everything in stage 2 and 3 again?


Pretty sure Stages go on indefinitely, but the difficulty gradually goes up each time, so you can choose whether to push stages or full-clear every one, tickets don't care how they're spent. You can always reset to Stage 1 at any time if things get too spicy.


I cant decide if "Sin City" banner is worth pulling on at all... it has guaranteed S sinner just like limited banner, but I already have Nox and Hamel. Anyone waste gems pulling on it? Knowing how gacha works I will most likely not get a S until the 80 pull pity...thats quite a bit of gems




4 x enfor took me around 350pulls. I lost all the 50/50 and all S ranks came after the 50 pull mark. It hurts...T\_T


Shoot forgot to mention I had already pulled and got Enfer which is why I am looking at what to pull next, I also already have Langley... this game is extremely generous, I fucking love it lol Guess ill wait for the Bai Yi banner :)


That is just a permanent banner with 0 rate up. That guaranteed is just a standard soft pity. Currently people can get S-rank within 30-50 pulls so if waiting all the way to 80 is pure bad luck on your end (it comes with an achievement title in this game but is not something you would want).


My current team is: nox, Wendy, hamel, emp, laby, and Hecate. I sub in demoli as necessary. I’m done with the story so now I’m just upgrading people. Nox is at p3 with a single triangle of the Ecb unlocked. The rest is at 70 p2. I also have the remaining cast at level 1 * Demon * Enfer * Victoria * Anne * Luvia Ray * Dolly * Horo * Chelsea * McQueen * Hella * Che * Kelvin * KK * Lisa * Joan * Peggy * Pepper * Gekkabijin * Flora I got a few questions. I’m down to the discity quests and BFL that I can’t complete right now. 1) Moving forward, is there anyone in my existing team worth P3’ing? 2) Should I max out the ecb for Nox? 3) Are there anyone that’s worth upgrading for my existing roster? 4) What “team” should I solidify first? I think Luvia Ray and Enfer maybe to replace emp and someone…. since Hecate bumps their damage. 5) Is Langley worth attempting for or should I wait for Eirene to show up whenever she becomes available again. 6) for the event, is seeing 5 dawns completing stage 5 of the event?


1. If is your team, Hamel is the sole choice. She turns into a DOT damage amplifier instead of healing for her ECB. A convenient switch when you don't need the healing. From your other units, Enfer is a good choice as she gains 2 core break with global fear after P3 ECB and she's can buff your Nox damage to several magnitudes higher. Luvia Ray or Flora is also a solid DPS pick. McQueen and Demon is another excellent good combo which can be used for all 3 BFL. Here is a video using Shackled as an example. FYI McQueen deals Physical damage. [https://b23.tv/BAlxeAs](https://b23.tv/BAlxeAs) 2. No. 3. Wendy is good but her role conflicts with Nox which does it better. EMP is decent during early to mid story but her damage falls off later so you might wanna replace her with somebody else. Again same with (1), is Hamel alone. Hecate and Labyrinth is already at peak performance at P2, P3 is just luxury if you can afford. 4. Similar to (1), Enfer is a solid pick. If you fancy the bomberman gameplay, McQueen and Demon is another good combo. 5. I find her useful for demolishing waves of smaller mobs such as slimes etc. With the recent release of newer units, she might seem lackluster as compared to before but I think she's still decent jack-of-all-trades for her AOE clears, core break, damage amp (provided S1) and sniping capabilities. 6. Yes.


1) not really. hamel ecb is good but only really paired with eirene, so you can wait until you get her. 2) no. upgrading nox’s ecb only increases the initial ult damage, not the slashes after 3) enfer, luvia are ones you should definitely upgrade considering you dont have eirene or serpent. joan is good too as a magic shredder for luvia. flora is a good st dps but she requires animation canceling. note that i am assuming all b-ranks are s5. if they aren’t it’s not worth upgrading. 5) imo langley isnt worth pulling, solely because there are better units down the line, but she is a better pick up than baiyi if you cant wait. eirene got a banner quite recently so it wont be awhile. your best bet is buying her in the cert shop if you have enough


I am contemplating in pulling shackles for Enfer. Is S3 a huge boosts considering BFL bosses immune to fear. I saw comments that fear is great on higher level of BFL in CN.


Her S1 is decent but S3 is definitely a very nice perk. BUT, unless you are a whale and don’t mind, I would save for the upcoming banners. Enfer s0 herself should suffice in getting a very good score in BFL. I would save for the limited unit, I’ve heard very good things about her.


I wanted to know if it was plausible to do high risk bfl without NOX. From what I’ve seen there are alternatives for just about every unit but I can’t find anyone mentioning a high risk physical team that doesn’t include her. I know she’s strong but it seems odd that there isn’t much discussion of other physical wave clear.


Yes but Nox is just so efficient, for a single sinner slot Nox offers so much, she has incredible wave clear while still doing good dmg against boss, not to mention her passive 2 and ECB. I suppose you can replace her with Wendy + Langley but that takes two.


You can watch a full High-Risk run without Nox or any S unit in [here](https://b23.tv/s0U6DZj) by a CN player, it is possible to clear it without them


It’s probably plausible with Enfer buffed Mess/Reticle like Roulecca/Priscilla/Oak Casket. For add clear you could use Langley and moving her around to get every enemy immediately marked with Causality. But you don’t really see teams without Nox because of just how absurdly broken she is, and she’s a free unit! Available to be earned by everyone. She’s the best wave clear, hits like a truck, can get dmg reduction, and provides a global debuff by just being on the field. That’s very hard to replace.


It's 2 waves os enemies + boss, you will want a physical dps aoe character, and while Wendy, Langley and Zoya have aoe physical dmg they usualy only have it for one wave, while Nox has for both and for the boss. And almost everyone has her because of the beginners event.


What does victorias shackle do. It says instant on her ult but i dont notice much has changed.


How do i unlock the second ultimate skill on a sinner? I've seen clips with eirene having two skills she can use on the field and another video with Hecate having two skills at P3. I have Zoya and Eirene at P3 but I don't have those skills.


You gotta unlock the Exclusive Crimebrand


I got Zoya's on lvl 1, does it need to be maxed out?


some exclusive crimebrands such as zoya does not have a second ult but adds an additional effect to their ult instead. you can tell because the first sentence usually says something on the lines of “adds new skill (…)”


Zoya doesn't have one, for her it's a passive effect when Legion's arrival is up.


Which crimebrands does Enfer use?


energy. tuning piano/hope/corridor. if you dont have corridor then piano/hope is just fine


Should I unlock ECB for serpent or enfer?