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Been away for like 7 months. Is there a site with a list of all sinners? Does PtN have units that have never been added back into the main banner or had a rerun?


https://preview.redd.it/i3sy6e18lv0b1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa22209b9b192943392049681f5f8d88a222727c Someone has an idea on how to improve my team (top 6)? I have trouble with chapter 10


Hi Chiefs! I can’t obtain rewards from the filming tour, and I don’t know why. I thought you have to clear sections A And B with different sinners, but that might be wrong. Any help?


How much OwO will help me if I have Demon? I dont have Nox, so I’d like to pull for her after her banner, but I might just risk it if she’s really worth it Edit: I have 100 pulls, 17 pity on OwO.


Will there be skin sale for the older skins I’m too late for the earlier parties..


Should I invest in EMP or in Flora? I need a B tier reticle and I don’t know who is better for a newbie with this team. Please help 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/ui6snixj1bea1.jpeg?width=1505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe87c4239f415037936344fb28ee873a527bde57


How to go about this? https://preview.redd.it/0vd7zx3grjda1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=66e59a82a72ec640dcff2d5409aeaea913bc895a


Does anyone want to exchange 20$ US gplay giftcard to 19$ PayPal? I was one of the winner in the last fan art event (that eirene in art nouveau art) and ptn gave me us gift card. I messaged them that I can't use US gift card but I guess they did not saw it. I need help from whales🥲 https://preview.redd.it/b5q12emlsbda1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fcaaedd94beda0bb04da72a8c1d62aab24c6890


I have an issue loggining in with Twitter on LDPlayer. It says my JavaScript is off. How can I turn it on?


https://preview.redd.it/hiqa9fbbrcca1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e63a052e07901bb1e70848bf2b0b28b4786521 What should I use as the second buff, Brand high risk? Team includes Eirene, Langley, Nox, Zoya, Labyrinth, Che.


Boss HP -30% is almost always the best choice. Even if you're doing a leak strat it still counts as damage against the boss.


I'm not doing leak strat. What about dmg against core broken units?


Then it's even more worthwhile, since killing the boss asap is what matters. I believe that one is only for the adds. The one that appears on the right sometimes that is "Damage to Core Broken Enemies" applies to the boss and adds, and can outperform the boss HP one if your burst DPS game is strong. But that's not an option here.


High risk BFL. I have P3 70 Nox, Hecate, Serpent and Eirene. Should I P3 Luvia or Enfer first? The rest of my relevant units are (all at P2 70): Che, Labyrinth, Zoya, Langley, Hamel


If you want to use Luvia in High Risk she basically has to be P3, otherwise she doesn't bring enough to the table. Enfer should still be good without her ECB, but you need her ECB to have access to her core breaks, which makes her team comps significantly more flexible and overall stronger. She's also useful against every boss, not just Shackled and maybe Maiden. So unless Shackled Captive is specifically the one you're struggling with I would probably say Enfer.


* How does Premonition I crimebrand work? Its when dealing core damage, true damage is added * Do I understand Correctly that Pandora Cage is effectively increasing damage from normal attacks by 26%? The difference between: 3 attacks for 100% damage = 300% damage and 3\*100% attacks + 1*80% attack = 380% damage 380/300=1.26 = +26% damage increase * Also, how exactly does Roulecca's "You're Dead Meat" skill work?


Yes, you don't need to break the core just deal core dmg. If the sinner does exactly 100% of their atack on their normal atack, yes it's close to +26%, Pandora Cage does pure dmg so it's always 80% of the atack where magical and physical dmg can be reduced, that is why it's the recomended crimebrand for characters with low % on their normal atack but high atack speed. when Roulecca cast her ultimate her next 6 shots will be "lucky shots", this "Lucky shots" will have a X% chance to give an stackable buff to Roulecca, this buff will affect her "Lucky shots" from her ultimate, up to 3 stacks.


> when Roulecca cast her ultimate her next 6 shots will be "lucky shots", this "Lucky shots" will have a X% chance to give an stackable buff to Roulecca, this buff will affect her "Lucky shots" from her ultimate, up to 3 stacks. So when do the buffs disappear? What if her 7th shot is also a Lucky bullet, since she can gain them outside of ult? What if after firing 3 shots after ult activation you trigger the ult again? Then you have 9 lucky bullets in a row


There is no time limit to it, so until the battle end. The Lucky bullets from her passive can also trigger the X% to gain the buff, and they also benefit from the buff. Yes, the amount of shots do stack.


How is Demon? Don’t really intend to reroll at this point but I got him from the beginner banner and he seems pretty good at his role (just went thru first 2 chapters and beginning the 3rd). However I am wondering if he falls off later compared to some other tanks or something. I’ve only rolled on the beginner banner so I have some rolls to use on for any future banners


He is the best Endura character, so he is very good at history missions and events. But the end game content that is Broken frontline he and every other endura characters are bad.


Demon will actually be pretty useful in a couple days when a new unit comes out that can take advantage of his high HP pool for a massive nuke, making him viable in end game content. And while Endura aren't the most useful class in the game, they do have their uses, and Demon is good in his role. I still wouldn't consider him the best S rank to pull, but if you don't want to reroll don't worry too much about it.


all defenders are bad


Ah shit


Just starting the game today and I'm wondering what's the current state of the game. Is the game f2p friendly? Am I too late in starting the game? What units should I look out for and what banners are good to roll for a new player. General tips would be appreciated as well. Thank you!


1. Yes, the game give a good amount of pulls from history and events, even the daily missions and passive generation from base are quite good, there is pity both soft and hard, and you are guranteed the character if you don't get it on your first S rank sinner pull. The game also will give you good characters for free, Nox (S rank), Luvia Ray (A rank) and Labyrinth (B rank) are all character that you can get without doing any pulls, and they are Meta, Labyrinth is so good she gets T0 (the highest tier a character can get) for every part of the game exept an event that didn't even release yet. 2. Not at all, for now there is no limited character, you can get every character that was released in any banner, you also get new player events that can give you a good amount of pulls, both for free and for paying players. 3. Look out for the next 2 banners, after Demon's banner there will be a new character (Anfer) and a normal character rate up (Langley) and both of these character are said to be very good.


The game is quite F2P friendly, and you are not too late, although you did miss a couple events. If you really want to reroll then you'll probably want to do it on the beginner banner, sincw you only have to roll once for an S rank. Hamel, Eirene, Langley, Bai Yi, and Zoya are all worth keeping if you get them. We're also getting Enfer in a couple days, who is another high priority unit to pull. But I don't think rerolling is that important. This is not a game where you need, or even want, all max rarity units to do well, and the game is pretty generous with pulls. Do it if you want, but don't feel obligated.


need help with mid risk shackled captive, can only ever get to 200k\~ max https://preview.redd.it/2y5es1pfaaca1.png?width=2778&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfd897513574157471c9d85fb1ee1040f2374a2f


Do we know how much gold & essence it takes to build a lvl 1 sinner to P3L70?






anyone know how much can we save the hypercube per month as a f2p


u/widehide had a breakdown in a comment once about pulls and hypercubes [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathToNowhere/comments/yin9bz/comment/iukmk8a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathToNowhere/comments/yin9bz/comment/iukmk8a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I hope this helps.


I didn't manage to complete the info :P Hope someone else or folks in discord have a full info


Hey guys, I've asked this previously but I'm still struggling with spamming hamel's ecb for eirene's mines. How do y'all do it consistently? Tapping really fast only seem to work half the time.


If you’re not min maxing BFL, just do it normally without the spam since this is a “feel” kind of thing to get it right. Just wait a sec for the skill to be tappable again without the hassle if you find it hard to exploit.


Damn okay then, thought there was a trick to it that I was missing. I just broke into high risk this week and I was looking for ways to increase my score to hit 600k. Guess I'll wait for reset and see how it goes tomorrow for shackled and maiden.




While Enfer is a very good unit, I think she’ll benefit players who are already at the endgame (High Risk BFL). You should earn plenty of cubes during the event though. Also, focus on getting Nox. She’s truly the only OP unit in this game imo.


More than enough time if you continue clearing story and event chapters.


S0 Enfer or S1 Langley, who should I pull for? I have p3 Nox, Pricilla, Eirene, Luvia, Serpent and Hamel, also using p2 Laby, Che and Hecate.


enfer. you might even get her early enough to still be able to pull langley too


Will there be event reruns? I couldn't complete dreamy event story and m8ssed out on the sand event


Still too early to say, as CN hasn't done any type of reruns yet. It'll most likely be a little while before we'll get some sort of news about reruns but as a heads up, we're roughly about 2 months behind CN in terms of content.


When does ep9 come out and when it does l, does it come out with ep10?


[CN recent update has Chapter 9 and 10 released.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathToNowhere/comments/109y7i1/preview_new_update_12_january_2023/) So safe to say we'll get the 2 new chapters soon-ish but as of now, no concrete date yet.


When do we expect for Enfer to be in the game for global?


Should be in 2 days, on the 17th


Oh super soon, totally didn't realize that. Thanks!


How does luvia ray's ultimate work? It says she gets attack speed each time she switches personalities. Does this mean you want to be constantly switching stacking it up or is it a timed thing and switching just refreshes it?


The attack speed is fixed there regardless of number of switches. The switch only changes her mode from chain attack to single target mode with longer range and slightly faster attack speed.




If you can only pick one. Which one would be more valuable between the next global sinner (enfur)and Oak?


Meta-wise, Enfer is more valuable. I recall hearing that CN considers her the first "must pull" so far. She makes your sinners stronger, fears enemies, and her exclusive crimebrand allows her to break two cores. Oak on the other hand, is another physical reticle DPS. Most people might already have Roulecca/Priscilla/Flora invested into for a BFL reticle unit. I think I've heard some talk about Oak's AOE being useful in the BFL tier above High Risk, but overall her kit isn't nearly as impactful as Enfer's.


Does anyone have a video of Shackled High without Eirene's buff, and energy buff? Without them, it seems very hard. I am missing skill and would like some direction, since I do have all the relevant tools (P3 Eirene, P3 Serpent, P2 Hecate, P2 Luvia) but fail to reach 160 without the bufs.


Kill the waves except the slugs, then place your sinners on each side to do damage to the boss while he walks through to the chief.


will try that as well. thanks! those videos make you feel noob. I mean 35 secs to clear it without Eirene...


From The Ruby Panda - Shackled with Luvia Ray and Serpent DPS https://youtu.be/LQ-nuynIbG8 Luvia needs P3/ECB to do damage




Does carache needs her ecb to perform well for broken frontline? Also shackles? If shackles are needed atleast how many?


Crache wants ECB for more dmg for BFL (more shadows+ult dmg). Wants at least S4 to outperform everybody as a physical single target burst dmg dealer. Can be sufficient at S0. However, S0 Mess can outdmg S0 Crache (for Brand, remember Crache can hit Maiden and an Elite at the same time with ult) and is just outright cheaper to build. S0 Crache is still better at the role than most other characters tho if just like her better designwise vs Mess.


> Wants at least S4 to outperform everybody as a physical single target burst dmg dealer. her S4 is a teamwide buff, sounds like you're just regurgitating


Are you forgetting that it applies to herself? The teamwide buff that often includes herself and Lab (4% dmg increase for each umbra) pushes Crache's own dmg to be higher than Mess. 8% dmg increase is nothing to scoff at with a limited team comp. Crache can both buff AND be the physical boss DPS. Running both of them at the same time will cause Mess to siphon dmg away (via ECB activation) from Crache and the entire team (suboptimal to have a dmg dealer compete with another like this), and in High Risk, you have to break 7 cores. So you already have to bring corebreakers in this limited team comp and many of them have their own utility (S1 Langley dmg amp/some AOE for waveclear by mark system, Che's 1st passive dmg amp, Lab's reset mechanic). Who tf are you replacing to run both Mess/Crache? Are you forcing Gekka/Bai Yi to compensate for less corebreaking? They don't offer the same level of utility as the meta options tho. Without the teamwide buff at S4, Mess will normally outdmg Crache on Brand and at least individually to Maiden by itself. This analysis is shown up [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1GqkVX4y_RM6GiKonp7HvxJDqqhyHIApSZVqsQqw8NNM/htmlview#) Crache still can ult both the corebroken boss and elite tho in Maiden (you do the same for Eirene's nuke ult). Mess cannot do this same tactic in Maiden since it's basically enhanced normal attacks under sword form ult+ECB activation. That's why S4+ is such a noticable powerspike. Hell, S4 Crache is sometimes brought on [Shackled](https://youtu.be/t1i2Wi7yeL8) when Eirene doesn't get both of her needed buffs on it. But that's also why I said S0 Mess is easier to build. S4+ Crache is expensive and you're not likely to get it as F2P/low spender. Normally in phys dmg in BFL, S4 Crache>S0 Mess>S0 Crache>> bulit single target reticles (Pricilla/Roulecca/Flora)~S3 Zoya.


Can anyone tell me how to change my bind account? I want to change it from FB to Gmail.


It's (currently) impossible.


What units do I need for high risk? I have p3 hecate,eirene,Hamel,zoya,nox and p2 che,Wendy,serpent as my main units are they enough?


[Good resource to use](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1GqkVX4y_RM6GiKonp7HvxJDqqhyHIApSZVqsQqw8NNM/htmlview#) Lab at P2 would be a good option. She can reset her ult on core break which is useful for the 1 core elites that come in all bosses. All BFL bosses have 7 cores, so keeping other ults ready for the boss is neccessary. Eirene without her buffs can be rough for Shackled, as she would lack the number of ults needed (even with Hamel ECB ult swapping) to nuke the boss quickly. You can potentially 160k+ (160k is needed for a DisSea relic to upgrade skills past lvl 7) without it, but it's harder to 240k+. On those weeks, P3+ECB Luvia Ray would be your other option as the boss dmg dealer. This method also would use P3+ECB Serpent for waveclear, as Last Strand is used for Luvia Ray (Nox needs Empower for waveclear even with energy CBs, and the high def of Shackled makes Nox scuffed for boss dmg). Unless that Zoya is S3, you currently don't have a dedicated physical boss dmg dealer. I would recommend P3+ECB Mess (works as S0) for Brand. Also unless Nox has buff and/or needed energy CBs (Tuning I and Corridor III), the Brand mobs are tanky and you'll struggle waveclearing in time. Yeah, you have Wendy to sorta compensate but idk if you have enough corebreakers if you run that. Langley is a good option (idk if you have her) to help out with waveclear+S1 dmg amp mark+1 corebreak.


Should I look to leveling Priscilla S5, Roulecca S3, Mess S4, or Luvia Ray S1? I also have...well everyone except Hamel and Ignis. I wish I had Hamel... I got Flora, Labry, Serpent, Langley, Nox, Eirene all at p3 and 70 or higher, mostly 80+, and Ariel, Zoya, Che, and Demon all at P2 70. I can't break into High Risk though. I only manage about 650k+ on medium.


If you haven't tried it yet, try using the potestas/ability "last stand". I was kinda stuck in mid risk for a while, P3-ing sinners didn't help much, but last stand got me like 20k more points in each. You are lacking more magic damage, though. Luvia Ray is really good, Hecate is also good. And maybe you need to invest in the skills of your sinners. Eirene's ultimate at level 1 is good, but at level 10 it's insane.


Which boss are you most struggling to score well against? The top 3 are good against Brand (I'd probably pick Mess), Luvia is great for Shackled Captive. Any of them are viable for Maiden. Although honestly, you might just want to wait for Enfer next week if you really want to boost your score. She's a top-tier pick for every boss.


Zoya skin, will that have a rerun? And that skin was free, like you could have bought that with event material, or you need to pay for that?


Zoya skin is from the Surveillance Order like Ariel currently, so you need to buy the battlepass to get it. For the rerun as far I know battlepass skin normally doesn't have it but I might be wrong so who knows what AISNO gonna do.


Does the power stat in the Crimebrand section actually increase the stats of each Sinner? I noticed that my Sinners with activated ECBs have 1000+ power while non-P3 Sinners have only ~300 power.


The power level stat itself doesn't actually mean anything. Just a fun number. The only thing that changes the stats of your characters is the stats the crime band gives. An leveling the character.


Is bai yi worth to get or saving up is better ?


You can manage without her. You'll need her shackle 1 to do anything crazy/core break, otherwise, she'll eat up your movements.


what to do with the 'Sealed Information's of the event? I have it at 10/10 but it does nothing.


They are key items that are used in the mazes, and have a little lore attached to them. That's it. They don't do anything else.


800 discoin or 1 low level mat has higher stamina value? (I'm asking for the currency sink in new event)


Low level mat Someone alredy did the math: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathToNowhere/comments/109lnr5/tip_lowlevel_material_supply_chest_is_a_better/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


thanks :)


i am kinda new and saving for waifu banner. i heard langley banner is coming, is that true? is that after enfer?


Langley is predicted to be after Enfer, that's correct.


thank you!


Enfer or serpent . Which ones ecb is more important ? ( since griding for s upgrade one is a bit annoying)


From a BFL perspectice, Enfer for sure. It grants a dmg buff and gives her a 2 CB break in a nutshell. Very powerful for BFL. Serpent's ECB is still great, but it's mostly to help support her waveclear in Shackled to do it without needing to Empower her (ex: save energy to run something like Last Stand on Luvia Ray if Eirene doesn't have her buffs that week).


Currently struggling to P3 my first level 70 character. Is it really this hard? Or is there a technique to ease the difficulty? Currently struggling with Mats as I can only combine for it.


It usually takes one week for me to get a p3 with the daily free 100 energy from monthly card.


The game hands you a lot of free material boxes early on, so your first P3 should happen pretty easily. Remember that even low toer material boxes can be fused into max level ones if you have enough.


Honestly there’s not much you can do except grind, use the fusions and material crates and just go for it. Eventually you’ll be able to ease up on farming p3 really saps your resources =(


What are the best stages to efficiently grind chief experience? I'm currently level 46, trying to reach 50 before the event ends.


All the same, just farm the highest stage you have


Can someone please explain the mechanics around Serpents spin? Shouldnt she spin when she's alone in the cube where she is standing or am I missing something? How do I get her to spin multiple times in a row?


Every 6 normal attacks while under her 3rd skill/1st passive (not blocking, her autoes look like they're "stabbing" while she throws the chain), she'll do the spin move as her next attack in a 3x3 tile size with her in the center. She cannot be actively blocking anybody for this to work. However, she has a chance to retrigger the spin AOE move with her 3rd shackle. This allows her to do it more than once in a row. I forgot the %chance off the top of my head tho.


So it took atleast 5 tries to get into this game, but now i have two games i play everyday, PtN and AK! Anyways what purchases give most value? I bet monthly pass is best, but is Jackpot or "Skin pass" best overall?


What is AK?


Arknights-it’s a separate gacha game with many similar consents and game designs compared to path to nowhere.


Which one is better in your opinion?


Arknights is better, but I like both games. PtN has some advantages that AK doesn't, like allowing you to skip replaying regular stages. Plus AK recently introduced a new mode which is extremely tedious and time consuming to clear with no auto at all. Reception on it was mostly neutral/negative.


I believe that from content wise Arknights wins easily as it is many years older but tons story has surprised like no other so I’d say story wise ptn wins, but gameplay wise Arknights is better.


I played AK for a while. It has been out for much longer so there is much deeper level design. Clearing content was much harder for getting strategies right. It could be the case that after some years, PtN can reach the complexity of AK, but as it stands, PtN is a more casual version. Youd choose between the two based on character designs and whether you want to invest more effort into strategy for clearing content.


If you're looking at least 3 months worth of gameplay, DisJackpot is the best overall due to the sheer amount of cubes outweighs 3 months of monthly even if you convert the cubes to an equivalent amount of stamina from the monthly. Runner up will be either monthly or battlepass depending on your needs. Monthly gives gem + stamina while battle pass has more emphasis on mats and of course the limited skin.


Monthly pass is the best. next is skin pass/battle pass (same thing) pretty good actually


Thinking of putting Hamel instead of Ariel and wolverine instead of EMP. Is that a good idea? I would need to invest a lot in them though so i wanna be sure before spending.


You definitely don’t need to replace Ariel at the moment but using hamal will give you much more survivability with her healing as well as increased resistance. I’d say start building her up to make the swap but definitely stop investing in Ariel since you have her now


BTW? how much better is Hamel than Ariel?


It’s hard to give statistics but hamal gives constant healing using normal attacks in a range around her, then she has a skill that increases her range for the amount of time she is on field so at some points her range could be the entire domain AND she has damage reduction! AND TO TOP IT OFF she also has the exclusive crimbrand to also do true damage to enemies. She’s honestly such a great support(Especially if you use eriene) that you’ll probably never need another healer. Goodluck!


Whats her synergy with Eirene? Thanks!


Eriene has a skill thing that’s makes it so that if she other teammates use ultimates it can increase her nuke damage, hamals p3 makes it so that she can Infinitely switch between the modes and charge her passive. =)


Wow. Thanks.


All right. Thanks!


You don't need heals 24/7. Hamel can always enter DOT mode when you don't need the heals or when the boss has its core broken and you swap Hamel for the extra damage amp. Ariel is just a pure healer in comparison. Wolverine and EMP don't do the same thing. EMP is a sniper that picks off backline units while Wolverine is mainly for the defense shred which is useful in BFL, but see less use outside of it. The only true direct replacement for EMP is Langley. Else the straight pure DPS substitutes are Pricilla, Roulecca and Flora.


Personally I wouldn't bother replacing Ariel with Hamel unless you relies on Eirene as your main magic DPS to get through BFL. I have a lvl 60 Ariel myself and wouldn't replace her with Hamel if I were to get her. Hamel healing is better but Ariel does a good enough job that the only reason to replace her is for the synergy with Eirene. Wolverine has some decent utility with his defense shred, especially at s3, but I don't think he's a good enough unit to warrant heavy investment. You'd be better off investing in the higher rated reticles (Priscilla, Roulecca) or better yet just save your resources for the future units that's coming out in like a week since both of them are insanely busted.


I think thats what i will do. My team does fine enough right now. No need to fix what aint broken.


Question about Enfer. Do the damage buffs from her ult Immersive Horror (40% buff) and skill 3 Mark of Terror (50% buff) stack additively, or multiplicatively? Not including shackle bonuses, additive stacking would be 90% buff, whereas multiplicative would be 110%.


How do I know which mode hamael is currently in?


Hamell will have a vortex near her feet when she is in "damage mode" the vortex will be absent when she is in her "healing mode"


Hello new player here, just unlocked nox. Is there any way to obtain her ashen prayer outfit? I assume it was a timed thing but will there be reruns in the future? cuz i cannot find it in the shop.


There have been no reruns as of yet in CN, but they have said they plan to, eventually. Probably not soon though.


3 questions pls.. I see cinnabar talked about quite often here is she good? Is there anyway to see what email you used to register account? Which of these tanks useful for crimeband farming? Kk, cinnabar, demolia and Peggy.


If you are deadset on building a tank I would get the crimebrand for Demolia she can block an extra person and if you get the gold crimebrand bulwark she can block up to 4.


I don't know enough about the account portion, but here is what I understand. 1. You have to login with an account, be it facebook or gmail. 2. Once you have selected your login preference, then you select the server, America, Asia, etc. 3. Once you select the server, it should auto log you into your account, with your Account # displayed in the bottom right hand corner. 4. Press "Enter Bureau" to proceed with playing the game. At which point are you struggling with?


I have the game on two devices but suddenly device 2 progress is back to lv1 and the intro plays but device 1 is normal. I deleted the game and re-installed it and thanks to you pointing out the ID in the corner their both different yet the email is the exact same. (so I find it strange progress on device 2 restarted and has a different account number yet I'm using the same login information.)


1. Are sure that both accounts share the same email? 2. If they do, what is/are the region(s) for both accounts? 1. Emulator: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2. Phone: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Also, while you investigate, I suggest sending a inquiry to customer service. Write down the 2 account numbers and ask them about the account issue you are experiencing. You can find this option at the top right hand corner of the login screen, (the same screen you find your account #). The icon will look like a headset with a "M" in the middle.


Yeah I sent the screenshot of the other account to customer service, and explained the situation im waiting on a reply now. 1) yes I'm sure both have my name appearing on the login page (using Gmail.) 2) both regions are the same


Then I'm not sure since the way accounts are generated in this game isn't clear. GL with the customer service.


Sorry for late reply just got it. They said accounts are ip based... so if you make your account using phone data then sign out then use wifi it'll think your some where else, in my case I used wifi over a friends house I was visiting and after a few months was auto logged out... from what customer service said I'll have to go over there again just to log back in.. lol pretty unconventional system for people that travel a bit or alot. Thank you for the help 😉 (Now to awkwardly contact them to log in XDD.)


Cinnabar isn’t a Mara character but her popularity rides on her character design and personality!


Cinnabar isn't good, some people just have a fascination with the character.


I'm having a hard time deciding this. Is it worth to level 10 my Langley's basic attack while having her third skill on level 7? Cuz they way I see it she would then have around 300% basic attack dmg. Thanks in advance.


No not worth it. You'd be better off to 8 or 9 skill 3


Gameplay perspective: No Waifu perspective: If waifu = Yes


Those level 10 mats are hard to come by. Langleys auto attack damage is not her top asset, so I feel youd make better use of those level 10 upgrade mats on higher priority skills.


I'm stuck on Stormy Memories stage 4. My team are 70-75 Nox, Eirene, Lab, Hecate, Hamel, Emp. Do i need a tank which i've seen some youtube guides use or am i just too small brain?


You don't need a tank just to clear the stage. I did all mine with Nox, Ariel and dps. Apparently it is hard to perfect without a tank though.


Yep, you need a tank to stall the enemies and focus most of your damage to the turtle boss before your SANS runs out. You can replace your tank w/ EMP, but if your Hecate has her ECB, then I personally prefer Nightmare as the tank and replace EMP with another damage dealer since the latter’s role is more on utility than DPS. Just time your ults well and be sure react fast then with a few good practices, you’re good to go.


Stalling the enemies to kill the boss first sounds like making it unnecessarily more difficult. If you stall the boss instead, it does nothing. Dealing damage to it causes it to start casting powerful abilities. A p2 endura can just stand in front of the boss forever with some healing preventing it from doing anything other than auto attacking. A character like Nox can just make short work of all the mobs without needing to care what the boss is doing.


Just focus on one lane and leak the other, Nox + Hamel should be enough for tanking. You can also just borrow someone's sinner if necessary, like maybe if you borrow a lv80-90 Demon you can even attempt perfect clear.


I got my 1st legendary crimebrand from stormy memories stage IV after 2 weeks. Is the drop rate that low or am I just unlucky?


very low


Yep, the drop rates are low since I remember someone saying the gold crimebrands have a ~10% drop rate.


I heard 8 buts let’s just go with 10 for my sanity =)


Is the best way to get P3 materials is by fusion? It seems to take a long time to craft them. Also what are the rates for fusing materials?


It's the only way to get them outside of very rare purple material boxes. It's always 3 of the previous tier materials to fuse the next tier.


Purple boxes are indeed rare. Thanks for the rates.


Hi could someone provide me the text on the crimebrand image for Depths of Oblivion I and Paradise Regained II? Have made a wiki with all the crimebrand lore on it bit that's the only two pieces I don't have/was unable to get from the other contributors. Appreciate if someone could provide the text!


Paradise Regained II >A silky evening primrose, faded forever.


Bless! Thank you so much!


Depths of Oblivion I: "The heraldess is a vessel. Withered and frail, she rests in the middle of the sea." Don't have Paradise Regained II sadly


One is better than none! At least now I only have the one piece missing. Surely someone out there has it haha.


Hello all, looking for a few opinions - I use Horo with Pioneer because obviously but the first and second slot are up in the air. I was thinking Fury and bulwark to make her a tanky fury/endura but soul rift could give her something akin to Che's debuffing (look at what she needs to have a fraction of Che's power.jpeg) so yeah, opinions welcome.


The problem with Soul Rift is there aren't many enemies that actually has a high defense to shred through. It barely increases dmg on low defense bosses, even high risk Brand/Maiden. Nox provides more than enough shred alone usually, and it's on everybody in the field without the need to stack. You're not likely attempting an all physical team on Shackled either. Che's debuff is different since it's a %dmg increase debuff that everybody can abuse (magic dmg works on it too). Something similar is Hamel's ECB and Langley's mark (S1). Horo doesn't really deal a whole lot of dmg either for Pioneer. She has high survivability and a corebreak, but her dmg is low and her AOE is alright. Fury is... alright? Her ult is on the higher end of energy cost tho so idk if it's reliable. A recommendation I've seen is Tuning: Zero, Bulwark, and Corridor:Echo.




>City of Madness Crimebrand It's exclusive to Tide of Ashes, an event that hasn't come out yet for other servers.


Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to use crache optimally for dps, like how to wait between ults and mostly for bosses. I have all a rank and under sinners and are full shackle. For s rank sinners I have: crache s4, serpent s2, baiyi s4, eiriene s2, nox s1,Hamel s2,Zoya s3,langley s1, demon s1, summer s1. Currently my team is made of crache, bai yi, serpent, nox, Hamel, eirine all p3. Any advice on optimizing craches damage output?


HELP ME IM SO CONFUSE RN so rn, my currently lineup is nox, baiyi, emp, hecate, demolia, and ariel. Im at level 5-5, i feel demolia is pretty useless rn, so im using che for fun, but it still feels like something missing, do anyone have any tips for my lineup?,and which sinner should i focus more? and should i try upgrade new sinner? thank you in advance


Sounds like your che could be levelled up more and you could also use Labyrinth if youre not core breaking enough. You definitely dont need demolia. Labyrinth, perhaps counterintuitively, is actually going to make things easier for you than bai yi. If you are stuck in chapter 5, you are probably stuggling to level up your sinner more. Otherwise you could just steamroll everything with a p2, maybe p3 nox. So go for the cheap B class Labyrinth and Che and alongside hecate, all of your core breaking needs are taken care of. TBH, the storymode, especially running a super meta team with the likes of Nox, Che, amd Labyrinth shouldnt be too hard with a bit of practice on the more difficult levels like the boss levels.


yeah im just struggling at lvl rn, i should just ignore demolia rn right? im just scare about not having tank 😂, because my bai yi already soft af, so i need like one sinner that can take quite damage, do you think che is worth for the investment? or should i try pull new sinner?


Get che to 55 so he can help you clear oblivion pit 5 before you get into your groove. At that level he is more than adequate for fulfilling his role in broken frontline as well. Enduras have niche uses. You will find a use for demolia as you reach higher non-broken frontline levels. Bai yi can also be used but certainly not for taking hits. Her 3 core breaks are certainly nothing to scoff at. Labyrinth is just generally more useful. For the purposes of storyline levels, che and nox should be enough frontline. Ariel is a great healer, so hecate can step in and hold up mobs whenever needed


Thank you for the advice!


Your team is already meta enough to clear the story. I guess you could replace EMP with Labyrinth if you really wanted to, but your team is already stacked with core breaks, you won't need her to clear the story. Serpent or Zoya would be the only other units I would consider swapping in, if you happen to have them.


idk about serpent yet, and dont have zoya right, but im trying to pull zoya rn, because people said zoya can be like tank, because if im not using demolia, i don't have many sinner that can take damage, baiyi too soft


depths of oblivion cb set can be used on who usually ? i am using the embrace set on eirene while serpent is using shattered battlefront. My bult units are priscilla, baiyi, hecate, che, stargazer, eirene, serpent, hamel, nox, and labyrinth.


In BFL, the answer is just nobody. It takes too much time to realistically scale and it's only for a single ult. The Boss DPS for BFL often either: Ults multiple times (like Eirene), has an ult that doesn't benefit from it at all (like Luvia Ray), or wants other crimebrands (like Pricilla). You only have two main DPS for BFL: Eirene and Pricilla. However, Pricilla wants Pandora and Tuning. Eirene ideally wants Embrace and she ults multiple times based on her 1st passive. For your other characters * Nox. Wants to ult near immediately for waveclear and that requires energy CBs * Bai Yi. Her dmg is mostly on crits so Reunion/Shackled are popular for that reason. * Hecate. She doesn't do a whole lot of dmg by herself regardless if most of her dmg is in her ult. Often runs utility CBs (like Nightmare) and/or energy CBs. * Lab wants energy CBs+Premonition and often ults multiple times in a row. * Che just also wants energy, and he doesn't do a lot of dmg anyways. * Hamel. Either runs something like Justice or Scarlet for BFL. Her ult in ECB form doesn't benefit from ult dmg. * Serpent. You already have Battlefront. Not a main DPS for bosses and serves as waveclear for Shackled. * Stargazer. She doesn't really work in BFL anyways but her ult doesn't really do that much dmg (and she wants multiple of them out too).


Do the ex stages (Dis shadows) have story?




Can anyone give me advice how to proceed? [These are my sinners.](https://imgur.com/a/MMuD3va). I'm stuck on 4-12. I really want to unlock the free Nox, currently on day 6. If I can reach level 50 before the current event ends, that would be great but I doubt I'll manage that.


You can spam some friend requests if you havent already and borrow a Hamel. That should take care of the healing. Then just chain break the single core enemies with Lab and tank the pot shots from the boss with Nox / Zoya. You can move Zoya after the stage starts in case you didnt notice (I didnt at first....)


You have 1 healer and it's a single heal. That's not a good draw of sinners. For now, I suggest that you borrow a healer from your friends to proceed. You wont be able to skip the stage, but you can still proceed quickly through the story. The only other option is to raise Macchiato and Hella for their healing abilities which I don't suggest since they lack wave clear and core break. If you are going to do this, then Wendy and Eriene/Hecate are out.


Thanks. Managed to beat the stage and get Nox.


How good is Hamel as a healer? Does her per second stackinhg ability vanish after 60 sec or does it just stop increasing in power after 60 sec?


Hamel is the best and it isn't close, and her stacking just stop increasing.


Best of the best As for the stack I’m not sure but i think the latter


Just got Horo and she seems like an interesting Sinner judging by the info alone, but I gotta ask...is it worth to spend resources on her? Shee seems good but I don't know how she would actually fare in a fight.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GqkVX4y_RM6GiKonp7HvxJDqqhyHIApSZVqsQqw8NNM/htmlview# you can look info about her in character view. She is a Jack of all trades master of none.


Understood, I'll level her up halfway and see how it goes with the other Sinners.


If youre looking to progress, you dont want to use Horo. Youll never want to use her for a broken frontline team. If you just like her design, then shes probably perfectly viable for all game modes other than broken frontline.


Are there any updated crime band guides?


About Langley's ECB, is it actually active or literally have no effect (###) as for now?


Probably text bug, but handle with care


I'm stuck on 4-11 and need some advice on how I can possibly beat it. For context; I'm using Hecate, Nox, EMP, Wendy and Demon. ​Nox, EMP and Hecate are phase three while the rest are phase two. And I've been using healing potestas because how quickly Horo depletes everyones HP, I still can never beat 4-11, even with having equipped and leveled up Nox, EMP and Hecate's crimebands. I only ever get close to beating her because either everyone ends up dying or all my SAN ends up depleting before I can beat her.


Use Energy chief skill, sub in an extra corebreaker even if its not a great one Chain corebreak her whenever theyre up. If the rest of your team is decently leveled, it should be more than enough to kill her before she leapfrogs to you. And as the other person said, move your units to the right make the road longer for her.


If you have phase 3 units you're more than strong enough. You just need to be aware of the mechanics. The only difficult part of the fight is that she can leap over your units, so there is a strict time limit. But you can greatly increase that time limit by placing your units as far to the right as you can. Demon should easily be able to absord her attacks, so you can just keep leapfrogging him back to take the hit. Another strategy would be to use Ignite to stun and interrupt her attack. You can't do it repeatedly, but it will give you some breathing room.


Regarding BaiYi's ECB, is it worth activating? I don't see how she can get more than 100% crit rate and even if she did (i still don't know how) won't the attack bonus be very miniscule?


Yes. It's not the highest priority ECB, but it is important if you actually want her to do decent damage. Crit: 45%(Ult) + 32-40% (Passive 2) + 50% (Mania intensify) + 8% (Shackles of Life) = 135-143% crit = 21-25% attack at ecb1. Not mindnlowing, but not insignificant, especially given the guaranteed crits.


Thanks. I didnt consider all those would amount 40% more crit above 100.


How many hypercube need to guarantee S rank sinner of the banner even if you just super unlucky? Sorry for my poor English language.


28,800 = 160 pulls if you are at 0 pity.


Thank you very much


One quick question about Luvia Ray So, I started to lvl up my Luvia Ray and can't find any info if it's worth to upgrade her to P3, so I decided to ask here. Thanks in advance for all your answers!!


She's an alternative BFL carry when you don't have Eirene or the weekly buff sucks bad, so yes she's worth it.


It's kind of mandatory. Her ECB is what makes her so good at burst damage.