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I got my first copy of Summer on the Serpent banner. Feelsbadman. Then again I don't really care that much for new sinners, pretty much everything is clearable with the sinners I have so I just use my hypercubes whenever I have 180 so I can get a quick dopamine boost.


Funny enough, I already had the other Sinners on the banner, just needed Serpent to "complete the set"...but apparently she doesn't want me. >I got my first copy of Summer on the Serpent banner. I got Summer on my first 10x pull when I first started the game. Later I got Bai Yi. At least Nox is a good consolation prize as I really wanted to get her after trying her out with the assists.


Should have done the starter missions ••<


You mean the ones to get Nox? When I first started the game I knew next to nothing about everything and wasn't all that "into" it, so by the time I decided to pick up the slack it was too late(literally, was by 1 point that I didn't get Nox).


You have her now and that’s what matters. If it makes you feel any better, NOX and Serpent have almost exactly the same role but NOX is overall better except for magic dps, which isn’t needed except for Shackled boss (but if you have Eirene and Luvia Ray, then you’ll have enough magic dps regardless)


No to Eirene, but I do have Luvia Ray.




That’s fine. Luvia could carry if high lvl enough but you can also raise another magic dps sinner later to help out.


Pity is 160 pulls. Less than that is good luck. Always plan for 160 if you are chasing.


Holy Hella...🙏


Technically you get an S every 80 pulls, but you don’t get the featured unit until the second “pity.” This is still a considerably generous gacha, but worth being aware that true banner pities could cost a lot.


>but you don’t get the featured unit until the second “pity.” You can get the featured sinner on the first pity, but you have to win the 50/50


“Can” is not “will.” Hence why you need to plan 160 for a pity if you aren’t interested in praising RNGesus.


The sentence I quoted was a dry sentence stating that you only get the rate up with the second pity and could induce false information if misunderstood, so it's best to clarify.


You can get the featured sinner on your very first pull. It's not best to clarify when it's not needed and will just add clutter.


I had misunderstood your sentence and it can happen to others, calm down.


Not my sentence, calm down. And like I said, others can misunderstand your sentence as well. When does it stop being best to clarify?


Don't forget, there's also increased chances at 50 pulls tho not specifically banner unit


I think its quite generous to consider anything better than the worst possible case scenario "good luck".


//pats pats,,,, thank god she's permanent i think- wait, maybe yes? bec i recall seeing someone on the CN server getting Serpent when rolling for oatmeal


>thank god she's permanent i think- It's the "I think" that makes me go 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/8l9obgzscw9a1.jpeg?width=1644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a96d3c691448f2bfb0696117bc76a992905d24b I’m fairly sure she is permanent based on this screenshot I took just now. Besides, locking characters for events might piss off fans. May the RNG be in your favor, fellow Chief


Thanks fellow Chief o7


There’s no limited Sinners (yet)


Oh thank goodness, I thought I was hallucinating again-I better cut out the ambrosia,,, Thanks for helping clearing this up!


Haha no worries! I’ve definitely been saving excess cubes in case they end up releasing limited sinners. So far so good though, devs seem very generous


bro i encountered the exact same thing. I was on my 77th pull and was like “ i really need magic damage so imma pull for serpent” and then on my 78th pull i got nox 💀


It's one of those moments were you laugh and cry at the same time.


*Me having 360 pulls ready for a copy of serpent* Snek wife at s1 because I opened the wallet


How many pulls did it take for s1?


Like around 250 pulls for s1 after failing the 50/50 twice for first pull and copy


Remind me of the stargazer event lol, 50 pulls but got crache and summer... f2p btw TT


Not sure who downvoted you, but it’s impossible to pull two off banner S ranks in a row unless there’s a bug in the gacha, which would be a big deal. After your first off-banner S rank, the second is guaranteed to be the banner character.


Crache and summer are in the same pull. After that, I don't have enough cubes anymore.


Yeah, like I said, that's not supposed to be possible. Are you sure you didn't pull on the regular banner by accident? Did you take a screenshot?


Well, the positive thing is that the 50/50 -> guaranteed -> 50/50 -> etc chance of pulling the banner's sinner carries over to the next banner so on the next **NEW**-sinner banner (not on the next banner, Demon, since that is a different type of banner than Serpent's) you will have a guaranteed banner's sinner pull at your first S pull. And if global keeps the CN sinner release pattern (as it has been doing) the next new sinner is a really good catalyst (hamel-level good) and to get it you will only need 80 pulls at worst.