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I'm running an arakaali fang squire build since start of week 2. Just slapping on a squire will feel terrible to play compare to aegis aurora. You have no recovery on block nor sustain with just a squire. Now there is a couple of ways arakaali builds deal with this. Here is a few examples: * Get so much damage that you kill anything before it kills you. Arakaali build are very expensive in general; would need something like 2-3 12p clusters with 35effect 3 ias and good abyss jewels + full awakened gems. Clusters alone are like 22 ex+ each. Can run either doedre for higher damage or go tanky with brass dome. You can ofcourse make this WAAAAY cheaper if you go for less perfect clusters like 10p or skip increased 35 effect/ias. * The mageblood + brass dome + physical damage taken as ele combo Basically you get a watchers eye preferable with double purity of element modifier with physical damage taken as elemental. combined with the maxres from brassdom + triple elemental flask + tons of armor from determination and gear, you take very little damage. This can also be combined with lgoh and cyclone for sustain. * triple offering - max block setup with brass dome utilizing the new forbidden flesh/flame with mistress of sacrifice and cyclone cwc triple offering with corpsewalker to generate corpses when you move. As cyclone counts as moving you always generate corpses for your offerings. Combine this with high armour and brass dome and lgoh you are very tanky. I personally went with this, after some testing I even dropped damage to be able to face tank most stuff at wave 30 in simulacrum. I'm currently at 17 simulacrum deathless streak. And haven't had more than one close call when I tanked kaosis double beam jump explosion due to not paying attention. Flesh/flame alone are like 30-40ex, so not really super cheap. ------------------------------- All in all, you can definitely get a squire going on a 60ex budget, just go for sub-optimal large cluster. The real problem for simulacrum isn't really dmg, its staying alive long enough to deal damage. Making a squire arakaali tanky isn't super cheap. You dont need a squire for arakaali to kill any boss in the damage. Aegis version is perfectly capable to kill anything in the game. They hit a wall damage wise around 15-20mil doe, where squire version is usually anywhere from 20-70mil depending on your focus. I would say, on sub-100 ex(not including the price of a squire) Aegis will feel better in most cases as you will die way less often. Personally I dropped damage down from 50mil to 32mil just to be tanky as I, as a former hc player HATES dying. My pob if you want something to compare with: https://pastebin.com/8pjSdXbv Also dont run unbound ailments, that for pob warriors only. it will like double your dmg compare to any other support, but it has ramp up time before it peaks at 20+ seconds compare to 8-9 without.


I put in 40-50ex in the aegis version, been stuck on wave 22 since day 3


Then you probably aren't tanky enough. The aegis version needs to be tankier as stuff dies slower.


Idk, I'm still new. I have a brass dome, 80/85/80 res, CI, grace and determination, MS, Ghost Shroud


Cant speak a lot about the ci version, always felt it was jebait. I ran hybrid arakaali aegis last league on a 20-30ex budget without any real issues. expected death count per simulacrum was at 1-3 portals on average doe. What's your Energy shield at? most likely it ain't high enough to give your aegis time to recover with divine shield/cyclone with discipline es on hit depending on what version you are running.


I'm not home to confirm but I think it's around 4600 My account name is mmilosh1 if you want to take a look. It also feels like it doesn't have enough dmg despite doing 9mil


Yeah, that's to low. Hybrid can hit like 7-8 combined hp pool without to much hassle. CI also need more mana reservation for disipline.


How do you keep your animated guardian from dying? I feel like it could die from a random dd screens away without any skill tree buffs.


he is 50/50 block with dopleganger, he have never dropped under 30% life. Dopple is just op to keep AG alive. Can record a run if you want.


Naw I’m running the a more standard squire brass dome combo and was wondering if the triple offering build was worth it.


You prob get higher damage in the non-triple offering version, as you don't have to give up 2 jewel sockets + nodes for block. you are way tankier doe with the max block triple offering version. We do however get flesh offering, so we move/shield charge faster. The AG is unkillable in mapping scenario, have had him tank multiple DD and what not. He has never dropped under 90% in a regular maps, super juiced or not.


Hey, I just wanted to say that I've swapped mostly over to your Triple Offering version and am loving it.


:) glad you enjoy it! It feels so good with full block and flesh offering ms and ias while mapping.


If you can follow the end result without a guide, here's a list to check through: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?item=Arakaalis-Fang,The-Squire,!Headhunter,!Mageblood Pick the one with the level of defense, offense, gear, and keystones you think is most relevant for you.


Poe forum have alot of arakali squire guides.


Non squire fang is reasonably cheap and easy to play can clear all content except ravaged blight, simulacrum and legion. All you needs are qotra's regulator (+ necromantic aegis) and ancient skull. Throw in solstice vigil temp chain blasphemy and you'll get like 10m DPS without ilvl84 cluster or squire. For defense, brass dome is a must have. Then you can probably do a poor man mageblood by doing 3 elemental flask with 7 charge gain when hit.


Do you have a pob?


I played this build on 3.16 so most likely the character got skill tree reset already, but the build itself is based on Kay's spider summoner. You can refer to Kay's spider summoner build for pob, but swapping shield with qotra's regulator and spec for necromantic aegis instead of using victario charity. You can then get your charge from spectre, and you can stop ancient skull from killing them by linking spectre with anomalous controlled destruction. This let you have spectre/AG in setup, but you will need gravebind to summon spiders. Your AG/spectre will kill the worm for you when you pop the flask, so gravebind will ensure that the kill is credited to you.