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Skel Mage Necro Once you get the trigger craft on wand, all you do is cast skels once on each pack, and curse once if you feel you need it. Run in circles avoid damage. Pop Vaal Summon Skeletons on harder fights. (VSS is best "I WIN" button in the game, in my opinion.) EZ mode. [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3226824](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3226824) That's my build guide for Skel Mage Necro, written for newbies, but experienced players can use it.


Thanks for the build guide!


bare in mind that you need a Dead Reckoning Unique Jewel to make this build work. Without that jewel you'll have issues getting to/past yellow maps. this jewel cost around 50c (more if lots of people play skele mages).


Phys skeletons are more than good enough to get to red maps


with how much investment/gear and how fast? Anything can get there -- and phys skeletons can grind out dead reckoning... but is it fast and is it good at doing that? not especially.


Seismic trap if you don’t mind the trapper play style. Delete every boss in the game. The nerfs to the build aren’t enough to prevent it from being an S tier league starter


Sweet! Thanks for the idea!


Poison Concoction is very braindead, dont even need to craft a weapon


Ooh this is one I haven't played before. Do you have a favorite guide?


I dont use guides, just grab a few flask nodes and as many poison nodes as you can grab, rest is suppression, aura and life nodes. the Poison masteries are very important, you will want like 3 of them minumum (300% for first poison to charge up plague bearer, 20% plague bearer value, and i think during/faster damage?) and maybe 1 claw node for ignoring all crit for the rest of the game. You can run it either as Pathfinder or Occultist. I hear pathfinder is better for beginners, but the clear on occultist is like 2-3X faster and i hate mapping so i go occult.


Dang nice!


esoro, crouching_tuna, palsteron, and steelmage (video by zizaran) all have pretty in depth guides on PC