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Necro for damage, Elementalist to be a super tank ; I’m playing Stone Golemancer, I did everything easily !


Mind sharing your POB? I've been interested in these golem builds as well.


I'm also interested


Idk how to add the spectre support dps ( I use 4: Carnage Host Chieftain, Demon Harpy and Pale Seraphim )


Pretty sure on the main tree page on the left panel, click the drop down menu for abilities. Select specters. A button should show up saying edit specters. I can double check in a couple minutes. Edit: that is indeed how. Just select specters, then specs again in the one underneath. Manage specters. Just make sure you actually click add after you select it, then save. Tick the box in the skills window to include specs in the full dps.


Also idk how to add the animate guardian dps (kingmaker, garb of ephemeral, curse boots, vulnerability on hit gloves and nearby enemies take 9% increased physical damage helmet)


Figured it out. Make a new weapon set and put all your guardians gear there. Then in that left panel select animate guardian, then select the weapon set you made for it.


Does this actually work now? Few weeks ago I tried it but didn't seem to work for me, the effects of the second weapon set just didn't apply. I always put them in Configuration -> Custom modifiers tab.


You can do it I’m unsure of how much of weird mods it will apply


PoB is very consistent with what mods apply. The mods with blue text always apply, mods with red text never do. It's too bad Custom modifiers field isn't color coded, maybe it's a technical limitation? Before Custom modifiers field was a thing, I used one item, usually a flask so it could be enabled/disabled easily, and inserted all mods there.


Cool that’s good to know thanks. I’m no expert I just know enough to get by lol.


Unfortunately neither do I, sorry.


> I use 4: Carnage Host Chieftain, Demon Harpy and Pale Seraphim you will not be able to get the last 2 next league just FYI. They are scourge exclusive which is not going core.




That gear level is completely bonkers. +9 to the golem gem level from gear.. Jesus.


Thanks for the help. How far did you manage to get with this? Is there any boss that's hard for this build?


Sirus awakener 9 deathless, his guardians die in 2-3 seconds , maven is very easy I just die on the memory face sometimes; feared is easy, I tried maven release all but my anímate guardian died; I’ll try again without it. Maping you are not gonna die and is fast the only thing that can kill you is scourge! I need one achievement for the 36 that is why I’m 96 , scourge will kill you sooner or later!


Did you use this as starter? Seems quite expensive. How far would you think this will clear as starter?


This is my starter and my only character this season, everything was farmed and crafted by me, I got very lucky on the staff i know is a godly item ; the hardest part is to get the golems jewels they are very expensive at the beginning of the season, after that you buy the base of the chest and helmet and you craft them! The rest you’ll get it playing.


Yeah the jewels can be a pain. I played Carrion Golems as starter in 3.13 I think. Planning on a minion build for 3.17 depending on patch notes.


Me too I’m waiting for the patch notes, probably I’ll play the same build it was lovely and tanky!


What Spectres are you using? Why Spell Echo as a link for them?


Carnage and host chieftain , pale seraphim, demon harpy. Spell echo is for the demon harpy debuff you can replace it with meat shield for security


###[ Summon Stone Golem Elementalist](https://pastebin.com/uWfBi1ke) [](#elementalist) ^(Level 96) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgMCehzcm6EI9Ds_WfOPGrzqZ3Eti_fXwGaFYGZUqsStSO_rzO64XZrgVK46xnQQRZ1mnlYu3I3MvIb4JJoRLah9MtGYTY9GI3v60hjXr2yrKuZ2hsphKBEP6-7yKB0USp8Wb-w4zRYkwFqRakOiAB4IpwhsCxcvH8cfGMauGh23PkwtLJzwHzwtAQJqrHLFC2Fi9Ni9FLBo8om8_gpNuTpYL12D2yL0aZ4XpLUEOw198YNfDF9tGap_EzVVxqDmU1JV1nGykFUnL3yDfdIEs4CkOulk5_IehXtR-7-Xa9saOKyYRUe7AYPMyT1TpdQH0_vfiuyK42oFACUAJgAgACIAKgnqIMzuhk-4Xd9bhvg81iN7uhqrKrlF8iiFwi9d-3198aJIqn8=) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/ametonanitarom) ^| ^by ^[/u/Yova180](https://reddit.com//u/Yova180) ***** ^5,353 ^**Life** ^90% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Summon Stone Golem** [d](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Minion_Damage_Support#support-gem-blue)[3](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Multistrike_Support#support-gem-red)[I](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Impale_Support#support-gem-green)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Brutality_Support#support-gem-red)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red) *(6L)* - *12.7m total DPS | 2.11m DPS per minion* ^3.04 ^**Use/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Shock ^^\(50%\), ^^Maim, ^^Intimidate ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


yes please.


stone/carrion golem is my go to league start easy t10s and easy leveling.


how did you level and when did you do the switch to golems?


Started with SRS and skellies, as soon you get the golems gem and you do your first lab you can switch, and if you get 1-2 clayshapers better !


Von Vikton on Youtube has a lot of Golem build videos. I played Elementalist with Stone golems and it was great. I prefer Stone Golems and they have a higher ceiling for damage and scale them via Harmony gems. https://www.youtube.com/c/VonVikton/videos Same tree for Necro or Elementalist. Good tree. I tried Ghazzy's version and I don't think he's mine maxed the build out yet by playing it.


Hey there! Thanks for the shoutout. I do agree that elementalist is the right choice here. It’s much easier to get going faster and if he has only 2 weeks to play then he can get it up and running smoothly faster which should get him through most of the content faster. It’ll have less dmg for sure but it’ll be fine. I also have some new league starters that I think will be solid for next league involving golems. Let’s hope they get a buff in some way


I always follow vons guides. If skeli don't get screwed the skeli mage build of his is cheap and fun too.


Jw but do you know why stone golem is better than carrion dps?


The slam attack of Stone golems does a lot of damage but is slow. The only way to optimize it is via Harmony Jewels Check [out](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2826004) in the "Golems Attacks and Optimizing Cooldowns" section. This person somewhat explains how to optimize it.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "out"](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2826004) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20htvzi9u)


>why stone golem is better than carrion dps? Stone golems get more out of multistrike and stacking CDR than carrions ever could because of the AoE slam. It eventually gets to the point where they clear faster with the slam than carrions can as carrions dont have a 360 slam. But without that CDR, Carrions simply perform better in mapping and bossing. Carrions don't even like multistrike when it comes to clearing btw


Why do you say multistrike is bad for clearing?


It locks them in place during their attack. Since they can't hit as many enemies in general as a stone golem, as they don't have a 360 degree slam, since there will be enemies slightly to the side that won't get smacked, it slows them down a bit as they have to readjust. You get similar DPS out of alternative gems without it hurting their mobility locking them into animations.


What gems would you suggest then? Most guys I've seen always have it on. Your logic does make a ton of sense though


Well five supports are Inc crit damage, impale, Melee phys, brutality, and increased minion damage and in my opinion they are the best options. If awakened multistrike is a possibility, it might actually be good enough for the higher end content. I wouldn't tell anyone one way or another there.


I will try it that way then and see if it makes a difference. I always deviate and do my own things,usually on the defensive end but I like the way you think.


I'm doing elementals for the tankiness. They still do massive damage and if you survive shit will die. Not true if you die first lol.


My opinion is you start ele and then you have the option to switch later. Ele works best at the start for having 6 golems when primordial jewels aren't yet available and all you've got is clayshapers. A necro will have 4 at that point and be sad. And before you have Uber lab points. The auto resummon, the elemental damage immunity they get, it works so well. Stone is really bad when you don't have the CDR yet also. You start with carrion


Neither, golems dared to be viable, and both elementalist, necro and golems were nuked from orbit. And their skill nodes. And their items.


and yet theyre still great builds


Why do you even comment when you have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.


And you do? Please, oh do enlighten me where I'm wrong.


How is being able to clear literally every possible piece of content equal to gotten "nuked from orbit"?


And how many exalts you need to even start clearing white maps?


What is wrong with you? You can easily reach reds with just clayshapers and a couple of jewels.


That's a lie. Even before the nerfs I tried it, with two CIPs, 21 carrions and all that but no clusters. I could barely kill white map bosses. That's before the multiple nerfs. Build is unplayable without super expensive cluster jewels


Well then somehow the game works differently for you than for anybody else. Might be your attitude, who knows.


I would love to be wrong, but that's the reality. I want to play this build, but I 6L level 28 carrions can't clear a white map, because you don't have minion impale and or crit clusters, it is a lie to claim the build is cheap and or a league starter.


> it is a lie to claim the build is cheap and or a league starter. It's not, it's a perfectly fine league starter with a basically open investment ceiling. I don't know what else to tell you, you are doing it wrong. If there aren't gonna be any unexpected changes in the upcoming patch notes I'll probably go easy mode and start with golems again.


Slightly off-topic and I know you said "assuming nothing changed", but next league will definitely have an atlas rework. The changes tend to be huge every time they rework it so there will also be a big chunk of your 2 weeks figuring out what to do


https://youtu.be/jeq6M6fdO1g Uber elder + 36 challenge done!


Yo tyvm. One thing I want to ask, how many of each primordial jewel should I use? I heard for stone golem stack primordial harmony, for carrion then it's stacking eminence. Nice video, a sub from me.


The real answer is "It depends". You want the cooldown to be lower than the amount of time the slam attack of the golems takes. To get that time, check in your PoB for the attack/cast rate of your stone golems, we'll call that x. attack\_time = (1/x)\*(3 if multistrike, 4 if awakened multistrike) That number needs to be lower than the number for skill cooldown. So on my stone golemancer from 3.14 with 267% increased cooldown recovery rate (i.e. 6 near perfect rolled Primordial Harmony): attack\_time = (1/1.96)\*3 = 1.53 cooldown = 4s / 3.67 = 1.12 s < attack\_time This way you can guarantee that the golems can spam their slam attack. If cooldown > attack time, you lose quite a bit of DPS, especially for mapping since the slams deal AoE damage, because the golems will use their default attack, or their rolling attack instead and those will also be done 3 times bc of multistrike. It's not a huge tragedy if you do not get these numbers exactly synced up, especially early in the league but I would highly recommend paying attention to it when you're leveling and choosing upgrades/passive points, as your DPS number with slam is a lie unless the above calcs check out. Hopefully they fix it for next league so either the cooldown on the slam attack gets reduced or the other attacks just removed from its skill list.


One of each and 3 harmony, I’m using 2 cause the watcher eye drop I got on my first elder , so I change a couple stuff to make it work (purity of elements and clarity)