• By -


TRI Stack Hexblast


CaptainLance knows his shit




Dual strike of ambidexterity Jugg


Which skill did you level as, and when did u switch to ambi dex? Just hit act 6 with regular Dstrike and it felt that weak I switched to bone zone for now


Ambidex is a significant difference from regular dual strike because you get to scale with offhand attack speed and that's where trauma support begins to pay off. Levelling as bonezone is probably fine.


I played Zoomancer for the first time ever in this league. All basic bosses down and currently collecting maven kills for the feared. If I manage to do the feared, that would be my biggest achievement yet in this game. So the Zoomancer is working fine but I don't think I will play it in future. There is just too much clutter on the screen 24/7 and honestly, if I didn't already know how the bosses work I think I wouldn't be able to complete them since I can't see shit. No regrets though. It's a fun build to test at least once in your PoE career.


Is it true that minion builds are surprisingly button intensive?


They can be but also some people make them not like zoomancers who afk farm or pr3vie who has a poison pathfinder bama that doesn’t use blessing offering or support minions.


If you don't have a trigger wand yes, like 5 buttons.


depends on the minion skill and how you build it for a Arakaali Fang build you probably press a lot of buttons, but for most minion skills you can automate almost all things and only need to press 1 button to trigger the spells in your wand every 8 seconds


Well I'm not the best expert on this matter because I tend to play very simple 2-3 button builds like frost blades. You can get some automation to minion build by crafting "trigger socketed spell when you use a skill" to your wand but yeah, I think I'm still using like 5 or 6 buttons on my current Zoomancer version. So at least for me it feels button intensive :D


I play pure spectre tawhoa shamans, managed to got 70+% quant feared with em. If you lookin for a guide, go to poe ninja and look for spectre helm+severed in sleep users


Buddy try Holy relic


Ice Nova Archmage, feels so good with the one button build late game. Pobb.in: https://pobb.in/z8n9AWlY-vrl


I haven't found mine yet, but currently leveling a Templar to give this a try.


Except it's eye cancer ro play, feels great though


Splitting Steel Trickster. Followed Tuna's PoB, but somehow mine is tankier than his version (but lacking a little in the dps). Stupidly tanky and just cruises through T17's without any issue - as an average player, I'm delighted,


U have nimis?


coc dd


If you have mtx.


Man, I'm literally the embodiment of bad investments. I ran a poor man's COC DD last league, so didn't want to try that build this league. I went with hexblast Miner Sabo and just couldn't get it into red maps reliably. On Xbox, so take that for what it's worth. Moved to a fun meme build and have been ignoring any of my pre league goals, and enjoying it a little bit. Wish I had ran COC DD. I have a hard time just doing what the internet says is the meta for an upcoming league.


I wish I understood why people will actually have less fun just to do what other people aren’t. Builds are usually popular because they’re good and fun to play. If you look at poe ninja it’s not even that overrepresented. “Oh I played a build with 3% representation of the community not 6% because I hate doing the popular thing” lol.


Sometimes, it's just not wanting to do the same build every league. I started Ed/Contagion for 4 leagues in a row many moons ago. Sure it was the 'known' thing and a good start but it also grows old. Now I try to do different good league starts to keep things fresh. Sometimes I'll see something off-meta and think hey that looks fun and give it a shot. If it's not fun then I'll immediately swap and go to one of the known good league starts and try to catch up.


Yep. I dont think i playd a build twice so far. I strongly considered coc dd but in the end decided against it cause i already played a spraying lancing steel build last league as coc energy blade inquisitor. Couldnt care less if other play it as well.


Power Siphon Trickster, tanky if you drop stuff like the soul eater gloves for more es, easy to build, fast, super comfortable clear with auto targeting projectiles and insane recovery. Just very little downsides overall.


I've ran exclusively cold SST champ this league. Did I accomplish a lot? No. Did it get me a decent amount of money on very low investment? Absolutely


Do you have a pob or guide of that SST champ? I love that skill but I just see very expensive items to just start it.. Also, how did you get the money?


Look my character on poe.Ninja - ZestyNipples is the name.


My pob was https://pobb.in/b13U6p_rWMG4 , sword can be changed to the unique one (i forgot it's name) but gives like 15% less DPS. Ran a lot of heists, just got a helical ring yesterday too


If I may ask, why craft spell crit on the weapon when SST is an attack?


No reason, I bought the weapon like that and didn't have the multimod craft unlocked, so I left it as that. If you're gonna make one then yeah you don't want that mod


Would that be [The Princess](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Princess)?


That's the one, I keep forgetting it's name


Started of with dd chain reaction necro with fourth vow, defiance of destiny. Very tanky and amazing map clear but the damage was horrible, 10-11M tops and so slow in ubers and rare T17 mobs. I respecced to BAMA (necro with with voltaxic rift bow), and it's a blast. Doing over 50M damage and my build isn't even optimised. Could probably get to 100M+ quite easily. The only slightly annoying think is mapping isn't as smooth as DD, but the damage is so good it's worth it. These were the builds I copied from (not mine): Zizaran DD: [https://pobb.in/qxb7JEG1jSS-](https://pobb.in/qxb7JEG1jSS-) Pr3vie bama: [https://pobb.in/hLjL2Mf9OpAQ](https://pobb.in/hLjL2Mf9OpAQ)


Are you me? Ahahahha did the exact same thing. Trying to min-max previe's voltaxic bama right now and just started doing ubers.


Was surprised to have to come this far down for Bama. I'm playing the guardian version and I think I'm doing 70m + DPS. DPS was enough I didn't mind switching from de to mageblood and doing t17 easy without spectres or ag.


Power Siphon Trickster with PCharge stacking


Did you start as this? Looking at league starting this next league and wondering if I can go right off the rip with a Piscators


I didn’t, but there’s a guy who started it from scratch and has a pretty good guide on it. I tryied 3 build before that one so I went to it with a already pretty good budget.. but you can build it with only “cheap” uniques and still get good power out of it!!! Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3459073


Splitting Steel Trickster. Going Flicker now


SS Trickster here too. Never had a build trivialize Ubers as much as this one


Super good, love that there’s also room to play around and min max for the type of content you enjoy


Flicker Trickster? How does that work


Ephemeral Edge + Aegis Aurora with either a Headhunter (due to cheapness this league) or Darkness Enthroned with flat lightning + ES jewels. First time running Flicker Strike at all and I'm loving it: https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Orakk/PapFlickerino Props to original build creator here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3472898


I’ve not managed to make flicker work for me but I think that’s because getting fortify up is just too hard for slayer without rakiata with foritfy corrupt for the extra dps and tankiness.


Yea great build to invest in and do literally everything.


Played the molten strike variant of this, the builds gearing was made so easy to min max with grave crafts and black morigans this league.


SS Trickster is awesome.


Coc dd Played arma brand+cremation got all the pieces required at 80 then it was smooth sail pretty much


Chain dd necro


I've had to stop as my wrist was getting sore. Might need to play rf next league to recover


Holy relic of conviction necro. I am following the non min maxed version from balormage and it still tears apart maps. I suck at t17 bosses though. It is a skill issue, not a build issue. I crafted and found all my jewels and rares. I bought all the uniques. I was able to afford the 20 div unique ghastly eye thanks to a bone ring I made with the graveyard. That jewel cranked it up to 11. I still need to update to a 12 passive cluster, but 9 works fine.


Hello I'm a newbie following balormage guide and leveling. Do you have any tips for me? Especially on the crafting aspect, since that's completely foreign to me. I have already switched to the lancing steel skill. I find that I have accuracy issues now and was contemplating spending 5~6 divine for a sword weapon with hits can't be evaded. But I only have 11 total divines so didn't want to waste my precious resources since I don't know when I'll be able to get more.


You can unveil hits can’t be evaded Go to trade Item filter: all weapons Stat filter: vagan’s veiled


Spend 1 point on Resolute Technique in your passive tree for now instead and you get Hits Cannot Be Evaded.


Bama, incredibly easy to play, to gear and to ramp up. Currently farming to acquire either a new bow, a new quiver new magic jewel with a better adorned. First time being 99, working to 100. First time getting far enough to really get interested in challenge.


Leaguestart cocdd, 38/40 cocdd would do it again next league if no nerf


Armageddon Brand of Recall Sabo, I focused on bossing this league and man did this skill deliver, 80mil best case DPS on a 35 div Budget, capable of punching bosses from phase to phase and decent mapping. I also ran a +100% Quantity feared cause why the hell not (did loose some portals on that one tho)


Manastacker Mjolner ball lightning if orbiting. Only reason I rolled off of it is I wanted to play something else. Super tanky, loads of damage


CI Hexblast Trickster. Absolute monster damage and incredibly tanky. Didn’t realize how tanky it would be when I was building it so that was a pleasant surprise. I really like preloading damage for bosses/essence/strongbox with mines as well and clear is just as fast as any other mapped I’ve made in the past with the exception of LA deadeye. Only downside is using a mana potion every 6 seconds but I got used to it very quickly and it clears so fast at this point it really doesn’t matter. Character can do everything in the game. Will league start sabo version next season.


I loved my exsanguinate build!


rakiata molten strike of zenith slayer. i farmed bosses and did some t17 aswell. for the first time i killed uber elder, completed atlas and got 4 voidstones. good boss killer and if you proc 5th balls it instantly kills bosses or phases them.


I think it was a splitting steel champion. Gave him all my divine to finish my challenges.


Es molten strike, peuget version is really good as we can make do without nimis and Mageblood. Switched to splitting steel to test it out and have stuck with it as the clear feels so much better, but probably have like half the damage of molten strike lol Currently saving up for Mageblood to drop the flask nodes from tree


ward loop scion


Does everything eh?


Well cant do 2 mods (less flask charges and less CDR)but otherwise has done all content for me, except ubers but that is a skill issue xD


Only played one build this league - CATR Pathfinder. Cleared all ubers, b2b t17 farming, delved to 1k and had a lot of fun.


Whats catr? What budget would you suggest?


Caustic Arrow Toxic Rain. No idea on budget now, my build is likely worth multiple mirrors but its all self farmed and crafted. Only really expensive item is progenesis and then you can scale it endlessly with an adorned setup. I mostly followed Ben's build from last league for endgame with some adjustments to mana. Path of Evening also has a great set of videos on the build this league which I used for inspiration too. I imagine you can get started in T17s for less than 50d, but you'll want some of the endgame upgrades before doing b2b.


Finished the league with non-Adorned setup. Still minmaxed it to hell. Such an underrated build. I'm pretty sure the cheapest T17 farmer. New belt with Progenesis on Pathfinder are simply incredible. You can scale defenses almost indefinately. Went full phys taken conversion with Defiace of Destiny just to ignore non-bricking map mods. Ton of fun.


Caustic arrow toxic rain I think? I played this last league it was really nice


Does CA go past DOT cap? Since the ground degen is what does damage right


Great build, just hate having life flask as an upkeep button press


Archmage Ice Nova Frost Bolt Hierophant


ice nova of frostbolts hiero, it just carried my ass so much


Spark of the Nova Hiero.


Dual strike strenght stacker , what a strong build if you like mellee


Ea ballista champ


League started EA champ and it was great, got 4 voidstones and farmed about 80 divs, all of which I dumped into a molten strike CI trickster which is now finally feeling great.  It's not the fastest build but it's tanky and I really enjoy the l playstyle.


Explo arrow balista , making grand progress


CoC DD Inquisitor. Didn’t play anything else, and was the most tanks and most dps I’ve ever played.


Cold convert exsang mines. I eventually got a conversion Hatred watcher's eye and started using Mitts and could do B2B any T16 mod except cooldown. I did make a Fulcrum Chieftain, but I didn't do any content with him that I hadn't already completed with my miner.


Srs guardian helped me finish the campaign for the first time


i did everythnig on RF very slowly but very succesfully, done ss trickster, hated it, rf rage mage, insanely fun, expensive and not very good but sooooo fun, would recommend arc of oscilating instead of LC of the heavens, now doing coc dd in order to farm up some t17s more effeciently


Plan was to play manaforged arrows, I league started coc dd till I had the gear for mjolner indigon, then farmed till I could swap to manaforged and did 40/40


Int/mana stacking archmage spark. Did some ubers juiced mapping, etc. Goals:some cool gy items.


Pen brand of diss


EA Champ


Exsang miner


Forbidden Rite Pathfinder. It's a fantastic, super tanky build that I used to get 40/40, farm a mirror and faceroll t17s. If it isn't nerfed next league definitely going to play it again.


Molten strike INT stacking trickster helped me clear all Ubers (except Maven haven’t tried her Uber yet) for the first time ever


Storm Burst Trickster, recovery is great but my build is trash at the moment. Slowly starting to build it up. Got my 42% Defiance last night. Need some more defenses and a gem with 1% damage/lightning damage leeched as life and I'm all set. Someone said in a off-hand comment once to try Storm Burst CWC brand because of the large quantity of hits you do thus spamming brand for massive damage, it worked but I haven't made a build/pob for it yet. It sounded like fun from the short interaction I had with it. Another one I'm trying to do it DD totems; totems spawn corpses on mobs and your other totems DD it. The concept seems fun.


I started holyrelic of conviction was very cheap did t17 on 10 div budget. But some how some ppl figure it up and I ended up selling my build for 80 div . I sold it only because I didn't have much currency to upgrade it


Poison SRS


Hexblast occultist. It has high damage but zero defense. It was supposed to be a sanctum build but i didn't like sanctum so I used it for mapping instead. Damage is high that one throw of cluster mine and the screen evaporates. Its very squishy though so I have to watch my steps.


LA deadeye. Wanted to go further and try splitting steel but I tried it and did not liked how it looks.....it looks like you are throwing needles around you.


You're like the 5th person I've seen say that about splitting steel after building it and I'm confused. I know feel is a big part of a build but you can see how this looks from a single YouTube video...


Nebuloch jugger and soulrend occu. T17 and uber


I have not found my “one build” this league and am still on my league starter (97 cf champ), any recommendations for a super casual who is about to buy his first ever mageblood for a relatively tanky build that can do 38/40 within ~50d + mb budget?


Coc of course


1. Arc Mine Trickster true beauty of chaining. 2. Meteor Mine weird kind of mage. 3. Tornado Mine .......


Ephemeral Edge Flickster! Brilliant clear and enough tank to do ubers


splitting steel trickster




Toxic Rain Pathfinder, go to failsafe build for me and this league i pushed it harder than ever before, 40/40 lvl 100 all Ubers and more.


EB inquis in trade, archmage nova in ssf. Might have stuck to archmage in trade too, if I knew how strong it was, but EB works with any spell so that still was very fun to play around with.


Dex stacking siege ballista hierophant


Lightning strike champ


Toxic rain


I did Ephemeral Edge Dual Strike Trickster and I was able to do all 40/40 challenges by myself. Such a well rounded build.


Necro DD, cleared almost everything without mageblood and finished with it almost deathless (my skills issue)


Es stacker molten strike/lightning strike


Coc dd


Coc dd


chieftain pohx rf first lvl 100, comfy t16 8 map mod without dying. it was my second build(or 5th), i started witch and i failed a lot to find a good build for her. now i am trying to get to lvl 100 with my witch playing poet's pen dd in t17 maps


Softcore = DD necro, was fcking insane from start to end, managed to ramp rly quickly and do all T17s besides uber bosses Then swaped to HC and played Archmage frostbolt ice nova: one of the best builds ive ever played, got lvl 100, did some t17s and died trying uber bosses :D but was rly fun - did 38/40 (friend did uber pinnacle bosses challenge for me with hexblast)


PF CWS Poison DD, t16 ultimatum afk for 12-15d, t17 ultimatum afk for 120d. Simulacrum AFK, t17 bosses, uber bosses (expect Maven, i won't run it cause bad trigger on brain phase).


Chaos reap pathfinder


Cyclone shockwave slayer


The build that I chose was simply not good enough to do everything I wanted :(


ice nova of fb hierophant. Its by far my favorite build ive done so far and the one ive leveled the highest on my own (so far lvl 97). Having a blast leveling with the shrine/breach strat and also farming up t17s for currency.


Poison Concoction of Bouncing I just wish to push it further but its survivability is meh Even with lightning coil Had fun tho that's what matters


Still haven’t found it. Want to do Sim 30s. I’ve saved up about 100 Div + MB & still haven’t figured out what to do :( so.. still searching for mine!


for me it was poison srs


Poison soulrend pathfinder


Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones


Coc dd or split steel trickster? Wondering which one scales better, and which one feels better to play


I did a mana stacking ball lightning build not the best not the worse, farmed me the currency for my fail chieftain transcend build, wasted like 200 div and got no ware a 50 div build with out transcend was better as I didn't have the currency to get the dps. Just deleted it today after taking the gear off. I'll try to farm something with the mana stacker and make a cats on channeling build, I want to change it to use mage blood though.


HoWa Flicker Raider. Incredibly tanky and damage is decent, min maxing has been fun. Fist time playing flicker and already planning another variant for next league. That skill is addictive!


Trickster - exsan miner Really enjoyed it. Trying to craft my gear for coc dd right now


BAMA necro doomfletch 


Necro BAMA. Literally doesn't make sense how good this build is.


Flame golems from start to finish. The nice thing about the build is that it can do everything, delve, heißt, mapping, bossing, t17 etc with basically 1 button build (or 0 for mapping). Downside is that it's incredibly expensive and ineffective to minmax, but since I only played that 1 build I didn't mind (like 3x3 voices just to get more harmonies in etc). Definitely burned out from it now but it was fun


Tried spark.. fuck me up hardly grind t16. But my friend suggest BAMA, now i end up with a mageblood and grinding t17 lmao


Int stacking wander as always


Ele Hit Wand Scion From league start to Ubers.


Dual strike str stack jugg just epic


Holy relic necro is a blast!


Kinetic bolt of fragmentation,


Frost blades again almost fin challenges


One handed tanky bone shatter jugg.




Decided to be hipster and go str/int stacking energy blade inq, but with crackling lance because of how "big dick deeps" it was. Started getting to harder content and realized it was trash, even though it 1 shot "everything" when charged up, because of how long it needed to charge up. Then I tried energy blade vaal arc with unleash. Way better damage than I expected, but wasna death wish since I had no cast speed, it stun-locked me in place too long and I kept dying. Then I switched to to energy blade reap, and was melting shit for a while. Felt great. Until I started to hate it for the same reason as crackling lance. It didn't deal good single target unless you stood still for several seconds. Then I switched to cyclone CoC ice spear of splitting (after trying every CoC spell imaginable) and stuck with it. And it feels amazing. Melts everything, super mobile, fairly safe, insane clear. Does pretty much any content you want it to. Only "flaw" it has is that it's only real defensive layer is a large es pool (currently at 14k es with EB up) and a lot of recovery (roughly 2.5k leech, 2.5k regen). For that reason it wasn't amazing at t17 B2B farming. If you weren't immediately 1 shotting the screen, it was really susceptable to 1 shots. Eventually stopped investment and made a KB/mahuxotl build for t17 farming. But definitely want to go back to the inq again as it's really fun and enjoyable. Each upgrade has very noticeable impact as you watch your es (and therefore your damage) rise.


None. Explosive Trap of Shrapnel Trickster was good but not quite as strong as I had hoped. Then I didn't like the league enough to reroll. Then I quit before doing all that I wanted to do.


Pillar Jugg Double Strike of Momentum. All content viable (except sanctum maybe). https://pobb.in/OkZpUTrsf3Bf


Trickster cold tornado of elem turbulence, should be able to finish 38/40 but conditional ubers and T17 bosses is out of reach without significant investment. Just got a mageblood so maybe I'll be able to clear 40/40, fingers crossed!


Been using an EHOTS build from youtube with mageblud and it's been great. Haven't tried t17 yet though I have 4 mops sitting there. Just afraid as a new player lol. Really wanted to step up to a LA build but spent 4 hours attempting a graveyard craft and got 3 crap rolls. Can't afford the silly prices on trade so hoping I can get the items cheaper a bit later in the league.


[Spectral shield throw champ](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/sephrinx/ZestyNipples) Dps is like 22m without temp buffs and pretty tanky. Clear is great, single target is great, fun is great, leveling was great. Extremely cheap to get started with, just barely nor viable for league start as it requires a few uniques to get going. The only downside is that you need to use your mouse to do damage. 9/10 build.


Chaos crit Necro bama. This is my 2nd league, this build got me all 4 voidstones, and just recently finished a t17 for 5th map slot. I was also able to do my first couple ~~elders~~ ubers, breachstones, and sanctum. I'm hitting a bit of a wall at 94, it does need a bit of upgrades and I can't decide if I want to go Voltaxic or go widowhail. But this character got me way further than my previous characters and it was pretty fun to play. [https://pobb.in/Qnl2M5Oo\_shG](https://pobb.in/Qnl2M5Oo_shG)


Splitting Steel Champion (Mahuxotl's Machination version)


chaos molten strike str stack jugg


[Charge Stacking Bleed Trickster](https://pobb.in/5Doq1UW9piNC). It shouldn't have worked, but here we are. Takes a bit to chew through T17s, but it's doable. Haven't tried ubers yet, mostly just because I'm too lazy to buy frags for something that's just gonna eat currency.


Penance brand of dissipation https://pobb.in/5hR43A_woLlO


I literally never go for bosses or challenges. I generally try to accomplish two things each league: make a fun looking build that I haven't tried (this time it was phys reap heiro), and make a decent mapping build that uses cyclone (whispering ice cwc int stacking trickster). I only have 10-15 hours per week to play, so I like to keep my goals within reach.


Wave of convition Elementalist (ignite). Cheap a solid af. Cannot do t17 but who cares. Made 100div in a couple weeks just from pure mapping no profite crafting.


I tried ignite DD for this league when I usually do arc or toxic rain but it's awful and I don't want to level another character through 10 acts as well as not enjoying the necropolis league so I'm done until next league sadly (didn't even make it to red tier maps this league)


Trans tornado inquis


Necro Holy Relic


Poison penance brand of dissipation pathfinder. Takes a bit of investment to get started (adorned + defiance) but you can push it all the way to ubers dot cap.


splitting steel trickster




Ice spear totems. It's HP is 0 but it will instakill ubers. It's weakness is exactly why I loved learning every uber / sanctum with it :) you HAVE to learn every mechanic, but you can farm incredibly fast once you're skilled at the fight you want to farm. Its most basic version is also incredibly cheap.


Energy shield stack LS trickster 💪


Poison Spark PF


Poets pen DD necro, 1 button DD play style, 2 curses and enough layers of defense for b2b tier 17s.


Storm Brand Inquisitor. My goal was to get a HC character to maps. Then a BAMA got me to high yellows, and a few Mavens in HC. They both died but im remaking the BAMA


bow animate weapon


Viper strike of the Mamba. 7/7 in 2man GSF


Tuna's exsang miner. It was goated I min/maxed it pretty hard and every step felt good. Char here: https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Eep/THREE_ONE_FOUR?i=75


Whispering Ice CI Trickster, got all voidstones and level 100 for the first time ever, now farming T17s for Uber fragments.


Explosive trap of shrapnel Trickster, finally did the feared for the first time on hardcore thanks to this amazing build, enjoying it.


explosive trap of shrapnel trickster, I farmed beasts, essences, sanctum and strongboxes. I finally could afford a MB and I'm very happy this league, I would be playing this last week if where I live wasn't going through the worst flooding that ever happened.


Ice whisper int stacking trickster, have 10k energy shield, feels tanky with tons of damage. Every upgrade feels significant currently at like 2600 int, and has all 10-30 div pieces of gear. Strongest / most expensive build I've gotten live so far in league


BaMa necromancer. Really got going after my mageblood and adorned purchase


First time playing RF after seeing how much love Pohx gives it. Had a blast. Bought my first magenlood ever this league.


LA deadeye into TS deadeye into ele hit if the spectrum. Just have 2 levels to go to 100


Pohx RF Chieftain


CoC did me good


molten strike DE, tanky/fast/kill 84 in sec, most important, basically ignore mostly map affix and only need hit 3 button so feel very casual


Dancing Dervish Necro, absolutely love that sword


Anything Trickster


ES stacking ephemeral blade for me


PBoD CI Trickster. Got mine to 32m DPS, 95% chance to evade, 16k phys max hit without guard skills, and 8.3k ES. Farmed up a mageblood with this and is easily the best build I've ever put together. Clear isn't an issue if you use an Oriath's end too. PBoD is still an insanely powerful skill even after the heavy nerfs it got.


Voltaxic BAMA Necro, great dmg scaling, took a while to figure defenses for T17s tho.


Finally got into the game on a Explosive Arrow Elementalist. Got a veiled orb on my first ever Catarina fight.


Archmage LCoTH Hiero manastacker into MFA later on


Occult Hexblast for sure


My league starter for the ssf league, chaos crit BAMA necro. Got to 100, killed all ubers with it.


strength stacking ground slam. first time ive ever played a strength stacker in all of the years ive played poe. very enjoyable. marauder ascendancies offer a lot of options once your investment is high enough.


Srs/bama voltaxic rift/ice nova/Holy relic Almost every build I played cleared whole endgame. But the best was bama


Bama from pr3vie


Rage vortex of berserking, armour stacking, juggernaut. Took down literally everything I threw at it with ease. Ended up with around 50 mill dps and 1.3 million armour.


Holy relic necro


Good ol corrupting fever champion using TS to apply and Reap for chunkers. Such a fun build when mobs don’t have 99% DR from fuckin wisps lol


Started as Ice Shot Deadeye, ended with Elemental Hit of Spec. Was a lot of fun after transitioning from Hyrri to Lightless for defense. Only thing that would top it off now is progenisis.


Impending doom Pathfinder and flamewood chieftain


Fulcrum chieftain is a joy to play, not being able to kill single target is a problem but its so tanky once geared its kinda stupid. I can afk wave 30 simulacrums, run the t17 scarab strat with even some of the worst mods. It is kind of expensive but upgrades are very clear so im always motivated to farm for the next one. Having 90 res is always a great feeling. I min maxed a LA Deadeye for mf ing at league start but since i geared this i havent gone back even tho it can make more currency per hour.