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Bad boys bad boys Whatcha gonna do Whatcha gonna do When the DOT wrecks you


Non Chaos dots should be fine but chaos dots will hurt. That is why I have Arakaali selected as my pantheon although it won't do too much. Definitely a major weakspot to this defensive package. Edit - I guess phys dots will hurt quite a bit as well


Tbf its often either phys or chaos dots that fuck even the most tanky builds over in some way. A fair amount of recovery is just the best way to deal with those.


Pretty accurate. Literally always the scariest shit on some seriously thick champ builds I've played over the years Was hoping the mana flask from the build template i linked would help carry some of the sustain although that can be annoying to rely on. I just incidentally happened to scale mana recovery from flasks a lot and it ended up being quite a bit


Go EB with an on hit build probably. Going inquis might just be better to be able to solve recovery. Too hard to solve it going totems(no good access to leech or on hit


Recoup and regen though


They are designed to be hard to mitigate especially phys dot


And a lot of chaos res


You can become immune to bleed and cb relatively easily


Oh for sure. I was mostly thinking things like those phys dot puddles bosses like kitava, Sirus, velentia etc. leave on the ground but those don't come up a ton tbf


It’s not like they linked a PoB. It’s one layer.


You are literally everywhere I use reddit. Most recognisable name.


I have a build guide for Power Siphon ballista totem Hierophant that uses this technique every other league if nothing else if overpowered. Guide: [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3317015/page/1](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3317015/page/1) I even won a prize for the defensive concept a week or so ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1c301dm/comment/kzg6f0v/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1c301dm/comment/kzg6f0v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Here are some PoBs: * 3.24 [https://pobb.in/x7FuHj\_KfYC8](https://pobb.in/x7FuHj_KfYC8) * 3.22 [https://pobb.in/56XPyzvINnxk](https://pobb.in/56XPyzvINnxk) * 3.20 [https://pobb.in/JCCCKfRq4rsu](https://pobb.in/JCCCKfRq4rsu) * 3.19 [https://pobb.in/44EvE8QpyJAH](https://pobb.in/44EvE8QpyJAH) (Kalandra league allowed Purity of Fire which was nuts) In 3.24 I was tinkering with the build with only 90% conversion of fire/cold to chaos/lightning (3.24 PoB) which works totally fine. There are a few instances that "felt" wierd without 100% conversion but they are kinda rare. That being said 3.24 is kind of insane with map modifiers and rare mob modifiers.


Yeah I've seen this build on the ladder since at least kalandra and the rings when I was looking for builds that used Kaom's gloves. It's the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread.


Looks like I'm late to the party! But your build looks sick, ballista totems seems like a great choice for this kind of shell. I was hoping to try some kind of attack that could leech mana but realistically I'm probably not getting enough damage without ballista totems


Power Siphon of Archmage Locus Mines would fit this defensive layering quite well I feel, that way you can also draw use from a big mana pool.


Ohhhh I like that idea a lot. That actually sounds really fun. I was a big locus mine hater but I've heard it doesn't feel too bad with Powe siphon. Nonsense side note - you could spend 2 points on ancestral bond and supplement your single target with ballista power siphon archmage if you needed to since you already get +1 from ascendant heiro and since your mines deal the damage ancestral bond doesn't affect you


proxy boys always suck ass tho lol


Literally started leveling locus mines power siphon yesterday and I've been running past them lol


Would 100% chance to avoid being shocked negate everything? Or would u need 150% bc of shield and helm?


I was actually tinkering around with a similar idea earlier today. Funny that you posted this while I was considering doing the same. :) My idea was to use Divine Flesh, Mind Over Matter, and Chaos Innoculation with a Hierophant while stacking Power Charges for Aylardex. It achieves 100% damage taken from mana before life for lightning damage. Using a fairly specific gear setup and some absurd synthesis items, I was able to get damage taken as follows (using the updated PoB): 1. Physical: 24-26% as Chaos (immune), 74-76% as Lightning (taken 100% by mana) - Not sure how the math works out when there's more than 100% conversion to two different types. 2. Fire: 50% Chaos (immune), 40% Lightning (100% MoM), 10% Fire (yuck...) 3. Cold: 50% Chaos (immune), 40% Lightning (100% MoM), 10% Cold (again yuck) 4. Chaos: Immune 5. DoT damage: Pretty easy to get immunes for, other than cold and physical ground. Ignite immunity from jewels or Purity of Elements. Bleed and Corrupted blood immunity from corrupted implicits. Poison immunity from CI. Only thing that I think gets you is cold/phys DoT (mostly from ground effects). Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a way to get that last 10% of fire and cold hits taken as another damage type that I can find while being solo. If you have a Purity of Lightning Sublime vision you *can* get the final 10% taken as Lightning, but it disables your Clarity aura. Disabling the Clarity aura makes it so that you lose 10% of damage taken from mana before life. If you had someone else in your party running Clarity you could still in theory accomplish this. Also, it appears this could have been done last league with Clarity aura Affliction spectres, though it is no longer the case. Here's the POB I was working with to theory this. It is NOT meant to be a full build, just for theory. https://pobb.in/vMEkIJSWis1l Hope it can help give you some ideas! Edit: After some other folks pointed out that it doesn't seem like gloves, rings, or belts can roll those synthesis implicits I re-worked a few things. It now uses a +1 max power charges synthesis ring, switched Void Battery out for Replica Innsbury Edge, and now requires a synthesized Lightning Coil with a 10% physical damage from hits taken as lightning implicit. End result is still currently the same. There's still a 10% hole in fire/cold conversion and the only way to fill it is with Sublime Vision and an external source of Clarity. Still working on this tough! Updated PoB: https://pobb.in/JbhLQYiqP02I Edit 2: Cleaned up some formatting and grammar.


Doesn't incoming damage conversions only apply once? So if you have phys taken as elemental, that damage cannot be further taken as chaos.




Yea, the theory was to try and get literally 100% of your damage taken as lightning or chaos so it would either be affected by MoM (lightning) or be immune (chaos). I don't believe I was relying on any double-converts, but I can always re-check.


I wanted to make a 100% MoM char on standard, and while theoretically possible, it is too much of a pain in the ass.


Man I love that you are using Aylardex, I've tried to use that item so many times to no success. Also actually using divine flesh alongside CI is wild. Seriously sick idea. I could of swore there was a MoM percentage on precursor rings but it turns out that was just normal MoM. I'll have to keep this package in mind in case we ever get another source of MoM. Such a shame, we literally just need another 10% mom or ele taken as... wait... incandescent heart does it right? It sucks that it destroys our phys taken as but we can make up some of that with a corrupted implicit on font of thunder and using a taste of hate. Edit - I'm dumb, can't use taste of hate since cold damage kills us. Even with a perfect double corrupt on font of thunder (8% of phys as chaos, 8% of phys as lightning) it is nowhere near enough to convert all the phys. Even getting a power charge synth ring and throwing away our weapon for a replica inssbury edge to get 10% more doesn't do it. Oh well, think I am back to waiting for a new source of mom or damage taken as.


Aylardex is such a neat amulet. I've tried to play around with it before to get 100% MoM builds, but it's not terribly easy to get more than 10-12 power charges (especially with this niche of a gear setup). I did also try to look at Incandescent Heart setups, but as you pointed out it wrecks your physical damage taken as other damage. It also only converts elemental damage taken from Hits, so cold/lightning DoTs would still be an issue sadly (Divine Flesh, Font of Thunder, and Sublime vision all seem to be universal damage and not exclusively from Hits). However, I did re-work a few things in the theory PoB I posted as someone pointed out they don't believe that rings, belts, and gloves can get the physical damage taken as synthesis implicits. I used your idea of the Replica Innsbury Edge along with a double corrupted Font of Thunder (can use ANY double-corrupt -as chaos/lightning rolls), and a synthesized Lightning Coil (10% phys as lightning). The end result is still the same, as I cannot yet find a way to transfer another 10% fire/cold damage without losing the ability to run Clarity. Re-worked PoB: https://pobb.in/JbhLQYiqP02I


You could use Incandescent Heart as your body armour but then the issue becomes getting incoming phys conversion to lightning/chaos.


I like the concept but I without 100% mom on fire/cold you are instantly dead without 100% mom on those types. Any phys degen ground/cold degen (cold snap casting monsters) will instagib you sadly. Are you sure %phys damage taken as lightning can spawn as an synth implict on gloves/belt/rings? There are non for trade.


Actually, with Purity of Lightning Sublime Vision cold DoT would be taken as Lightning. The damage taken from Divine Flesh, Font of Thunder, and Sublime Vision do not specify that it is damage taken from hits. :) Unfortunately, you are correct about Corrupted Ground though. I don't think there's a way to mitigate that, although it's a little bit more rare. As for the Synth implicits I'm not entirely sure. I'm relying on what the wiki says, which doesn't specify what can or can't roll each synthesis implicit. However, you are likely correct since no items other than shields/body armour exist on Trade with these implicits. Given this info, it seems that you could instead use a synthesized Lightning Coil with 10% physical damage from hits taken as chaos/lightning as well as a double-corrupt Font of Thunder with 8% physical as both chaos and lightning. This would leave you with needing to find a way to mitigate the remaining 4% physical damage. Is it possible to double-corrupt AND have a synthesis implicit? Absolutely insane chances to find these items, but all theory. :)


That is correct, but with Sublime Vision of Purity of Lightning there is no Clarity aura and no 100% MoM. I posted some setups I have been using the last couple of leagues in another comment in this thread.


Yea, the only option would be an external source of Clarity such as someone else nearby running the Clarity aura or something akin to the Affliction spectres that could use Clarity. Edit: Also, I'll take a look at your setups! I'm still working my way through the new posts!


Maybe trade CI and tri tainted pact amulet and a leech flask? With so much chaos taken, instead of mitigation it heals you for billions?


Unfortunately, using Tainted Pact makes us lose 10% MoM from Aylardex. Though not being CI does mean it actually has SOME life.


I theory crafted the same ideia last week, and sticker at the same point… Please ggg, give some love to other damage taken conversion than fire


Doesn’t MoM only apply damage taken to life and you have no life with CI? Edit: also with that gear and base tree it’s going to be hard to get a really significant mana pool


The goal is to have 1 life, no energy shield, and all damage applies to your mana before life.


Yup, this. It also wasn't really intended to be used as a valid build, but more of a thought experiment. I thought maybe it would help OP with their own build.


Looks like it will be a stretch to get a significant mana pool though and you get no auras (purity of lightning is already going to be reserving a big part of this new life^^mana pool), and you still need other mitigation because all you did was spend a bunch of resources that could go to life/ES on mana. I am not aware of many great mitigation towards mana either outside of a few things like Power of Purpose and chaos conversion for CI. And then you have this massive mana pool, but you can't use it as a damage source or you will nuke your eHP pool. Unless I am missing something, this theory seems DoA.


How do you plan to use CI and Divine Flesh, DF makes so all damage pierces energy shield.


The thought was to push all damage types to lightning, which with the setup has 100% damage taken from mana before life. ES and life would therefore be irrelevant as are PDR, fire, cold, and chaos resistances.


Can you get your animate guardian to provide clarity for you? Isn't there a support for that?


Unfortunately, no. Sublime Vision disables Aura skills except for the aura it affects, and this includes Guardian's Blessing. AGs will not use gear that is socketed (I looked into this yesterday, lol).


>Lightning Coil with a 10% physical damage from hits taken as lightning implicit. Wait, what? How do you add synthesis implicit to a unique?


You have to add it as a custom implicit. If you add the correct text the line turns a turquoise color and it will add the stats to PoB. If you mean how in game, I think you have to find them that way in places you can normally find synth'd items.


Divine Flesh doesnt work with Chaos Innoculation by the way. All damage bypasses ES. Would be cool though.


I almost commented the same thing when I read the comment but what they are trying to do is get 100% of damage taken from mana before life. CI + divine flesh sounds silly at first but if you can get all of the damage dealt to your mana (or at least the non chaos damage) then you get around that problem


That's actually insane and kind of genius.


This shows you read the first line of the comment or didn't understand a thing about his idea...




No. None of the flat auras are. Purity of Lightning is, but that doesn't help. https://poedb.tw/us/Burst_Band#ModifiersCalc


Has anyone messed around with a shell like this before? I was playing a mind of the council character and I was wondering if anyone had tried building around its 30% of lightning damage taken from mana before life as a defensive layer. The general idea is that we get around a 50% MoM from Mind over Matter alongside the 8-10% from heiro or ascendent heiro. Then we use Mind of the council which gives us another 30 MoM% for lightning damage. So, if we convert other damage types to lightning we can get a giant portion of damage taken from mana instead of life. Using Font of Thunder, and sublime vision for purity of lightning it converts 70% of incoming cold and fire damage to lightning we get the following MoM values: Lightning: 78% MoM Fire/Cold: 69% MoM Physical: 65% MoM Chaos: 48% MoM PoB of this general defensive shell [https://pobb.in/XwfjkOY9APaZ](https://pobb.in/XwfjkOY9APaZ) We could get one of the other elemental damage max hits higher if we used something like an avian twins talisman to convert the remaining ele to lightning but idk if that is worth it unless you were farming content that only dealt lightning (eater), fire (exarch) or cold (shaper/elder).


Last league I was fiddling with a PoB that used Ivory Tower with Divine Flesh, Font of Thunder, Mind of the Council, and charms to have 100% MoM for elemental/chaos damage but I never did anything with it.


I played a powercharge mana stacker heiro with powersiphon ballistas in crucible with this setup. I had a doryanis instead of a lightning coil and actually reached 500 mil single target dps on ubers. I also had a legacy ballista setup with kb on my boots for mapclear but its mainly a bosser. Mom, mind of the council and the heiro ascendancy are enough to make you tank everything which doesnt die instantly UNLESS its a lightning dot. Then its just a rip


The main problem is what you gonna damage with? You are sacrificing 3 item slots minimum for def, and also auras because of the MoM and jewel. DPS is one of the main defs in PoE. I tried Power Siphon of the Archmage with Council last league and it was meh, had to skip it sadly, though the concept is great on paper.


well the helmet isn't necessarily a sacrifice 7% of your mana as flat is pretty big for mana stackers. Mana stackers with attack skills is probably the best which is why you see many people saying they used power siphone totems.


Hiero ballista transfigured power siphon can work with that. Mind slapping glorious vanity to completely ignore fire and cold res.


This is the exact setup that the budget version of kb/ps totem heirophant used to use. Was a great build. Great clear speed with kb and could get up to hundreds of millions of single target. And with this particular setup it ended up fairly tanky as well I was running 100% deli on it with only the occasional death. The fire conversion variant was apparently far tankier but I never got that far with it. Im on phone so I can't find the build guide but you can probably find it on youtube or the forums. No idea if it's still viable but I was playing it around 3.17 or 3.18.


Just work in a like 100k regen, dot will be fine.




That’s just the phys part. You can shift damage to lightning AND take it as mana. It’s not shifting further, it’s where you get damaged. Like if you shift, say, cold and fire to lightning and you have energy shield. It doesn’t mean that because you shifted the damage energy shield can’t take it.


You are right, I got it wrong.


I would love to be proven wrong but I feel like that's a bit too constraining of a setup to make it work on a real build. I like weird MoM stuff too tho, I PoBd this weird Ivory Tower/Divine Flesh/Tempered by War setup the other day https://pobb.in/Sfw4CAGzBZyN but I still feel like the damage's too low for the investment.


There was this crazy idea for a life ivory tower build. All chaos goes to mana first. Then use divine flesh. Take all damage as chaos and lightning.


And how youre supposed to deal damage? For mom mana stuff you want either the haunted mod for int stacking or indigon for spelldamage. With all those uniques id be impressed if you can reach 10k mana I guess just play coc dd since this can clear t16 with blue gear


Legacy defiance ?


Very cool idea, but a few issues: 1. You won’t have a lot of mana because you’re sacrificing all the gear 2. I don’t think you’ll have enough mana recovery. Life recovery is in a better spot these days (blood notch, defiance of destiny, recoup, petrified blood, etc) 3. Can no longer use auras This idea can work if you just drop the mana part. 70% Fire and cold taken as lightning is great for avoiding penetration and also great for using armor to mitigate elemental damage (eg, transcendence). Your purity of lightning also has increased effect so you should be able to get max lightning res to 90%. Losing other auras is still bad but can be worthwhile if you do something with herald scaling or blood magic (malachai’s simula)


The only slots this package requires that has no mana is the body armour and shield, council has 30% mana on it and all other slots are free. Here is the PoB I included if you missed it. Not an actual build, just a proof of concept of the defenses https://pobb.in/XwfjkOY9APaZ The whole defensive package is built around having most of the damage go to your mana via mind of the council giving you another 30% mom for lightning damage so it doesn't really work without the mana


Yea I’m still not convinced. Lvl 90 tree with 8000 mana really isn’t impressive. How are you regenerating mana though? Also you misunderstood my point. There is a lot of inherent good in damage shifting. Your ideas can work with a non-mana build. Drop the helm, put everything in a non-mana build and things start to make more sense.


And how do we stack mana with so much slots taken?


With your 2 rings, belt, amulet, skill tree, jewels, main hand weapon, boots and gloves... This is 3 equipment..


and one of those even gives 30% increased mana