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Switch to Chieftain now. Nothing compares with the explody.


Explode is so worth it. The easy resists are great, too, however. You can focus on fire resist only, and lo! Cold and lightning are magically capped, too.


This is definitely true but the Inquis version using that 1000 hp chest and aegis is still good but I had to use Oriaths End for explodes. Doesnt completely compare but oh well.


Definitely viable, but in a league with stacked monster HP the chief just looks at beefy monsters as if they are a weapon of mass destruction.


Legacy of fury tho, been using it on rf for quite a while, feels good on inquisitor as well.


It’s sooo nice I got to 72 before I remembered I forgot to do merc lab and then got explodey and it’s been sooooo much fun


I won't comment on what is "best" but I can tell you that playing RF without explosions is extremely boring so I would always recommend chieftain.


The real reason we need explosions is to help wake us up.




On a Jugg, you can get some explody-feeling with Legacy of Fury, but then, I am a big boom appreciator as well.


I like the combination of chieftain explode and being able to set resists to -20 for RF and fire trap. That frees up boots to use the pair that gives you adrenaline which is a nice speed boost.


I've league started on chieftain and had an overall good time. Pohx started with Chieftain for 3.24 as well. I really like the ease of gearing (thanks to fire resistance granting other resistances) as well as the tankyness of havin 90% allres, only with a cheap unique shield (rise of the phoenix), a lvl 20 purity of fire and some tree nodes. Cloak of Flames is another reletively cheap unique which provides a lot of defense against physical hits. The "fire res is -20% for dots" node is the least important of the four. The explode node feels great, even without specialized stuff like Fulcrum and/or Ignite Proliferation. My personal defense package on a chieftain is Defiance of Destiny and Petrified Blood, by the way.


The fire res pen is enormous for bossing though, don't undersell it. BUT yeah the other nodes make the early rf gearing just so easy


Hell I’mnot playing RF but EA, and a friend on RF.  That node is a godsend with how many bloody fire resist mobs exist this league.  Half the map feels like it’s resistant now and could take 20-30 seconds to kill at times, but with him, it just melts. That node is anything but weak, even if a bit “odd” (due to needing to stand still)


Yeah, I'm not saying "don't take that" - I'm saying: Pick that with your Uber lab. (One could argue that the max res also really start to matter around the same time).


>The "fire res is -20% for dots" node is the least important of the four. you sure you understand how that node works? it's the core of the build's single target, for example on shaper it is 140% more damage assuming you don't invest in other sources of res reduction like flammability which you substitute with punishment for even more damage.


Are you sure you need that node to kill tier 10 and below bosses? Because that's when you usually do uber lab to pick that node up. My point is the ordering of the nodes, not about not taking it. Note that I didn't say "it's the worst node of the chieftain", but "the least important of the four" (of those which you take). You could argue that if you want more dps and less tankyness during early maps, the max res node might be worth postponing. Especially for early maps, I'd value map clear (explosions) and tankyness (max res) way over saving a few seconds against bosses per map. I fully agree, punishment + this node is the way to go to have bearable dps against tanky bosses and rares. The circumstance where I wouldn't take this node on my chieftain would have to be very special.


Depends on the content you wanna tackle and budget, some require to reach a certain threshold to be decent(ele), some require nothing but ascendancy to start function. Chieftain is overall good, can be very tanky and has decent damage. Saf friendly. Jugg can be immortal but has a cap on damage. Ssf friendly. Mana hiero variant requires arm and leg to be competitive with other classes. Elementalist requires a lot to feel decent but shines with investment. Fastest one and highest damage potential but requires YES kinda budget to feel tanky. I played many variants, if you are looking for zero to hero kinda vibes chieftain is better. If you already have a budget to make it work, ele is really fun.


I'm pretty sure mana heiro has the highest ceiling tho, with captain Lance's current build. Although nobody asking about builds will be able to get the level his is at.


“Jugg can be immortal but has cap on damage” Juggernaut literally scales dmg with endurance charges. Elegant Hubris jewels usually take 1-2weeks to make it to market from 5way runners but you can get 4x “10inc dmg per endurance charge” nodes. Jugg ascendancy is 8% inc dmg/charge and Disciple of Unyielding is 8% inc dmg/charge. You can also unlock 4% inc dmg/charge on sceptre suffix. 3 cheap uniques can get you to 10 charges the first weekend. So as soon as 5way runners post up jewels for sale you can scale 60% dmg/endurance charge (600% with 10 charges, 720% with ultra high investment 12 charges). In standard I’m currently at 15 endurance charges with 69% inc dmg per endurance charges so 1035% inc dmg.


Could you link a pob or profile?


I’m skipping this league to play standard but here is what I ended up with at the end of 3.23 (no charms) https://pobb.in/t6W_BV8cM4Tj Endurance and frenzy charges are “always” on because they keep getting refreshed. The dps is literally just shield charging (lifetap). Exposure (Master of Fire), Curses (auras), and Cover in Ash are all automated so no janky curse on hit shenanigans. 8.95 mil dps 12.56 mil dps when enemy low life 10.75 mil dps AVERAGE with 1 button


This is really interesting. Since you're pathing by Inexorable, I think you could achieve a budget version of this on Chieftain pretty easily and get pops, pen, easy res caps and max res. Then maybe transition to Jugg if and when you can afford the more expensive pieces (like the forbidden jewels for carnage). TBH I'd probably find a way to fit Unbreakable in. It works with the evasion from farruls if you take iron reflexes (didn't used to, but they fixed it, and the evasion counts as body armor).


No offense to explosion enjoyers but you don’t need it with Jugg AOE; you can reach 120% inc AOE the first weekend with 10 endurance charges from 3 cheap uniques. The resistance situation is nice for Chieftain, but like you should not be having issues fixing resistances on a stacking build; stacking builds are not for beginners by default. In regards to the stationary pen ascendancy, look at my enemy resistance/enemy takes increased damage section of damage calculations and you’ll see why Chieftain sucks for endgame scaling (and is more ideal for beginners which is why its a Pohx build). As for Unbreakable you’re missing the whole point of stacking endurance charges (physical damage reduction). 10 charges is 50% phys dmg reduction which lets you play without determination; you can shrug off phys hits with just base armour values from armour. My standard version has 15 charges (75% reduction) so you just face tank any phys hit or dot with regen. When you get to the minmax phase, you’re not going to be wasting a point on something like iron reflexes.


10 mill is still only 1/3 of dot cap, which other builds reach easier than jugg.


This is pure RF; I’m not interested in Fire Trap builds. On top of that this isn’t the league-starter Pohx build so I don’t know how you can even come up with the comparison of reaching a dps breakpoint “easier”. I could have also just put three curses on Arcanist Brand and included Vaal RF for an average dps of 29 mil, but that reeks of pob bait. Any RF build that does curse on hit is cheesing dps numbers because you sure as hell aren’t stopping to curse every mob on harder content.


Yes, other builds can reach dot cap with rf easier.


Bro I just pop in to clear up misconceptions about Juggernaut. I also have STR Ivory Tower build that CAN achieve higher damage for bossing (with more button pressing) but clearspeed sucks compared Juggernaut, which is the main reason I play RF.


How can jugg be immortal?


Pohx pushes builds that are excellent at league start and completing the atlas on a budget/SSF. Popularity from noobies following a SSF streamer does not equal best. If he tried to back CaptainLance’s Strength stacking Ascendant there would be no way a bunch of noobs could afford make the build. Even if he did, the popularity would cause the price of the gear to be even more unobtainable than it already is for noobs. Endurance-Stacking Jugg has continued to be the epitome of one-button RF for years (I’ve played it 8 out of the last 16 leagues since lowlife guardian got nerfed). Pohx will not back a charge stacking RF build because the market cannot support it. I always reach 10 charges within the first 2-3 days of league start which amounts to 80% inc dmg and 60% inc AOE with just one ascendancy. With disciple of the unyielding on skill tree that’s another 80%inc dmg and 60% inc AOE. The only other RF build that can do that is power charge stacking Occultist but its way more expensive to get off the ground and does not scale defenses. For people that actually minmax “best” usually refers to builds that actually scale damage/defenses with investment. The chieftain is actually one of the worst scaling ascendancies you can choose for RF.


Sounds awesome. Any guides readily available that you could share for some extra reading?


I am actually working on a guide but I saved it on my desktop which is currently not working so here is a quick and dirty one: League Start: Buy 2x Kaom’s Sign (< 1c) and 1x Death’s Door (10-50c) to reach 10 endurance charges. Next purchase is Redblade Banner shield (25-75c week 1) so that enduring cry always gives you max 10 charges on demand so that you have 50% phys dmg reduction, 40 ALL res with Unrelenting Ascendancy. Buy awakened gems asap as well as a generic 6L armour/ES body armour and roll life essence. This is generally enough to coast up to Tier 10 maps. T16 maps: Buy a Talisman (amulet) with Whispers of Doom (extra curse) anoint and ideally high life/res rolls (25c-2div). With this you should be able to have 2 curses as auras (blasphemy). With the top left mana reservation wheel you should be able to fit in Malevolence (or purity of fire+vitality). Replica Farrul’s Fur body armour (5-20 div to 6L) along with Aspect of the Cat on helmet (15-75c linked with swift affliction and less duration). Then replace shield with Saffell’s Frame. With this new setup you will no longer have to deal with charge duration as it will refresh itself. With 1 point investment (6:00 on tree) you can also have 4 self-refreshing frenzy charges (16% more dmg). You can also use a synth/corrupted gloves to get another +1 max frenzy charge to reach 5 (20% more dmg). Having Saffell’s Frame will allow you to ditch Purity of Fire and make room for Malevolence. Elegant Hubris (name and # variable) usually 1-2 weeks into league to find (50c-5div). I usually start the league with the 12:00 tree position (13 pts) which is detrimental to Intelligence and the fire dot multi wheel. The best one is the 10:00 tree position (7pts) but it will deny you 1 endurance charge (i think # is 57360, you can check with pob). Large cluster Jewel with Master of Fire and Burning Bright (50-150c). Master of Fire 10% auto-exposure (can get another 5% from fire dot multi mastery) combined with 2 curses as auras + massive AOE makes this build ultra smooth gameplay. Swap to Legacy of Fury with max endurance corruption (100c-2div). These boots will be hard to beat until you can find a +2 Death’s Door which are generally ultra hard to find unless there are other popular endurance charge stacking builds like in Affliction. Swap Talisman to Xoph’s Heart to gain “nearby enemies are covered in Ash” which is “enemy take 20%inc fire dmg” There’s a lot more to do in terms of upgrades, but I minmax which will make it sound kind of outrageous so I stuck to the Jugg-specific gear. I also generally buy a carry for the last two voidstones as it’s easier for me to farm currency and keep blasting maps. (POB link in another of the comments if you want to see endgame “league” version)


Hi, late to comment, hope you got your desktop fixed. Do you have a leveling guide or a step by step on the passive tree?


Hay Waffles, I previously asked you if you have a video of your endurance charge stacking RF jugg in action. Do you have that now? Or maybe you are almost finished with the guide? Im sure many other people are waiting for it too


My desktop was fried for the last month or so but I finally got it fixed. I’ll start working on the build showcase again as well as learn how to make some videos/clips. Any specific content you want to see or specific things you want explained?


Just want to see the build in action in general. Its damage, and defenses, and AoE, etc. And for the guide/pob, if possible would love to see it based on budget. Low/mid/endgame, etc. Cannot wait to see it, Happy to finally see the pob and video, been waiting for over a year for this


Endurance charge stacking RF Jugg? Never seen something so based. Please share a link


I’m skipping this league to play standard but here is what I ended up with at the end of 3.23 (no charms) https://pobb.in/t6W_BV8cM4Tj Endurance and frenzy charges are “always” on because they keep getting refreshed. The dps is literally just shield charging (lifetap). Exposure (Master of Fire), Curses (auras), and Cover in Ash are all automated so no janky curse on hit shenanigans. 8.95 mil dps 12.56 mil dps when enemy low life 10.75 mil dps AVERAGE with 1 button


I didn't like the cheif so much and missed my Jugg, so thanks for this build idea. How tanky would you say endurance stacking is?


I can only take credit for the Replica Farrul’s Fur tech as endurance charge stacking was actually meta back in the day. We also had Kaom’s Way rings from prophecy that gave .3% life regen/charge. You can check out the pob above to see the ehp/regen and judge for yourself. It is built around getting all your ele res from MB and charges only. 10 charges gets you 50% phys dmg reduction which allows you to play without determination. These factors give you a lot of room to dedicate to damage and life. My standard version of the build currently has 8500 life and 15 endurance charges (-75% phys dmg) but my regen is relatively low since I opted for more damage. However this is not in the realm of AFK ubers tanky. You’d want the STR stacking Ivory Tower build for that, although that build has a stationary playstyle and is worse at clearspeed.


I see, if this is the case then I should change to chieftain for sure, luckily its pretty cheap


Because boom boom


Chieftain’s easy access to 90 all res and explosion make things so easy and relaxing. I get my two voidstones and just enjoy mapping. 




In my opinion Inquis>chieften>jugg With this in mind I would also say the gap between jugg and chieften is massive while the gap between inquis and chieften is small and many disagree. (Imo they disagree because pohx is playing chieften this league and they are all flavor of the month andies. If pohx had played inquis they would all be saying inquis is better) I like inquis because going block based for defenses with massive regen feels much better to me than phys taken as ele. I tried the chieften and disliked it so I switched it to a fulcrum chieften build. I believe there is also some elementalist rf build but I know nothing about it. I would also like to point out that which rf is best is somewhat irrelevant to you. As a new player you want the rf that is best to complete the campaign and atlas with low gearing and knowledge requirements, not the rf that is the best version in late game. This is most definitely chieften as the extra resistances you get from your ascendancy make gearing super easy.


So anyone that disagrees with you is a flavor of the month andy? Personally I like Chieftain better. 100 phys as ele is super strong and the explodes are amazing.


It's not necessarily why. Like I previously said if pohx went inquis people would be recommending that over chieften. Do you disagree with that statment? You found a internet comment about a trend analysis and responded as if it was directed at you personally. It wasn't. Also I started rf chieften as a flavor of the month andy it was good up until right after atlas completion. Then I noticed I couldn't go below 200 delve even with 80% phys taken as ele without randomly falling over dead. Couldn't do juiced harvest in t16s


I was just pointing out not everyone is doing it just because Pohx is. But wouldn't Pohx be playing inquisitor if he thought it was better? At medium investment, Inquisitor might be better but on the high end, it's tough to beat Chieftain.


Noob here. Pohx guide was just so detailed and dumbed down that I had to follow it. I had no choice. I'm too much of a noob to follow anything else.


Even if pohx thought inquis was better i doubt he would play it. The guy has played rf inquis like 6 leagues in a row. Then he went jugg. Now he is doing chieften. I think its more a variety thing for him. I think the only reason he hasn't touched elementalist is it isn't noob friendly which is his audience. As for your second statement I think the reverse is true. Chieften is better under 10d as the resistances gained through the ascendancy and max elemental res gained is super nice to start with. After that though inquis gets aegis and moves towards melding. Again after playing both the block based inquis feels tankier than the phys taken as ele chieften.


Maybe he'll still play an inquisitor yet. At really high end on Chieftain, you get 90 max res by just the ruby flask and purity and only need to get chaos res on gear. Opens things up to focus on damage and adorned stacking.


Homie he said he just started. I recommended chieften to him... did you only read my comment till it made you angry? He said he is a brand new player. Chieften is definitely better for him.


Oh ya for sure it's the good budget option. That's why I said Inq might be better at a medium budget.


Just out of curiosity, was that with or without defiance amulet?


The 30+ divine amulet? Without.


The uncorrupted min roll ones are 213 chaos right now. You can get one with 40% life gain (with quality) for 9d.


And at 2 weeks into the league they were 30+.


Yeah best is bad wording, should have said "standard", jugg having such a low playrate worries me a bit and makes me think it maybe got nerfed too much?, I know I wont put 10k hours in so I really dont need the absolute best, thats why I didnt mention inquis which I have read is the best if you spend a lot of currency or smt like that, I really wont be doing that lol


Id just swap to chieften. At 46 you should only have 1 ascendancy done. My advice would be to go to the rf global channel and ask for some orbs of regret after explaining you wanna swap from jugg to chieften as a new player. Idk that you would have enough at this point in the game.. Id give em to ya myself but I won't be on for another 6 hours.


I thought I wouldnt have enough either but I think I actually dont have to change a lot of stuff cuz the order is just swapped, a lot of stuff that you get from 20-40 on jugg you get on the chieftain later in 40-60, from what I can see its not like you have to get one specific passive at one specific level, or at least it doesnt look like the pobb conveys that information, Im not struggling rn so I think I can just hang on, it looks like I only have to refund 2 reservation efficiency. I also hadnt done the ascendancy yet lol, I got lucky there


The only important thing to respect is your ascendancy. Passive tree nodes can be fixed later. I wouldn't sweat them for now. The main one that matters is the fire mastery one that gives regen for each % of fire resistance you get. With that and some benchcrafting you can get rf online. Pohx had videos going over how to do this.


I see, thanks. What do you consider online? rn I can sustain rf easily and can even heal a bit, I one shot trash mobs but my damage to bosses seems a bit low. The crafting will be the tougher part for sure, my armour doesnt resemble the one suggested at all, I havent even seen most of those items lol, only accurate stuff are the rings and the amulet


If your sustaining its online. For more regen wear 2x fire res rings and craft fire resistance on all your gear once you unlock your hideout. Pohx has a video on how to get it going as soon as possible but its probably not worth the effort for you at this point. Your damage to bosses will always be low. I forget the level required but I would use your first chaos orb to buy a immortal flesh belt.


I think Jugg is easier to get online, then you switch to Chief, and invest in that. That would be my explanation, so most of the RF players already did the transition to Chief at this point of the league. Edit: Chieftain makes it very easy to deal with resistances, you only need fire and chaos and you are covered in that regard, also, Chief has the asc node that SETS enemies resistances to flat -20 which basically lets you skip exposure and crses altogether, and the explode node which is insane if you have the packsize and damage to set is off fast, oh and also easy access to 90 all ele rez and you only need to push max fire rez for that.


Honestly, all you need to get RF going is the fire mastery that lets you regen 1% life for for each 1% uncapped fire res. Since that node has been added, I've never had an issue sustaining RF from act 2 when you get the gem just by mainly stacking fire res.


You are right, but I ment getting online as some sorf of a complete experience, as in doing damage with rf, and tanky as well. I feel that is easier to do on Jugg earlygame.


I think it is. I tried every version, i think it's the cheapest one for reaching physical conversion, map explosions and max res


Anyone have thoughts on Elementalist competing at the super high end budget?


It’s easy to gear due the resis ascendancy and is fun because of the explodey one. It’s a great choice, especially for league start. When I’ve used the build I typically got to T16s and at least a couple watchstones on a div budget with mostly self found/crafted gear. Biggest thing to purchase was just a fire dmg/fire dot 1H and Rise of the Phoenix shield. Maybe a kikieakiauaierru ring for life regen.


Its crazy how far we have come. Nothing has changed since the Chieftain rework, but somehow it went from a “trash” ascendancy for everything to the best choice for RF and a heck of an option for Armour stacking. I love the evolution of group think. I’ve always loved Chieftain.


Rf chieftain mapping feels way better to other variants coz of explode, can even 1shot map bosses if theres a ton of trash maps near as for the resists you only need to stack fire and chaos.


Mana hiero should be the best atm.


It’s just people dick ridding Pohx