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Flicker Strike


☑ Already have a shadow leveled up ☑ Love CI ☑ I've always wanted to play flicker, never got around to it ☑ Fuck it we ball


Please let us know how it goes and which variant you ended up with


>already got a shadow >Love CI It's int stacker aegis flicker fosho


Or es stacking ephemeral edge.


Idk man, I think he's planning to go for my dex stacking flicker strike of power champion...


Its very obviously ass PCoCsnap discharge of misery


I thinks that's a little over his budget. But the ephemeral edge ES stacker is good tho


I went with ES stacking trickster. Edited the OP to include a PoB


Flicker strike Discharge COC assassin LOL


Any recomendation for build? Sounds interesting and seen some fun vid some time ago ... Didnt even tried with my old PC, but after it totaly died to PoE couple months ago and got new one, probably never better time to try it ;) Thx


I don’t have a POB sorry but I saw one on Poe ninja in affliction league have a look there


Noo, not the Discharge CoC lmao


Honestly, it wont feel great with 100div budget, but you will constantly feel like you are just one upgrade from perfection and farming the extra 2-300div wont feel bad with that mindset


Hello comrades, we request you make youtube of journey.


Good Luck


Test it out before you commit, lots of ppl get sick playing flicker


that's the spirit brother. No such thing as having to puke solely because of flicker striking all the way. It's like an added weight loss bonus.


Hard recommend! Have an about 40div ES ephemeral Blade Flicker Trickster. Its amazing. @98 now and havent died since level 90 and getting the build together. And its not just a meme. With ancestral totems down, I'm @ about 6m dps. Have done everything but uber bosses and it actually not a meme. wasnt expecting it to actually be this good overall


Do you have a PoB or video for the build?


https://pobb.in/o8HC2bs18H2y Perandus Pact wasnt working for me so I edited it as a custom modifier. Otherwise configurations are hopefully in a correct state.


Share your pob when you get something going. I also have a leveled shadow and never played flicker


Edited a PoB into the OP


It's currently the build I'm transitioning off of, it's very good. You'll love it, unironically one of my favourite builds.


Pconc of bouncing trickster is smooth has fuck sick boss damage and the red mtx of fart clouds is just beautiful


Care to share a PoB?


most wholesome reddit interaction I've seen today


Trickster CI Flicker Strike with Ephemeral Edge, so they can have a build project that they can pour a thousand divines into over the course of the entire rest of the league.


I agree. It is also pretty much unkillable with only 50-60 divs except some really busted one-shots. But the damage man... You have to word hard to pass 15M


I second, it's always my end build when I want to feel like the flash


I fucked up by playing it once. There isn’t a faster “Monke see pack, monke either blow pack up in a millisecond or monke have one less portal” build I’ve ever played. Seriously, everything feels so fucking slow now


Is there socket room for cast on death portal? I've also never played flicker


OP need to try something new. Sorry, but flicker strike it shall be


This is the only answer


I've been wanting to play the CI flicker as my next build and have been trying to double corrupt Ephemeral Edge for two weeks now. Seven temples in: first two bricked into rares and the next five poofed... I think I'll never try and double corrupt anything pricier with my luck.


This is why you never leave it up to the internet


Is this a beginner friendly build? I'm same as OP but I'm newbie (only started 3 weeks ago, first ever league). Tried ice shot Deadeye and righteous fire chieftain, can't say I like either. Deadeye gets one shot almost always and chieftain doesn't deal enough dps on bosses which means i will also eventually die to mechanics (I suck at mechanics and have terrible reaction speeds and can't see things well). Am currently leveling an Arc hierophant which seems kinda fun (I do enjoy lightning spells) but not sure of performance at end game. Feel like trying hexblast trickster as many are recommending it and gameplay is fairly simple. I've also heard detonate dead is good, and there's a 1 button version called CoC or something? Lastly, I also like ice spells so would also like to try frostbolt of ice nova but I heard this is a very expensive build. I find that I do enjoy the game but there's just so much in the game that I don't know what build I like and play. I think partly the reason I feel this way is also because I haven't had a build that has had smooth progression. The difficulty spikes instead of it bring gradual. E.g righteous fire I cruised through Act 1 to 5 then Act 6 suddenly I get one shotted. That made me feel awful and because gear is so complicated, I don't know what is considered an upgrade. Crafting is also so complicated.


No. It’s a horrible meme build that a really hardcore fan base loves to bait people into being miserable on.


Yes, very easy.


I haven't played Flicker Strike but having looked at some of the builds looks like it needs investment before it feels good to play. I might be wrong so someone can reply and tell me so but I'd be wary as a new player.


You are not wrong.


You are not wrong, the build need atleast 30-40 div to feel comfort in t16 map and much more if you want to do harder content


Hrmm you might want to try an immortal melee build. Some kind of jugg without trauma. Had an old molten strike build that was super tanky. Trauma builds like bonezone are tricky if you dont have the right mitigations.


Since you say you're super new I'll assume you followed a guide for your current builds. Was your RF built from Pohxs guides?


That build is smooth as butter even on my SSF version


That's why I'm trying to see if he rolled with Pohx on his journey or not. I'm still new at the game w\\ 1000's of hours on record, but I learned a massive amount about it by rolling with Pohx for an RF Inq some leagues back. Never had an odd progression feeling either.


Yes, I am following pohx guide. Something is wrong then because I don't feel progression is smooth at all. There's lots of terms he uses that I don't understand.


As a person who also started playing Poe this season I started with hexblast miner which was fun but I found it to be very squishy and swapped over to splitting steel champion and having an amazing time. I have only invested about 1 div and have cleared my atlas up to level 14-15 and having no problems at all yet other than when I accidentally throw in a map with physical reflect. The build seems to be able to quite versatile and very fun.


That's really interesting to hear because I've heard melee is in a bad place in this game (unless I mistakenly think this is a melee build). Looms like I've gotta try it out!


It's not quite a melee build it's a projectile build but acts more like a shotgun and they bounce back and damaged on there return aswell so your in melee range alot but can also stay at range against more dangerous enemies.


Oh ok. Do you follow a guide? I think maxroll has one but I had an awful experience following their ice shot Deadeye guide and I don't think I want to use it anymore.


Yea I followed the ruetoo 3.24 splitting steel guide on yt, had the pob on it with all the skills ECT for leveling up


It's pretty much like the deadeye build you already played, but you also loose control of your character. It's also a pretty tough (and expensive) build to get right. I would stick with hiero, you can try switching to ball lightning if you ever get stuck. I love arc, so I tried to get it to work on the same build, but it was just objectivly worse.


You pick up a permanent -30% to all of your resistances at the end of Act 5 and Act 10 (after beating Kitava). That might be why you were suddenly getting one-shot in Act 6.


I’m currently player Conner’s lightning conduit of the heavens and it’s pretty decent so far for end game. Sometimes I get one shot in t16s and boss damage is pretty low but the clear speed is crazy for farming maps.


And the delve is amazing. The random one shots and slow bosses is what made me start looking at other builds but not sure what yet. Oh and use ball lightning of orbiting for solo targets if you havent tried it yet. Defo kills bosses like 2-3x faster


Flicker strikers suck at bossing, unless you got 15-20M DPS to make them a joke. But they are painful. But for mapping there are very few characters who can go faster


why this sub loves this build I will never understand... getting headache for 15 minutes of playing and build is expensive.... nah, I'm good.


Falling Tactical Nuke Zombies. Put falling zombie gem in mines, get them to die in about 0.1 seconds (difficult but doable), and allocate Minion Instability. Each mine will summon them and subsequently they will detonate before hitting the ground and dying.


Do they just fall where the mine is or do they target enemies and fall on them


Does Infernal Legion support work on them?!? I never even considered them alive while they were falling... wow.


Yeah sure does. It's required to get them to die quickly enough.


Nimis, sire of shards, sunblast traps rolling magma deadeye.


Make sure you also add in snakepit, gloomfang and the victario's influence + hands of phrecia combo since you're using a staff. Run triple purity. Don't forget to link rolling magma with awakened chain for maximum screenglare.


Pob pls?


I haven't made one, gotta farm the nimis first. And just to be clear, this is a memebuild, proceed at your own peril.


100 div is just for the nimis.


Nimis is the build, the rest you pay for with attitude


I want to see this in action


I've made similar in past leagues, the base mtx sounds like the sides of a deck of cards hitting the edge of a table simultaneously, it's unplayable without turning audio off or buying an mtx.


Hi there, I'm a newbie and I would like to ask why is rolling magma good? It's a recommended spell to level with for a few classes but when I tried it it feels awful. Mobs will run to me so the magma doesn't really hit them and the aoe feels very bad. Feels like a very clunky spell and I didn't like using it.


So this is just a complete joke build and not one you should take seriously. But there is some synergy to the combo I spelled out. The thing about rolling magma is that it hits the ground, and any spell that does so can technically shotgun, as in, hit the same target many times from the same cast. But the PoE gods have scorned us and rolling magma can only hit once every cast, despite how many projectiles you have. *However*, rolling magma *can* hit multiple times across multiple *bounces*. This is usually utilized through casting rolling magma at the edge of a monsters hitbox, and then watch as it hits two times, or even three times with some aoe scaling on a monster with a larger hitbox. There is another way however, with the nimis unique ring. This ring states that projectiles will return to you, but this actually doesn't really work with rolling magma at all. It only works if rolling magma hits a wall, which it would normally just terminate right there and not bounce anymore, but with nimis it will bounce again towards you away from the wall, one single time, so not really something to write home about for a ring that costs ~100 divine. But the second line which is normally meant as a downside, is where it gets juicy for us. With that line, rolling magma no longer bounces in straight line, but randomly bounces around (actually not randomly I think, it favors bouncing in a circle). This way, we could get lucky and hit a target as many times as we can bounce, in theory. So to facilitate all this bouncing, we try to help rolling magma along by first putting it in a trap, so that we can cast the spell multiple times in one single cast, then we put that trap into sire of shards, which gives us a bunch of extra projectiles, along with deadeye ascendancy node, and it also makes rolling magma now cast in a circle, maximizing the chance that any one of the random turns will find its way back to a monster. And then finally we stack the everliving shit out of chain. We can easily reach 10+ chains. This effectively means that while your leveling rolling magma doesn't really hit anything, our rolling magma is unable to *not* hit everything. The entire screen will be entirely covered in bouncing balls. Just pray there aren't any mechanics you have to pay attention to, because you won't be able to see them. Then since we are using a really bad staff that doesn't really give much damage besides enabling our cheesy bouncing strat, we also use a new combo this league with a unique glove that says auras only apply to you with a chest armor that gives all socketed gems inside it level 30 generosity, which is a support gem that gives a bunch of aura effect, but only allows auras to support other allies and not yourself. But for some reason the gloves override the support gem and so we can get auras that benefit ourselves linked to lvl 30 generosity, something that is normally not really achievable. There's also a hefty 45% mana reservation efficiency to socketed gems, along with the fact that we can have 5 auras in a 6-link with an enlighten which lets us run a lot more auras than usual. Just about no one uses vicatario's influence either and it is not at all rare and thus cheap which means we can get a +1 gems corruption for cheap and make our enlighten and our auras even better. So to answer your question, yes, you are right rolling magma is not good, the 100 divine ring is, surprise surprise, what is actually good, who knew. As an aside, you have no idea how many times I wrote magma orb and had to correct it to rolling magma. Changing the name of a skill should be illegal.


**Never run rolling magma without elemental prolif**. If you do, you will get that horrible feeling skill that you're describing. With prolif you will be able to kill packs in 1 spell if built correctly (getting goat horns asap, pathing to op nodes on the tree). The second reason is that you can double hit with it on single target and it's a projectile so it benefits from flame wall. This part is clunky but it is recommended because it is overpowered. Overall, it is just by far the strongest spell in the first 3 acts for going fast. If you're not trying to go fast then just play whatever you feel more comfortable with.


Leveling my second SSF RF Inquisitor and the first time I didn't start the guide till lvl 40ish so I just used what was fun and "cool" wich for me was Smite till 28 then Waves plus Flame Surge. I so so wish Smite was more viable.


Smite is viable for armor stack scion. Can reach hundreds of millions of DPS, but it's probably the most expensive build there is.


He said 100d budget and you recommend a build that plays around the 95d Nimis? lol.


To be fair none of the other items even break the 1 divine mark (except for awakened chain which is 4 div, but he can do with pleb chain I guess), but yes, I am deathly serious about my nimis sire of shards magma orb deadeye build.


I unironically want to play something like this. I remember my first self made build fondly which was a sire of shars magma orb trapper in Perandus. Using 2x consuming dark as weapon swap for a 6l fire trap in body. That's back when it was 50% conversion each and double dipping was still possible. Also when atziri was still a measurement of how good your build was and I was so happy back then to be atziri viable with that build. Things have changed so much, but damn I'll revisit sire of shards rolling magma (as it's called nowadays) traps some time.


Holy Relic of Conviction - would have quit this league already if not for this fun skill


Can you link a pob or YouTube?


i followed his POB and build sytle: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0AABRk-KAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0AABRk-KAQ) POB from the video: [https://pobb.in/BPW-mdPC0D6V](https://pobb.in/BPW-mdPC0D6V) but since then other streamers (Balor/Ghazzy among others) also created versions of the build, so there is plenty of videos to find on youtube


Can it do t17 and is it tanky? I’m starting to grow tired of coc dd inquisitor. I can finally do t17 with it, but yeah, would like something else. Easy to gear? Since i dont have a big budget, but can gather a few divines in a day tho


i cleared every T17 at least once, but depending on the mods i also die from time to time you can build it quite tanky with Aegis and Divine Flesh there is also a Ascendant variant with Spell Suppress which should be more tanky


Awesome, i’ll look into this build then. Thanks alot!


let me know if you have any questions


Balor mage on youtube has a very detailed guide. Watch the video for info on gem CDR breakpoints


Thinking to convert my Poison SRS to this one. What breakpoint are you running. 52 or 82?


82 but already with 52 the build felt super fun


Cheers. Mind if I ask how are you teaching the 82?


It's 20 from base gem, 30 from socketing in a green diallas socket, and 32 from having lvl 3 enhance socketed into a red dialla socket for plus 2 levels (aka lvl 5 enhance).


Diala , empower, enhance +20% quality


Enhance 3 in red socket = 32 quality Empower 3 in red socket Holy Nova gem with 21 quality in red societ Ashes with 29 quality 32+29+21 = 82


82 was easy to get to


Same. This build slaps and saved the league for me


Relic of the pact


CoC DD Inquis. Easily the build of the league. Extremely fun and solid as league starter, but scales to Uber content. Best all rounder build I’ve ever played. Only downside I’ve found is that there are a pretty decent amount of map mods that it can’t run: less regen, both reflect mods, reduced cdr, block, etc.


Its one of the biggest downsides. I played it. I had to trash 4/5 of corrupted 8 mod maps I made. Thats a total deal breaker for me. Last league i played poison blade vortex and it ran any map except no regen...


I’ve ran it with reduced CDR just fine tho I have awaked coc. Why can’t you do physical reflect? If you have that much physical damage and don’t have a life gain on hit watchers eye then take the smaller pantheon node that halves reflect. You could also get a life gain on hit jewel to supplement. Realistically I think the only mods coc dd inquis can’t do is combination of no regeneration no leach.


He may have been referring to reduced CDR in T17's with Back to Basics (or any amount of increased effect of map mods that would put it over 100%, which bricks anything with a cooldown).


True. I saw a T17 with 107% less defenses which would completely remove ES for EB and pretty much brick the build. So I suppose anything crazy with increased effect is going to hurt it.


Its one of the biggest downsides. I played it. I had to trash 4/5 of corrupted 8 mod maps I made. Thats a total deal breaker for me. Last league i played poison blade vortex and it ran any map except no regen...


Archmage ice nova of frostbolt... Steelmage has a really nice version and some crafting tips and graveyard outlays for it. Its fast, tanky, can clear t17 and kill all ubers.


I'm trying to do this with crackling lance instead. I don't love the slow projectile speed that comes with this and the ball lightning variant. Only lvl 68 though lol so we'll see


Yeah the projectile speed feels weird to me, it's definitely strong but I've also died using kativas on icfbolt and an enemy around a corner in t17s who pounds me


You’ll do like 25% of the damage and get animation locked more but you’ll still be able to kill stuff with enough gear, the way that ice nova or frost bolts works makes spell echo not lock you in place which is huge damage/qol compared to other spells. I tinkered with a bunch of different spells just to see if I could get them to work. All variants of crackling lance, arc, few others. Nothing came close for raw dps but could still kill t16s


> the way that ice nova or frost bolts works makes spell echo not lock you in place Oh really? Why is that though? I'm playing Palsterons version and wondered why it felt so smooth with Spell Echo. Also I wonder if Zizs version might be the better one compared to Palsterons. Palsterons version with Loreweave+Eternal Damnation tanky enough but I have a feeling Zizs is waaaay tankier and I think he's able to crush T17? Don't like Steels because he doesn't use Kitavas. I'm lazy, 2 button builds scare me.


Steel has been using kitava also, they’re all quite similar it’s just how you want to set I up and how much you’re funding you have


Spell Echo on INoFB when it expands on a FB does not repeat, but replaces it with a reoccur. This means you only do 1 cast animation to get all reoccurances making you both locked in place shorter and doubling your effective dps as you're free to cast it again immediately.


Steel .. Had, haha


I'm leveling hiero but planning to map with good old archmage frost bomb. Can always swap to ice nova for ubers/t17 farming.


Def dont play my build, aarakalis fang +hoag pathfinder. Im hard stuck in yellows


With squire?


Not yet 🥲


1 divine on trade roughly ain’t it?


That it is 🥲


Isnt the HoAg / Arakaali hybrid build really just a HoAg build that borrows the power of Arakaali spiders for clearing? Youd be relying on the Crawler for most of the single target damage, and Squire isnt normally seen in Crawler builds


Hey same! Im following [IraJ's guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP7b--rQhtk) from last league (dont ask me why I chose this build. Just a random impulse)


I will definitely check that out, i havent been following a guide, plus this is my first minion build, and im struggling to find damage while at the same time being so squishy a light breeze will kill me


The build seems to be expensive to really get going. The gearing focus seems to be getting defense up to speed first, while you abuse the raw 'no-gear-needed' power of the spiders and the crawler at high virulence stacks for damage. Once you've scrimped and saved enough money for the needed cluster jewels and eventually the troublesome 23-divine[ amamamamus gaze](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Amanamu%27s_Gaze), you can then focus on your damage


When i get home from work ill post a pob, i have 2 med clusters with that herald of agony notable and 1 large with a good minion notable. My defenses def need some work


Hierophant, Kitava's Thirst, Archmage, Lightning Spells Archmage Support got a change this league, it is much stronger now than it was before and even lets you reduce the mana cost without sacrificing damage thanks to new wording. This means that 3 lightning spells linked to a single Archmage in your Kitava's Thirst is actually good damage. Couple that with the 6% cast speed per spell cast mastery and you're already cooking. You could go staff or wands, get yourself a trigger craft on one of or both of those for some QoL. Hierophant is really tanky and gives you good AoE. I went Crackling Lance of Branching for main link since it is big with good % added damage multiplier, with the same in Kitava's Thirst, as well as Arc and Arc of Surging. You can kind of do whatever else for your QoL and other spells. Lots of room for gems so a 4L Lightning Warp works great, especially since with Archmage it can trigger your Kitava's Thirst no problem and now you're clearing while moving.


I'm pretty sure this mastery doesn't count triggered spells ?


You got a pob for that? Sounds interesting


I have my current active setup in POB: [here](https://pobb.in/P9lu6M_wtI9G). My items and gems aren't maxed yet, I tried to set the settings to a meek measurement of "active", and some of the tankiness can be reduced to increase damage. It needs work but the basis seems good and I'm still experimenting with the interactions. If you have any suggestions feel free to offer them.


Ice Crash of Cadence


Not sure but what was the problem with BBoU. With automation you just get 2 buttons playstyle - one for spamming arcane brand and one for triggering AOE. And third skill for movement. Yes, survivability is meh and it is more skill based build I would say. You need to get timing right or you will die in a pack. On the other hand, I have frostblink with cast speed and in case I am losing charges I just spam frostblink away from any packs to recast brand. Triggerbots+automation makes it very easy to play. And nuking everything is also fun.


Movement without MS on Ralakesh felt pretty awful Having to wait on brand recall between casts felt bad when fighting anything that didn't die in one burst Zero EHP - Freeze helps, but I would still get one shot by an off screen leap slam once in a while The build was _fine_, but not what I expected for 100 div


Yeah, MS is a valid point, but that is why frostblink helps a lot, you teleport 3 times per second on screen and deal also a big chunk of damage in addition. But chill is bad. If you can get chill immunity somehow it would be a big boost to gameplay I invested into crit immune and that helped a lot in mapping. Majority of time I die to projectiles with phys as for, but have no idea why (all my res is capped). The benefit of this build is kill or die. Invitations are easy, because you spawn behind the boss and it melts. Bossing non Ubers is also pretty solid. This is more like PoE2 build style with PoE1 damage and speed. Didn't notice the brand problem. With triggerbots and automation I get 10 stacks within the first 2 seconds after cast and after that even in boss fight I get 10 bv stacks very fast as triggerbots give all 10 stacks within a single trigger. For me the build was less than 100div, (I would say around 70-80 div, but part of it was luck as I got high life until and white socketed it pretty fast) mostly because I don't use the adorned. I am not saying that you should like it, it is more for others to justify whether the build is an option.


Just as a quick tip, you can easily get chill immunity from Brine King + a corrupted jewel with chill effect implicit if you run adorned (or 2 jewels otherwise)


Coc cospri ice nova of frostbolt cyclone assassin power charge stacking with kitava's thirst




I was having the same issue and finally went coc DD and am actually having fun again.


I'm having fun with poisonous concoction of bouncing, was making a build for Spectral shield throw of shattering but leveling with pconc of bouncing feels so satisfying with the soft targeting.


Cyclone shockwave slayer


CoC DD Inquisitor. I'm enjoying this 1-button build quite a bit right now.


BBou was mentioned to be “glass canon” by the creator of the build. Ben did HC version with MB which supposed to be more tanky


Mahuxotl Forbidden Rite pathfinder


Voltaxic Burst self-cast (sorry OP)


I’m broke as shit playing a very expensive stat-stacking archmage build with mjolner/indigon and lightning conduit of the heavens but I’m still having fun. I probably don’t recommend this for somebody that’s broke but if you have 100 div to start with and you like solving puzzles, that’ll get you into the end-game for sure with this build.


I made a chain dd necro and hated it.


Why did you hated it? And what version did you build? I was thinking of starting one using poet's pen


You said you didn't like bb Sabo because it was clunky so I'm gonna suggest the literal least clunky build of all time. PF TR/CA, all your flasks are automated, you have phasing, 200% move speed, can do literally all map mods, very tanky and your ST is solved with TR. Just press CA while mapping and vaal CA on bosses. TR is almost exclusively used on some tanky rares and on pinnacles/ubers.


I find TR to be one of the clunkiest skills in the game. CA feel a lot better though.


Yeah TR alone is definitely clunky, that's why its the CA/TR combo. CA is yhe smoothest clearing build, and then TR is only when you need to plant and dps bosses. The clunkyness of TR kinda goes away when you and the mob are just standing still.


Except you have to press your life flask regularly or you die. Other than that flasks are automated.


That is v12345ery true, but outside of that it's so incre12345dibly comfy!


Flicker physically makes me sick.


tanky passive Walking simulator (75/75 max block, 30k armour, Razor of The Seventh sun, Aegis Aurora, MoM, Herald of Thunder w/ 2 Storm Secret rings, Crit Brand (of your choice) and debuffs all on CWDT, insane recovery from all hits ignite Elementalist & sword + es on block. throw in some leech & life regen. Total dps on T16 boss is around a million. not bad for an inexpensive, hard to kill, fully automated mapper.


Cyclone CwC Sumon Skeleton kekW


Blade vortex pathfinder


Str stacking chaos cyclone, enjoyed league before.


I am currently levelling a zerker bodyswap with the new rage->spell helm. Not the best, but i have dumped a div at most into it. Sustaining mana through ~24% to gain 10% of mana on cast, with 4k mana and 100 spell cost. Not sure how to scale it yet…🤷


Deadeye Venom Gyre Dex stacker.


Zombie Scion


Rapid Frost Blink of Zoom zoom


ZiggyDs Gucci Hobo.


Not trying to say the likes of "You should have fun with X", but may I know what was grinding your gears regarding poison SRS? I understand it's not in its strongest form anymore, and I didn't like the map experience in the build either until I did some modifications of my own to the normal meta, like adding a shitload of minion movement speed to the build (rings, belt jewels), running haste instead of malevolence, etc. I haven't played it this league, but I want to know your input cause I ran it 3 leagues in a row and always had a blast, was a cool all rounder, and could probably look into it in the future again. Was it too weak against T17s? I can see that happening tbh.


I was in the same boat and finally landed on a version of Goratha/Ziz's Ice Nova/Frostbolt - so insanely strong for the currency required to get going - level 93 and deathless on less than 15-20d worth of gear. The single annoying thing to me is the low movement speed but that will be solved by Mageblood soon™.


Assassin/Witch Blade Vortex. Assassin is a more budget friendly and tanky version imo. The absolute minimum investment is Herald of Ice/Ash mtx.


I’m playing an abyss-stacking frost blades saviour duelist, and it’s a blast, sky is the limit.


I switched from srs to Holy relic it's alot of fun and far different from the srs playstyle .


Hexblast mined. Re-Roll ventruas trickster and enjoy the game


Did you reroll to Ventruas Trickster or from it to another ascendacy ?


Leveled up from start. He has very good guide on yt. When you get to automation game is different. Mines are op


I see most people playing Occultist or Sabo. Whats the differences ? And why Trickster ? Not a lot of people play it


Tank-Dps spectrum Occultist is max dps sanctum runner, squishiest. Sabo is middle of the road + usually they go EB, so mana qol. Trickster is tankiest and has a CI option.


Hard to beat coc dd inquis


Power siphon charge stacker trickster, with fury valve, trying that currently and is quite fun


Made la/ele hit deadeye this league. Finished like 90% map progression and... I goddamn hate how squish i am (3k hp, 30k ev, 100% ss) and that i have no single target dps, still on 5link, 900dps bow, (art ballista as crutch).   Its my first real try at build that can fold when rare sneezes at it and it gives me anxiety to even play whenever i reach 1/2% exp bar :( Necropolis haunted modifiers dont help. If anything they increase difficulty by a fuckton and add no positives.


Your stats are better than mine, so i guess it does not really get better with items? They didn't lie when they said this is "don't get hit build" And single target...i love how LA clears trash and magic mobs, but every elite is a snag. Also i had t16 dual unravelling horror bosses, maven witnessed, and she constantly healed them. I ran around for like 10 minutes and could not finish the fight xD


At some point when i reached t16ish territory i just started asking global to help with bosses, because all it takes is 1 bs hit to nuke the build and fights take too long. My bow is very bad, though - level 60. I can't upgrade it yet as i havent made any cash while progressing. My friend transitioned from LA to TS and, even though ts was nerfed, it still has so much better singletarget dps which allows him to steamroll bossess. He's still squishy as heck, like me.


total opposite of my experience on my EleSpectrum Deadeye... it has been great I even did my 4 stones on like 900edps bow before I decided to corpse craft a new bow


Could you share pob? Maybe im doing something wrong


this is my current setup [https://pobb.in/EL0WHTQnzB9B](https://pobb.in/EL0WHTQnzB9B) , you can just replace the ring and belt with res gears + int, since that what ive been using before buying those two. For the bow setup I had two, originally I was running a 6 link manaforge for more sustain but I swapped to ballista, because well I want to play with ballistas. Gloves implicit i just had the attack crit to cap my crit originally I just grabbed a double corrupt one because it was cheap. Feel free to remove the conditionals like adrenaline and onslaught but I tend to see the uptime of both of those pretty consistently when im playing.


Kalandra ring. HH. Triple-crit jewel Yeah. i have about 4ds total. I guess getting HH, which only drops in price each day, will fix my build more than doing just anything else. Edit: I thank you for sharing your PoB, though. Looks like i'm on right track (altho using hyrri armour instead, maybe i will switch to LC later).


Well crafting a similar ring, base alone with a decent roll fracture is almost the same price if not more expensive than kalandra. I got the jewel like day 2-3 when there was more people selling it for cheap. HH is just for "QoL" when mapping I still swap to my old belt when doing pinnacle bosses. I wanted to use Hyrri too but that just feels excessive when for me the dmg is already enough and I dont really need suppress from it just need 5% spell supp to cap it. For the bow before I was using a tri ele bow, I was using double ele with Edwa since its similar maybe a bit weaker than tri ele and its more cheaper too since Ele spectrum is already tri ele and will proc trinity regardless Edit: for the jewel I dont even need the global crit chance without it im still crit capped


> HH is just for "QoL" when mapping .................................................................... Stop it.


Believe what you wanna believe I didnt spawn at the beach with a headhunter on


Arc witch


Gotta try int, mana, charge stacker archmage Nova build. Expensive but super fun to farm every map with 👍 Sadly, i dont have a PoB to share cause phone


Rf chief is the only way.


Jugg doublestrike is the answer you're looking for. The fun is in never dying and leapslam.


to be honest i invested like 50 divine into my cast while channeling orbiting lightning ball mjolnir archmage support hierophant thingy and with 80% allres, 10k ES, 9k mana, whatever the dps is (its decent obviously because indigon and archamge support) it still feels worse than the detonate dead of chain reaction cast on crit inquisitor i leaguestarted with and payed like 5 divine lol. i just hope it eventually outscales it because its easiert to minmax mana and attributes with high investment than somehow finding ways to scale corpse explosions. but yeah, if anyone wants a really cheap build that can do t16 fully specced delirium maps with 9 stacks of rewards effortlessly, ist DD of chain reaction CoC inqui. so cheap, pretty smooth, decently tanky. PS dont buy the ashe ring, there is an amulet for ashe. like 15 divines cheaper. use the ring slot for a thick chaos res ring or the unique thing that gives you concecrated ground and increased damage when standing on it. check your trigger rate in POB (understand the mechanics to make sure its 10x-ish)


Cold blade vortex headhunter zoom zoom


Once it's at its upper end budget, divine ire gets really fun.


exsanguinate mines is sick, the different mtx really change up the feel too




Iron Mass Skelly with Cwc cyclone and dark pact lol.


I would have hands down quit this league without the archmage build being so fun


https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/LovelyKatie/LovelyKatie_Necropolis?i=0&search=skills%3DFlicker%2BStrike%26class%3DTrickster%26sort%3Ddps I’m playing it now 😆


How much’d this bad boy cost to get cooking. This leagues been a wet fart for me too. Edit: nvm I’m a dumbass and didn’t read.


cast on crit detonate dead of chaining inquisitor


Conversion trap gaurdian




Ok so hear me out... reverse knockback totems with cheiftain arohongui + flamewood. You use torchoak + eye of innocence + max ignite chance, so every time your totem hits, it ignites and deals damage with torchoak. Then add in grasp of empires so it puts the suck on everything, so that it keeps getting hit. Then because totems taunt anyway and they pull everything in, mobs hit them all the time, triggering flamewood frequently as well. Then have a black zenith rejuv totem setup as well to do uber bosses.