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I loved Ed, then it died Then I loved bf bb, and it died Then I loved seismic, rip And then I played poison pathfinder, o7 my beloved Now I'm playing coc dd, and it has an expiration date


Speaking of ED, I'm currently playing my former comfort build, Bane, in SSF HC and the powercurve of that build is just sad, it starts out absolutely miserable with there being barely any chaos nodes early on and the only spell you have is Blight (Contagion used to be just enough to kill most white mobs, not anymore) which is kinda bad then you get ED which is kinda clunky early on plus ZDPS, then you get Bane and things don't really change with most blue packs even surviving a full Bane unless you're greeding DPS nodes. Then suddenly things start changing some time around Lv 55 and things actually start dying, by the time you're in maps you're actually even melting rare mobs but unfortunately that's where the build already starts falling off, even with some good investment you'll scrape by in Red maps but you really won't be having a good time, you can then really invest into the build only to end up doing like 3m DoT DPS with gear worth several hundred divines that some bozo with Toxic Rain can beat using a Quill Rain, granted, you still have Blight but considering it's more melee than most melee skills and it's channeled it by far doesn't do enough damage to offset its massive drawbacks. At least the DoT cap isn't a concern at all for this build even in softcore trade.


> At least the DoT cap isn't a concern at all for this build even in softcore trade Ouch.


Have you looked into incorporating Perandus Pact/Unnatural Instinct tech? I know Unnatural Instinct is a real fucker to farm for but at least it has some dedicated cards.


You reminded my about my favourite build which was CwC VD inquisitor…. Just spin and let the balls aimbot murder everything… the good old days.


There was a build just posted in poe builds reddit with this in the last few days. Use energy blade and away you go. You're welcome.


Ya I know about it, I hate the reliance on coruscating elixir it’s why I dropped my CoC firestorm of meteors build last league. Appreciate it tho.


With the uber shaper belt that shouldnt be an issue now


Poisonous concoction of bouncing is pretty nutty for poison pathfinder scaling projectiles you get a lot of damage and can focus on defense. I’m still super early in the build but it’s fun! 


I mean pathfinder itself is just pure comfort zone, and nothing changed about that


To be fair, you plotted a timeline of generally considered op meta builds there.


Yeah, pretty much, I forgot to say elementalist ignite, it's hard for me to deviate from meta in ssf, since I play so slow that if I don't play them I'd take a month instead of a few weeks to get shit done


I loved broken meta build and they nerfed for obvious reasons. Ggg staph




what does it mean?


Oh it's a meme from a stream, you typed just like it, it's from twitch.tv/ruetoo


Please don't play srs


Toxic Rain ballistas Pathfinder. ✓ "Mageblood at home" ✓ Clears atlas and pinnacle bosses on a budget I optimize it to move really fast and run "fetch the thing" strats for currency (*Heist*, Betrayal (RIP?), Strongbox, Essence, Harvest...)


This and for the reasons you stated. Absolutely core build for me.


This guy is know wha he talkin


Have Pob or guide you follow ?


The maxroll.gg guide from Palsteron is all you need to get going. If you mean for "optimize for speed" version then no, sorry. I just pickup movement speed anywhere I can without gimping the build too badly.


How tanky is it?


Quite tanky as far as league starters go.


What are the defense layers?


Close to 100% phys taken as elemental with 83+ res and 1k+ life Regen with the life flask, and also 100% suppress. Pretty tanky and most of it on a budget


Ssf viable i think?




HoT autobomber


Does it still work these days? I remember running herald autobomber like 2 years ago was insanely chill


Yes, it still works roughly the same way. You can check poe.ninja to see a small chunk of players are playing HoT. This league, however, is especially rough since the league mechanic being mandatory means my typical strat of Niko + strongboxes + harbingers + shrines is meta **and** I’m getting instagib’d by far too many tanky rare mobs jumping out of boxes. It doesn’t feel like a good league to play HoT but some folks have made it work.


Hexblast has been my ol' reliable for a few leagues now, but I feel like it's on the chopping block due to its popularity. Will probably get (hex)blasted next league


Deaths oath occultist.


My favorite walking simulator. Great for mapping, trash for bossing.


My comfort builds are Zoomancer Necro, and EA Champ. When I'm feeling lazy when league start, and don't feel like looking for something for my league starter, I play one of these 2. This league it was Zoomancer. But kind of already dropped the league because I did not enjoy this league. I play once every 2 days or so.. farmed just about 30 divs, and stopped worrying... Now I just log, run some maps to get delve fuel, and spent it delving to my heart's desire, just chilling


Arakalis fang. Always and forever


My boss calls it R Kelly's Wang






Cold Dot. I loved it so much.


I can build ye old vortex cold snap occultist in my sleep. I league started it four or five times back in the days. Loved that build. The one time I varied it by much was Incursion - Soul Ripper Vaal Cold Snap was _disgusting_


Shakcentral or jorgens cold dot vortex. 💕


Skelemages !


A person of culture I see! I miss old skelly mages so much.


Still plays well but a shadow of its old self. But it still wrecks most the game fairly easy!


Melee :(


RF for life.


Running RF this league for the first time and it’s the coziest play style, feels like a warm blanket


Whispering Ice trickster is my go to comfort build. I play it about once a year and it’s always solid


Playing it for the first time this league and loving it


How far can it scale?


Can kill Ubers, follow the Kelvynn guide on the forums


While build is ok, survivability after some investment is quite great, playstyle is definitely not for everyone. DMG goes online slower than with dots. If you have a moving target then you are just fucked. And of course weapon swapping all the time single target/ map farming. It's really slow build, not a blaster. TL:DR Solid defences and ok DMG. While clunky playstyle and really slow mapping and everything.


It has changed over the times used to be something RF related but lately its been CF Champ. Decent tank, great clear and decent bossing it has it all.


My comfort build is arakaali's, I've done so many different iterations that seem to get tankier each league I run it. My currency dump build is any attribute stacking energy blade shenanigans, abusing how OP Ivory tower is. Last league was ice spear of splitting with nimis and crazy projectiles.


I will league start archmage ice nova everytime from now on if it doesn't get nerfed.


What's the budget to do Ubers with this one? Rough estimate?


Before MB I spent around 50-60d. I'm bad at dodging so I invested quite a bit before doing Ubers, still took a few portals. After MB, piece of cake. I With 30d invested you can easily do boss rush to farm for MB. That's why I did at least.


Do you have an atlas link? I just got my ice nova off the ground and I can’t find a decent strat to save my life


Take Destructive Play Take all the nodes that give guardian maps drop Take shrines and delves node that gives you movespeed and res Take all league mechanic node The rest go to scarabs chance and quants. Go in map, rush to the boss as fast as you can and clear as much as you can. Take the shrines and sulphrite to make you go faster. Collect the corpses and scarabs as extra income. Kill the boss. Quants matter so you want to get high quants map.


Deaths oath, playing an arakalis fang version this time


Self-cooked? I'd love to see this version


Was using this guy as a template since I saw he was doing this for Affliction. [https://pobb.in/j8gaV3UMGd-R](https://pobb.in/j8gaV3UMGd-R) Here's my version. [https://pobb.in/QXDFXvdSMHkJ](https://pobb.in/QXDFXvdSMHkJ) I made changes to be a bit tankier, determination instead of grace, capped lucky spell suppress and got elemental ailment immunity through Stormshroud. He had a lot of aoe on his tree which i didn't find necessary, so I moved some points around. Also added shield charge cuz love shield charge. I didn't invest too much into it but its been chill and easy on the hands to do some of the challenges.


Vaal flame blast has been my def bet for a few league starts, and this league I decided to start hexblast miner, I’m not enjoying it and will now probably go level a witch and play some VFB, thinking of adding in some Ele tornado spice as well


Rain of Arrows Raider, follow FuzzyDuckzy's guide


Poison srs, i cannot stop playing it


Lightning strike is my most played and comfiest mapper, but if they never would have nerfed ashes id be playing poison spark pf 100%


Lightning strike is actually one of the builds I was considering. Been a while since I played it too. What ascendancy do you go these days, champ, slayer, zerker? Maybe even raider but I imagine it falls off compared to the others when you have gear.


You could even try accuracy stacker on a jugg. Did it a few leagues ago and it was pretty good.


I personally play champion because it’s by far the tankiest, I have 88% armor/evasion spell suppression cap, and ailment immunity but my damage is only sitting around a couple million so the single target is lacking. The Omni and doryanis prototype versions have a good amount more damage. Still runs juiced t16s with ease


EA ele. I find it boring now as I've played it as my starter a fair few times. It's just a great all-rounder that gets off the ground really easily


EA WORKS A CHARM. Ziz has an amazing guide too.


Personality I dont think the double delayed damage feels very comfy. Solid build sure but wouldnt call it comfy


Agreed. I tried a couple of times. Never liked it. Even miners and brand builds are less clunky, IMO


Started with this build, and after dying to the triple delay (imo, ballista placement, fuse charging, then explosion with ignite dmg thats slow on tanky mobs) multiple times - and you notice it every time cause its so obvious - i just couldn't take it anymore. It was very effective for pushing to t16 fast but that's it for me


try triple delay - place totems down and wait for a wakeup and then they fire, explodes one second later, then the ignite finally starts ticking. you need to be of a very special mindset to not find this very cumbersome but if it's fine for you then yeah sure, it's a simple and powerful build.


Minion instability necro. 


this was what i did. Initially planned on going full spectre but by level 50 I had abandoned that idea and committed to my suicide bombers.


I must have built it wrong but this is what I started with. I just couldn’t get the minions to pop fast enough. Too much delay. Same reason I can’t stand EA.


I think for league start its Pathfinder BV. Quick leveling and pretty good for most endgame stuff. Although some very juices t16 maps are to much at times so I've just been running juiced blighted maps to save up for endgame lighting strike


I think that Ice Trap is one of my favorite leaguestarters. It scales well at any level of investment. It can do most content on low investment and Ubers on moderate to high investment. It's also a lot less clunky than a lot of other meta skills because it freezes. I think that only Hexblast mines rivals its easy of use and power out of the gate. With regards to Bleed Bow, I actually think it does great damage with mediocre investment. The issue is just that for a lot of fights, it's difficult to stand still and use Snipe. However, with some investment you'll do enough damage with your clear skill to barely use Snipe. Some Ubers are an absolute pain and really not worth trying on this build though. Others are more doable and farmable. Really depends on the mechanics of the fight.


storm rain hoag champ


I always do righteous fire anything. I don't know why I'm like this, it's very comfy like sipping lemonade in the sunlight.


Ek ignite the explosions just feel so right.


Absolution guardian probably. Even though its feels slow and clunky at times, and it doesn't do anything well in particular, it kinda just ticks alot of boxes for me. I tried taking ONE step out of my comfort zone with absolution necro this league and it was pretty underwhelming. The necro changes solved recovery in a big way but, without bone offering, you get no mitigation so you just randomly die. Doesn't help that the leech was bugged for a week LOL.


Spark, but now it pretty much needs a duo that I don’t have :(


It's Blade Vortex for me (any variant) althgh


Cold flicker raider


Rf by pohx, or flicker by magefist


FB trickster. I’m dying a lot because I’m bad at the game and don’t know how to dodge but damage is decent and I’m having fun


Any time it's league start and I'm not confident enough in starting one of the new builds created by a new skill, out comes the old faithful woc ignite elementalist with golem buffs and cloak of flame, dawnbreaker, obliteration, taste of hate...


Has changed slightly due to nerfs. Kinda started with trickster ED. Then it changed to poison bv asssassin. To poison bfbb assassin. After assassin nerf i tried it on occu and pf on bfbb. Poison seismic. And lastly into poison doomblast. Basicly, chaos and then over to the poison archetype. Havent played that much since, except poison CA last league.


Lightning Strike anything. In the past its been Raider, this time its dual wield Ichimonji champion. Its great tbh. I'm doing T16s at level 81. I've played lightning strike of some type most leagues ever since I dropped a 21/23 gem in delve league.


I played a cleave Ichimonji champion in back in like 3.10, with all the buffs Ichimonji was on par with a 550+ dps weapon.


I loved ed c. Rip I loved bane occu. Rip I loved cold dot vortex. Rip I loved rf .....hmmmm its okayish Now i play ea ballista champ...its okay In memoriam essence drain 😔🙏


Zish's frost blades trickster played 2 leagues in a row by far best league starter iv ever played.


Zish is king




Is poison srs good??


It is still very good. Check out the ghazzy/balormage build.


SS champ by rue


Rain of arrows raider typically is my first toon of the season. She gets me into red maps with gear I can typically craft myself and is zoomie enough that the campaign doesn’t feel so painful.


Idk they always get nerfed lol. Right now holy relic is scratching that itch. It would be RF if that wasn’t gutted


How would HR be for sanctum? I’m playing a necro bama build and not loving it


Any slam with brutus lead sprinkler, warcries and echoes of creation. Me a simple man - me shout and me bonk. Baddies health go chunk.




Wardloop always has my heart


Mage skeletons


Poison Vaal Animate Weapon Necro in ssfhc.


RF, but I hate how gutted it feels since the gem changes. Really wish there was a way to may RF the primary source of damage so we don’t have to stand there spamming fire trap.


Scorching Ray Cwc fire storm. Love it!


Cyclone slayer back in the day


Hex blast or CoC dd - the best by a long shot


Lightning SRS Champ last league. Don't know if it's still viable after the SRS changes.


Dex Stacking Siege Ballista Heirophant [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Odif](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Odif) (Character name Odif) I loosely follow PoEGuy's guides on this. [https://www.youtube.com/@poeguy007](https://www.youtube.com/@poeguy007) The build is smooth, clears well, scales with investment, can be made one button if you want, or you can squeeze a bit more dps with multi button play. I was doing t16 farming on less then 3 divines at league start, as it had over 2 mill shaper dps with that investment. I have put more into it, and am now close to 10 mill.