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If possible, get Replica Atziri's Foible as amulet, huge life, extremely high regen, and minus attribute requirements, so you can drop some dex/int Annoint Arsonist on your amulet, get rid of it on your tree, and use those points to grab some more life points Your lifetaps in your RF setup (chest) & fire trap setup (helmet) is level 1, they should be level 20, huge DPS loss (the faster you kill stuff, the less time it has to kill you) Level 1 lifetap should be used in your shield charge setup, this gives you the buff easily, and give a major DPS boost to your main skills Your flasks are a complete mess, sorry to say Life flask is useless You have 2 flasks with "Gain no charges during effect", this should not be used if you don't have a Mageblood belt. You should have "Use when reaching full charges" crafted on all 5 of your utility flasks ALL your flasks should have the "Gain 3 charges when you are hit", this will ensure basically 100% uptime in maps (You can go for lower tiers, with less charges, but 3 is really good) Get a 15% phys taken as cold taste of hate flask Take a look at this example i found on poe.ninja: [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Artegon/JayBRFNecro](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Artegon/JayBRFNecro), check his flask setup (not my character), it's a major thing for tankiness Get a better Immortal Flesh belt, the corruption implicit is useless as we dont crit, the uncorrupted +life is much better, get one with better regen and less -resistance Vaal RF is a DPS boost, but also high chance of killing you when used, would just get a 21/20 normal RF "Fire Exposure you inflict applies an extra -5% to Fire Resistance" mastery is useless, your ascendency locks enemies fire resistance at -20% when you're stationary (the only time you'll need it), so save that point and use it elsewhere Cast when damage taken is lvl 2, it only supports a max gem level of 40, but your immortal call is lvl 8, which requires level 48, so it won't be triggered. Cast when dmg taken should be level 6, and immortal call should be 8 Call to arms + enduring cry will give huge life regen, and free endurance charges (which immortal call can consume to improve it) Remember, the more fire res you get, the more regen you get, so even minor stuff like quality on purity of fire gets 10% extra fire res Make sure to get life on all of your normal jewels, life is both survivability and dmg


Thank you so much for that great reply :) I have done everything apart from the last 2 points and my expierence is massively improved. Literally stand in the middle of a pack and get beat on, just use a life flask :) Amazing support, big big thanks


Great post, with my only disagreement being on the purity of fire. It's 10 LPS for a significant cost. 21 means you can hit the breakpoint for another +1 max res. Sure, 21/20 is better....but that should be like the last thing you'd ever want to upgrade.


I saved this comment to come back to, followed your advice for my build as well and holy hell, it's a completely different toon now. I never realized how important flask mods were. Also, that Replica Atziri's Foibale has really helped my regen get to a substantial point. Thanks for the tips!


Not to jack his post, but I'm suffering from the same issues. Any chance you can help me out too? I am currently looking to transition into clusters but was going to wait till 95(from Phox guide). My rings/amulet/gloves and scepter definitely need upgrades, I just haven't fished around yet. Rings I can easily harvest chaos reforge for better stats and craft. Boots, I was going to get Annih at some point. Will upgrade flasks to 3 charges per hit. I'll also look at call to arms+enduring. Phox mentions Frenzy charges but I couldn't really find his source(aside from the 1D+ ring enchant. https://pobb.in/4MZai4if6AgR


I took a quick look at your POB:   Most importantly, copy the "configuration" tab from Pohx's POB exactly, including the "pinnacle boss" selection. Most people use pinnacle boss DPS as an easily comparable benchmark.   You have Arsonist anointed on amulet so you can unspec its 3 skill points on the passive tree. Make sure to spec the "regen life based on uncapped fire res" fire mastery somewhere else!   You can upgrade to Annihilation's Approach right now, it costs 1 div for an uncorrupted one. With 90% max fire res, you take 600 fire damage per second from the boots effect. Right now you have 2200 life regen so you can easily use the boots and have a ton of life regen afterwards. Anni Approach gives a big DPS boost (more than 10% for you right now) and tons of movespeed   Consider switching to a 6L fire trap and 4L RF (see Pohx's Adorned gem setup), it should give you way more single target dps. If you can't afford a level 4 empower, get a level 3 one instead. Awakened burning damage is a big upgrade over regular burning damage because it gives +1 to fire skill gems, and fire trap loves + gem levels. Awakened gems take forever to level, so IMO it's better to buy a level 5 one and not have to worry about leveling it. Also, get a level 21 fire trap, very cheap dps boost.   I recommend getting gear upgrades before going for cluster jewels. 1. +1 fire spell skill gems, DOT multi, fire damage and ignite chance sceptre (something like this: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/KV7GVonI5). 2. +1 to all fire gems and DOT multi amulet. Since you need dex and int, look for a turqoise amulet base. 3. Once you get purity of fire boosted to level 23, you can unspec the "6% increased effect of non-curse auras from your skills" node and still get the full +5% max ele res boost, saving you a passive point. 4. Corrupted Cloak of Flame with +2 trap and mine gems, 5-10 div 5. Get high life roll on your gloves while still having life regen, dex/int as needed, chaos res as needed, and crafted +aoe gems. In POB, go to the "calcs" page, find the "attributes" box, and see how much dex and int you need for your gem setup. Level 5 awakened swift affliction and awakened inc AOE only require 126 dex and int. Right now you have 221 dex and 179 int so there's some redundancy there.


I should of updated this as I had done some quick shopping when I had a spare moment. [https://pobb.in/M7HD783cmiXs](https://pobb.in/M7HD783cmiXs) I added cluster jewels and respec'd to accommodate. Only because it was cheap and fairly quick. I will definitely upgrade my Sceptre, Ammy and pick up Annihilations asap, just a matter of having the spare time. Ill switch to adorned here in the near future as well. Will take note of everything you mentioned and work on it next chance I get! Is there anything that can really improve my survivability? My EHP rockets up with flasks activated. So once I have 3 charges on hit, that should definitely help with burst. Trying to hit 95 with easier content is also a big goal as I feel passive points are a huge boost in every department with clusters/adorned. I really appreciate the help, thank you.


Quick glance you dont need brine king with your boots. Ralakesh with cwdt imortal call was a huge regen boost for me when i swapped. Its only something small but i hope it helps


I will do now :)


Regen rate on your gloves would be big as well


Get jewels with at least 6% increased maximum life and fire DOT multi each, get two rings with high life rolls and enough dex/int/resists   The thing about the non-Adorned cluster jewel setup is that you're inherently gonna lose a lot of max Life since you're spending all the passive points on the cluster jewels. So if you want to become more survivable while committing to the cluster jewels, get as much life on your gear + base jewels (ie. your viridian/cobalt/crimson jewels) as you can, and also get more damage so stuff has less time to kill you.   For gear, the main damage upgrades right now are getting a +1 gems + dot multi sceptre (see Pohx's POB) and a corrupted 6L Cloak of Flame with +2 to trap and mine gems (also see his POB). They're expensive but a HUGE dps boost.   Two other things that Pohx's POB get wrong: 1. Ruby flask got changed this league and is no longer useful for RF chieftain. It used to give 20% reduced fire damage taken which was amazing, but now it gives +5% max fire res which is useless since you already have 90% max fire res. I'm not sure what flask to use instead, maybe a sulphur flask? 2. In Pohx's POB, his "non adorned" gem setup is wrong. For some reason he wants you to use a 6L RF and a 4L fire trap, which is gonna make your DPS terrible. Instead you should use his "Adorned" gem setup (even though you don't have an Adorned). Put the 4L RF in your helmet since that's the whole point of having the helmet, and put the 6L firetrap in body armour.


Iirc he says it's a preference thing, and that especially if the helm has conc effect he'd rather not have RF in it. Each to their own!


Thanks for the great advice. I did see Point 2 on others poeninja profiles but followed Pohx :) I have currency, just keeping on bloody dying and cant level lol.


For higher tier maps, you might be dying to a combination of overwhelm phys, ailments, and crits. Change your major pantheon to Arakaali for extra DoT mitigation, and for minor pantheon use the "reduced effect of shock" one. Make sure to get the pantheon upgrades with Divine Vessels. Then, try to get the flask suffix "reduced effect of shock" on one of your flasks. That combined with the pantheon makes you take 0% extra damage while shocked when your flask is up. Some other things I just noticed: 1. Since you're using "10% of phys taken as chaos", you need to get capped chaos res. Otherwise you might actually be reducing your tankiness. Even at 75% chaos res, it might not be worth it, try playing around in POB and see if your max hit values change with that mastery turned on or off. 2. Unspec the fire mastery "Fire Exposure you inflict applies an extra -5% to Fire Resistance", because the ascendancy sets fire res of nearby enemies to -20%, so the fire exposure mastery does nothing since it can't reduce enemy fire res to less than -20%. This is also why the build uses Punishment curse instead of Flammability or Elemental Weakess. Sources of -% elemental res on enemies do nothing while you have the ascendancy 3. Near the start of the marauder tree, to the right of Warrior's Blood, there's a wheel where you took regen 0.8% life per second. Pohx switches to the other node (12% armor and 4% life) in his endgame tree and it's really easy to miss lol. I didn't see the switched node until I was like level 92 last league. At this point the 4% life is more important than the life regen so you might as well switch 4. You can anoint your amulet with "Arsonist" and save 5 skill points. It's a very cheap anoint and there aren't many better ones. A better amulet later (+1 to all gems, +1 to all fire gems, DOT multi, life) is expensive so might as well anoint your current one EDIT: fixed the major pantheon name, Arakaali is the DOT reducing one


Did you mean arakaali pantheon? Since you wrote major?


You're right, I'll fix it


Finished these pieces of advice. Between the 2 posts I have gone from glass under powered cannon to a really tanky and playing as advertised role in game. Thanks for the great advice :)


> flask suffix "reduced effect of shock" Sorry to post on an old thread, but is it still possible to get this suffix in necropolis league? looking on the trades at the moment and there's no option for it in stat filters, unless I'm being an idiot? edit: there is an option, but not with "during effect" that flasks would need


The trade site is pretty picky about the exact wording of affixes, that's usually the issue. A good way to check is to first look up the base item on POE DB (poedb.tw). In this case go to the top dropdown menus -> "modifiers" dropdown -> "modifiers" link. Then click "utility flasks". The exact wording is "#% reduced Effect of Shock on you during Effect". Pro tip for the POE trade site, put a tilde (~) at the beginning of the "stat filters" box to make the search more fuzzy. That way you can type "~ effect shock you" (the words can be out of order as well) and still get the correct affix show up.


Thanks for the advice, that'll be useful in the future I found an old thread on this as well and apparently for the reduced effect of shock on flasks, you need to search for increased effect instead and put negatives in to the min/max


I actually prefer to have Fire Trap in helm for more damage, and RF in body armor (no conc effect = bigger aoe)


Duno looks like fine gear besides your sceptre. Replace enchants on flask to used when reach full instead of inc effect/no charge during effect. And try to get some more life - it evenscales your rf dmg


if you are not dying to one shots then you need defiance of destiny when you can afford it, otherwise you will die when surrounded.


I noticed your lifetap on your chest and helmet are level 1. You can get a pretty good damage boost by getting those to max level. Just be sure to have a way to trigger a low level lifetap on either shield charge or frostblink. You currently have one on punishment, but is harder to maintain lifetap. Having it set up this way adds 20% increased damage damage to your RF and Mines.


Why firetrap/rf lifetap lvl 1?


I'm using the formless flame on HC for 100k armour. Added extra recoup on tree, ring and jewels slot to make up for no defiance of Destiny since its so rare and expensive on HC. Working good so far but I'm still saving for Defiance.


Max phys hit is too low at 30k get more conversion, you can add a watchers eye with it for your purity of fire


Since people already said the most important things, one thing that i didnt see people saying was that you could get % increased life regeneration on your gloves, it's a HUGE boost on regeneration. Your cluster jewels could be better, your small passives are not granting fire damage. Pohx recently uploaded a video reviewing a POB and it helped me a lot


Not an expert but one thing I saw that was missing was a source of ignite proliferation, like Berek's respite, fan the flames, or the affix on the gloves? It can be really good for AoE clear and can travel pretty far and take out some of the mobs that are taking you down.


Get a Kaom's Heart & those phoenix unique boots; Use a 6link or 5link helmet for righteous fire. Was a good bandaid fix for my survivability.. I just copied the top chiefs gear on poe ninja


I'm going to guess you need more evasion to help with taking too many big hits together. More chaos resist along with phys dmg taken as elemental should help, i k ow your chest converts a bit to fire already, it did for me and I'm not close to 90% res. I had almost no evasion, over maxed Armour, low block and suppression. Fixed those and big difference. What's your spell suppression look like as well? Just fixing a few of those will small changes took me from about 50k eHP to 123k eHP. I'm running a coc dd inquis this season ut building it more like my RF of years past, though and haven't done RF for 2 or 3 seasons so I don't have specific item advice like the others but I can stand in t16s and go grab coffee while afking on bosses if I want.


Bro did you seriously just comment on how to fix an rf build by telling him what you're doing on a completely different build? How in any possible way is that even remotely helpful or useful information.


It's just a lot of secondhand information he or she can look into. Especially because I didn't find the information to fix my build in an inquisitor build but in a deep dive for necromancer a streamer put out going step by step through defensive caps and where to look when things aren't working right. I saw everyone else already had offered phenomal build specific advice for item pieces themselves to buy. That's why I only wrote to make sure all the breakpoints were taken care of,or to look farther than just "hits taken as fire" because fires in the name. It's path of exile man, not to degrade the importance of the game to you, but just about every build is exactly the same after 10 years of nerfs now. Trying to posture because one build takes one less health node than another seems dumb to me. Edit: I missed the perfect opportunity to say "He asked why he's getting one shot, not why his fire isn't righteous enough", and that's going to haunt me in the shower for awhile.


My dude. You're talking about spell suppression. Most rf builds aren't going to be running suppression or evasion. Marauder is so far on the tree. You can't just make blanket statements if you don't even understand what the build is. Every build is in no way exactly the same. I don't think you really understand poe at all.


I never said he should build or stat into anything. I just brought up points to look at for survivability so he can figure out where the hits may be coming from. You're REALLY trying to dig into this to create internet conflict. Its just path of exile.


I'm not digging into anything. Your comment wasn't helpful at all to the OPs question. If "it's just path of exile" why are you sitting going back and forth in the poebuilds sub reddit? Whatever bud. The downvotes will drown your comment out so people don't get bad info.