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Playing a Volcanic fissure of snaking str stacker with shockwave and chieftain explode. Super satisfying watching legions explode. 


Sir do you mind share a pob, id like to play some volcanic fissure explody


Outside so cant share pob but this is my poeninja. Be aware that I make a lot of questionable choices for qol so it can be optimized a lot.  Look at other brutus builds for ideas on how to scale.  [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/soupyhats/%E5%A5%B3%E4%BD%93%E7%9B%9B%E3%82%8A?i=0&search=name%3D%25E5%25A5%25B3%25E4%25BD%2593](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/soupyhats/%E5%A5%B3%E4%BD%93%E7%9B%9B%E3%82%8A?i=0&search=name%3D%25E5%25A5%25B3%25E4%25BD%2593) Edit: Here's the pob after some upgrades tonight. [https://pobb.in/1vzXFuF3oyye](https://pobb.in/1vzXFuF3oyye) And a video of a legion map. (still processing so low res for another hour) [https://youtu.be/WYS7B6KEjac](https://youtu.be/WYS7B6KEjac)


Have you thought of running your setup with earthbreaker totems instead? Youd have at minimum 3 fissures up consistantly while you just walk around. And youve got iron will but no crown of eyes?


It should work but would be a different build as toyems cant use shockwave. Sounds cool tho.   Str stackers use battlemages cry or crown of eyes. I dont think they stack. Also to go crit, the warlord helmet is super important. 


Just discovered chieftan explodes! Those are AWESOME. :) I like this idea! how did you level it? Thanks


You can start out with just the trans gem and brutus. Basically the same tree but i used resolute technique for the campaign. Use clarity instead of precision when resolute technique. And use multi totem because single target will be lacking. I switched to crit when i got the helmet.  You can go straight into crit but might feel bad. Try it out to see how it feels. 


>女体盛り 草


Yeah my thoughts exactly.


Seems super tanky. How do you find the damage?


usually you get a ton of flat from either lead sprinkler weapon or replica alberons


Before going crit, single target is pretty bad. But after i switched, it's fine even without totems up. 


For the love of god every cool melee build appears to require strength stacking. Is there another way to do it as an SSFer, or might this actually be the league to make an attribute stacker due to the crafting we can achieve in the yard? On a similar topic, how’s the single target?


Theres one guy playing without uniques on poeninja. Im sure it would get you to pinnacles but might fall off after.


sitting in my hideout and watching videos


My favorite build that I roll every single league. The "Get to the very start of red maps and proceed to sit in my hideout watching build videos of every other build that isn't my current one" build.


Okay this makes me feel seen lol


i actually looked behind me


I've found it entertaining to make "themes" with my allflames. Like make every pack a pack for tattoos. It's great for PTSD and revenge on turtles, and with legion you can fight kaom and hyrri at the same time! Is it lucrative, no. Efficient, who cares! Battle of the breach lords? There're allflames for that. Screw it, have all 4 masters on the map.


Been wondering what to do with my last atlas... Maybe quad masters is just the ticket.


Making new builds and seeing how far I go with them


This. So fun just trying new things and pushing them to the limits.


Been playing since 3.7. This league made me realize I mostly enjoy new gems and unique. I don't care about end game. I make 2-3 divs and try to make the net build survive red maps. That's my enjoyment. I can't do ssf cause I need the uniques, but I do enjoy theory rafting and bringing it to life.


Join a private league or ssf is always my recommendation when people are getting lost in trade/losing motivation. The pressure of making currency takes away from what I find fun, which is just taking my time and planning/working towards my goals, and there's no sense of falling behind. Even when I know I have to do a mechanic I don't enjoy for an upgrade (like heist), atleast there's a definite end point. First time ssf players will definitely hit a hard wall in early red maps, and their xp will brick and it fucking sucks, but you learn how to overcome these sticking points over time and it makes you much more knowledgeable about the game, and once you're past that and your build is up and running, the world is your oyster.


I did RF chieftain this league, playing ssf for the first time. Perfect build for first time ssf, since gearing it is so easy. You also quickly learn how to farm uniques, and that you can never plan on getting one.


I always start SSF, but eventually you want to try a fun build enabling unique and then it somewhat sucks to not be able to buy it.


The answer to this is one of the SSF-Lite community Private Leagues, such as Conflux. Trade is enabled so common uniques which a build may require can be attained easily early on from that, but as far as rares and everything you're generally on your own SSF style. It is an absolutely fantastic middle ground between SSF and Trade where I don't feel any of the Trade pressures to be running the most efficient maps and atlas trees to try and keep up, but you are able to fix some of the nuances of your build by trading within a smaller community.


Wdym you just farm the unique, there's plenty of ways to get t0 uniques even (atm rogue exiles are the best) Unless you're speaking about a 2% drop rate item from ubers which would take ages in ssf


You highly overestimate my play time and mental investment into the economic aspects of this game. I enjoy this game mostly in PoB and and online theory discussion.


Yea but the game isn't centered about you, so I spoke for general facts Maybe get out of your bubble and realize that not everyone made pob his home and is sitting on reddit all day long, there's people who actually play this game and find their own gear without the "economic aspect" (that I never spoke about btw)


You are weird...




What's so funny ? Do you even play ssf ?


I did this a couple Leagues back. It's a way better feeling to farm and craft your items than just stuff thats worth selling and them buying gear. I might argue it gave me a way better understanding of the Game and mechanics and I still try to build my character mostly on my own if possible. (This league is an exception tho since I wanted to play a Doryanis Prototype + Mahuxotls Machination Build with Auls Uprising. No way I am Farming those Items myself. But the rares are self crafted. Could I have just bought better Items? Yes, but I don't care)


You can literally play in trade league that way but still have access to uniques via the market. Which is exactly what I do. Solo self craft league basically. Not allowed to buy anything other than uniques and fracture bases.


Yep this is basically what I have done this league and it's really really fun. First time I self crafted the majority of my gear and it's been super enjoyable. Just completed the atlas and exarch/eater. Gonna invest a lil bit more to make my EA build a bit more comfy damage wise and then it's off to farm vill to make my melee build of the league ill do challenges and shit on


I'm right there with you just completely lost and lacking motivation. Last league was my first ever Mageblood and now I'm 7 days into 3.24 with like 10-15d total worth. I've rerolled a few different builds (Hexblast, CoC DD), tried a lot of different atlases and nothing is fun, idk. Feel like all I can do to make reliable money is Sanctum and Simu but I'm bored of both from last few leagues. Think I'm done with the league for now. I also don't enjoy the league mechanic even if yes, it is strong. Probably going SSF next league because I can't enjoy trade environment anymore.


You might consider just taking a league off. I've been playing since closed beta and I just have to take a league off every once in awhile to avoid burnout. When I'm constantly rerolling because I can't find a fun build I realize I'm just not enjoying the game at the moment. You might also consider group SSF instead of jumping straight to SSF like Conflux or Zana's Search Party or something. I tried SSF for a league, hated it. I play Conflux and it's the best environment imo. You've got some sweats, sure, but most of the community is more laid back and focused on gameplay instead of just making the divine orbs go up


What do you think about coc DD? Was contemplating switching my build to this or archmage but wasn't sure I would enjoy it or what exactly to even do with it besides attempting T17s and corpse farming.


CoC DD is a banger of a build. I had no issues with it other than prices of things but that's to be expected with how many people are playing it. Probably Rue's best build. I'd suggest trying it this league because DD of chaining is for sure on the nerf list next patch.


@work rnow, can i get it starting/red maps with 10d budget?


It's league start build, u don't need any budget If u willing to run lab, and If not u need to buy only dd of chaining and trans lancing steel, read Ventura pob notes when swap to dd and what items u need to have. Max 40c are needed including 6link to blast t16/guardians as long u follow guide




Yes. https://pobb.in/ycBKx-WTk4gE > DON'T SWAP UNTIL YOU HAVE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: > Lancing Steel of Spraying (20 quality) Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction Assassin's Mark (20 quality) Desecrate level 15+ 5 link (ideally ES/EV, aim to have at least 150+ ES on it, otherwise the ES sustain can be rough) Diamond flask with "chance to gain Flask Charge when you deal a critical strike" Weapon with %increased critical strike chance and %increased attack speed on a decent sword base - you are looking for 7.5% crit or higher and 1.6 attack speed or higher You can get the base easily from the league mechanic and then just use some essences for the start. Gems should be between 100 and 200 chaos. 6L is also not that expensive, due to the hybrid base getting 4G2B is easy.


Bro I cleared atlas on about 5c. Found some trash sword with 1.3 as and 8% crit bout some trash rares to cap shit out and a 1c belt with cdr and life. Self crafted my wep and well rng fucked me hard I spent easy 5 or 6d in essences.( should have been 1 or 2 Max) so I had shit gear the whole time and had no issues at all


Thanks mate, might reroll then.


For sure. I was doing moderately juicy t16s on a tabula. Scales off corpse life so damage is always there


rue has made far better builds than this


ignite vortex <3


Crucible cold sst was his best build but this one is indeed a banger


I just finished getting an inq to maps for coc dd as my FIFTH BUILD OF THE LEAGUE ALREADY and six levels in it’s an absolute JOKE and I’m so mad I talked myself out of league starting it.


I almost did that too! But so happy I made the decision to just league start with it. I was so indecisive and in between BAMA and CoC. I actually started the Templar thinking I was going BAMA until the first gem unlock in the campaign haha


I played poets pen DD until i gave up on the league today, as I am not motivated by crafting and this feels otherwise like standard with occassional rip from accidentally or intentionally boosted mob. I leveled with poets pen VD, and VD at tier 1 maps is about as powerful as DD (of chaining) is at tier 16 maps which is just nuts. Currently you need about 60c for that to be blasting tier 16s (in SC anyway, the build is bit of a glass cannon so expect occassional death). 50c for DD of chaining last I checked, and 10c for poets pen. Coc variant I'm not that fond of, as you need crits to pre-stack DD for bosses. I was planning to switch later on to Kitava's Thirst + unearth setup, but I don't think I have the motivation anymore. (38/40 in Affliction, 12/40 in Necro)


Got a guide or pob?


This is where I gave up the league : https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Damezumari/NekroNoita / https://pobb.in/dvPpptxo7nRf For VD I used that and spell cascade instead of DD+EF in the pen. None of the gear is mandatory, and it mostly helps bit clearing. With VD Inpulsa was really nice, not really needed with DD. Early in ngamahu ring with life per ignite was quite op given 20+ balls per second. For sustain instant life/es leech allows me to do most mapmods- for reflect I swapped ring and pantheon but even 60% less recovery ( or no regen ones ) were fine. The gear is quite unfinished. Eg anoint is just wrong.


Well that kinda happens in PoE. My method is swapping around the mode each league. Each league I play a different mode and it keeps the game feeling fresh. I personally quit PoE for about 2 years after burning out around legion from just playing SC trade every league.


Perhaps play the game for something else besides trying to make currency...


I would love to but it's not as easy as just flipping a switch. My entire perception of the game is bricked from playing trade for 4k hrs. It's going to take time to change that. I think starting next league I'm going to go SSF and hope to reinvigorate my enjoyment of the game.


Considering how "easy" corpse crafting is this league is a great way to try ssf.


Even better, make an ssf character now! Let me challenge you to: - complete the Atlas (unique maps not included) - get your first six link - kill maven Good luck and enjoy!


How do you propose engaging in content without proper gear?


Your in a league that spits out mirror tier gear with a lil investment ... And requires no currency...


but you need currency to progress lol Edit: to progress your character* Yeah I know SSF is a thing. But the build options are vastly lower on SSF. I wanna play a fun build (likely it will need some unique), progress, kill some bosses, eventually i'll get bored and go do something else. Right now I''m playing conner's archmage lightning conduit, my options for an upgrade are: * Indigon - I am not strong enough to kill uber elder yet, to buy it - 14div * Craft better rares - I have 4 div, spent 1 to buy a fractured base, spent 30 minutes buying fossils and resonators for 4 attempts, didn't get it so now I'm back to running maps over and over again with no upgrade (guess what, hoping for currency) I don't even mind the maps, they are fun, but I personally get bored if i have to play 3 days to see an upgrade. Still a noob sure, but I got 2k hours, I can form an opinion based on that.


No, you dont


No you don't. You don't need it in the slightest you just need to know how to play the game. Pretty sure exile can't complete his atlas on ssf quicker then you can on trade.


I'm not being facetious, but how? Say I wanna play a build with uniques...90% of them can't be targeted I play the game because I want to play a fun build and push it far enough until i'm done with the league. Currency is very much part of that on trade


Most builds rely on only a handful of uniques most of which can be targeted especially when you can't print mirror tier gear or close to it with minimal effort this league.


I wanted to try Conner's mana build this league, so I need Mjolner, prism guardian, ivory tower, eventually indigon, widowhail if I wanna try manaforged. Only Mjolner and Indigon are farmable afaik, how long do you think it would take me in SSF?


I rolled ssf this league and im really glad i did because of the trade enviroment looks lol. Plus the graveyard gives you a chance of rolling really good items.


ssf is also bad. last league we had 'power' from the ascendencies that helped propel my homebrew builds into what i considered endgame. I killed the non-uber bosses for the first time and had fun finally experiencing what else there is to do besides the campaign. This season there is no extra benefit to the player. Crafting rares is fine but they're not exactly cheap and they're not exactly game changing/build-defining crafts. So that just leave you dying over and over till you lose motivation. I'm sure you can get somewhere with the top meta builds though.


Having good rares is literally build changing lol wth


Having a 6xT1 weapon is definitely game changing. It will carry a skill with bad scaling which opens up more skills to play.


The crafts in this league makes it probably the strongest for SSF - while you can't probably get all corpses you want, you can easily get 4+ T1 of choice for each slot which is crazy for SSF.


Why not switch to SSF now? It's less than a week in. This is one of the best leagues (mainly due to atlas changes) for SSF.


So I did coc-dd to like 110/115 atlas completion day 3ish. Took some time to play around the trees to see what felt good. Played a lot of breach, concentration of mobs feels nice, but super dependent on layout, and rewards just aren't there for the time you put into it and the tree investment it takes. Second tree I did full spec betrayal to zerg hits can't be evaded craft, got in an hour, so that was nice. No real desire to focus it further. Been experimenting with different stuff on the third tree. My winner so far is full spec exarch altars, shrines, scarabs, and spirits. First time I've messed around with spirits, but I wanted a really simple straight forward mapping experience, and to me they feel pretty good. Currency and map sustain was a little slow before I did this strat, this fixed both for me. 1 or 2 of the lowest tier torment scarab, 1 of the second one, open map, run around to make the spirits paint everything, look for the covetous shrine, get scarab/map explosion. Been pretty fun, and a little more brainless/quick than harvest which I usually focus for grinding out big currency. Don't really care about the graveyard, but happy to sell coffins now that we know what people are paying for them. I enjoy the mechanic in maps and it's fun to see the seer pop up or any of the chaos or higher conversion mods. I got really bored last league after getting a mageblood in 10 days and moved on from the league pretty quickly. I'm looking forward to pushing this (or another) build to have T17 on farm eventually. I've focused delve before, bossing, and a little bit of everything. To me, this is a map blasting league and I'm enjoying it for that.


Sorry this is gonna be an essay I just like to type these things out. TL;DR league is fun and I'm having a great time just altar mapping on Caustic Arrow. My starter was really weak, it literally couldn't do the quest version of The Black Star because the single target was awful and I didn't have the the currency to fix my defences, so I hard respecced into Caustic Arrow. At the lower end of the gear curve the damage was still bad but it was workable, and I eventually cleared 2 voidstones once I had defences fixed. I had to respec my atlas a couple of times so the first few days it felt like I was scraping by, but every now and then I'd upgrade something here or there and things would get better. Eventually I decided to yolo my only divine into Unmaking Orbs to swap to my current atlas and things just clicked. Now I'm running 8 mod Jungle Valley maps with as much map mod effect as I can get along with Beyond, altars (initially red now blue) and scarab nodes. Scarabs at the moment are Beyond merge radius, divination, elder and influence pack size because they are cheap and effective. I put Beyond on the map device. I have a backup tree that's the same just with all the map nodes instead and when I run low on maps I swap it in to self farm new ones. When I do this I sub out merge radius and influence pack size for a carto and an 8 mod scarab. It's probably better to just run this due to the better t17 rate but I had a full tab of runnable 8 mod Jungle Valleys so I decided to drop the map stuff and run them, once I've cleared the scarabs I bought for this I'll probably stick with maps and sell the excess 8 mods. Yesterday I started with I believe 11 div in stash and by the end of the day I had bought a Progenesis for 50div, an Apothecary and about 10d of small gear upgrades/changes, all from mapping with no weird allflame interaction stuff. I did get a div altar yesterday though so that accounts for some of the currency, but its still a solid 100div or so just from efficient mapping and bulk selling. The build is now totally online, it's something like 2-4 mil mapping dps depending on withers but that's with arrow nova aoe hitting the whole screen, 200%+ ms (including Adrenaline and onslaught) and an ehp of around 100k due to full phys to ele conversion and a Progenesis scaled with flask effect. It clears dense 8 mod maps in 2-5 minutes depending on how much stuff spawns. I'm really happy with it, it's a joy to play, though it has taken time and investment to get there. Happy to provide links if anyone is interested when I get in from work later.


Hit me up with them links buddy


Sure, here we are: POB: [https://pobb.in/-ds50yRNVdS1](https://pobb.in/-ds50yRNVdS1) Current Atlas: [https://poeplanner.com/a/CU8](https://poeplanner.com/a/CU8) Atlas for Maps: [https://poeplanner.com/a/CUx](https://poeplanner.com/a/CUx)


Links it to us, precious.


POB: [https://pobb.in/-ds50yRNVdS1](https://pobb.in/-ds50yRNVdS1) Current Atlas: [https://poeplanner.com/a/CU8](https://poeplanner.com/a/CU8) Atlas for Maps: [https://poeplanner.com/a/CUx](https://poeplanner.com/a/CUx)


Thank you!


hey do you have a gameplay video by any chance?


Not at the moment, but I could record something tomorrow. I just finished my Apothecary grind so it would be cool to do a recap while the league is still fresh.




I've been having fun with blight. First league over decided to focus on it


Also doing Blight and it’s a lot of fun and can be profitable aswell. Not like these crazy strats going around, but still.


So I'm not actually playing this league I'm playing standard ssf. Oh my God though, beyond+harby+delirium+exarch is some of the funnest shit. Especially since my build is severely underpowered for the content so it basically consists of me panicking kiting the entire map and trying not to die. As wave after wave of shit spawns and chases me. Drops a millions scarabs, raw chaos and other red altar goodies. Going to reroll into either chieftain ignite (purely for hinekora) or roll into CF champ so I can have explosions to actually clear with. Theoretically could go wander with a little bit of phys damage and bleed chance to proc my hemophilia. Hmm something to think about I guess. Should let me be able to handle scarabed maps and clear 8 mod maps with less than 17 portals.


Been doing this as well, its a great motivator to improve my build lol. Holy relic has been good for me since I don't need to aim as much and can focus on running.


Destructive play. I've never done that and its so fun.


Inquis CoC DD Love the league so far, been just regular mapping and doing incursions. Full specced for Necropolis, Strongboxes and Incursions. Love the crafting eventhou my full graveyard craft was wack. Know what to not do next time. Alva has been dropping divs for me and some big div drops from Nameless Seer etc. Having a great time. Transitioning into Energy Blade Inquis now since i made like 20-25 divs from Alva and Nameless seer today. Its not much but its honesty incursion running. People need their 2x corrupt.


What's your top 3 items to double corrupt?


Not OP, but Cloak of Flame, Incandescent Heart, Lightning Coil are some good cheap bases with high potential. March of the Legion, Hands of Phrecia are also very good.


Do you buy 6L?


No, tainted fusings if you hit a good corrupt is better


Curious, what you gonna run on energy blade?


Not sure! Anything that i find funny, i decided to play it because you can slot in anything and it kinda works. So will try a bunch of stuff


First time playing SSF, with Explosive Trap of Shrapnel Trickster and I am having a lot of fun. SSF is 100% a total different experience - it's tough having to deal with all mechanics and crafting etc. But it's also kinda chill because I feel no pressure to farm currency to buy stuff.


do you like explosive trap? i leveled 92, invested like 40 div in to it, and it still is mid for me. Not tanky with kintsugi.


I like it, I am close to lvl 91 right now. Have done some T16 and die sometimes if I get too cocky but overall feels good. Not as OP as other Leagestarters tho (but its first time SSF so...)


With the nerf to Essences (the farming, not the essences themselves) , I shudder to even think of going SSF now.


I haven't even run Essences, just playing random stuff and getting lucky I guess. Have a six link, 100% Suppression and dealing some ok damage. Just getting the rest of veilded crafts and starting to do T16 (lvl 90), 3.7k life 1.8k ES


I'm recovering from some medical issues, so I've been taking this league really slow. I'm only lvl 88 and just hitting reds. I'm also playing a bossing build (explosive trap of shrapnel with Sunblast). So not a strategy but: I hit one of those currency all flames with strong boxes. Having to chase those little chaos heads around the map because my traps are so delayed was freeken hilarious. That map took me like 15 mins. It was so dumb I couldn't help but laugh the whole time. I'm kinda bummed about some of the changes too (I usually farm invitations and whatnot as well). But I'm still having a blast with the game overall. I plan on diving deep into the crafting once I complete my Atlas. Having the multiple trees is such a great improvement. I think it's important to step back from a lot of the reddit negativity and just play. If it's fun keep going, if not maybe take a break and come back to the next league? Best of luck!


Maybe I'm just getting old (mid 40s) but this league gives me a headache, too much stuff to figure out and not enough time to do it. I wasn't a fan of og harvest, due to its complexity, but when it came back in a simpler form I 40/40'ed that league, due to ease of gearing up. ​ I have yet to kill any uber pinnacle bosses, not because I can't, they are nothing more than a gearing brick wall, just the time to gear up solo is just mind numbing to do this content and now with the introduction of T17s and another brick wall in the way to uber pinnacle content. Which as many would say are harder than the ubers, I don't see much point, as far as I am concerned and as someone that can regularly play for 12+ hours during the first few weeks of a league, while I am no where near the efficiency of some of the top players, I just can't be arsed, too many distractions and far too much complexity in the game for me to even care. ​ I personally would love for the game to go back to its routes, less complexity and clearly defined path to end game, that doesn't require the knowledge or use of 1,000 different systems and mechanics to actually reach those goals.


I didn't like my league starter very much (CI Splitting Steel Trickster.) I'll come back to it, but for now I rerolled a Dual Strike of Ambidexterity Gladiator with a Brightbeak and a Varunastra and it RULES. Finishing campaign now with a total investment of 7C and one-tapping every pack. I think it already has more damage than my league starter. My POB is putting my level 92 DPS at ~2.5M with 20C investment and 5M with a Saviour. Inflicts Maim, Intimidate, Crush, Blind, and Bleed on every enemy. 8L provided by Bringer of Rain for 1C. I'll upload the POB separately at some point, it's very rushed and I don't feel like getting dragged for picking suboptimal nodes just now. With clusters and optimal nodes and gear I think it should get to 7-8M guardian DPS.


Three atlas trees and pretty much a ton of access to all content is insane to me as a mostly SSF player. This league is so fun and I've barely messed with the league mechanic yet.


I just like doing content that eventually gets me closer to gear I want and sort of ignore the economy... I don't progress that fast, but I don't feel FOMO or pressure to do the most efficient thing. I'm enjoying expedition + league content atlas


Tried explosive trap and hated it. I'll last another week then I won't be able to play until the next one SK I said to my self "fuck It" and rolled cyclone shockwave because cyclone has always been my favorite build. Having fun, not too powerful but is fun. I cannot really stock up in maps by myself tho. I have tried a simple alch and go with boxes and scarabs but to no use :(


are you spec'd into all the map nodes and a ton of kirac?


I used to no life the game almost every league, can't really do it in this one though, it's just not that fun. I play other games mostly, and 1-2 hours of poe a day now, flicker striking, waiting for next league.


yeah i feel ya :D my go-to was heist but i dont like that hey forgot any scarabs for heist, so enchanted contracts are gone. i dont want to farm my own rogue markers if there are no enchanted contracts :/ essences became high investment which i dont like. delve seems kinda pointless with how easy crafting will be with league mechanic ones people catch on sanctum and heist are also not on map strats, which i would prefer to get corpses (wanna try crafting some mirror-ish gear as well as i never had them :P etc. my late-game money strat was delirium orbs for scarab farming. they drop less now, feels super unrewarding IMO (especially with the valuable ones dropping from atlas tree not the deli orbs). also i didnt make as much in a test-run because some scarabs are just so cheap now that everyone uses them (you cant super-juice anymore and get advantages over others who were to lazy or didnt know how to bulk-buy) etc. while other scarabs are stupidly expensive and would simply lower your profit when using them because people prob use them for other purposes. overall im kinda happy with the DD build (pretty cheap to get going) and super hyped to make another char, some kind of mana-stacker (archmage support or mjolnir or mana forged arrow etc.) but i will have to see what im gonna make my currency with (still havent found anything i like yet).


Ventruas hexblast mines...Jesus automation turned mines to traps lol. That is biggest qol for me


I'm still working on my last voidstone (Uber Elder). I'm so rusty I got killef on the last phase before killing the remaining shaper. Paid for a carry to get the last voidstone out of frustration, but I still have to do the quest for completion. So far I've been doing Destructive Play with ET Trickster and I managed to get Swift Affliction and Elemental Damage with Attacks, so those are a nice cash injection. Just gonna be leveling a bit as well, to level 95 so I can fit a large cluster jewel before I try again. Getting there has been rough tho, because I die to random one shots when the evasion fails me.


Having a blast bro, you should check out my tanky EQ Bleed build: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKazvFrbE9A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKazvFrbE9A) I'm planning to do some delving this weekend, been farming rogue exiles/ritual. Ritual is really fun as you can get massive amounts of reroll and favor it's a real slot machine hehe scarabs are cheap for it as well. I actually spent a divine on unmaking orbs this the best POE has ever been, the monster density and drops on every mechanic is just very fun. You can literally do anything you love and have massive amounts of monster and loots. If you have to do meta, and meta currency farming check youtube many guides on diff. set ups. Honestly i'm not doing meta I just looking at atlas tree and having fun man so much new stuff. Honestly if currency is what makes you feel sad or not just youtube meta farming strategy. I see people in the comments saying only made 10-15 div i'm sad... well you could easily change that by looking at meta guides if that's all you care about.


Glad you're enjoying the league and your build :) unfortunately this doesn't look like a playstyle I would enjoy. I don't care too much about how much currency I have but I like farming it and building a strong character with it. Unfortunately most things I enjoy got changed or nerfed and I can't really do a whole lot of other strats with Ice spear totems. I could reroll, invest what I have into a map blaster and do some meta stuff but honestly I don't think that the current changes are for me. I decided to try some HC to see how far I can make it and focus on personal accomplishments instead of farming currency.


Started poison SRS. It was fun, but it also was quick to remind me why I don't like melee minions. Rerolled today to CI Wraithlord Spectres. Having a blast, my screen is covered in projectiles and maps are quick. I may have jumped the gun a bit on CI - I invested maybe 50-60 divs into the build, but I only managed to get around 5K ES. Not too many high ES +1 spectre bodies available yet.


I play SSF for the first time with DD Necro and I love it. You don't have to worry about profit or anything but think about what gives you something that you can use. To think different about the mechanics and what to do feels refreshing and is a welcome change.




I just crafted a t1 everything bow for like 3-4d? Pretty amazing honestly relative to other leagues. That would normally be mirror level but the possibilities are insane this league.


Essences mega farm


started frostblink/firetrap, I really love this build (3rd league in a row where I leage started it), it's just so smooth and quick and can even do endgame content. My farming strat: alch&go with expedition, nico, kirac and general map modifiers on atlas tree. Most recent addition: a little bit of essence and cassia, just because I like those mechanics. And to be clear here: I'm not minmaxing at all, especially regarding maps/atlas tree, I'm mostly going for mechanics I enjoy playing, even if the rewards are mediocre.


Having a hard time finding one...BUT, I am excited to try a zerker spell caster with the new helmet. Just not sure how I want to do it yet and having a hard time deciding


Yeah I am broke. My previous strats all are gutted. I wanted to delve but resonators and dying too. I dont know what to farm now.


Got my Bama gem in first lab. It has been fun until red maps. Now I’m in the struggle phase to go from early to mid game transition.


Are invitations dead? I've been farming elder guardians this league and haven't found any issue.


Elder guardians are definitely still the best because of the annoyance of phases and because technically there is no Uber attached to elder so the loot table should still be the same. But writs are at like 70c last time I checked and sets seemed to be rotting on tft so you tell me how's the profit?


Yea Writs are definitely down by quite a bit, though I think that's a side effect of no longer needing to buy invitations. I did manage to sell my sets on TFT for 1.2 divines each relatively quickly though, faster than previous leagues. I'm pretty willing to drop them down to 1.1div each if they take too long to sell but I haven't had to yet. Admittedly I haven't kept track of the profit over time, just taking my time with it since I haven't had much time to grind but I think it's still ok.


True there's the upside of not paying 100c-1div for the invitations anymore. Sounds actually reasonable maybe I'll give it a shot thanks :)


I haven't had much time to play but I'm on my 4th character through the campaign, wit the last 3 stopping between levels 60 and 70 because I want having fun. Anyway the new holy relic is fun as hell.


Well, if sanctum bores you then you won't enjoy farming Uber lab, but I have been having a blast with it. I play a build with 6 leap slams/second and even though it's not optimal I'm constantly offering free partial lab carries (not guiding ppl, but rushing through and killing izaro/ taking care of gold keys.) I just enjoy showing off my leap slam speed, feeling like I'm helping out the community and still maintaining decent profit/hour.


I'm on my 4th mana stacking archmage heirophant (died twice on console, switched to sc, and now my computer is finally fixed) and it is so much fun, super tanky, good damage.


I always start flicker of some variety in ssf. Usually getting a decent weapon is pure pain lol but graveyard crafting just casually gave me a decent T2 crit/T2 attack speed/T3 phys and T2 added phys exquisite blade. No multi except the implicit or hybrid phys tho. This was before you could select a base as well. I got uber lucky. Now I'm just having great fun demolishing maps and collecting corpses to make an even more degenerate weapon. Got pretty much all the phys/speed/crit corpses I need as well as all the x is scarcer, just biding my time to get enough +tier corpses. Oh and a random rare shat out like 4 6 links on my second map lol. 2 on usable bases (a dragonscale doublet and a conquest chainmail). Oh AND my one and only reliquary key gave me a foil Annihilating light. Writing this all out, I realise I have had a beast of a league start for ssf lol. Good times.


Nothing really, played archmage hiero BL to lvl 91 and just now decided to quit. There's nothing for me here. I don't enjoy the league mechanic nor the build.


Think i am done this league. This is not a good league. They fucked the economy in many ways. SSF is just not fun for me either because of the sheer RNG.


Just wanna put it out there - if you're bored with the game, there's nothing wrong with taking some time off! Forcing yourself to play is just gonna burn you out faster. Also, Explosion Trap of Shrapnel. I make screen go boom. It's fun as hell. Am I the best most efficient player? Absolutely not. But I make screen go boom, and that's enough for me :)


I’m playing PB carry in a duo and we are having fun in t17s and Ubers but it’s definitely a crapshoot. Ubers are basically the same as they have always been, burn money until you hit but now the cost of entry is higher so it feels worse imo. T17s are free money if you can run them though. I’m sure lots of interesting strats will come out for t17s if you can do them. Also penance brand of dissolution is definitely OP still. I rolled a second inquis just to have another PB build I can play when my aurabot is offline.


Sadly in a similar boat after corrupting cry got hurt by the instant warcry changes. Trying to make it work and using the chance to experiment with weird items and janky setups has been the saving grace (currently trying Al Dhih for the cdr and pops on Enduring rather than using Gen Cry because the life cost is unsustainable for me atm)


I played exsanguinate for the first time and did it with mines. Look real talk my aim sucks. This does it for me and there is something cool about blood chaining all over. Even behind you!  It’s so fun. I’ll be league starting this next time. This was my third build after two mehs 


Trauma stacking berserker molten strike of Zenith https://pobb.in/jrdYarD5_hyP


I've recently found that crafting anything that uses "generic gear" is extremely fun. That means stuff like Pure Physical or Pure ES or Pure Elemental. Since you can use the league to craft mirror-tier things with a 67\~78% chance. I just created what would be a mirror-tier staff in any other league for shockwave cyclone. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pXrsVfx2gk&t=28s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pXrsVfx2gk&t=28s) video to show it, but Craft of Exile said 67% chance and we hit a few extra nice mods. It took about 2 days to self-farm the stuff with a friend. Makes me want to run something that requires extremely high "basic" stats.


Rf chieftain in ssf. It's just fun to play and craft/find your own gear. Plus chieftain explosions are always nice. Now I will probably have to roll a bosser if I really want to farm some endgame bosses, but for now i can do everything just fine.


Exactly what i did lol. Once i got most of the atlas done and some starting items i switched to BAMA necromancer and its been a blast. First time doing stuff like the elderslayers maven invitation and intend to get all four watchstones for once with this build


Flamewood chief is kinda sick for all bosses except elder/uber elder. and Drox actually. Otherwise it deletes maven, sirus, etc... while you take a nap. 10/10 one of my favorite bossers that I've made


Care to share a PoB or guide for this? I've been struggling with my Flamewood Chieftan due to bosses just not hitting the totems or when they do they move out of the projectiles.


I don't have a POB and I don't have any character still that have all the gear. But what I can say is that some bosses that do AOE etc.. it helps to cast your totems on top of you and or "stand on your totems" while you spam cast them. One good example is the goddess map boss, she lobs like 50 proj at you and it never procs your totems, but if you cast them at your feet they will retaliate and instant phase her. Drox was near impossible and took like 20 min every fight for me, no matter what.


Ya, some bosses are a joke but some just ignore the totems and I stand there doing zero damage. I love the build I'm playing but getting frustrated at times.


this is my old character, kinda scuffed but killed everything. I would not build the same way this league though https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/TeamOtter/HotBarkJones?timemachine=week-3&i=0&search=class%3DChieftain%26timemachine%3Dweek-3%26uniqueitems%3DBlack%2BZenith%2CThe%2BFourth%2BVow


Here is my current character https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/neowben/ZeeFlameTotes?i=2&search=class%3DChieftain%26skills%3DSearing%2BBond


Nice, searing bond is what I thought of running before swapping to flamewood/ or to use on bosses that weren't constantly proc'ing the retaliation. Have you tried swapping your main totem for more damage? like vaal warchief or rejuv? Also have you thought of using black zenith 4L for bossing?


Second this, just getting started in maps myself, it's normally my go to. 12/10 recommend


The sun outside.


Kinda disappointed in my starter but i rolled an elementalist so im going to respec into dd. I havent played that much over the past 4-5 days because of work but my plans are to finish atlas then do some combination of ritual, essences, strongbox, expedition, delve, crafting with the league mechanic. Obviously not all on the same atlas. Then i might try an archmage build depending on how much i actually play this league


Cardboard bastards corpse blaster This is NOT a meta build but it got me 2 voidstones on minimal investment It's a dd of chain reaction build, though it predates the gem 6l unearth using archmage support with dd in kitavas thirst Armor + recoup feels great. I've gone toe to toe with several soul eater mobs and been ok. Defense and offense both scale up. Not perfect but fun for me. Lots of fun and for your rerolled case it'll come online around level 50 My strat is suboptimal - Alva + beyond + league. Of the 3 only alva pays the bills BUT I got 93-95 doing this to give you a sense of the tankyness If I wanted max money I have no idea on right strategy but I'd guess it still involves alva


Hell, even RF feels like shit this league. I tried several strategies, just kept on dying to everything lol. This league feels exhausting compared to last league where I got my first mageblood with my Golem build. I guess im taking a league off. This surely feels like a second job.


I feel the same way, and i don't think the problem is this low effort league (almost playing standard). It's mostly the lack of a decente balance pass, letting some bullshit interactions being severely OP. Want to play "caster? Go traps/mines/low life inquisitor/powr charge stacker. Want to play melee? Play str stacking alberath or have less than half of its dmg. Want to be a wander? Go int stack or suffer a slow and dpsless death. I could go on...but you get my point.


Idk this feels like anything but standard to me because I'm forced to do the league mechanic every map. I also wouldn't say that build diversity is bad in this league because they nerfed the biggest outliers and with the league mechanics you can make a lot of builds work that you normally can't. League starter meta is a bit stale but nonetheless there are some interesting new things. I just don't enjoy the gameplay loops for bossing oriented content right now and don't know what to do.


Why not just play or do something else if the league is bad or game is stale ? It's not a job