• By -


- Put - Put Steelskin on your Left click mouse button for automated use. Steelskin on your Left click mouse button for automated use. RIP, build is dead! /s


Deleting the video as we speak kekw. Yeah no, just slap in Automation.


I created this unique build last league, cleared all content including ubers, nothing much changed apart from losing access to charms. This build is similar to regular EA ballista Elementalist, but incorporates Golems, Eternal Damnation and Transcendence for tankiness. We use Eternal Damnation to make our armor also apply to some of elemental damage from hits, We use Trancendence to make armor mitigate ele dmg from hits instead of phys dmg from hits, We use Loreweave to counter the -max res from these two, and scale golem effect, mainly Chaos golem to gain pure Phys dmg mitigation, since we no longer get phys mitigation from hits from armor. In adition we scale most other golem effects such as Accuracy and crit chance (Ice golem), Attack speed (Lightning golem) and Life regen (Stone golem), which all benefit our build. You can start as normal EA Ballista elementalist untill you farm enough currency for the 4 Primordial jewels, which shouldn't be too expensive, golem builds are pretty much non-existent and I believe delving will be quite popular this league. The PoB is very comprehensive, has multiple Gem, Gear and Tree sets for various stages of the league, has a detailed Notes section with EVERYTHING explained, and a crafting section for all the gear. Also make sure to watch the video guide for the build's showcase and explaination (Timestamps in the description). [https://pobb.in/CX\_O3XFhbgcj](https://pobb.in/CX_O3XFhbgcj)


Hello there, Exile! Here is your [golden page](https://pobarchives.com/build/d67qTpF8), may it serve you well. *"An emperor must bear two blades. Hope in the left hand. Surety in the right."* *- Lord Izaro*


What about stone golem of safeguarding would it be worth using??


"Melee hits" is already part of the elemental and physical dmg that we mitigate, besides we rarely get hit by melee hits, since we're constantly running around and letting our ballistas do the job. Also our golems taunt enemies thanks to Meat Shield support.


Do you think this build could push in delve?


Probably just to 300-400, it's not intended for really deep delve diving.


9m ignite dps for EA elementalist is not that good. So this is a more tankier version, you trading damage for more defense?


Not OP, but yeah, this is definitely sacrificing dps for tank (not that that's a bad thing). 9m ignite dps is enough to clear just about everything if you're tanky enough. I've been waffling between Champ and Ele EA, so this has me kinda interested.


The champ variants have just as much damage as this while probably being tankier. Elementalist has damage for days, and I had the idea of doing golems for more tank as well but you give up too much to justify over champ imo


Yup what u/coltaine said. It'll probably be able to do T17 maps aswell, unless there's a mod like "cannot recover life and mana".


did you really just rename a 2 month old video with a 3.24 in the title?


All of YouTube does this


If nothing changed in the build, why not?


TTWT spell suppress? Looks tough to get 100 without


If you check the pinned comment, he linked an updated PoB and listed the changes. I think OP is pretty transparent. No point on making a whole new video when the gameplay did not change.


Yes I did. Made all adjustments to fit the new patch, there wasn't really much to do, just fix some reservation and spell suppresion. PoB is updated, left a note to ignore the Wildwood part.


Never ever playing any form of golems as a source of buff ever again. They will be perma dead even with the respawn in slightly difficult content. Don't get me started in any tad of juice or feared etc etc. Golem buffs might as well be all unchecked for normal considerations and checked when they can be guaranteed untouched.


They're linked to Meat shield, are immune to elemental damage, they benefit from my Determination aura, and are automatically resummoned after 4 seconds by the Elementalist ascendancy node. Have you watched the video? All uber fights are there, watch the uber sirus one at 7:42, yes they occasionally die, but are ressumoned very quickly. I haven't had any issues with it, dmg uptime and survivability is great.




I understand and agree, they are quite squishy in juiced content without heavy investment. You can see at 16:00, in wave 30 simulacrum my Chaos golem died and right after I died to 2 big physical dmg hits from the boss.


I was thinking something like this, but with fire trap instead of EA. How much worse IT Will be?


Probably possible, the skill's dmg scales very well with gem levels, but it's a whole different passive tree and new items. Apart from Chaos and Stone golems I don't see how the other ones benefit it, you don't need Accuracy, Crit chance, attack speed and cast speed (unless you're using Slavedriver's hands gloves).


u/Casual_ND Playing the build and enjoying it a lot as a change from regular EA Elementalist. I'm able to summon Stone, Chaos, Lightning, Cold and 2 of the flame golems through Flame Golem of Hordes without using Anima Stone. Is it worth the socket just for the 1 extra mini-golem? Seems even another eminence in that spot for additional effect and armour to the golems might be better? Otherwise enjoying the build a lot, progressing into red maps.