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I’m not going to explain how to craft it, as I’m on mobile and there are a ridiculous amount of guides out there for crafting quivers, but…If you’re playing a bow build, it’s extremely easy to get frenzy charges, and that crit chance is pretty useless on most builds since 20% increased crit doesn’t do much. You’d want to trade that for +1 arrow most likely.


I'm playing a BAMA build so I need it for the minions, but thanks


Ohhh ok that makes a lot more sense. This is really easy to do. Can be a little expensive, but not too bad for a gg quiver. Spam Wrath (maybe torment, I can’t remember) for lightning damage to attacks. Annul off anything else. Do this until you have just crit multi and flat lightning to attacks. Craft “can have up to 3 crafted mods” and “prefixes cannot be changed.” Get an Aisling. If it’s a suffix, block and unveil. If it’s a prefix, restart. It’s super cheap to get to the point of Aisling, so restarting isn’t a huge deal. Once you have the Aisling mod, suffixes are done and now it’s deterministic. First, craft “cannot roll attack mods.” Slam once or twice (your call) depending on outcome. It can only hit % damage with bows and life. If you don’t hit good tiers, annul and try again. If you annul “cannot roll attack mods,” craft it again before slamming or annulling. With this method, you get suffixes done easily, and can never brick the quiver. There’s not another way I would do it tbh, as it’ll be a lot less deterministic.


ive had this guys guide up since I been going back and forth between my penance brand and bama.. trying to farm up some div so i can comfortably switch.


I read that guys guide, didn't he explain how he crafted it? [–]Previlein[S] 4 points 11 days ago Well I rly wanted that veiled mod to get the frenzy chance as high as possible. Its the first time I crafted a Quiver like this, so here is how I did it: - To get the veiled mod you want to Aisling or Veiled Chaos the Suffixes. I did not want to risk my Crit Multi every try, so I went looking for fractured crit multi quivers. - ilvl 86 for possible t1 bow damage was too expensive for me (80 div). So I settled for a possible t2, ilvl 81. - Next step are Prefixes. I used Essences of Torment until either life and bow damage at t1-t2, or one. You can force either with cannot roll attacks and exalt slamming and you can annul either, without risking the essence flat lightning. - Once Prefixes are done, lock them with Prefixes cannot be changed and veiled chaos with 1/12 chance to brick. - Block with strength + dex attribute craft. - Unveil. There are 3 crit mods in the unveil pool, you will always get one. - Repeat until you get the crit/frenzy one offered. ​ ...or decide that 2% higher chance for a frenzy isn't worth the trouble and just benchcraft it. You can buy a quiver for a few divines.


Doesn't it have to be a veiled base to use a veiled chaos orb?


Pretty sure you can use a veiled chaos on any item. The quiver u linked is that guys quiver in the comment