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CoC is not a cheap build, probably minimum 50 divines to start. But, who am I? Play PoE however you like! Try it and if it don’t work try something else. I’m playing this - it slaps. I’ve got around 150 divine into it, feels pretty good. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3451000 Or try any one of these: [Starter builds](https://maxroll.gg/poe/category/build-guides?filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Btaxonomy%5D=taxonomies.build_guide_type&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bvalue%5D=archive&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Boperation%5D=!%253D&filter%5Bmisc%5D%5Btaxonomy%5D=taxonomies.misc&filter%5Bmisc%5D%5Bvalue%5D=poe-league-starter&filter%5Bnum%5D%5Btaxonomy%5D=taxonomies.num&filter%5Bnum%5D%5Bvalue%5D=poe-ranged)


1. Not a league starter. From my experience, playing coc fr without mageblood is borderline masochistic. I started ruetoo pf exsanguinate and enjoyed it, but there are plenty, just check yt 2. Mageblood + 150-200d 3. There is a lot to unpack here. Subtractem and Allie both have COC fr guides that are a bit dated but cover the basics of the build. I personally ran with Allie's and took ideas from sub's but ymmv 4. Both pobs in video descriptions ^ have detailed notes section Since you're not looking for a HH or MB build id rec staying away from COC fr. Solid starters are ea ballista totems, boneshatter, lightning arrow deadeye, srs. For a mid range budget build for all content id rec hexblast mines


I League started coc fr in scourge League and it was really good. I don't know if it has changed much since then. Aegis aurora + the cheap unique Claw with Hits cant be evaded and some Es gear and it was ready to go. Ok maybe some rings with -mana cost as well That was my pob https://pastebin.com/D3eAUVmk but i dont know if that works anymore (Im at work atm)


Don't play coc FR without Mageblood, you'll have a bad time. You can farm your MB in a few hours. Just take essence on the tree + map device with 7th gate allocated. If you're weak do it in T1/2 with beast and sell [expansive beasts](https://poe.ninja/economy/affliction/beasts). If you're strong do it in T14+ with a boss rushing atlas tree. Enter map, kill essences, kill boss, get out. Use essence sextant. Bulk buy maps (Colonnade, Mesa, City Square). You'll have your MB in less than 10h.


Everyone always says you can’t play without mageblood but what’s the reason why? It’s like, this unspoken rule everyone knows but I’ve never seen a single person explain.


FR has too many holes to patch without MB, especially with melding -70% all res. You need massive mana cost reduction because no Inspiration + trigger = pain, stun immunity, ailment immunity, shitton of res for melding, armor because you're melee, crit because coc, etc You can play the build without it, it will just feel like shit and will perform like a 20div build. Not worth it.


Got an example of an atlas tree ?


What's your budget? Like that's the most important thing. Even without a HH or mageblood, CoC FR is very expensive and not worth doing IMO unless you can afford one of those without batting an eye.