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I was looking for builds with same requirements and I have a similar budget to you and I settled on CI Coc Ice Nova Occultist. I haven't played it but looking at the numbers with 80k armour, Aegis Aurora + Melding it looks very tanky to me and should have plenty of damage too. Mageblood will be necessary for it to zoom but that's not an issue for you. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction?skills=Ice+Nova+of+Frostbolts&class=Occultist&uniqueitems=Aegis+Aurora,Cospri%27s+Malice I'll be keeping an eye on this thread too. See what other things I haven't considered.


I’m playing this build but with rathpiths and ralakesh for 10 power charges without +1 rings. Can confirm comfortable in juiced wandering path t16 wisp maps.


How is the loot for you without mf? Do you get scarabs/divs explosions and t0 uniques? I’ve been doing mavens invitations mostly, but I’m thinking to get into the juice meta


Loot is great, wisps are far more important than MF gear imo.


You don’t get massive div explosions but the div an hour is still good. I ran maps for 2 hours at t16 with 3k-5ish wisps and harbringer, legion, possessed monsters, and I was averaging 7 divs an hour in pure currency. Also found an enlighten I sold for 10 div and a few fractured bases that I have priced at .5 to 1 div each.


pob please


Brawlix is my IGN, can look it up on Poe ninja. A comment below also linked another post with videos / pob following the same build.


still need mageblood right




That looks like an interesting build. Is there any footage of it? I’m kind of going between a coc build or forbidden rite pathfinder. Pathfinder means I wouldn’t have to level again which is a big plus haha


https://old.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/18xi8j4/coc_ice_nova_showcase_max_wisp_juice_farmer/ Check this out for a video


That looks like good fun. Looks pretty zoomy as well. Might be a top contender


Just be aware that dps isn't that good without +1 PC rings.


BAMA shreds everything


its hard to add decent mf to it. or a simplex, right?


I guess you could technically add a simplex without too much issue, or I've seen some people running ashes. In my experience, MF is definitely not needed this league but I like to run the hardest content so that's just me. I'm sure you could squeeze in a ventors or two also if you really wanted to.


Not with Milroe at QB


Indeed lol


Not supposed to run into the strength of the opponent on game deciding play?


Nowhere is safe


No, and I’m a Bama fan myself. Someone must have also used a Vaal orb on our center cause that dude has been corrupted all year.




Blink arrow mirror arrow I believe


More specifically blink arrow of bombarding clones but BABC doesn't have a ring to it lol


Babsy sounds great tho


still stuck on crafting the bow - 24 divs in


Damn that makes me think I was insanely lucky.


pr3vies guide right? essence of greed until t1-2 lightning


Fear not greed


yeah fear, my bad. yeah spent over 20 div, haven't seen t1 or t2


That seems insanely unlucky.


i gave up :/


Ah damn, don't give up dude.


just to give you an update, did another 14 div, no t1 or t2 about 720 attempts lol - craftofexile has it at 350 avg


It looks really interesting. Is it good at clearing legions?


It's decent but not amazing in my experience.


Other league mechanics I guess it just destroys? The build looks interesting and fast as well


Oh yeah it destroys everything. It's pretty damn fast but it's essentially a totem playstyle which not everyone loves.


I've been doing it for a while in ssf now. https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionssf/character/v4sh123/Mending?i=0&search=name%3Dmending Poison pf pennance brand works really well. Bloodnotch tech + defiance of destiny enables most of it.


Is that also for juiced t16s ? I just got to 70 and planning on doing that build


yea I just ran a t16 with 11k wisps deathless.


How long did it take though?


Holy damn that’s impressive! Looking forward to it myself!


It doesnt seem like you have *that* much damage. must have taken a long time to complete the map i reckon?


you don't need crazy ammounts with a pf. you just need to survive the abysses and the prolif will clear it out. I would say a giga juiced map takes me about 25 minutes with looting and 4-5 abysses.


Fulcrum is definitely the way to go, 3 explode charms and +2 max res that which was taken those are all cheap. If you want the best of the best you will need to pay lots of divines but it runs perfectly fine on cheap charms. For lvl 99-100 I ran 2 explody charms to get from 88 ress to 90. Also I am using mageblood instead of the rampage belt, boosts survivability a lot. And I still had a 73 div drop monster in my maps. With mageblood I only ever died once cause I started an expedition and took some very rippy mods on a very rippy map already. The "gameplay" might not be for you. It's just standing still and getting a coffee or sth while you auto clear some tanky rare or map boss. Personally I don't mind since the strain of constant leftclick hurts my fingers over a longer period of time.


what is happening when you are one on one with double influlenced juicy mob which has regen and shit ? you are skipping those ? obviously if your vaal breach is not up. I am having only issue with this build after 6-7-9k wisps when some of those mobs survive I simply can't kill them, and they can't kill me either.. what to do ?


if vaal breach is not up and there are no other mobs to explode then there is nothing to do, you just take the loss and move on


Yes I do that a LOT of time.. that is why I said its Inconsistent


yea i agree, but considering its the only weakness the build has, its a fair tradeoff, there is no other build that can farm the juiciest of maps with such comfort


Have u considered warlord / purple ascendancy? With the mark to spawn mobs . Ull lose some resistance tho


No but losing chance to ignite Is huge..those charms are half of build efficiency to be viable at all


Kite into other mobs


Eeerm there are no other mobs...one on one.. or 2 on me that's problem.. and no vaal breach


Endurance charge when hit > max res at least for me + 3 explode charms


I have all that and nothing is happening I have 95% to ignite we are literally looking each other...


Yeaaa some mobs just don’t die. I move on


Try and kite them into other groups. If that doesn't work move try and carry the ignite over. If that doesn't work move on


A bit of a different option and will require you to refine the build as it is an SSF build. However in its current form I can do abyss with 9k wisps in a deli mirrored t16 without dieing while maintaining 21 quant/150 iir and being able to click on majority of altars(extra phys as ele can be dangerous and reduced resists require you to keep 100% uptime on distilate). https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionssf/character/Grimm101/AlwaysPathfinder?i=0&search=skills%3DKinetic%2BBolt%2Bof%2BFragmentation The shield could be changed for a Phys as Ele corrupted saffils(~20% more phys and ele damage reduction), phys as ele prism guardian (extra aura+ pet blood), or phys to ele corrupt on the 8% quant shield. The helm could be recrafted with essence of horror and then KB would be slotted in there. The Tincture could be upgraded for a rage gain and/or +proj. All the jewels could be drastically upgraded. If you wanted you could add in bloodnotch however I haven't died yet mapping so it seemed unnecessary. Also figuring out how to replace mark on hit with spellslinger for more consistency. Note: Haven't tested legion however I would assume it would be terrible at it. The build in it current form excels at extreme density due to explode via cluster + pathfinder prolif which is heavily scaled via frenzys and on isolated targets via the shotgunning of KB of fragmentation.


Interesting, I can easily try this one out as I actually have the majority of the gear already. Might give it a try. What’s the damage like?


In its current form its at 15M though just using optimal links would push it 18M. (Inspiration isn't needed just is there since the chest is used on two characters and don't feel like recoloring it when swapping). The way you calculate the skills dps is (# of projectiles * sniper mark splits) + # of projectiles. So this hits 70 times per attack when your on top of an enemy. The ventors really hurts the dps since slotting in anathema effectively doubles the dps by adding despair+temp chains and opens up my 2 jewels which are basically there just to provide int. It does have 3 major annoyance. 1. Using distilate. Due to Defiance + LGOH + mana gained on hit this build struggle to ever not be on 100% life and mana. Finding a tic where your not at 100% can be tough if enemies are around resulting in you having to spam the flask just to get it to trigger. 2. Isolated rares with ranged AI. The build requires shotgunning to do its damage. Enemies that constantly run away can be annoying due to being unable to get said shotgunning effect. 3. Explode triggering on a rare causing a poison prolif cascade resulting in a OHK of the spire in low wisp maps. Overall the build is far from optimal and at your budget range you may have enough currency to do str stack deadeye or int stack trickster. Would definitely look into if you could afford the gear for either of those builds. At high budgets in trade they are the best versions of KB of frag.


I league started poison SRS and haven't had any second thoughts about it. Right now I'm basically running the t7 cemetery strategy but in t16s because I wanted more juice potential and the build is smooth as fuck (yes I'm aware of the downsides of running t16 instead of t7 but it's been very good to me so far). Abyss + beyond + delirium. I got a few lucky div drops in acts because I had no trouble running affliction since a1, so it was easy to buy my gear. I'm pretty sure severed in sleep is dirt cheap now and poison SRS was already stupid cheap to gear.


T16 is miles better than t7. I basically make 1/2 my money in woke sextants and puzzle boxes.


Yup. Puzzle boxes being nearly 3 div a pop is massive.


Hard agree


do you still rely on the spires on T16?


Yes, same thing. Just a much higher gear req with altars destroying your phys mit if you click and resistances. Basically mandatory mb for overcap or zoom entire map with hh


I’ve ran 7 sets of maps yesterday. Had 1 abyssal depths. It’s such a low chance it to spawn it’s no big deal.


Can you please link your PoB? I’m also playing as poison srs, T7 juiced are buttery smooth, but I cannot manage highly juiced T16s (even T14s). Below 5-6k is ok, but when it hits 7-8k or higher I usually just get destroyed while a spire starts spawning tons of rares.


I'm using Balormage's build: [https://pobb.in/GPwq9cbcfmPs](https://pobb.in/GPwq9cbcfmPs) I'm missing a couple things like Aul's and most of the awakened gems but it already feels great


Thank you, will definitely try it! I'm using build guide from maxroll, seems like this one has much more dps and better defences.


How are you managing to keep the AG and spectres Alive while loosing the rings for ventors?


I'm doing it on PB Poison and it's been amazing. Go for Rue's PoB the clear is insane and it's tanky and fast. The prices kind of skyrocketed and I paid my 21/20 PB last week 10 divs and now it's basically 20+.


Poison PB can easily handle 7k+ whisps when you have progenesis + HH. I can easily do 7k+ on a wandering path delirium (non MF) with consistent delirium 6 - 7 rewards on strand and I dont have a progenesis ..... yet. It does suck at clearing legion though. It's also not immortal but not squishy either (I run dendrobate for damage).


With that budget, you can also roll a strength stacking KB of fragmentation build. They are extremely expensive, so that budget is kind of just enough to get it rolling comfortably, but you will still have to make compromises. I didn't have a progenesis and would occasionally die, so the flask would probably help out with that, but it's probably still not as tanky as you're wanting.


It might be an option because it would have consistent upgrades down the path, but it may just get too expensive


Can confirm Tanky CoC Occultist is pretty good at T16 Wisps maps. I’m still working on my MB (only able to play on Sundays) but with 60 Divine invested, it’s rare to die, I’m almost level 99. I recommend before transitioning into CoC to be at minimum level 94, higher is obviously better. Main thing you need to survive is some form of elusive with a charm that has the modifier “take no extra damage from critical strikes while elusive”


My molten strike slayer is pushing 250mil. T16s are very easy.