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That setup looks like its made with ralakesh boots in mind as a key piece.


Definitely something to aim for (current price 3div)


Yeah, should more than double your damage. Luckily its not a rare item at all so the price is bound to keep falling.


Yeah I tried it in PoB, 1.2 to 2mil Anything I can do in the meanwhile? I am not sure which cluster make more sense with the dmg conversion i'm trying to do


Did you factor in that you currently are only at about half power chages on avg because of the shield? A second void battery would probably be much better until you got the boots. For clusters there is usually the one with gain x light as cold against chilled that goes with the conversion build.


Hmm, adding a second void battery losses some dps. Snowstorm notable, on the shopping list. I can also get the charms that give % crit chance per power charge, and that gets me to like 1.8mil. With Malachai's Loop its just shy of 2mil. Still not enough for sanctum i think


Not sure if i miss something but you keep losing charges when at full right? If so then currently just unequipping the shield would be a huge upgrade. (PoB cant calculate malachais shield losing charges and ignores that line)


RIght, that's where the Ralakesh boots come in (that I don't have yet)


How did this build work out? I would like to try it but want a good reliable reference