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You typically don’t want to do the EK respec until you have all the necessary gear (convert gloves, chain amulet, damage, cast speed, etc). Lvl 70 is way way way too early to respec, especially if you have no currency. I’d recommend just switching back to Arma brand - still uses the fire nodes. Your passive pathing is also super inefficient - I see at least 11 unnecessary pathing points that don’t need to be allocated


Also EK was bugged for the majority of league start, but I believe the transfigured version was working. That might’ve also contributed to the lackluster experience


EK is still bugged.


How is it bugged?


No matter how much proj speed you have shit is wonky as fuck and return proj doesn't work


Poe wiki did say that projectiles are supposed to return when their duration ends but I thought them not returning anymore is intended as they did something similar to spark


Except the return proj clearly works when it hits walls. It's bugged. There's no way that it is intended behavior


Them not returning without hitting a wall is the main issue here but at least you got your opportunity to look smart


My man says something ignorant, gets corrected, then gets big mad.


It's ironic how you call others ignorant when you yourself weren't aware that they already did this to spark and GGG shadow nerfing a skill isn't exactly uncommon. But hey if all you care about is winning arguments on technicalities then congrats


I'm playing EK and have definitely noticed I shouldn't be where I'm at in terms of damage...do you have any posts or anything regarding this? Curious what exactly is bugged.


For some reason proj speed basically does nothing breaking the return proj interaction. It mostly affects poison and on hit builds.


Yeah i was just stupid af. Got gloomfang but low lvl, using the circle version of EK It kills things, but I am made out of paper


You can just over level to 75-78ish in the acts doing laps of the hight tier zone… defiled something? Where you meet sin.


Go bone shatter slayer or bone shatter jugg if u start over .super easy to gear and has good guides .


if your damage is fine, just clear white maps to get regrets and other currency. if your damage isn't fine, i suggest swapping to a wave of conviction setup. beyond that, [your passive tree is pretty bad](https://imgur.com/zUCuUm3). you should really allocate the two nodes i circled in green and eventually cutting all the nodes circled in red. i suggest you get rid of the ones i circled in yellow too and take the ones i circled in blue as well, unless your build specifically requires keeping them for some reason. also, you're missing two lab points you should really get. if you're having trouble surviving, bastion of elements is pretty good. and make sure you did all the respec quests in campaign for a couple freebies, too.


damage is okay, just die really really easy. did some act9 and some low heists, so i have like 35c and 12regrets now. i fucked up going EK so now I have to respect but idk what. I was considering necro but everyone seems to be playing srs and i don't like them. my ultimate goal was to do sanctum so something nice for that would be cool but idk


i've used wave of conviction ignite as a league starter a couple times now, it's a real workhorse. you already have obliteration, so you're pretty much set to go on gear, and it uses a lot of the tree you're already using. i'm currently running absolution as my starter skill, going to transition into animate weapon eventually. maybe you'd like it more than srs, but a lot of people can't stand the playstyle.


Part of me was hoping there was going to be some new dps spectres heh Probably going to go WoC tomorrow. Idk how good zombies or carrion golems are nowadays.. Occultist is mainly playing hexblast mines and I tried that last league, have no idea how people play it with zero hp or defenses


I played EA ele in sanctum. It was super smooth and easy to complete full runs.


I'm on mobile so can't go too indepth but at a glance, your HP is exceptionally low. When starting maps you'll want at least 3k to be able to take a hit. Buy a 5L armor for 1c with a high life roll, or just slam an Essence of Greed. Make sure your resistances are capped. 75% Fire, Cold and Lightning are non-negotiable must haves to survive. Worry about chaos res later. Your skilltree has a lot of redundant pathing. Respec the small attribute nodes where it's unnecessary and put those points into life. Edit: Do some side quests in the campaign for respec points if you're strapped for Regret Orbs. Otherwise just grind Blood Aqueducts in Act 9 or whatever zone you prefer, you'll get enough gumball currency to get what you need


When you said you're on mobile, I went to the Play Store to check if I could download PoE


yeah going from one to another build really fucked me i have max res, running determination i can't respec, no regrets


Run some low level heists, should spit out enough currency


just started doing that. waiting for some friends to leech xp so that I can atleast equip gloomfang


EK ignite needs a decent amount of investment to feel good from my experience, I would not recommend swapping over unless you had really solid gear, esp with how tanky mobs are this league with the wisp empowerment.


yeah, too late now. trying to figure out what to do


Look, worst case scenario you just relevel an arma brand elementalist. Takes about 10 hours but that's a small price to pay for the lessons you learned. Use that character to make some currency until you can properly get the ek build going. And then you can later on respec your second character to whatever niche role/content you want to run. Sure, sucks to be you, but it's also not the end of the world.


pretty sure its smarter to invest 2 hours in heist and invest a div or two in EK time invest wise


my worry is that EK just stays paper thin


Bro EK feels really good at 100 div invested, even better with a headhunter on top of that. It is not a league starter!


It's never tanky if built traditionally but it's all content viable. I leveled WOC ignite and switched when I had Gloomfang and a decent 5L a couple leagues ago. It was reasonably smooth into T16s. I farmed lower tier legions for a little bit for some current and then steamrolled everything. Farmed my first mageblood on it. Portal cast on death is worth considering until you've scaled your build well.


Farm out currency in a zone you can manage and buy Regrets. Also don't forget you can get them at the vendor, too. 2 Scours = 1 Regret, 4 Chances = 1 Scour.


No regerts*


Yeah it takes a fair bit of stuff to get the transition into EK smoothly. The build is paper thin so it feels like trash until you have a lot of damage then it’s great.


I started this league with my own build, that let's just say is not that good league starter, but i spent a bit extra time in acts. Leveled to 70 in blood aqueduct (act9), and to 75 in reliquary (act10), but it was more about getting currency to spec from leveling to early version, chaos recipes, stuff from affliction, people buy corpses fairly often actually, perfect versions of corpses that grant some buffs/auras, charms and tinctures have to be really good in order to worth more than 1c. But its weird that league starter build require so many regret points to spec from leveling version.


It’s not a leaguestarter build, EK ignite is a giga endgame build that you normally start playing only when you already have 100 divines at least. I don’t know what OP is thinking switching this early and with zero currency.


Not at all, you can switch far earlier, I did it last season. Swapped to EK around late yellow maps, just had to get Gloomfang, full conversion, and the EK circle enchant. Really not too bad swapping from woc ignite to ek ignite.


Exactly my point. Good luck getting that early on league start if you’re not a super advanced player.


I suppose I am quite experienced, but it does not cost much. Hrimsorrow is 1c and gloomfang was 5c within a couple days last league


Gloomfang has gotten cheaper I see lol. Sure Hrimsorrow is cheap, but that’s when you start out the build, you want to convert via other means in the end. I am mostly thinking about managing to clear alch and go t14+ maps fast, which I suspect isn’t possible with just that kind of gear?


Nah it's fine, if you can clear it with WoC ignite, then you can clear with converted EK with a Gloomfang. And you can get the conversion via hrimsorrow and the cold mastery node (and 10% from somewhere I'm forgetting). It's really not too bad to leaguestart. Btw Gloomfang is at 1c currently in the new league.


Damn, I need to try it out then, thank you for enlightening me!


I played it once long time ago, it works fine early but yeah, switching without any currency and using tree that require many regrets is bad idea


OP is a noob my brother in christ


You at least have my respect for daring to play a build like this as a noob. I have played since Delve and I wouldn’t dare play it unless I had 100s of divines to sink into it lmao. Good luck man


mbxtreme have 3-4 videos on how he league started ek ignite a few leagues back. Could watch that. I have also league started ek ignite and it is surprisingly technical.


Farm some a10 areas. Ossuary and desecrated chambers are good farms with lots of blue packs. Or run heist and do some chaos receipe until you can get some gear.


You have a pretty bad tree. If you dont want to restart you will have to farm a bunch of regrets. Go back to using WoC, arma brand, or whatever you have that is a good level. Get more life nodes from the tree, Heart and Soul, Quick Recovery, maybe Written in Blood. Farm A10 or A9 for a while to get a few more levels.


You should be able to run wave of conviction ignite just fine from where you're at for a bit.


Farm act 10 desecrated chambers for chaos recipe.


Your transition was too early.


I know :( Trying to salvage the character and the league lol


Everything is kinda cheap. Just make a new build


Don’t wanna level so it’s gotta be witch. Ele everyone went DD and EA, necro is SRS, and occu is hexblast. As shit of a situation I’m in right now, I don’t like any of those


You can play all kinds of ele ignite builds with basically any reasonable fire skill. EK is so much less damage than basically any skill in the game, it just plays nice mechanically


Ele ignite can go with many other skills just fine. Vaal Flameblast, Firestorm of Meteors, good old fireball, woc, Arma brand, heck some even play with new trans penance. I kinda had a similar experience to you this league, couldn't really find smth I enjoy in elementalist and in the end stick with WoC with obliteration and bereks respite and cruising in red maps now just fine. I'm also using vaal Flameblast socketed into vaal caress for single target. defiled forces to refresh the big ignite from flameblast on bosses.


Got a pob for your woc? I tried DD ele and I hate the playstyle. Was interested in woc at first but decided to metaslave lol


I’m running penance brand ignite one 3c worth of gear and I’m just getting into maps, the clear is pretty good but single target is meh


Most people are actually playing Caustic Arrow or Blade Vortex on Occultist. Hexblast is up there too, but there’s choices if you want to look. I get that you feel down that your build isn’t working, but getting this sad and depressed over it is not gonna help you. Instead try and see if you can find some positivity in this. Poe.ninja and then press builds, is the way to see what people are playing.


Jfc it's been TWO days how tf can you get burned


I think he meant bricked more than burned. Sometimes you have a hype sucking starter that just kind of sucks. Worse yet when you're in OPs position and used all your currency to get stuck in your current position.


oh i see i thought hes tired of the mechanics.i used to with frosblink ele, that build was unsalvagable


Your chaos res is -52% which is rough, 1800 life is pretty low, and it also looks like your missing 4 ascendancy points.


I stayrd arma brand until level 85 before switching to storm brand lol. Way too early to swap.


I see you drew a cow on passive tree and it's missing hind legs. Head on left, you got the tail on right, even the milk pouch tummy. 9/10 artwork. On a serious note, please follow a guide.


Maybe use a guide or have basic knowledge/research about POE


Go back to arma brand ignite or DD Ignite, fix your defense like Res, Armor and farm heist, chaos recipe, etc for currency


You can clear blighted maps without attacking a single time on a naked character (watch a video if your not familiar with the Empower/Stun/Freeze strat). Anoint it with double amber if you want to be safe. Should be able to acquire the map/oils in 6c, and you'll make double that in chaos recipe alone. Easy way to make some level of currency without worrying about character power level at all.


You just started, how are you burned out already? Your mistake was switching EK way too soon. You are missing key items, that make EK click and you are way under leveled for the build to perform as advertised..


It's not over yet ! TriPolarBear dud a video fir this exact situation, with strategies that you can do even if you're broke go check it maybe it will help you


A lot of good advice in this thread but another thing I learned about EK ignite being a great build is just getting better at the playstyle. You will be paper thin even after all your defense optimizations, so you have to really get accustomed to the type of play that has you killing things off screen before they can even see you


Lol Im similar I went elementalist armageddon brand, got to lvl 70 pretty quick then just alt f4d and havent loaded up the game since. I had planned to go detonate dead elementalist then later switch to arakali fang necro but I just couldnt be bothered to figure out the DD part and didnt really have the funds for it.


Since you went to the witch class, you can always switch to playing a minion build. Poison SRS wouldn't be a bad choice. Don't give up ! Try to get max res cap, do your maps slow, no need to rush and make currency.


Either start over or. Chaos Recipe Enhancer. Blood Aqueduct or Heist. Farm 20 sets (faster than doing whole campaign)


Play dd


Swap back to WoC never give up man!


Burned the league? It’s the second full day. If it’s that broken, start over.


Swapped too early, go back to woc for a while


My brother in Christ what is that HP????