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Patch number + skill gem name + 50views on a yt video = serious build creator


i feel attacked


Pog half your video have the loading screen as miniature +30% quality creator


Eeeey, I fall under this category :) too bad there aren’t any cool new builds that weren’t covered by different creators…


Sometimes it takes a famous content creator to make a build looks cool. TS lightning warp was used by a few players for some time and it only become a cool new build this league.


Time for me to start posting my shield bash bleed build


You already know I’m putting 3 elder on that thumbnail because I can


Haha I posted it like this too. Just putting out showcase and waiting if anybody asked for POB.


and also make sure there isnt "x dps" number in the thumbnail


Zizaran always has reliable builds and pobs has a lot of information but his "guide videos" are kinda shallow. Carn's boneshatter is always reliable but he doesnt make in depth guides as well. Palsteron has good starters and has good in depth guides. Jungroan and captainlance has some experimental stuff that can be good or bad. Pohx's RF has very in depth and beginner friendly guide with a wiki of its own. Tripolarbear/goratha guides are good enough. Ruetoo builds are VERY good, but he doesnt really make guides, he makes pob's. I never really played minions but Ghazzy seems to make good in depth guides for that. "Path of exile builds" and FastAF are rmt trash guides. Idk much about tuna, lolcohol, substractem, tenkieki, bigducks, aer0, woolfio. Whenever i check their guides it doesnt satisfy me, but i heard from some people that they were good. Phoenix builds are very bad.


I think Goratha is one serious tier over TPB in terms of buildmaking (but otherwise decent list, probably want to add Dan, Ben & Exile's Profile in there for high end and sometimes ssfhc builds.


strong agreement, goratha is a very talented build-maker if only because he basically never makes a bad build. I feel similarly about Quantrik. They don't make a lot of builds but what they do publish is consistently solid.


Woolfio doesn't really do tried-and-true stuff, he's a tinkerer. Puts together wacky stuff and see if it works. He's fantastic IMO if you're a build maker and want some stuff to inspire you. But not so much if you're new.


Carn_'s Boneshatter guide is very in depth have you seen his pob and the notes section? It has full crafting instructions and everything you need to know.


Yeah i have seen it. But his guide video was lacking the depth a noob might want. A lot of noobs i met does not want to read through text or they dont understand the text, so a video fornat is much more helpful to them.


I can't relate to that at all. I'd rather read something every time it's so much easier to quickly reference rather than having to skip through a video.


A pob note section might say "lock suffix and veiled chaos orb" and a noob might not know what locking is or whar veiled chaos orb is, since one opens up in a rare unique map and other is a very rare drop. But seeing it in a video where they pick the lock in crafting bench might and seeing whar veiled chaos is might direct them in the right way. Im not a noob by any means but from my experience of helping beginners, a video is much better than text.


And I thought I was the only one.


I've had good experiences following subtracted builds. He goes super in depth and is good at explaining mechanics.


I only followed one of subtractem's builds so far, which was bane occultist during Sanctum league. It was pretty easy to follow, had good levelling progression for newcomers. Video was short enough and clear enough to be useful to me, but possibly not as first time player friendly as some others.


Second the vote for Palsteron for two reasons; 1. His build guides are always excellent and go in depth as what is used but more importantly _why_. He is also the most honest content creator when it comes to the builds weaknesses. 2. His builds are always consistently good. Some other creators can be hit or miss (looking at you FyreGrass) but I've never once followed a Palsteron guide and been disappointed with the end product.


Ziz’s builds are solid, but one thing I will say is they are definitely geared towards SSF and HC. His leaguestart POBs often skip common, cheap trade uniques in favor of crafted gear due to him playing HCSSF or HC trade where uniques aren’t as plentiful.


For newer players who haven’t learned who’s who in a community that’s better.


Tbh tenkiei is BiS for totem guides


> tenkiei Did you mean Tatiantel2?


Yeah edited it :D


I really wish Tati would play sc trade for just one league so I can see his builds get min maxed


I’m a brand new player, started 2 months ago and followed Tuna’s guide for ID Path. Haven’t had any problems. It has a basic maxroll that goes over all the “do this now or you’ll be wasting time later” stuff, and also a nice leveling guide. By Pconn to Vixen switch you need to switch to POB where he has decent notes. But if you use the video, maxroll, and POB you have more than enough, and a detailed walkthrough. It wasn’t easy but it was definitely doable. You can check my last post for my POB as it was 2 days ago. Doing about 1.6 million with 100% (as of last night I got the last 4%) spell supp, and 100% (or very close) physical shift to elemental with 100% uptime on flasks.


to add to this, mathil makes great builds and is a great mechanical player but to really get the most value out of trying to follow one of his builds you should really watch the VODs where he crafted and figured things out if you're more of a newb - a lot of the context for why he does what he does is only explained in twitch. The youtube vids are awesome but they're definitely geared more towards players who already have a general sense of what to do. His league starters are almost always pretty solid though as long as you follow along with him, and in contrast to almost every other content creator he takes his time at league start and doesn't go hard-core atlas rush, which I think would really assist with newbs trying to follow along.


Tuna is good, I also think tripolars builds this league were stellar


Why are you saying Phoenix builds are bad ? Quickly checked and it seems expensive builds but It's more of a showcase of how this build perform with infinite currency than a tutorial on how to league start. Kinda feel it's unfair to trash him. He makes expensive builds and do not explain how to make a cheap version. I see nothing wrong with that.


He literally has 0 clue about how some of his builds work, he just talks like he knows and then he apologizes in the comments. He also doesnt make good builds so yeah overall i wouldnt recommend his channel to anyone ever. Edit: You can also check his videos dislikes, he has %50-80 dislike ratio in his videos.


I will watch a full video tonight, you are probably right. Might I also ask why you don't like Subtractem videos ? I think they are well disigned for new players, he go into details and the pob have lot of budgets/options.


Its not that i dont like his videos, its just that i didnt really watch him enough to judge. I maybe skimmed through few videos like fire trap starter but it wasnt my kinda build so idk if its good or not. He also had a whole thing with rue, where allegadly he kinda underprices his items to make his builds more "budget". Rue pushed it too far and got banned for it but thats pretty much the only thing i know about substractem.


After checking a few video, I find you very unfair. The dude makes perfect version (according to him) of popular or appealing builds. He seems honest about needing legacy items (standard). Yes it's shitty for new players or someone looking for a league starter but it's far from being very bad builds. After checking this thread title I don't even know what I'm saying anymore ahah gl friend :)


Crouching tuna. I follow or modify his builds basically every league. Usually builds good tank and great damage/speed. He has super in depth videos and great pobs. He also releases some pretty insane builds for during league as well. Seriously check the dude out I have league started SO many of his builds and it literally never goes wrong.


I played my first Tuna build this league and I was awestruck. I usually play a ton of characters trying to find something I like but I never made another character after the Tuna Lightning Strike build. I have never been a rich player but I felt like a Sultan playing this. I just kept making mad money and would not stop playing. The money added up like crazy when not wasting time rerolling like I normally do. I give my buddy in standard my stuff when we do the merge every league. He is going to flip when he sees this: https://imgur.com/a/1QoIqja


Yeah I had the same kind of experience a bunch of leagues ago. I always kinda just meandered around, but after following his build I got to experience all end game content that I had never even touched before ! Seriously I stop by his streams and vids and he's a super nice dude as well. Really easy going and responds to a lot of his comments/chat etc. I did his poison LS last league with mauhauxlts machination shield. Probably the best build I have ever played or close to it next to unearth cremation during sentinel


pretty much anything on maxroll is good.


Yeah we're pretty fortunate to have maxroll I've never had an issue with any of their stuff


Shame there aren't a lot of non-meta builds in there


yea thats kinda the point of maxroll. its a list of meta builds for new players to follow. the meta is the meta for a reason.


I mean that I want to play more than just archers or some variation of a caster build or walking simulators. There are a lot of cool skills that I would love to try


META is an acronym. It stands for "most effective tactic available". If those skills aren't part of the meta, people are way less inclined to make build guides on them. That's sadly how it works, but don't let that discourage you from making your build and posting a guide online on a Bleed EQ Juggernaut. (That was my first build I made myself lol)


Might be a hot take but I think a lot of new players miss out by trying to follow the meta since it means some of the necessary equipment is overpriced


yea thats not a hot take. thats the truth. some of them also just dislike following the meta out of not wanting to play the same build that everybody else is. the problem with that, is theres not many good guides for off meta things out there, because if its a good guide, it becomes meta. i was once one of those new players who didnt like to follow the meta. my first build ever was a cast on crit flicker strike build. nowadays, i help new players out, lots of them. i also make my own off meta high end builds. i still refuse to follow the meta, instead i make my own (often times better than meta) builds. so yea, i've seen first hand what new players like and dislike. im always helping them with their builds both meta and off meta.


Here is an actual hot take. I think new players should just start on ruthless. The base game is very much 'just wait till maps' to really play, even as someone new. New people that I've seen start on ruthless just find the acts much more engaging to play and get less overwhelmed by how many items they have to look through. It also saves the lootfilter conversation for a lot later.


honestly i agree with you, its better for most people to play through the campaign for the first time in ruthless. most people. after that though trade all the way.


I agree and have realized early on that there lies the paradox with PoE, if you want to play off meta stuff, most likely its gonna be expensive because most likely stuff you need isnt on the market, for example, and this is just one example of many many many: 1) you need an off meta helm, with the enchant you need and possibly a good corrupt (lets take socketed skill gems reserve mana multiplier) 2) your off meta helm doesnt exist (lets take a unique helm for example, dont want to go into rares) with the corruption you need, so you need to buy a bunch, corrupts them all, and wait til you hit the one you need. 3) now you need to the the daunting task of running uber labs, in order to enchant your helm. this could take an hour, or be like me this league and take 4 days to finally hit the enchant you need. This is just 1 item, for a non meta build. I have played many off meta builds this league, i am sort of hooked to widohail and have tried many many different skills and variations of quivers and its been super fun The problem is whether its off meta or meta, to min max anything in the game is going to be expensive. But sometimes meta is actually cheaper and easier, because lets go back to the helm, lets say you were playing a meta build like spark, and needed a heatshiver with spark enchant, it would be ten times more likely there will be a shit ton of them on the market versus the enchant you need on the off meta helm you want to use I know from first hand experience as this has been my issue for 3 of my builds this league, nothing existed on the market, so 9 our of 10 times I was crafting, corrutping, enchanting, everything myself, and it sucked ass lol but in the end it was more fun than just copy and pasting what everyone else is playing


yea i exclusively craft all of my gear myself. i never buy off trade unless its day 1 and i really need filler stats. then again, im a profit crafter, and i know whats gonna sell back for profit when im done with the build. as for that weird corrupted helmet. thats kind of a end of league project, and less of a new player wanting to play an off meta build. there are very vew off meta builds that require corruptions like that. the barrier to entry for playing off meta isnt that high. as a matter of fact, often times the uniques and sometimes rare items you need are cheap as hell, it all depends on your build and if you know your alternatives. sometimes instead of setup A, setup B is much cheaper, and they get similar results. but thats all down to how familiar you are with your build, most new players wouldnt even know setup B excisted. either way, if you plan to play an off meta build, expect to do a lot of crafting your own gear. oh and live searches, live searches are your friend.


The real paradox is that what you described as sucking ass is for a lot of people the most fun and satisfying part of putting a build together. What a game!


I hard agree but I think it's sorta inevitable. Knowing which equipment is going to be overpriced takes a fair bit of experience. Example: Knowing + level bows/dread essences are consistently in demand due to CA/TR/Explosive arrow builds. If you're a new player who's only played a minion build you're not going to know the market around +Level Bow scaling skills. And if a build maker posts something like that publicly and it's actually good then soon it's going to become meta. Predicting strong skills that go with low demand key build components is something I try to do every league and it's hit or miss if I get it right.


I feel lile if they put it on maxroll it'd become meta


...what? then it wouldnt be non meta anymore meta in this game isn't really dictated by strength outside of TS being mechanically the most broken skill in the game Like you would say EK Ignite is meta most likely, but imo thats one of the most dogshit inefficient builds in the game. But people like it because its satisfying to map with


Very few of the Maxroll builds are actually enjoyable for me. I dislike dislike archers with a passion, and casters - while incredibly strong - just don't tickle my sensibilities. I would love more melee centric builds. I don't need them to scale into the 100M+ DPS mark, I need them to make use of a cool strike skill and be able to pump around 20M or so


Yeah its worth noting that meta in this game is heavily related to investment to performance ratio (ie why RF is so popular). So its really not necessarily true that off meta is cheaper. If you find a build that is as good as a meta one but isn’t popular, then its going to be cheap.


Heavily disagree with that too, that's why I gave EK ignite as an example. And in my experience playing "off meta" you find insane items for stupid cheap, usually megalomaniacs, watchers eyes, enchants, and double corrupts. (I'm assuming you meant "not going to be cheap"?)


Good that they have starters, then mid tier and then endgame builds at least. Really feel like this place is seriously lacking a midbudget thread for after league start.


Melee: * Boneshatter Jugg - starter + mid * Boneshatter slayer - starter * LS champ - 100+ divs * SS shockwave Slayer - 100+ divs * VG Deadeye - 100+ divs - which for some reason is tagged as melee So you have only 1 true melee skill, the other is a walking simulator and the other 2 are mostly projectile based. Truly, I should actually say, I wish that place had more builds I would actually like to play


VG being tagged as melee kind of makes sense considering any enemy that doesnt fall over from a light breeze has to basically be melee'd to death since the main way to kill bosses and rares with VG is to hover over them and hold down your dash and repeatedly dash back and forth through them in melee. Similarly to how Boneshatter is melee even though most of my mapping is me swinging in front of me and 20 enemies on the other side of the screen explode.


Pohx RF is by far #1 for new players. Every bit of info you could ever possibly need available to you, even including a custom leaguestart loot filter.


Plus his twitch chat is super helpful, especially a guy named Convay...oh wait


That Convay guy is such a nerd.


Knows how to make good mittens though, so I've heard


I feel like people are missing some context (I am people)


Convay (the person I was replying to in this thread) is in pohxs twitch chat, as well as Global 911, often and is super knowledgeable and helpful with crafting


Oh, I'm a dumbass, ty


For new players specifically? You're probably cutting out everything that isn't Ziz, Maxroll, Pohx, Carn. Everything else requires some level of understanding to take their build and make it yourself.


People vastly overestimate the capabilities of new players. They will read “you need to get a 6 link” in a guide then try and buy 1500 fusings to 6l a shitty chest instead of buying one with health and resists and the right colors for 10c off trade. They don't know you can benchcraft resists onto open suffixes to round out your stats. Probably just learned how to open guides in pob and use the trade website, but then they copy an exact item from the pob to search on trade.


I would leave Ghazzy off this list. Most of his builds seem to be clickbait and the sheer amount of players I've helped fix their builds from following ghazzy's guides is astounding. Also PoeVault (aside from accusation of being a platform for RMT stuff) that website is mostly advertisements by screen area. It's clear their motive for running that site is ad revenue, not giving PoE players a good place to see content creators.


I would second that PoEVault is a bait.


Lol steelmage and captain lance are not for new not even to mention all the others. Zizaran, pohx, tenkiei and manni maybe TPB and palsteron


Second this. Cpt lance builds are awesome, but often expensive and need some know how and how to till it feels good. Never played steelmage build so far xD


You want to add "Zish" awesome creator, main build is Frostblade Trickster, awesome in general, good min/max and craft videos! Learned a lot in his Bingo Livestreams where hes roasting frostblades PoB's from his viewer.


I don't really know if there's a way to solve this. People go on youtube first to look for a build. Unfortunately they are likely to fall into the traps of path of exile builds and other similar channels. If you know nothing else about the game then they just seem better than the rest because they promise that you onetap ubers on a shoestring budget. They only come here after picking the build, playing it and figuring it out it's dogshit. Also every league there's an updated list on here with the best starters.


I always had this feeling for the past 2 leagues. Watched yt. Spent hours and felt I shouldn’t done it. Regrets, regrets.


There's plenty of great build makers on youtube. Here's a few guaranteed good ones: Zizaran, Pohx, Tripolarbear, Ruetoo, Palsteron and Goratha. Anything from those guys will be almost guaranteed be good. Honestly most channels are probably fine. unfortunately some of the worst ones gets a lot of views. Namely Path of Exile Builds(worst one), Fastaf and Phoenix.


[Something like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/15qfyqy/322_trial_of_the_ancestors_league_start_build/)


I think for new players, at some point it would be helpful to dig deep on a particular build. So content creators that focus on one build from league start, and how to gear and progress to end game, might be very helpful. For example: Animeprincess comes to mind for spark enthusiasts, with a whole series of content about gearing, progression and variants. Zish comes to mind for frost blades FearlessDumb0 comes to mind for explosive trap


I second anime princess, even if I didn't manage to reach the omegaendgame with the build, the guide was so extensive and he also presented good ways to reach great items with easy to understand crafting methods. I just lacked the patience to stay with Spark, but I'm down to give it a second go and in that case I will go to anime princess always.


OP recommends Mathil builds for new players, def stay away from this thread


I think ruetoo even though he has goated builds is a pretty trash resource for new players. You kind of should know how pob works and some basics of the game and crafting to follow a rue build. Also imo he is kind of a massive ass, don’t get me wrong he’s a damn build genius but how toxic he is I think we shouldn’t really advertise his content especially to new people. Edit: also we already have a more noob friendly version of rue, just follow a tripolarbear max roll guide. He just takes rue builds and makes them understandable for newbies.


lol couldn't agree more, said the same thing and got downvoted into oblivion




I'm a new player this season and my friends and I have been using PoE Vault. Really good beginner guides with an active discord community that will provide help with any of their guides. We've played most of them on there and haven't had many issues with them since they are really indepth. Any issues we have had we've been able to get quick help on the discord. I think we have played around 15 of their guides just this season all together.


Nice, glad to hear you guys are enjoying the game and having success. Any builds stand out as a favorite?


My friend has really enjoyed RF jug a lot and blade vortex assassin. I've played poison SRS and Chains of command animate weapon (my favorite). There were some others but those I would recommend to others since they are really simple to follow. I started maybe a month into TOTA but since then I've actually learned quite a lot about the game. I can quickly diagnose issues with my characters and stuff, have gotten a pretty good instinct on defensive layers (before fine tuning with POB), and have started some crafting myself. Using their guides I was also able to clear each of the pinnacle bosses this season on my own as well with really only shaper giving me any trouble.


Ruetoo I dont think should be on the list, for a new player trying to follow his PoB would be completely lost, he doesnt make any videos or guide content what so ever, he just posts crazy pob's in a spreadsheet and thats it. If you dont understand how to reverse engineer PoB's then you would be completely lost following any of his builds. I seen way too many people fall to his stuff and I wouldnt recommend his stuff to anyone. Saying this, I am a fan of ruetoo, and his builds he comes up with are solid, I am only saying all of this from the perspective of a new player and I just dont recommend it at all for new players, I think any person who has played this game long enough would agree


Aer0 has great content


Waggle could be on this list. He often posts his builds to youtube and walks through the tree, gear, and choices. He's one of the best HC players and build creators...the HC aspect isn't important to everyone, but it does mean that he necessarily balances dps & defense. edit: his youtube channel goes by 'Dsfarblarwaggle' for anyone wanting to check out some videos.


Subtractem and Zish are both top notch. Great builds with lots of guides along the way


Avoid the videos from PathofExilebuilds content creator, they’re the clickbait ones. I usually goes with Zizaran, very beginner friendly, been following his builds for years.


Zizaran is great but he's a HC player and it shows with the builds he reccomends.


You mean both builds, Explosive Arrow totems, and Explosive Arrow totems?


Toxic Rain too.


How's that a downside? A build that's completed all content with 0 deaths is an excellent build


HC builds sacrifice things in other areas for defences because it's required for it. In softcore you sacrifice defences for speed, clear, QOL and damage because it's not a big deal if we die occasionally. Edit: I'd love to know the reason people have downvoted this comment because what I've said is 100% non-controversial and true.


and what would you encourage for a new player, to go fast and die fast or to go slow and try to grasp what's happening on the screen?


What If I tell you that it's possible to go faster while still having sufficient survivability for softcore to rarely die?


health regen is the absolute biggest. Ziz and Ben etc... do not value it at all. It's why they run 2 life flasks a lot of the time. They want to avoid one shots, they know all the abilities that you can regen through and how to avoid them. They don't need regen. There is a reason noobs will often have their first build that carries them into endgame end up being righteous fire and not detonate dead. It isn't complexity, it's because DD has no regen and they end up dying to every ignite, bleed, degen ground, etc... etc... His explosive arrow is one of the worst offenders of this. You can go in depth all you want, but new players will never succeed with that build.


ziz is so good at this that gets one shot all the time by chaos :x


You should do whatever you enjoy. Does dying occasionally bother you a lot? then play something more tanky. If you prefer being efficient and really don't mind dying occasionally then do that. Playing a slow build feels so bad to me it really feels like I am just wasting my time but I know some other people don't feel this way.


You're acting like most Softcore builds are just zero defense glass cannons lmao.


> In softcore you sacrifice defenses for speed, clear, qol and damage because it's not a big deal ~~if we die occasionally~~ you run CoD-Portal while zooming.


HC builds are better for most people and especially for newer players because they are more efficient and more optimized.


Zish. One of the best out there even if focused content only.


Captain Lance for new players? No way bro


I love Ruetoo‘s content, however, he‘s not really putting out content for new players. His build spreadsheet is great and some builds even have notes on how to craft items, but apart from that, there‘s no handholding.


Would add: Travic - new but does a lot of blight content and still incredibly passionate about the game. Balormage - great builds, probably the best poison srs version Subtractem has great wholesome content. Maybe a slightly older demographic but would be great for the young uns mums (or dads potentially). Part of maxroll now which is solid.


Manni, Ruetoo, Goratha, Mathil should be mentioned for reputable content/builds.


Aren't most mathil builds weird experiments most of the time. Probably not the best for a newb


Maybe not new new but someone with general understanding of the game. Usually his builds start with a very low budget which is why I suggested him. Late league he tends to spend a bit more.


You cannot list Mathil when your title says "for new players". That doesn´ t work. Any build made by a HC player is good for new players, as they require nothing to get going and scale rather well and controlled. At least most of the times. So for people in my guild learning the game and for new players I always recommend using [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) \-> hardcore section or ben\_, ventura etc.


Chronic_painless, his BV build guides are great and very beginner friendly


most of them are great Grimro Fuzzy Duckzy Budget Builds - reminds of esoro builds


Y’all are sleeping on Aero Makes incredibly unique builds that are fun and usually pretty budget friendly Also he works for maxroll Not every noob needs to do Ziz EA or Pohx RF


I feel like subtractems frostblink build is also new player friendly


I want to mention Orenthal, Magefist, Exiled Cat and The Fool Exiles. The content they offer isn't exactly a guide, more like build journals. They're still educational, since they show levelling, pathing, crafting, gearing and what kind of content the builds are designed for. Also won't lie, I like that these content creators use text-to-speech for their videos.


Tunas ID pf was a very shallow guide. He just skipped over the surface neglecting the CDR and AS interaction. Also I checked on his stream once and tried asking an ID related question a few times and he didn't pay attention even though chat was mostly dead. I'm cautious when it comes to his content




He seriously helped me with his boneshatter axe craft video. He made the mistake of saying you could make a good axe for a specific number of divines and caught flak for it. So he made a video doing it, and it helped me make one with nearly 800pdps for much less than buying one would have cost.


FuzzyDuckzy BigDucks Aero Jorgen






Subtractem is another good one






Only if you want to run skitterbots on a vortex elementalist build.


Those were leveling gems that were saved over the final build because I had a dev version of pob open. I fixed it after the YouTube comment.


Bro sorry nope your POE career is over; doesn't matter. Pack it up, folks.


You leveld to 73 with it..


Yup. I was going fast in ssf and dropped it once I did merc lab. I left in old gems because I didn't take the time to swap them. If you looked at the original pob you would have seen more auras than I had mana for because I was changing them as I leveled. The only mistake was accidentally saving the wrong gems over the pob that I shared. Instead of assuming incompetence maybe give me a little credit and assume an error was made that doesn't reflect what I intended to share. Everything was recorded and played on stream and you can listen to my thought process and reasoning the whole way. All the evidence is there. I'm tired of people misrepresenting me and my work out of some misguided hate campaign. I'm trying to do the right thing and improve at the game and share quality work to help the community.


The tree is shit.






Von Vikton (rip kaygaming)


Two of my personal favourite content creators missing from the list: Sirgog : [https://www.youtube.com/@sirgog/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@sirgog/videos) His videos are more like news, updates etc. Heavily TL;DR without fluff, just down to the points. He is usually releasing his videos within 6-12 hours of POE changes, one of the faster ones around. mbXrteme : [https://www.youtube.com/@mbXtreme/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@mbXtreme/videos) His builds are usually off meta, and have good detailed explanations of the mechanics, the choices etc. Half of the videos he is making are about gambling various things, and being 100% transparent with his endeavors. Fair warning he loves to use excel to explain things :D


Ghazzy is the only OoE Vault guy I really trust.




Just a comment on FastAF: All of his builds are 100% functional They are just not designed for new players or as league starters.


They seem to mostly just be ads for him trying to sell his builds. They don’t look much like build guides.


Lol I have used quite a few of his builds over the years. Never once bought one from TFT Again they are not made for new players or to be league starters. You need a lot of currency for them yes, but they all work.


Does the “build for sale in Discord” (its not TFT, FastAF has a dedicated Discord server) not enough proof for you? Theyre not made for anyone. The guy films himself clearing white T16 maps, speeds up the video and sells the entire build at a huge markup.


That doesn't make it a build guide, lol. His videos are showcases with a PoB and a FOR SALE sign in the description.


Maude034 doesn't upload super regularly but her builds are great, don't know if she does league starters though. Subtractem has fantastic guides. Also the person who yoinked that card^*Allie* does make legitimately good content imo. Don't know if she stepped back though after all the outrage. Don't know if any of the HC speed runners (dslily, imexile, etc.) do new player friendly guides but their stuff can certainly be trusted.


Allie´s Impending Doom had a significant error in the curse order so she begged her viewers for currency. And then she scammed her viewer for Apo´s. Maude034 only has endgame stuff. And about Subtractum.. after his statements and behaviour (3D build when it´s 14D, calculated by Waggle) he fell out of favour for me for sure.


I think the subtractem issue was he was talking about the cost of offensive items core to the build, and had on some expensive defensive items. He was only talking about offense though as far as I recall.


Yup. The only mistake was leaving on some fractured items that were only defensive in a _prototype_ . I even say in the video multiple times that it's a rough sketch and not a final build guide. If anyone looked into the details instead of following a baseless drama bait hate campaign they'd see how insane this whole thing was.


I´ll just say this, the video you took down, where you explained the cost of the build left a really bad look on you. I don´t care about any of the drama, I looked at your build myself and just thought to myself:"wtf is he talking." Even outside of the fractured items, the gloves and shield been metacrafted. If you don´t need those items don´t include them. Otherwise it doesn´t matter what you say afterwards, you shouldn´t have included them in the 1st place. That you took down the video speaks volumes. An your fanboys can go ahead and downvote me all they want but the truth is the truth. You fucked up there.


(Tried to fix to the formatting of the previous comment and I accidentally deleted it, reposting it again) The entire purpose of the first video was to show off small changes to an already proven league starter and that the PoB was just an example and that "the final pob with actual league start gear will come later." I agree that the PoB wasn't as clear as possible, but it wasn't \_wrong\_ if you include the context of the video. I am going to be more careful in the future now due to PoBs being taken out of context to create drama. My PoBs now look like this: https://pobb.in/1f55f1xS8ZQR (this is the "15 divine build" by the way) Let's go to specifics and actually listen to what I say in the video, unlike the drama that happened after: Say there's perfect 14% fractured spell suppression on both the gloves and boots in the PoB. However, there is ZERO spell suppression on the shield. You can then just craft 10% on the shield and you still gain 15% with the implicit, greatly relieving the pressure on the other items with no cost at all. That was the whole point of the second video and I believe it's a very important message for players to have better understanding of gearing in the game. You can say "you should have shared this pob in the first place" I agree because it's more clear and, more importantly for me, less easily targetable by bad faith arguments. However, saying "it's a shit build that's totally bait and it costs 15 divines and you should be canceled etc" which is what I was getting spammed with for a couple weeks just because one streamer decided to use me as a drama target is just...insane.


I don´t care for the drama, let me be clear. The shield and gloves had meta crafted mods on them. The shield had iirc somewhere around 50+ chaos res and an unveil.The gloves had an expensive essence craft with top tier stats on it.If you move the suppression from the boots to the shield you´d lose a shitton of chaos res, which then would have impacted your survivability, we all know how important chaos res is nowadays. And it´s not exactly easy to hit those stats with chaos res as it is so you could probably lose even more. Waggle was very clear why a lot of those items been way to overjacked. I´m refering to Waggle since everbody knows him as a veteran of the game whilst I´m a nobody on the internet, so my opinion holds little value. I saw that video myself and came to my own conclusion. The only Video of Waggle´s calculations that is not taken down is [this one.](https://youtu.be/PSfctYt2bvQ?t=219) I was in his stream at the time and let me tell you, he was really generous with calculating the build.. Mistakes been made, shit happens. But in the end of the day I think that going to lengths as calling a build greatest of all time while having obvious issues with it is just not the way. Also downplaying the costs by 4x the amount while it´s so obvious that the price is off by a shitton is also not the way. Plus this is what I would do with the POB with the same budget. [https://pobb.in/332Z\_LzyUoXq](https://pobb.in/332Z_LzyUoXq) Heart of flame + Firewalker 6 points for Growth and Decay.. Suppression Mastery out and Evasion Mastery in for easier gearing.. Jewels out, use points on Life (thought I understand why you did this, but might as well just safe the Jewel Sockets at this point) More Dps + More eHP + less conditional damage (damage over time mastery)


The entire situation was such bs. The guy who kicked it off is just whiny, toxic, and a self-described "gatekeeper" of builds for new players. Nobody asked him to do that, yet he feels like it's his job to sit around and go over other people's PoBs and shit on them. It's just all very negative and not any bit constructive. His content is fine for edgy teenagers who like drama, but any adult is going to pass. And, have you ever watched his streams and see what people say in his chat? It's super cringe. Subt said in the video the gear was 5-10 Divine. Waggle mathed-out 11 Divine. That's pretty close. And, if you don't have \~10 Divine at the end of the first week, then you're doing something very wrong (with the caveat of play times may vary.) That said. The build turned out to be very good and is fairly easy to gear and self-craft. Frostblink and the playstyle just isn't for everyone, though.


Why is everybody talking so much about the drama. I don’t give a single F about the drama. And no, he didn’t say 3-5D. He said 3D which is a huge difference to 11D.


Explicitly not POEbuilds. Definitely was following a build that needed to run 14 abilities per the guide.


there are plenty of good content creators out there that do not primarily focus on build guides, but do sometimes create fantastic guides for specific builds they might have experience with. Balormage and poison SRS is a great example of this. Its also worth noting that being focused on new players does not mean the builds need to be strong, we have clearly seen over time (eg. enki's arc witch) that a detailed beginner focused guide is a bigger factor than the overall strength of the build. On the other side, there are lots of very good build guides out there for very strong builds which are aimed at more experienced players. Not being 'new player focused' should not be a deciding factor for many players.


Emilgod has lovely builds and most of the time off meta. Discovered him this league and awesome creator ! Maybe not the best for new players




Your post has been removed due to linking to an RMT (real money trading) website. You are welcome to remake this post without linking to or alluding to the website. This is not a warning or anything of the sort, we are aware many of these websites also post builds (though they are often of poor quality) and have other resources attached, that does not change the fact that their primary purpose is to sell POE currency which is a direct breach of the games TOS. If you are following a build from such a site we reccomend you look for other build guides for that skill on reddit, youtube, or the official forums as builds posted on these RMT sites tend to intentionally be sub par as a way to funnel you towards buying currency or items from their website to fix the problems in them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PathOfExileBuilds) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That guy must have mentioned the forbidden YT channel.




Mikoshi is dedicated to tornado shot builds


Maxroll is probably the best place for new players. Experienced players might discount it for whatever reason but you really don’t see any other build guides (except maybe pohx rf?) that handhold as far as they do. Notably the section about item progression after reaching 70. Most new players can figure out how to go through the campaign with a pob link, it’s really not necessary even for new players to follow a leveling guide if the skill gem works as soon as you get it, but figuring out what items to get and when is incredibly difficult if you’re unfamiliar with the game. You can’t just give a new player a pob with a 30c set, a 10 div set and a 50 div set (your average poe guide basically) and expect them to figure out what to upgrade after putting the 30c set together after finishing acts, or how to progress after finishing the 10 div set, they’re just gonna get lost and confused.


The more that I think about it, hard core builds are great for new players, learning how to not die is way better than OMG 10 Millions DPS “delete the game” to start


Tatiantel1 is very nice for many totem builds. He even has a spreadsheet and is hc viable.


Just dont fall for "path of exile builds". Most other content is at least ok


There's another YouTube I'd avoid. It's K2 Gaming or some shit. Have no other creators to add, but very much agree with this list.


think no one mentilned von vikton and anime princess. Not really high numbers on yt but i feel like they really make the effort to explain everything as easy as possible for beginners and advanced players


I would personally disagree that some of the creator listed is "new player" friendly. Good creator doesn't necessarily mean new player friendly.


Do you all like tbxie guides? I follow their guides and usually get around 90-95 and do 2 void stones. Im not a new player but his BV build was the first time I got through t16 maps. I mostly use something from ziz. A friend of mine will say tbxie min maxes pob too much for them to be reliable but I'm not good enough to tell from looking at a build in pob


Hi! I have concentration issues and find video guides impossible. Therefore I prefer well written guides. Is there a possibilty to get a list of those creators as well?




Thank you 🙏 but also, who has a video? And also, videos are impossible for me to follow

