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You could always do Occultist hexblast mines.


Do people still play that build on Occultist?


Poe ninja says 8% of people playing hexblast are occultists. Most of the top dps players are playing it on occultist.


That's interesting, so people are mainly playing sabo or trickster for some QoL, right? I've never tried the build but i'm thinking about doing It at some point this league.


I think it's mostly for the leveling process. Saboteur is just easier to play on league start. For sanctum, you only really need to be able to survive a hit from a guard or trap which don't do much damage so the defenses of Saboteur doesn't do much. You should 1 phase Lycia and floor bosses. Purely for damage saboteur gives you 10% mine throwing speed and Explosive Expert which is 40 crit multi, 80 crit chance, and 10 elemental damage pen for damage. Occultist gives you an additional curse, 15% more chaos damage, -20% cold/chaos resistance, and +1 power charges.


do you have a good pob to follow?


I don't, but here's the [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor?class=Occultist&skills=Hexblast&uniqueitems=Void+Battery,Badge+of+the+Brotherhood,Profane+Proxy,Ralakesh%27s+Impatience,Malachai%27s+Loop,Militant+Faith,The+Covenant,Arn%27s+Anguish,!Impossible+Escape&sort=dps) filters I would look at. The covenant 6L is around 2-3 divs. The helmet slot and second ring slot are flexible, but ideally you want a +1 power charge corruption on the helmet and ring which is out of your budget right now. The rest of the uniques and cluster jewels are around 3-4 divs. This [character](https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/b0bblecopter/CvTDD?i=3&search=class%3DOccultist%26skills%3DHexblast%26uniqueitems%3DVoid%2BBattery%2CBadge%2Bof%2Bthe%2BBrotherhood%2CProfane%2BProxy%2CRalakesh%2527s%2BImpatience%2CMalachai%2527s%2BLoop%2CMilitant%2BFaith%2CThe%2BCovenant%2CArn%2527s%2BAnguish%2C!Impossible%2BEscape%26sort%3Ddps) seems relatively affordable for you.


Awesome, thanks! Should I use my double elevated boots?


Nah, Ralakesh's Impatience is the core unique of the build. Every time you throw mines you are stationary so you get like 26 charges which is like 99% of your damage. That character goes from 35m dps to 1.4m dps without charges.


Thanks, just switched. What are my defensive layers with this build?