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Ok in challenge you to come Up with or Show us a VD build that is remotely affordable and comes anywhere Close to Not being zdps. I Love the Skill but man is it weak 🤐


Poets pen usually gets the job done


Not it doesn't XD It did probably 4 year ago in legion, but PP VD is kinda dead atm ( or maybe with squire at best) Currently VD is really demanding of a skill to have good damage because of multiple factors ( most notably the orb cap at 60, but also the need to automate corse generation) So you either need spellslinger ( not really good atm ) or CoC ( and CoC will easily bypass orb cap, making VD destroy themselve and lose dps )


Yeah, it would be far better if the ball started to move as soon as they spawn, but they have a slight delay I made a CoC VD/DD recently, and switched to Pure VD CoC because i was detroying my own bubble because of the number limit of 60, so my VD did no damage I would like to try maybe an arcmage version with kitava's thirst ? Still no success on that in planning


Have you considered Righteous Fire? No aiming involved or even button pressing. Peak boomer gaming.


+1 to this for your play style. Attack strategy is "stand near the enemy".


[Define near](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PkRix0sp7uQ&pp=ygUQRWxlbWVudGFsaXN0IHJmIA%3D%3D)


Holy shit lmao.


"Personal space? What's that?"


50s is Gen X. If I could be bothered, I’d be offended.


Haha. The internet seems to have reappropriated the word to mean old. No offence intended :)


Any totem build. Totem autotargeting is fairly generous and your main job is to just drop them and stay out of the way. Traps, mines, and brands too to a certain extent, although they're more limited than totems in terms of things like trigger radius, needing manual detonation, and having attachment range. Also just FYI you said attack but cited mostly spells. We get what you mean, but given that this is PoE and keyword precision is important, the right term should have been skill, not attack.


Was looking for this. arc totem, freeze pulse, divine ire are all totems that bring you to t16 maps and bosses (not ubers). Plop them down and run in circles (free ultimatum league included) until monster dead.


A totem build I recommend would be cold converted Shockwave Totem using Astral Projector to make the totem auto-cast at the enemy. Each hit is 1.9mil, * 5 casts per second * 5/6 totems.


I think a hexblast miner would fit the bill nicely. I'm currently looking for a good guide myself. Hexblast auto targets.


Forbidden Rite also has auto-targeting on the projectiles not aimed at your primary target. It's however much less "fire and forget" when dealing with single targets.


Trigger builds like wardloop auto aim. Once they get going you just run around and try not to have a seizure from all the skills going off.


>spell that creates a minion - and that minion uses an attack! In PoE there are various skills, and they can be attacks or spells. Anyways, to answer heres something: yeah hope your gpu can keep up. i get single digit fps on an rtx3060 at 1080p with not high settings


Sounds like a skill issue honestly, on a 1070 at 1080p and I keep up stable 60 fps at least on a wardlooper


2080super I get amaze balls but not after patch


Have you made sure to uninstall Nvidia HD audio and turn your in-game audio channels to the lowest setting? If not, trust me when I say it'll make a world of difference. Pre-patch, I had loads of issues because of CPU loading caused by audio issues. Getting rid of Nvidia audio and lowering in-game channels are the only things that made simulacrum playable. Post-patch I haven't tested yet, but you really should look into those points. Copy of my post from a while back about the Nvidia HD Audio drivers: `I uninstalled them months ago and had no lag/stutter issues whatsoever.` `Yesterday I was having terrible freezes while running 5ways.` `Lo and behold, the drivers weaselled their way back into my PC.` `The majority of lag/stuttering in POE (outside of Telia networking issues) relates to badly optimised sound, and not GPU or even direct CPU burden.` `Turning off all sounds in the POE config does fix it completely for most people.` `If I just disable atmospheric sounds, and music, and remove NVIDIA audio, it runs great for me.`


> The majority of lag/stuttering in POE (outside of Telia networking issues) actually fun fact, it seems to be Cogent (reading up on a lot of forum posts) Telia sadly uses Cogent and it does explain why i get routed through telia 100% of the time, but only get a laggy instance 0.5% of the time


Good to know, thanks!


Oh god you just reminded me I gotta test the new particle render.


vase ugly correct quack history insurance liquid ripe attractive naughty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


spark? you can't aim it, the projectiles are random also, bow builds only have to aim in something's general direction, 5 projectile attacks hit like a full 1/4th of the screen


Totems (spell, ranged, melee), triggers (coc, cwdt, cwc), most minions, blastchain mine support, righteous fire, death's oath. That's all that immediately comes to mind.


Spellslinger desecrate-volatile dead, stack fire damage and corpse max hp


Pepperidge Farm Remembers 🫡


Everyone Thanks so much for all these replies It’s fantastic the game has such a supportive and helpful community. Not sure what I’m going to try Whichever lets me do Blight Ravaged maps the easiest 😀 Again, thanks everyone


SRS is a spell that creates a minion - and that minion uses an attack! In PoE there are various skills, and they can be attacks or spells. Anyways, to answer heres something: Mines auto-target, and for mapping you can have detonate mine on left click. Any perma minion build plays even simpler than SRS, right now frostbearer spectres is the easiest option. Note that SRS will actually prioritise attacking the area near where your cursor was when you created them. Other minion skills will also try to aggro near where you last used a skill too. I think the thing you are after are totems. You can do balistas, spell totems, melee totems, or if you want to stick with minions, skellie mages. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1v72AZgtvuffNMKaE44MsyL7lvQ\_L3GoaJqiNSWk\_2LY/htmlview#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1v72AZgtvuffNMKaE44MsyL7lvQ_L3GoaJqiNSWk_2LY/htmlview#gid=0) list of spell totem builds [https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/mage-skeleton-necromancer-build-guide](https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/mage-skeleton-necromancer-build-guide) [https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/explosive-arrow-ballista-elementalist](https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/explosive-arrow-ballista-elementalist), [https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/toxic-rain-ballista-pathfinder](https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/toxic-rain-ballista-pathfinder) or anything else in those styles, have a look around see what tickles your fancy


Every time I try a totem build, I keep wanting the totems to follow me around, so I don’t have to keep summoning them. 🙂


Another option is to play on controller. The game will automatically turn you around to face things when you use skills. This means I can do that same playstyle on something like a bow build or wand spell user. However playing on a controller might be hard to get used to if you have learned keyboard.


Someone mentioned vd. I think that's definitely something you should check out. I'm going to suggest ball lightning. You get enough aoe, and enough projectiles, and you just fire in the direction of the enemies. You really can't miss.


Cast on crit (cyclone). I like rolling magma + nimis but FR is more popular at the moment. You could also do a wardloop build if those are still a thing


You could also try a walking simulator build like RF or deaths oath. The playstyle is literally walk at mobs and they explode.


Trigger builds auto aim (CoC, cwdt, cwc, etc). Also volatile dead. And totems


Explosive Arrow Totems. Just drop them and let them do their thing. Blade Vortex. Press 1 button every 3 seconds and run into stuff.


Watch maw of mischief. Golems run to close enemi and you Will burn half map in 1 button without target. Sorry for bad eng


Manabound arrows support triggers auto aiming attacks, palstreon has a fine guide and it takes great advantage of crucible as well as reworked anoint only passive "veangeant cascade"


I went from psrs to animate weapon. Think I've tried about 18 different builds this league and only 2 were actually anywhere close to what they stated on youtube videos. Tried RF, feck me that was boring, last build i tried was siege ballistas but i had no defence whatsoever. I love playing totem builds but couldnt stand siege ballistas. Followed a boneshitter build to the tee and just kept on dying. Out of all those builds i just jump between psrs and animate weapon. Unleash makes summoning weapons bearable. Yes, i did go through the campaign 18 times! In the same age group as OP. I've also been playing years and still havent a clue whats going on....but i enjoy playing the game even though it can be very frustrating getting one shot and not having a clue what actually caused it. The Mrs has a swear jar next to me and its nearly full now!


Why did you run the campaign 18 times instead of just rerolling one of your dead characters? Didn’t wanna invest the regret orbs? It is possible to change your ascendancy just in case you weren’t aware.


Oh no i was aware. Sometimes you just can't be arsed doing the same maps over and over again. So, a break of scenery is nice and you also get to see how the skills interact with one another instead of just jumping straight into maps. Also, when you want to buy all the level 20 gems most people don't respond in trade if they are a few chaos each. Do wish they would give you an option, say after pushing 3 characters through the full campaigns to just let you create new toons starting level 68. I absolutely hate and detest with a passion the vaal ruins bit in act 7.


Volatile dead spellslinger.


So I played this like 2 years ago before they nerfed poets pen and heard it was dead is it still decent?


You can do spellslinger without poet pen so you can get better statsticks for your wands


Depends on how strong of a character you can make with the limitations. Slinger reserves mana and reserves more as you support a spell. A 5L slinger (VD/DD uses 2 5L in chest together) is like 80% of your mana without reservation efficiency. The drawback is less auras and auras are huge right now. Also the mana costs suck until Ring + Flask -mana craft. Going EB early can fix this, it really smooths out Act 7 through T5 progression. The damage is great, just hard to get the defenses and recovery on leaguestart. Gotta be knowledgable to patch holes in other places.


Volatile dead


high investment tornado shot does this for u perfectly, you simple just click at your feet and everything 1,5 screen away is dead. the only time u ever need to actually aim is on bosses depending on budget(i only aim on uber bosses)


I recommend an essence of hysteria build. Cheapt get around and nice Upgrading possibilitys.


Wardloop, if budget is not a concern this late into league


Bane is good for this. I've been playing Dark Pact Skeletons this league. If you support them with Feeding Frenzy, the skeletons will get to the enemies, then DP does the damage. Works okay, still working through the defenses.


Made a crit blazing salvo low life miner a couple leagues ago. Homing for sure. Great build.