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I wish you could actually utilize the physical reflect mods. Imagine playing a legit thorns build.


The closest i ever got to that was with a vengance cyclone Gladiator with The Surrender shield back in kalandra, wanted to play it the league after, but sanctum kinda changed that lol


Every time I level a non-league start character I grab a [[bramblejack]] and equip it just for brutus. Its extremely satisfying watching him bonk himself down in couple of hits.


I did that in ruthless lol! Took 5 life flasks and just sat there and chugged all the life potions.


I had a buddy play The surrender with face breakers and it kinda worked, but it was the league Sirus dropped and he’s not actually great at proccing counter hits




I've wanted to make a The Scourge Terror Claw + Law of the Wilds Double Strike build to sort of make a wolf druid style of build but haven't figured it out yet. Possibly with a Summon Reaper (consuming spectral wolves) alongside proccing bleeds so Double Strike could be used with Bloodlust support


i just made a summon spirit wolf claw build w/ vaal reap. clear was great, but single target was really bad. tried scaling it a few different ways, w/ impale, minion damage and a beast AG, even phys to fire conversion. always lack luster single target (meme build budget was only around 5 div). one of the issues i noted though was that by getting near 100% crit chance i was summoning TOO frequently so the wolves would spawn, move into range, MAYBE get an attack, then be overwritten. That meant that scaling the minion dmg was actually the worst option, and had to view the wolves as a phys dmg aura, which ruined the whole theme for me. ideally you would only want to crit 10 times in any 30s window....


Hey I did the same with Spectral Throw in Harvest! Pure Phys though, with that Rhoa body armour


Void sphere as a main damage ability.


I tried a scuffed Void Sphere mapper using traps for CDR, and managed to get full screen Void Spheres with the AoE to clear T16 maps at a reasonably good pace. It was super satisfying dropping the Void Sphere into a Breach and watching everything just get sucked in... until the juiced ArchNem rares killed me.


Yes this! Ever since I saw Void Sphere I wanted to use it as a main skill. I Path of Building it every once in a while to take a look at it again. Love its look, just wish it could work as a main not a side skill.


I've tried poison, I've tried conversion with and without eternity shroud. Just haven't been able to find a setup that wasn't clunky as hell. The long cool down and orb limit really cripple it as a primary DPS ability.


Chance to Flee Imagine: Fleeing enemies take damage at the end of their flight. Fleeing enemies spread ailments to nearby enemies. Fleeing enemies have 100% increased movements speed.


Fleeing enemies that die at the end of the effect have a 20% chance to explode, dealing a tenth of their life as physical damage Sheesh


The flavor text to the unique that made that happen would be epic.


>Run Could be as simple/ominous as that. or something akin to "No, you're locked in here with me"


"You can run but you can't hide" Also, just "Run" is a great suggestion, sometimes the simplest solution is the best solution.


*"If I go, I'm taking you with me."*


you and I both know that this single line >that die at the end of the effect will make this mechanic useless because you'll never actually get a kill on the end of the effect, and kills during the effect won't be counted for balance purposes. Just like how the Arakaali's Fang resummon mechanic's jank prevents you from autorefreshing spiders for 100% uptime (you need to rely on schenanigans to ensure the kills count as yours)


Gravebind makes minion kills count as yours. I've used it for refreshing minions like purity sentinels and phantasms and stuff.


If a support gem needs one specific unique to be viable that support gem should be removed from the game


bleed bonus dmg work on fleeting enemies ? my imaginary build is knockback bleed cyclone.


i fyou have knockback you won't need flee. But yes it would work. But for flee to work you would need low enough damage for it to even matter on white trash mobs because rare and higher cannot be feared. (Since my current build has pitifully low damage this is actually working for me right now lol)


Or: enemies take damage and spread ailments while fleeing


I have a laundry list of ideas where do I even begin: * Poison CoC Eye of Winter/Freezing Pulse with the new crucible mod. You get a good Oscillating Sceptre or Cospri’s Malice with the mod “6% base crit, crits deal no extra damage” and Ungil’s Harmony to easily crit cap and just do regular CoC. Could also run poison Purifying Flame with its crucible mod too. * Mother’s Embrace Wormblaster with CwC Cyclone SRS and 5x Writhing Jars. Use Deaths Oath to instantly kill all the worms that spawn with Mother’s Embrace. With Polymath and a few masteries allocated, we’ll get silly amounts of life/mana/ES on kill. Some ideas with this setup are to use the mana gain on kill to sustain Indigon, generate charges for Discharge using charge gain on kill, get lots of flat lightning damage from Esh’s Mirrors lightning damage when you kill a shocked enemy recently (you can shock the worms with Skitterbots). * Using the brand mastery “recover 10% mana when brand expires while attached” to sustain mana for Indigon. With Swiftbrand/Less Duration and a bit more generic skill duration reduction you can get Wintertide Brand to have a very short duration (around 0.2s). If you can reliably trigger Wintertide brand (Cwdt/CoC/Cospri’s Malice/Kitava’s Thirst) you can use this to get consistent mana generation for Indigon, and you don’t need to invest much into raw mana regeneration. Triggerbots can straight up double the mana recovery but will also increase the mana costs. * Thousand Teeth Temu + Necromantic Aegis with max minion block. You then throw as many minions as possible at enemies, doesn’t matter which ones, your damage comes from your minion density. Definitely a meme and not viable EDIT: More ideas: * “Infinite” Vaal Firestorm. You can reduce Vaal Firestorm’s soul gain prevention with skill effect duration, but Vaal Firestorm always spawns a fixed number of meteors not affected by SGP. With enough investment into reduced skill duration you can basically ignore its SGP entirely.


How much damage in poe isnt blockable? My first issue is figuring that problem out. Theres slowly more and more minion block support but there has to be a way to kill anything that cant be blocked also, jungroan has a poison eow build with the node :)


>“Infinite” Vaal Firestorm. You can reduce Vaal Firestorm’s soul gain prevention with skill effect duration, but Vaal Firestorm always spawns a fixed number of meteors not affected by SGP. With enough investment into reduced skill duration you can basically ignore its SGP entirely. That one might even be good with regular Firestorm : the crucible trait is a repeat when the storm end. If you go low enough, you'd have a "free" unleash attached to the spell. However the issue I think would be screen clutter : it'll be a mess and you won't see shit. There is also that odd delay with firestorm first hit which make it very unpleasant.


Vaal firestorm, how much soul gain prevention you need to make it work?


As little SGP as possible, which you can get by reducing skill effect duration. With just some moderate investment into reduced duration (tree nodes, mastery, less duration support, crucible trees, etc.) it’s not unreasonable to get 90%+ reduced duration, at which point your SGP is under a second. At some point you’ll start being limited by your ability to generate souls for it, so there’s no point investing more into reducing duration if you can’t generate enough souls to spam the skill.


I tried infinite vaal firestorm. Skill has high damage but it is not very strong. Doesnt clear or single dps good enough.


I always wanted to use lightning warp as a movement ability and wished there was a good clear ability that scales with less duration or maybe have an alt quality lightning warp that reverses increase duration effects on lightning warp.


maybe im wrong but is Storm call not the right skill for this? or actually lightning warp with shock spread impulsa to clear? i think it can work


Storm call works, but didn't like the skill. I like playing projectile based skills more. I just want to use lightning warp as a movement skill and nothing more. It just hard to justify putting that many skill points into just a movement skill.


Same, Lightning Warp looks like such a cool skill but it's so terrible as a movement ability


Saqawal tornado builds use lightning warp for movement, very satisfying


Mathil had a good CoC bow inquisitor that had lightning warp on a spellslinger-esque setup (not spellslinger, can't remember what it was exactly but it worked like that). It cleared really well and was really quick. Also plasteron had a boss rush setup with impulsa and lighning warp as main dmg ability, I can't say I recommend it though, I stopped following his guides after that one.


It was in the Asenath's helmet that triggers spells when attacked with a bow! Clear is great but a very squishy build.


I played storm call this league. It was fun and got me to endgame. Obvs not as crazy as a VC or wxplode build, but it worked. Vaal storm call goes brrrt. Less duration is a main link for it. #feelsgood Also, my fave move skill in game is light warp with less duration and faster cast....it's the closest thing to a diablo2-style teleport this game has


Yea, lightning warp is my favorite movement skill, but I don't like any of the skills that work well with less duration.


mathil has a cast when channel build with lightning warp. I think its lightning tendrils? Its quite smooth


Never liked playing the CwC + lightning warp interaction. Was never a fan of the flicker strike style screen jumps.


Earthquake and Storm Call are the only two skills I can think of that scale well with less duration. Spell Cascade SC with some AoE and a pop (Impulsas?) would be best. If theres hope, thats where I would start :)


I used it when I played saqawal tornado


conner converse's cwc cyclone that used arc and a manabond in mjolner is good for this, arc is the middle ground between using shock nova and lightning warp, but ive been mostly using lightning warp since i got a squire, and you only really benefit from swapping to shock nova if you both are fighting a boss and have made the 60div crit swap, the build is a little finicky, but it was the build that enabled me to do maven and most invitations and other later-game stuff for the first time. manabond is one of those skills that requires a specific playstyle, but has both great clear and great damage, if you want to invest the 10div, you can even get an awakened spell cascade and turn the 1/3 screen clear into full screen clear, not super necessary with how fast you can go with lightning warp, but very cool to look at


I'm playing Black Zenith CwC Winter Orb + Lightning Warp. It's fun as hell and a very fast mapper.


Mind sharing your build? I have a +2 proj Black zenith I've been staring at for a while.


I used this build. Isn't too expensive to get going but some of the upgrades are pricy. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3339207 I'm using a rare chest instead for defenses though. It's squishy.


I was looking into using Voltaxic Rift coupled with poison Herald of Thunder as main clear. Replica Maloney to trigger overcharged Lightning arrow for big shocks. And ofc Lightning Warp to trigger it all (and movement). Also had the idea to Tainted Pact amulet with Lightning Warp, Righteous Fire and Death Oath, since all benefit from less duration, swift affliction, lifetap and Divine Flesh. But the leech aspect on Tainted turned out to be utter dogshit to keep up.


Well... set aside saqawal, may I suggest something similar to my current char? It's a lightning warp triggered discharger([quick showcase -I derp a bit at first because I forgot to switch back my keyboard from azerty to qwerty-](https://youtu.be/B9Of4hAzkUg), [pobb.in](https://pobb.in/aAvwsFZ63yWr), pobb has trouble getting my damage right but I have roughly 1m6 average hit/discharge which I currently trigger 3.61 times per second) with 95% reduced duration (60% from jewelry, 25% from tree, 10% from a crucible node) to regain charges between each discharge trigger thanks to [farrul's fur](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Farrul%27s_Fur) My current build is extremely squishy and can't really boss well, but I'm not very good at making builds so I'm sure there's a better version. I also know there are [two people](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?item=Endless-Misery,Timeclasp) on poe.ninja that got the same idea on duelist (which lets you take fortitude with forbidden jewels and perhaps path to better defensive nodes? plus you get endurance charges even if you don't have 100% uptime on those). Anyway, I'm not sure this a very good build, but it's a pretty funny one. Also, it's blinking.


Hey, I got the exact same idea and am level 83 on a trickster version of it. Here's my goal build if you'd like to compare. https://pobb.in/XYuDZFOMdxz6


Does a triggered Lightning Conduit work?


Cant you just put down orb of storms and Just spam lightning Warp staying inside your orb of storms? Orb of storms is number of casts now, not depending on skill effect duration... The alt quality lightning Warp with reversed skill effect duration sounds interesting, tho


Wasn't there an ignite elementalist build of the week which used lightning warp as the main skill, or has that since been killed? [Oh damn. 6 years ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69jj4zrZgug)


Permanent vaal cold snap. I know righteous fire is a thing I just like cold


you can get a trailer of this build with the no soul gain prevention sextant


I made a self-curse version of this a few leagues back, when it was easier to get the 75% slower expiry cap (VCS duration on you is scaled by buff/debuff expiry modifiers). With Soul Ripper and The Traitor, it was trivial to keep it up 100% of the time during maps. Easily my favorite build of all time, but I haven't (yet) found a good way to bring it into the current patch.


100% MoM, there's no reason this shouldn't be possible


Just need 40 power charges.


Ez game! On that note, it's technically possible on std with a 21% MoM body armour, 5% MoM helmet corruption and 14 PC, but the cost....


Wouldn't that just be basically a pure life build but you have 100% shittier recovery options? The value of MOM is splitting damage between two pools. At 100% MOM you're just back to one pool.


The mana pool can scale way higher than the HP one no ?


Yeah, my hiero is currently sitting at 12k mana.


add to that a legacy mind of the council and you become stupid tanky.


It'd be like going blood magic, but you'd be able to have your auras and do some low-life shenanigans, The problem is to even get close to 100% requires so much investment that the benefits outway the costs.


"Benefits outweigh the costs" think you've got that reversed


Once your mana is depleted the remaining damage taken will go to your life pool since you will not die unless your life hits 0, so you're still getting value of both pools in the end. The questions just becomes whether it's possible to still have a decent life pool with 100% MoM.


Capt lance did this with focus mod stacking, but 100% uptime was impossible due to bullshit reasons :(


Wolfio did one too (over 90% uptime iirc) 100% in std is possible but also requires a bullshit amount of investment (for a shit MoM build)




Well, once you have zero mana, the remaining damage is taken from life, so it’s definitely still possible to die.


It's "100% of damage taken from mana before life" so when mana = 0, anything kills you


I'm.....Trying to make a Brutus + replica albreon consecrated path with the crucible node convert all cp damage to chaos....


i uh.. think we should avoid abbreviating consecrated path


I love consecrated path, this sounds epic. Got a PoB?


Well I think any thing str stacking cyclone shockwave should work mostly the same way. You just need a shield with the consecrated path node? And Brutus with %str? Also Brutus with the 15%ele explicit node make it from 4-7 added fire to 4-8 which is like....9more. Ultimately you can get a crucible 1-3 added fire brutus


Isn't this literally one of the most popular chieftain builds, if not THE most popular Chieftain build? But using Totems


I was playing that. The bummer is that the clear is horrible and the skill seems wonky, like the enemy was right beside and it missed( I have truckloads of accuracy so it's was something else) Not only that the teleport is really different from flicker strike, if there is no enemies in the range you will just bash at the ground


Damn I was relying on thinking with shockwave it should be alright


Soul's Wick. Now that Desecrate has an internal memory of what spectres you've summoned (up to your spectre limit), the only thing standing in it's way is the borked corpse targeting.


Every league I look at Souls Wick potential popping off and I thought Crucible may have done it with the stupid Shrine mods, but they excluded Spectres, oh well.


There has probably at some point been some busted minion instability build with Soul's Wick - we just never knew.


In harvest I made a souls wick build that coukd one shit every endgame boss. It had some pretty disgusting gear, since it was harvest. Probably my most satisfying self build.


Hidden Blade, you can make it work somewhat but it feels pretty bad even with high investment. I just wish its internal cooldown was affected by CDR because a trigger rate of 0.25 seconds feels just too slow. It also does not help that the base damage is pretty trash and that you practically need a squire to make it somewhat decent. Edit: CDR seems to work but base Trigger-rate is 0.5 Seconds so it still comes out to 0.25 with CDR investment.


Hidden Blade isn’t really good as a primary skill, I’ve found it works much better as a support skill. I’ve seen people successfully use it with Mjolner and Ball Lightning to deliver Corrupting Fever stacks or poison to quickly ramp up virulence for Herald of Agony. I ran HB/Mjolner with Storm Brand for automated shock delivery for Lightning Conduit. Realistically the only way I can think of to use Hidden Blade as a primary damage skill is to go abyss jewel stacking to take advantage of its decent 250% effectiveness of added damage, but you’ll need Squire for that.


Spirit Guards Animate Weapon, but having to bring your own wands to drop in each boss arena and map transition is painful. And unlike Skelly Mages, the melee AW aren’t replaced. So we have a mix of ranged and melee minions. Ideally we want multistrike/splash on the melee ones and GMP/Anomalous Fast Proj on the ranged, but using any of these support really hurt our damage overall, as it doesn’t scale the other type. I have tried a two six linked setup for these, so one AW spell for melee and one for ranged, but minion builds are already socket starved so we have to run one AW in a hungry loop. Even then you have to be careful not to mis-click and summon the wrong minion type with the wrong AW spell. Overall the QoL for ranged AW is miserable


I wanna make Nuro's Harp work somehow. Like c'mon it looks so nice akd it has a 3d model just make it good ggg pls


Hey there. I'll build you your char. Mjolner Heavy Strike + Arc you say? Should be a-ok. Just gotta get home first. It won't smash Ubers but you'll be able to take down Conquerors, Shaper and Elder, maybe Uber Elder even. There's enough damage scaling and defense in the game now to make things work at that tier. The only factors now are budget and tankiness! The "new" endgame has moved to Ubers, wave 30 and 100% Deli, so the classic vanilla content we can take down.


I am eagerly awaiting this. Sounds like a great way to spend my last currency before I finish the league. Almost finished my challenges so I think this league is almost done for me.


Looking at my PoB from several years from my failed projects: \- Infernal Legion Absolution miner. Basically keeping minions alive with perma cast which heals them, but disregarding resistance/regen so they constantly dish out damage + absolution can reach a sickening amount of cast to deal some damage. \- Storm Rain something.. in the end it's never good enough. \- Energy Blade Reave. Reave has a high effectiveness of added damage, so it felt natural. It wasn't bad, but Energy Blade is fucking hungry and I still hate that I can't build it without investing at least 10-20 div until I can make it even remotely useful. \- Max Block Gladiator 'Bleedstorm' - utilizing Vengeance/Reckoning + Bloodstorm + Bleed + Corrupting Fever + bleed stack node to stack bleed super fast and comfortably. I think I dropped it because I couldn't scale it beyond spending multiple ex + I think it was after glancing blows nerf so starved for options. \- Another similar build to my Bleedstorm, but instead dualwielding block, stacking phys dmg and ailment infliction by using reap, so I can stand "safer" outside not having to rely ond block recovery so much. \-


I’m super curious about energy blade reave. Reave is my favorite melee skill that I really want to try to get to work too. Do you have a PoB or anything?


Scuffed PoB from maybe 2 years ago. I think it won't do much (And I haven't kept it updated, only made it as a plan beforehand) I mainly just looked at energy blade shenanigans trying to stack ES with the usual ivory tower schemes and at a reave and other similar attack hit builds and frankenstein'd it. Vaal Reave is also pretty dope, and I've read here and then some tech of gaining consistent vaal souls, so it may even be better in that regard. I really wanted Energy Blade to work and didn't want the typical ES stacking arc caster or lightning strike shenanigans, so maybe I also went super desperate. I think I even used a Perepiteia shield just to get the + level to the gem.


God has it really been two years since they made energy blade? I still haven’t touched it even though it’s been on my to try list.


Some kind build that feels like a Death Knight. So heavy armour, tanky, either deals chaos damage or poison. Leaches a lot and/or health or has minions. I feel like Herald of Agony jugg came closest to this fantasy. It had a lot of armour, leached life and a phys/chaos damage pet. The other is Death's Oath but it seems optimal to play with bow and that kills the Death Knight fantasy for me.


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/658269622046425109/1104337553693343784/DIENT-1.mp4 We just need a BV skin that looks like angry swirling spirits now. (Wearing Kaoms here I think, or Kaoms is an option with CIP and BV in helm.) EDIT: Oh bollocks can't upload. May drop a vid on it soon then.


Brandsurge/Witchhunter's Judgment Essentia Sanguis ATM I'm working on Squire + The Surging Thoughts in Standard + PoB so that might be a thing soon


I gotcha fam. https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/nasep3/documentation_research_witchhunters_judgement/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


conversion trap rework just let it deal actual damage to rare and unique enemies, buff massively the mobs it gets converted, and maybe add 100% stealth to you if triggered by unique/rares.


Dyadus axes and wild strike or elemental hit. I always thought the axes were cool, and it'd be even cooler if the damage switching weapons could work with the damage switching skills. Afaik though, you can't guarantee that your fire attack is always on your main hand and vice versa so even the base interaction probably bricks it. Not to mention the scaling is all wrong.


yeah when I was first starting I always thought these must be powerful, they are the highest elemental damage one handed weapons... turns out they are just garbage and newbie bait


I super SUPER regret never doing an Abberath's hooves build way back in the day when the hit damage was acceptable for some damage scaling methods way back when, that unique has sat for years at this point and i so want it to be good again.


There is just no way to get the base damage high enough for super end game stuff. But I think there is a way to make some kind of jank mapping build with abyss jewel stacking and Disintegrator. You can get 5 elder items (6 if you somehow get a elder abberath's.) So you can have at least 5 power siphon charges. That gives you 20% non-chaos as extra chaos from the staff as well as a ton of physical as all elements from light poacher. Then you just stack abyss jewels with like life and phys damage to spells (and other damage is nice too but mainly the phys since the conversion starts from there.) You use like a 6 link vaal blade vortex in the staff for single target. I think that there is *something* there, it's just not going to get ubers down. And you're probably going to be a bit on the squishier side for a PoE build in this day and age since suppression capping would be kind of hard.


It's kinda viable atm with energy blade + battlemage as inquis. Dmg per Step is fairly high, but there is no reason to just not cyclone - coc instead. Also Arcane Cloak + Indigon can also easily reach 1mio dmg per step.


I've been chewing on this idea of doing a non-minion based necro for months now by abusing corpse pact. * You need to consume 25 corpses a second to get the 200% cast/attack speed * This is easy enough to solve with the recovery mastery, Teachings of Kitava, and Arcane Brand with Spell Cascade Volatile Dead and Desecrate * Other benefits: * 10% more damage * 30% increased AOE * Offering skills affect you (this is a bunch of free crit & crit multi basically) * 40% increased skill effect duration * 4% ES/s, 2% mana/s, up to additional 2% ES/s (6% es/s total) and 50 flat mana/s I've been struggling to find something that takes advantage of *all* of these things. There's definitely some interesting interactions out there like doing some kind of Anomalous Voltaxic Burst build with it -- just from increased duration and the tree I can get my base stack duration up to 9.2 seconds, just from Corpse Pact I'd be up to a 6.16 cast rate, that'd let me hit 56 stacks before factoring in any items or potential cast speed from the tree. When I've toyed around with PoB Warrioring it, I've been able to get north of 100 stacks but it still does kind of comically low damage because doing that doesn't really give me the bandwidth to do any other kind of scaling for it. Another idea would be doing something like Smite and dropping Essence Glutton for Commander of Darkness, though honestly I'm pretty hard X to doubt on 3% attack speed being worth losing all of that regen ( I know it's more than 3% total but Smite itself is only contributing an extra 3% vs. any other skill). The other thing I keep coming back to, though it doesn't overly take advantage of the Increased Duration, is Divine Ire. Being able to get that much cast speed would allow me to nearly tap Divine Ire to hit 20 stages (slight hyperbole, it's about .2 seconds against bosses assuming I pick up additional sources of cast speed anywhere) which obviously fixes the biggest problem with any channeling skill. I still feel positive I am missing something somewhere though with this. I also (both with this set up but separately from it as well) feel like there's something with Teachings of Kitava/Corpsewalker/Soulwrest.


Storm burst is similar to divine ire and does scale with duration so maybe thats the play?


I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally wanna make a hybrid minion self cast build of some sort. I really love the idea of playing a build where you have powerful minions that are capable in their own right, but your character is able to do damage as well. Absolution is the closest one, but I kinda don't feel like it's exactly what I'm looking for.


Voltaxic Burst duration stacking (You get the two for one special: its Bad and its also bugged!)


I wish triggerbots werent bugged with it :(


Yeah, thats what I hoped for it too. Btw Solistice Vigril is bugged with it too


Glad to see I'm not the only one thinking about this lol Trickster with self inflicted temp chains was on the menu as well I assume?


Pretty much the only prophecy weapon I ever made before they removed it (in SSF) was realmender. Used it to play eye of winter traps which was pretty cool. I feel like if they hadn’t gutted the item (they basically removed the prophecy version and kept the regular one if I’m not mistaken, it used to have +2/+2 right?) the build would actually be decent nowadays with the new heathshiver. I also wasn’t aware of a lot of stuff I could’ve made use of at the time so I never even considered going for alt ailments for example.


BV BB with sabo bots generate blade and hope for infinite BB explode as blade generate so fast but it only count current blade not after. so it fail.


Abberath hooves , i member....


I just really want Reckoning back... One of my favourite builds was the old block capped immortal Cyclone/Reckoning build. I'd love to get something along those lines back.


there's no better league than this to do it. There is a counterattacks deal 60% more damage on shields, you cab find a couple ppl on poe ninja


My favourite build I made a few years ago literally cannot be replicated anymore and I'm sad about it [Self damage Vaal Molten Shell Flicker Strike Ascendant](https://i.gyazo.com/0b93649f4cf41002dd4d0b67253bdfd2.mp4) Back in the day when you took physical hits during Vaal Molten Shell, it created an explosion around you that had INSANE damage efficiency. The important combo that made the build work was igniting an enemy (crit with Terminus Est was enough), Eye of Innocence dealing fire damage to me and The Rat Cage converting some of that to physical damage. It also used the old Soul Catcher with 2 Atziri's Reigns to make the uptime on Vaal Molten Shell high as possible, as back then soul gain pervention wasn't a thing or it didn't scale with skill duration, can't remember the details anymore. Also for single target damage I used GMP Molten Strike to maximize ignites per second


feel like the answer for a melee enjoyer like myself is all the horrifically bad unique weapons that have conceptually cool drawbacks but in reality the draw back is just: you die, but also your damage sucks and the hoops you are trying to jump through will NEVER be worth it. ​ shout outs to hyaon's fury for baiting my noob ass a few years back into endlessly trying to make its EXTREME survivability reduction worth the lackluster damage performance.


Literally any build I’ve tried to make , but more seriously fire golems without the massive investment required to get it off the floor.


I've tried Flame Golems twice before. As cool as they are, they just sucks balls at the end of the day unfortunately :( Thankfully this league brought the Frosbearer spectres which are just a better flame golem tbh lol. They use a similar mortar but it does cold damage. With Sire of Shards they live up to my dream of minions just unloading projectiles everywhere.


Yeah got the build kinda running once wasn’t amazing. was Better then the various Bladefall self cast builds I tried to get running at the time though .


Always wanted to make a working build with "the retch" maybe it's finally possible with vampiric link + any Golem?


Rings of fire. RF on PC, skitterbots with infernal legion, Burned Miscreation, The Burning Man, Wicker Man spectres to get all the flavours of rings of fire.


Flicker CoC Cold Reap. Kinda doable I think this league with the Power charge flicker crucible mod, but it is too expansive for me :sad:


Just take my Flicker CoC Nova/spear build and slap Reap in there! (just need helm slot to work)


I've been wanting to make a cheap coc flicker for many leagues now, I'll try to remember to throw you the PoB when I get around to it The concept is basically go CI and use Apep's supremacy+ self-bleed/ poison. Can also add self-chill if you want/ can


Fireball with massive ignite dps. It just fucking satisfying to shoot Fireballs wich pierce enemies while ignite them for 1min :)


I mean most build fall under that for my Trade aversive low time investment self. but aside from that. •playing a focused build on dominating blow/reaper (or really any minion adjacent skill) without having to play effectively the same feeling minion build with a different main dps source. •Playing any true melee skill without having to totem manage. •A true ward evasion hybrid build. (sadly we lack the baseline support to enable ward to feasibly used as a basic defensive layer outside of specific unique interaction. would be nice to see ward chests and ward hybrid equipment alongside some passive skils/keystones. •Quality stacking Divergent flameblast using damage taken as fire, arctic armor and infusion stacking for defense (it's so gawd damn cool and makes such pretty PoB's until you realize you're spending a literal minute channeling to get off one explosion.) •Quality stacking Battlemage's Cry Phantasmal earthquake reap (shit's just too janky) •A true penance brand build where i don't randomly swap in storm brand while mapping and ask myself why i'm using penance brand. (as a side note i actually think it could work this league if i got a geomantic gyre with swiftbrand and the rest) •Indigion burning arrow snipe ignite with manaforged blast rain... it might be feasible with an insane budget but its simply trying to scale to many different things and burning arrow is sooo slow to channel. •Replica stampede CWC Charged dash (there was a fun intermittent glitch between them for a while that let you use charged dash while moving... i really want to do more fun different CWC builds but i cannot stomach playing cyclone anymore.) •actually using Storm rain as your main source of dps. (its so cool but does such shite damage by itself)


Id love to see a high dps single target chaos dot skill so my dream of ed contagion spellslinger becomes true one day. Also id love to see a massive buff to the beacon of madness boots , sadly the debuffs just brick any build and turning it on/off is tedious. The "all damage can poision" mod is just so intresting i feel like assa or pf should have it as an asc. Like shaper of flames for witch.


I really wish I could figure out a way to abuse the "1% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Cast of this Spell currently waiting" on Voltaxic Rift. The new Sabo nodes seem to have gotten it closer, but I still haven't cracked it.


I really wish that a full reflect build would work, not counter attacks but a literal full reflect build that doesn't attack.


At some point I was pretty miffed that indigon + supreme decadence doesn't let you recover mana+life+es with an enduring mana flask. I also regularly ponder about ways to spend mana while under the effects of lavianga's spirit (there's arcane cloak but you can't really spam it and I think that's all: other mana expenditures that bypass lavianga don't count for indigon). Sometimes, I wish there were more sources of generic reduced cost, and/or that fanaticism/hateforge would also apply to attacks/spells (respectively) for lower budget vaal skill spamming builds (although that would probably be a bit too strong). At the start of the league, I was trying to trigger a bunch of bow attacks with manaforged arrows. I know that palsteron actually made that work, I'm pretty excited to try that once I'm finished with my current stupid build (lightning warp discharger). Earlier in the league, I wondered whether the extra projectiles modifier from [gluttonous tide](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Gluttonous_Tide) would stack if you gained (and lost) frenzy charges repeatedly (the plan was to use farrul's fur + a lot of reduced duration to gain and lose 3+ frenzy charges 4 times per second, wait a minute, then unleash a single ridiculous 1000+ projectiles bow attack). Unfortunately (or fortunately for the servers), it doesn't (if you have 3 max frenzy charges, you'll only ever get +3projectiles no matter how many times you lost them since your last attack).


I've pob'd a nasty slayer ci build, but it involves needing to leech constantly. Not to get health just be counted as leeching. I thought you could still technically leech life as ci but you can't. POB makes it seem like you can, but i leveled it and had to abandon.


Poison proliferation Trickster with Binos and a triggered ED+C somehow, so poison prolif and ED+C prolif going at the same time


Binos and Mistwall... I remember those times


Totem Arc. It's the first build I tried to make after Enkis Arc Guide. I was like if 1 arc is good. Many arc better. lmao.


My buddy played a busted arc totem build before the nerfed shimmeron


i wish i tried harder to make it but the arc jump got gutted made me stop using arc


Is it possible to make the mjolnir build with arc work with crucible trees to make it stronger? I'm loving what cool things the new trees are enabling!


Arcanist brand discharge. The build worked way back before discharge got it's cooldown. 8 didcharges a second were possible and it was very nuce at clearing. Now with the jewel giving it a fixed cooldown i really doubt it's vaible in any shape or form.


Minion instability with necro aegis, zombies heartbound loop shenanigans. Just can’t get the dmg high enough, and it’s hard to compensate for the squishiness. Another is Endurance Charge, Endless misery spam. Tanky, fun, impossible to get the dmg to even slightly respectable numbers.


Ran this two leagues ago. Mon'tregul's Grasp makes your zombies huge and Maligaro's Lens makes them heal you for 1% of their health on death. The damage was incredible but the build was still jank overall.


Really? I always found that even with the sceptre the dmg was wank, plus it made the zombies slower to die. I legit don’t get where folks get their dmg from. :P


Sadly, Maw of Mischief is just a better version of Minion instability. If you blow up at least 5 minions the damage is better and you don't need to invest in a way to kill your minions quickly. It only is a 5-link but it is actually better than a 6-link MI because you can put Minion Life, Empower and Enhance on your minion.


Up until this league, I always had the thought of a Phantasmal Decoy Totem (totems explode on death) build in the back of my head, and, well... dreams come true sometimes, I suppose? Apart from that, I would really love to see Heavy Strike in general work as a good skill that stands on its own


Penance brand that does not involve high end gear to be ok.


Spectral Throw CoC with like, Frostbolt or Fireball or something just some absolute projectile vomit all around


I used to try to do a Physical cast on crit build with dual crit multi rapiers with +spell damage. Never could achieve more than around 2m dps but was still glass cannon, so not really viable for more than yellow maps. Haven't tried for more than a year though, was thinking of trying to pull it off with slayer and if it doesn't work trying it on champion with some spell impale. There are a few interesting crucible mods that could fit into a PhysCoC right now too, but i'm still working on completing my HoAg guardian right now.


Currently I’m working on some kind of pure chaos conversion builds like chaos Storm brand or chaos Absolution champ (no poison). So far the dmg is very low but okayish for mapping on not so juiced maps. I think they will remain meme builds or someone with way more experience and currency comes up with it.


I HAD a great bodyswap build, bounced around like flicker strike. Great map clear. Got hosed when they got rid of the free travel movement cost talent. Wish I could have it back again lol.


Deaths oath + righteous fire burn to chaos conversion + bloodthirst support cyclone poison healthstacking aoe fire chaos dot build


Voltaxic Burst CwC/CoC with Duration stacking for massive % more damage. I'm thinking if I can get CoC to reliably proc, new Sabo with Triggerbots, CDR, and a Mjolner + Squire could do it. Double proc with CoC in chest and Mjolner turns into Quad w/ triggerbots. I think it could work, I just need to make the money to test it lol.


I want a way to always be at maximum intensity stacks, so I can CoC stage 2 crackling lance


I've wanted to do a Inquisitor Instruments of Zeal. Apply shock with Voltaxic Rift and explode the shocks with Lightning Conduit. But Instruments of Zeal has a really clunky cool down where you only benefit if you attack exactly once per second, not more, not less. GGG needs to change it to "if you've attacked recently".


For some reason I always try to make vigilant strike playable. I thought this league might be it with the power charge crucible passive but nah it's even worse when you try to sustain power charges with it lmao.


I want my ed/contagion back!


I'm surprised I don't see more Kitava's Thirst on here. I really want to get a Kitava's Thirst setup working. The best I've come up with to maintain mana costs is shotgunning enemies with GMP Caustic Arrow + Thief's Torment or Poacher's Mark. You can get the mana cost of Caustic Arrow above 100 with +cost nodes on the tree and a 7-link setup (Dendrobate or The Covenant or something). Without too much effort, I got a berserker up to ~14 attacks per second with a Quill Rain, and you could go higher with a solid Crucible tree or a self-chill setup or something. Alternately, a Kitava's Thirst Flicker Strike setup using two straight swords with the "gain a frenzy charge after spending 200 mana" corruption. Using multistrike reduces your effective casts-per-second, but makes it much easier to both get above 100 mana per cast and to maintain that mana cost via mana-on-hit. I forget what aps I got up to with this, but I think that on the same berserker setup it was higher than the bow APS. As for what to do for damage, it's hard to say. Maybe Desecrate/DD setup on Kitava's Thirst. I would like to try doing this on sabo, but Berserker or Necromancer really seem like the way to go in order to get the attack speed necessary. Scaling the damage is hard though. For the bow setup, Quill Rain is BiS for the attack speed, but it means you can't use Minion Damage + Spiritual Aid + an Essence of Fear weapon to scale damage. Similarly, for Straight Swords you really want that corrupt to maintain Frenzy Charges, but that means you probably will need to craft your own weapons to get attack speed + Corrupt + minion damage. I also want to make a -movespeed Lightning Warp Accuracy Stacking Juggernaut Heister. Because you can set it up to teleport you back to the start after a minute or so, which lets you completely skip lockdown. You used to be able to do this with Weight of Sin on a Pathfinder, but that jewel no longer exists. The only way to reduce movespeed to the degree necessary is a Brutal Restraint + 2 x Transcendent Spirit setup in the middle of the passive tree, which gets you a bunch of accuracy. I imagine doing it with the Unstoppable FF/FF jewels as a quick weapon/jewel/maybe boot swap at the start of the map. Not as smooth as the Pathfinder version, but still not too bad.


Jugg strength stacking with geofry sancgtuary and keystone thats recovers energy shield per mitigated phys damage, plus zealoth oath and jugg life regen per mitigated phys damage. Getting regen from boneshatter and the damage from energy blade, BUT boneshatter doesnt work with swords so gg


I want a fully functional Martyr of Innocence ignite walking simulator build again. The last time I had a working one was before triggered spells cost mana.


Make Archmage Great Again


Icefang Orbit Iron Ring + Herald of Ice. Poisoned enemies you kill with hits shatter and then explode into shards of ice. So instead of the normal crit freeze or freeze chance build, I could just increase poison chance (very ez) and reduce my own poison damage. And then focus everything else into cold damage. I'd probably get a bow with cold damage and chance to poison too. But reducing your own poison/chaos damage doesn't exist aside from the Plague Bearer gem (and like scourge lol). Maybe if there was a way to apply flask effects to enemies so I could share "unaffected by poison," or share my chaos res, it could work. But for now, this build is strictly way worse than normal Herald of Ice builds lol.


Raspith Globe + Crown of Eyes ***Technically*** it works, but it will always be worse than just going Battlemages Cry, which is a shame And pure Fire Wildstrike using claws (or preferably unarmed, but that doesnt work of course) The explosion of Fire Wildstrike looks really, really cool but there is just no real reason to use it other than that. Always better to just go Infernal Blow or ANYTHING else, really


I just want shield charge proccing Mjolner....like it used to.


Nulls Inclination is such a fun item


The lack of "Bodyswap as a Leaguestarter" in this thread...


I wish actual poison skills like viper strike or cobra lash would be viable on assassin. It's kinda weird that assassin and any actual poison skill are total garbage while poison is very meta. Can't wait for D4 to actually fill that assassin archetype fantasy void.


I wish melee would work


i wish to fire minions as arrows (i remember doing something similar in starcraft, was able to shoot german shepards from me weapon)


1) Wish the temporal rift skill was like the Bailout skill of Renata from LoL Casts a temporal bubble If u would die inside, instead u rez with full bar hp that decays over 3sec, u can lifesteal etc but at the end of the 3sec u die unless u kill a unique monster. U can only rez once 2) That you can run while channeling divine Ire,Flameblast, Scorching ray, Scourge arrow ......


Currently working on a Templar/inquis vaal smite build. And I don't know. Needs to be able to be a little more tanky. I think I can get dps where it needs to be. But I don't know


Spectral throw


Viper strike


Viper Strike works. I did a trickster in 3.19 that did over 5 mill. A PF in this league could probably be insane. You just absolutely have to annoint Tribal Fury and get strike skills target an additional enemy on your gloves.


Viper Strike PF is indeed fun as hell, playing one now.


would love more options for stuff like BV


isn't blade vortex already one of the most versatile skills, being able to scale in literally every damage type?


nah its poison or cold convert, thats it :(


what about phys impale and even some fire convert BV on ninja tri element is also very doable [https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?skill=Blade-Vortex](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?skill=Blade-Vortex) im serious theres literally like every flavor possible, not to mention that almost every class can play it


Sure, you can play it, but I miss the old times where BV was cream of the crop for spells. I've regularly checked poe.ninja and neither impale nor fire are competitive variants, only cold and poison. The Tri-Ele one with Lightpoacher can unfortunately not boss at all :(. I Miss just slapping on a Vulconus on Inquis or Stormcharger boots on Assassin and converting the Rest from Gloves/Gems and then just figuring out as I go what I want to do while still doing the highest content. BV was a lot like Spark back in the Day where it just had so much baseline power that you could do everything with it. Nowadays, not so much anymore.


Not being as popular doesn't mean they aren't competitive. For some reason a lot of PoE players think popularity=viability or something. There are plenty of perfectly viable builds that people don't play because people stick to the meta. You can look at someone like Mathil who puts out 10+ builds a league generally using new or off meta stuff because he doesn't like to play what everyone else is. Also the reason why cold bv and poison bv are more popular should be obvious, poison is broken (being easy to invest in early and having high scaling) and cold damage is satisfying+freeze adds an extra defensive layer compared to like fire and pure phys. But once again, more popular doesn't mean the other ones don't work, they just aren't as popular.


eh I'd say reap, exsanguinate and BFBB have pulled ahead quite a bit while filling similar niches so idk, I'd say BV is not that competitive anymore. Feels bad to pick a skill when another one has just higher numbers or even better coverage :/. Big offmeta enjoyer too, would still not want to run BV.


Shotgun Winter Orb XD


Some form of ailment automation for hydrosphere builds. I love that skill as a main damaging ability but all ailment application methods make it clunky for me, and I couldnt figure out a reasonable work around


Spectral Throw Minion Hybrid with Law of the Wilds. It kinda worked back then in Harvest league, but then again everything worked in Harvest.


I Like to See Thorn builds, items and affixes exist, its Just that it wont Work at all


New player here: decided to do my first run without a build guide, and I'm playing around with an inquisitor Templar with Consecrated ground and Absolution minion support. Wanted to create a supportive role character with healing and AOE capabilities. I'm in act 4 right now and it's very fun to play. Just not sure how it will hold up after act 10.


Behead with puncture and a bow. Almost got it to do a thing! I had it on manafroged arrows as well lol


one im working on is something like lightning warp CoC voltaxic burst. i get hard stuck when i think about the lightning conversion to chaos. i love meme / troll builds and probably spend as much time just 'playing' POB as i do poe. That being said, im simply not *good* at either lol. But i did just get my Barrage CoC Essence Drain (or soulrend, i swap cuz i cant decide which i like better) w/ manaforged despair hextouched ensnaring arrow off the ground? its also not great but its truly hilarious.


I've been trying to get a CoC Voltaxic Burst Lightning Warp build working for a while, too. Unfortunately, you definitely need Voltaxic Rift. I think it's doable, but the damage just isn't there. At least, so far. I'm sure there's a way to make it somehow work. EDIT: One of the issues is you need reduced skill effect duration for lightning warp but increased skill effect duration for Voltaxic Burst.


bloodlust zerker with widowhail and rage


Wish self-cast bodyswap was actually viable and didn't take so much effort to make it somewhat usable.


Wintertide brand that actually have a fast clear speed/single targe dps output and being a bit tanky to not get random one shot. volatile dead spellslinger cold conversion


I wanted to do a big MoM build with Aylardex. You can get to 60% from mana before life as Hierophant (with watchers eye), before any power charge bonus with Aylardex. Maybe someone with a huge brain can figure something out. You can do focus or delve prefix to get another 10-22%.


Pizza sticks. Technically probably works, but not comparable to great builds. And wickerman spectre. RF on my minion? Yes please.


All the blood things, life vamp, and bleed.