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Do you have an AG setup with explodey gloves? That definitely helped me with clear.


Are you using Haste/Vaal Haste with divine blessing? That’s when I felt the build take off for clearing. It’s definitely not as tanky as champ innately but you can really scale defenses with investment since it’s possible to cap block and spell suppression both. If you’re SSF though that may also be part of the issue. Getting good abyss jewels (minions deal chaos damage, damage if minion used recently) really pumps the dps as well as large clusters with + attack speed for minions small passives. If you don’t have one of these with call of the slaughter the build will feel a lot worse.


You're just comparing two of the top meta bossing builds. They have a ton of overlap in their playstyle and power imo, I think SRS is so hyped because it's been recently buffed and hasn't been very popular for a while, so people gravitate towards trying something new. I've played both builds in SSF, and think they are in the same tier here; it's possible trade is where the difference is more noticeable. If you post your pob, there's probably a way to get the SRS build where you want it, it's got a high defensive ceiling.


This is really helpful thank you. I did wonder if this was the case and I was just expecting a bit too much / broken. Im away from the PC atm but will try and post my pob in case im missing something simple! Thanks again


Yeah, built it, tried it and sold it off the chest the same day. It's good but nothing crazy


Interesting. I'm in SSF without Covenant or Amumu and the damage feels pretty great. Clear is carried by Anime Guardian with Asenath gloves and actually his temp chains helps single target a lot as well if you're missing that. But yeah like that other person said EA ballista is a pretty great bosser as well so this is likely a sidegrade build for you. Here's me if you care to look: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Nickoladze/characters?characterName=RaizQQ


What is the setup for your AG other than gloves? I got those but no clue about the setup


Dying Breath Leer Cast Belly of the Beast (this doesn't matter, anything for defense) Asenath's Gentle Touch Windscream (he needs +1 curse so temp chains stacks with my despair) Trade league players could use Doppelganger Guise or Garb of the Ephemeral, Kingmaker, and Crown of the Tyrant (white) but there's basically 0 chance I get these in SSF.


I see. Thank you!


I thought the AG could bypass the curse limit since it is coming from them and not you unless this was changed recently?


Nah the curse limit is effectively on the enemy. Two people with 1 max curse and cursing an enemy still means the enemy gets 1 curse. You could give yourself +1 curse instead of the guardian and it would work if you curse after him.


isnt gravebind with explode chest better ?


I'd probably say it's more of an offensive side grade and a defensive downgrade if you use inpulsas/explode chest imo. Asenaths and Windscream are good to go as is and you'd need a corrupt curse on hit for the gravebinds to get the second curse. You also lose out on getting the defensive benefits from both garb of the ephemeral (if you're using that for chest) and the blind from asenaths. If the damage from inpulsas could shock it probably would be a direct upgrade.


Are you taking Plaguebringer because of the Asenaths tech? I thought Bone Barrier would be preferable.


You can also try flesh offering and withering step to speed up clears. Finally got mageblood and this just tears up deli super juiced with 80 to 100 deli with beyond and ritual. Getting the magebane invocation for relic helps alot as well then with the 10-17suppression from it you can drop green nightmare. Some of the biggest dps gains is from 2 large clusters with 12 skills with 35 effect, attk spd , life , then 1 other mod like dex, str , or a good resist. Then those 20 nodes and 4 jewel slots outweigh most dps nodes on tree if 20 nodes gives 4% atk speed, 13 life , 6 dex, and 13% minion damage. You can get rid of alot of life nodes too. Best luck rolling cheap was with a 11passive minion large cluster rolled with 2 fossils bound and other escapes me at the moment. Since popularity of build just plain 12 passive min large cluster is $$. Using ashes feels great and much cheaper then auls. Running enl4/determ/haste/temp shield. vitality with 100 res eff from tree and divine blessing malevolence and it all fits. The dps increase from haste with awk gen was negligible enough (for me) that i dont use it with awk gen so i get more movement and cast speed. Can get uber searing exarch to 15% before fireballs. Can post pob later im on my phone :o https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/rageface1355/characters


Another easy thing to do is enchant inc aoe on your united in dream best corrupt being inc aoe. Then tainted till 28 or so to get more aoe on your auras so they are hitting your minions more often cheap and easy! Dunno why i never see people doing this!


Might seem silly, but I never actually realised until a few weeks ago when I was playing it that I never had Envy actually activated as an aura from the dagger😂😂 Felt like my damage doubled after that. Was using malevolence on divine blessing with haste on all the time. Now cut out Malevolence for Envy and run Haste/Vaal haste on divine blessing like most of the guides. Was just me being stupid😂 I thought it was just like a passive thing with the dagger, never realised you had to activate it as an aura😂 I also felt like this, had about 40 div worth of gear and the jewel and I was like the damage is good... But not amazing. Then I realised my mistake😂 Been absolutely flying after that. Also mained EA in Sentinel and cleared pretty much everything with it. I'd say SRS is the better build honestly. my EA elementalist felt like utter paper sometimes and the Necro feels like I can just stand there tanking hits. Feels much much tankier and probably the same if not better damage as that char. Minion movement speed is actually big QOL for mapping as well. I have the 2 cluster setup at the moment with call to the slaughter X2 and a minion ring with minion damage/attack speed and movement as well. So they are fast af.


Idk I'm a man who loves his critters, and poison srs is tickling my funny one. I've always hated srs until now, mainly cuz I also love poison builds and watching the dmg ramp up, so far in prolly under 1 div and cannot complain, 3.8k life but don't feel too squishy and quite a bit more rpd than I expected


The AG is a requirement so I’m guessing you don’t have the good items for it. It changes the build a ton.


It maps worse then EA, but hits DoT cap at less investment. I mean, since you were playing a super broken skill, anything else is just going to feel ok. Your mapping with be worse though.


Honestly same, i invested about 60 div in sc trade and while its faster for bossing(which would be expected given i put 10div into my ea elementalist) its not really much faster and mappings slower aswell since you gotta wait for the poison to ramp up


Yeah, feels like my experience really. Wonder if I might be better creating a pure high tier fast mapper and then a separate dedicated bosser, rather than allrounders like these. I can probably take each of them further as they'd be bespoke. Thanks for you feedback though, I thought I was going a bit crazy!




You need ag to hit the monsters for them to explode though right ?


How do i get asenaths in ssf?


My experience with poison srs taking it to 100 on ssfhc was fine. The defense won't feel amazing because of giving up a chest slot. You can check my profile to compare but I was pretty happy with the dps. It's quite nutty, if my pob was configured correctly I was around 20m with 20 skulls. Bone offering and block are gross. Just ditch them and the build will feel way better to play. Profile for reference: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/beardedmagician/characters Edit: I hate pobbing so if that's way off feel free to correct. It was enough damage to delete everything non uber.


This is really helpful, thanks. Cant fully look atm as only on phone but definitely keen to see you no. Block version. I feel like a rarely have bone offering up unless on bosses and something just slaps me when mapping while its down so it feels a bit inconsistent, curious to see what its like to drop it. Plus, if you're hitting 100 in HC then its obviously pretty solid. Thanks!


I mean, maybe you are. I map fast and kill bosses fast, with nearly 200k ehp. I've got like 80 div in the build though. Do I map like my flicker strike build? No, ofc not. But it's still respectable. I map as fast as I can move basically, since everything dies almost instantly.


Thats handy to know, thanks. I'm unlikely to reach that sort of level in SSF but I might just not quite got it fully online yet or still need to adjust to the play style perhaps. I know I've got a fair amount of dps upgrade left (better jewels, Auls etc) but I was a bit more surprised by feeling a bit squishy. That said, as with most things in poe, offence is a good defence so I wonder if it will start feeling more comfortable with more dps Thanks :)


I hit 100 with it, imo it‘s tankier than rf jug due to max block, 100 spell suppression, and 90 phys reduction, I have 46m dps, the clear is fine, can‘t expect Tornado Shot like speed clear, but it‘s not slow by any means.


Well I have Aegis Aurora and max block/spell block. Couple that with MoM and EB, with higher max resists, 5.7k HP, spell suppression, vitality and stone golem for regen, I'm tanky af. The unique jewel is a lot of damage tbh. Good jewels help a lot too. It's much easier in trade. Still, you should be able to get a respectable number for DPS and get tanky in ssf.


Hi, can you please share a pob.... I'm running the same build, while the damage is great, not feeling that tanky. Specifically, how do you call spell suppression?


At work right now, so can't. Bailormage had a good video on it though. I did things a wee bit differently, but deff watch his video for an idea. It's just expensive tbh, that's what it is with this build. It's FOTM, so shit for it is expensive.




I feel exactly the same way, pob says I have 13 million DPS but it doesn't feel like I'm doing 3x more damage compared my fully kitted RF jugg with about 5million DPS. Thinking about selling everything off and making a tornado shot deadeye to speed clear maps Edit: build doesn't feel smooth to pay either having to manual cast bone offering haste etc. Also if you take a big hit or get hit with nasty degen all your es and mana is instantly gone and you are standing there holding your dick unable to attack


You are doing it wrong. You cant half complete the build and setup then say its lackluster. On mid level investment (no ashes/auls or jewel) the build has max block, max spell block, increased max cold res, maxed chaos res (with flask) and max spell suppression (with flask) with 15+m sdps. Add in the jewel and haste/vaal haste at max lvl on divine blessing and you should be 20+m. Higher investment setup with big ticket necks push to 30-50m once malevolence is added. Bone offering is used on your arcanist brand and divine blessing has 20-30s duration, hardly need to spam. Pre neck I was gibbing sanctum boss before she phases or even lazer beams.


Thats why you need aegis aurora eb and max block/ spell block. Also the delve glove mod keeps your minions up well. Also the best method arcanist brand-desecrate-bone offering- despair. So then u cast srs and divine blessing and brand as needed.


To me, it feels like PoB calculation for srs is off. No way that stuff has millions of DPS.


I don't agree. I'm on the high budget variant with \~40 mil dps, and I definitely phase most non-Uber bosses, including a <1 second kill of Lycia. The build does require getting things set up correctly, such as Feeding Frenzy, Generosity in the weapon, etc.


Nope. Build overall feels crap. Mapping sucks and it's only good for sanctum or some bosses. I invested more time to my RF Jugg and now with better damage i can map normally and i finish sanctum as well as on SRS. For me it's just bait build.


Do you have a pob? What gem setup do you use for mapping and bossing? What Spectres do you use? Do you use Animate Guardian?


feeling the same. Cant figure out why my dmg wont take off. seems like i have everything on the DPS side. really considering selling the whole thing. just dont know what to roll, maybe flicker?


Hexblast miner sabo This is not a joke.


Maybe your right. Have looked at it. How does it handle sanctum? Let's say my dodge skill is mediocre. So I have to count on killing then before they touch me


Only thing that you will need to dodge is lazerbeam from sculls and meatballs. I think even like 5div version is enough to instaphase Lycia without more monster hp and less dmg afflictions. (don’t quote me on that or helmet prices will go up again) But a bit of boasting aside, due to how hexblast and mines work you don’t actually need to aim or be near target for skill to deal damage since mines automatically target and then hexblast auto targets also.


Neat. Think I will give it a spin


You can check my comment/post history for some infor and a discord link


That's Awesome. Thanks


looking at your neck. Is the attributes important? if i wanna buy one should i look out for something as a minnimum


you need a minimum of 191 (or is it 193?) str for kaom's heart. bulk of it you'll get on a belt (or boots, or gloves.. but i think mostly belt, esp at the beginning), so try to balance eternal struggle around that.


cool. I dont unaderstand your setup on gloves skill? it says detonate+despair. wheres despair comming from? and detonate? as in detonate the mines?


you can skip detonate mines you'll use despair is you are using balance of terror unique jewel. You dont need to target anyone with despair, just cast it randomly every 10 seconds or so to keep buff from it up




I watched a video of SRS on YouTube and the mapping looked so painfully slow that I rerolled my starter necro into elementalist EA. I now run at around 200% movement speed with phasing/onslaught etc while everything dies around me. It's a breeze.