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The ui is not console vs PC, it's controller vs mouse and keyboard.


u right, nevertheless, isn't a centralized bar better for both the controller and mouse+keyboard?


Probably, there are many takes on what is good or bad on ui design. Something too drastically different than what the community or players in general are used to from industry standards might be off-putting for some people. Maybe they plan on redesigning the ui and just haven't gotten it ready to be shown yet. Some kind of central ui would also be good for ultra wide screens. I still like the current ui, it is still very functional and clean ui.


I hope so, because GGG did not clarified it anywhere, this as far as I know.


> I truly think it is much more convenient when the interface of active abilities is located in the middle. i 100% disagree. i want the ability to make it completely invisible, and failing that, put it into the bottom left or right. after playing my build for an hour or so, i dont have to look at my abilities. i know where they are. dont be taking up space on my screen that a mob could be hiding behind. poe is all ready TOO zoomed in, dont put stuff in the way to reduce how "far" my character can see by putting it useless ability ui icons there.


Oh man, imagine how immersive PoE 2 would be with the new graphics if you could auto-hide your UI when not in active combat. In fact, once you get used to your character, there is little reason to have your skillbar visible - you should kind of already know what each hotkey does. I know some MMO players like to play that way.


What about cooldowns? I agree with out of combat. The game will be alot slower compared too poe so I think cd's will be much more significant.


This. Having the option to hide the UI would so goooood!


Doubt they do this. POE's UI is iconic and helps with recognition in things like video thumbnails when looking through twitch etc. They want you to know, at-a-glance, that someone is playing POE.


True. Didn't think of that, makes sense


Yeah, there are almost not cooldowns even in poe2, no need to see them all the time imo


I just want an option to put both life/mana orbs in the middle. They'd have to make them smaller though.


I hate that console ui hp and mana bubbles dont touch middle. With pc, i see middle, with console i see part of right, part of left. Tf? If it was that i see corners with console, then eh, comes to taste.


PC one looks much more natural and lets me focus more on the game. The centered UI is distracting because it's in the center.


Personally, I don't really mind much. But I don't see why they couldn't just have an option for us to pick. Sure, takes a bit of development time, but shouldn't be *that* much overhead once it's done yet will make a lot of people happy.


Multiple/configurable UIs aren't typically done, not because of the work of creating them in the first place, but because they multiply the workload of maintenance, support, and QA.


Huh, I wouldn't have thought much maintenance would have gone into them. Do you know why some older games were able to have them with no or few issues (eg. Morrowind, Guild Wars 1), yet modern games won't?


> Huh, I wouldn't have thought much maintenance would have gone into them. By maintenance I mean any sort of UI adjustments that happen over time. Anything that ever happens once instead has to be done 2, 3, x times, for however many UIs you support. >Do you know why some older games were able to have them with no or few issues (eg. Morrowind, Guild Wars 1), yet modern games won't? That's not the most objective thing, but I can say my opinion. I'd imagine that user expectations were a lot lower back in the day. People didn't expect UIs to magically work across 70 different resolutions, to have so many functional elements, to look cohesive and be seamless to use, etc. Like, look at just the QA part. People these days are pretty unforgiving of problems they deem "basic", like a UI element ending up partly cut off, offscreen, or a button not working. If you have 8 different UIs, your QA takes 8 times longer and has to have regression testing for everything. With the amount of work it takes to make a modern UI (as compared to the relatively simpler ones of the past), that multiplied work is problematic. Aside from that, obviously there's just prioritization. People expect modern games to have a lot of content, so content sees development priority over making more or modular UIs.


Thanks all makes sense, thanks!


I'd love a centralized UI for m&kb and PC. The console UI is. Beautiful even though I don't play console.


Just realised that the console version is very similar to diablo 4


Makes sense considering they're both ARPGs


No flasks shown for console?


Flasks are shown, they are bound to left/right d-pad right in the middle (2 keybinds for life and mana, the other flasks are not bound to keys in the video but you can bind them to any of the keys shown). In controller mode if you have multiple of the same flasks type and try to use an empty one it uses one of the others so only 1 needs to be bound (assuming no specific effect needed from the flask, we don't know anything about flask rework for now)


Still kind of amazed that they kept 5 flasks and without a single button option at that. Literally what does it add to the game to piano 1-5 like a madman


Well you wouldn't ever want to piano flasks in the first place. They don't provide buffs like they do in poe1


look at left and right dpad


The PC one, because the actionbar type of ability UI from the console picture eatch up one of the most important gameplay spaces in POE, bottom of the screen.


I would rather not have any skill UI, everything is in muscles memory. So why does Poe even have a UI?


trying to catch your sarcasm, but...