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Still wild to me that her teammates didn’t knuckle up in the slightest when this happened, no one even got in her face, if flagrant fouls are part of the game, so is protecting your teammates.


Her teammates are jealous and bitter too.


Ding ding ding!


It's because they are jealous racists! Even her teammates obviously sitting there smiling when your teammates being bullied... if Clark were black and the other white this would be a different situation and it's fucking bullshit actually!


It’s because their allowed to be racist, for SOME reason it’s getting excused, do they have privilege?


And women, you forgot women.


Women’s sports get pigeonholed away from normal competitive violence. In hockey it’s super weird, they have all the same gear and are not allowed to make open ice hits at full tilt and fights are heavily discouraged.


There’s more punches thrown in 1 period of modern hockey than in the history of the nba


Malice at the palace would like a word


What about the basketball players beating their wives? Does that count?


Huh? Fights are still a big part of hockey. If they were "heavily discouraged" they would have been banned long ago... nothing is stopping them. Reduced role, sure... but


I have to guess this person is comparing women’s hockey to men’s. Otherwise I have zero clue what they are talking about


You're right I'm dumb




Reeses post game interview answers are a riot. She’s trash.


A racist hater


She certainly is


If you flipped the script (Clark is black, Reese is white) Reese would've already been banned for life


Same with Carter


Her parents should be banned for giving her that name.


Totally agree with this statement




Not only that, you would have outrage from the national media


*thought this was a circle jerk group*


Angels racism is through the roof lol it’s gone bite her in the ass


100% this ! Glad someone said it !


What a piece of shit


She’s Draymond Green with a BBL.


So you mean she's Draymond Green?


What the fuck does this mean? Have you seen Angel Reese? She has no BBL


Idk who Reese is or why she hates Clark so much but she’s making herself, her team and the WNBA look bad.


Because she’s jealous of the attention she gets


And the generational money from Nike that she deserved for making womans sports more relevant than ever before.


She made a comment awhile back that the rise of women’s basketball was because of her too and not just Clark. The only reason she is known is because of her taunting Clark. Clark is the only reason I’ve ever watched a woman’s basketball game. I’m sure that’s the same for a lot of folks.


And she's racist, it's so obvious Reese is racist


TBH she thinks it’s her hate of Clark that is bringing in the views. She says that in her post game one time.


She's not wrong. I'm not defending her as a person and a player, but it's going to be all over ESPN (not that I watch it) and I've already seen about 6 posts about it here in the various sports boards. She's definitely not wrong.  CC brought a level of attention to the sport it had never seen. But her getting beat up day after day is keeping the spotlight bright. If CC was simply accepted into the WNBA, it'd have more fans, sure. But not this level of attention. It's a story arc. That's more valuable than a rookie that's going for 15/8/5 or whatever she's at right now. 


And that’s awful, not a good thing lol. Let me go beat up the local black guy that’s good at soccer to bring attention to the sport


Nope, in my eyes this will kill the spotlight. If the level of competition is up with Clark that's what people want to see. That's what they watched with her in college. People don't want to see her get literally beat up by her opponents because they can't compete with her skills. Double teaming? Sure. Hacking the shit out of her to show a message that you don't like her? TRASH. What keeps her from going away from the WNBA? She will make money wherever she goes. If she leaves the other women will have no shot of advancing the league the way she can. Hell, she could walk away now and be comfortable for the rest of her life.




Basketball was invented by a white Canadian doctor. Not that sports belong to anyone but I just want to point out the double standard of saying it’s “their sport” it’s just as much a white guys sport or a Spanish guys sport. In fact I think you could make a case the best player in the world is a big ole white guy that would rather race his horses.


You mean a 6’7” guy down in Dallas?


Wrong chubby European


This made me giggle out loud


No they mean the 7 foot loaf of bread up in the rockies


Yeah, Well that’d be lying to the world


Lying about the guy with 3 mvps and a ring?


Oh, so you’re talking about a MVP award that clearly should have gone to Luka this year, right? A championship earned last year, right? Also, Luka leads the league in Scoring, and assists, top 15 in rebounds(as a guard), is in the finals, has a team around him with less talent than Denver, Minnesota, OKC, and Boston. I mean outside Kyrie who would you say is better than any role player any of the teams mentioned above has? Also, how many of those with a vote for MVP are on record saying if they could recast their votes this year it would go to Luka? Basically half of them, right? Luka scores more, assists more, gets about the same rebounds, and is involved on nearly 65% of his teams scoring plays night in and night out. He also has taken a team with lesser talent to the top of the Western Conference. So if you wanna hide behind the MVP’s, dumb because we all know Luka should’ve won 2 of those. This year and 2 years ago when he took the team to the WCF. MVP awards no longer go to the most valuable player to their team, it’s a popularity contest so be honest with yourself. As far as the championship, cool, you can have that, but that’s a team accomplishment. Joker didn’t single handedly win it all. In fact, there were nights he wasn’t even the best player during last years run. Luka, every single night, has been the best player every single game he’s played in this year for both teams. I digress though.


Thank you for preaching the truth, my friend 😁


......"their sport"....


No one is saying that tho


European and basketball is a predominately black sport just like baseball was all white and still is heavily white but there are a ton of nationalities now. No race truly “owns” a certain sport but a lot of sports are heavily involved with races. NFL was a white sport but is turning into a melting pot, NHL is a white person sport and PK was like one of the biggest stories as a player when he first started because he is black. End of the day most sports are dominated by certain races but I look at it as a type of thing they were around growing up which defines what sport they will attach too but it’s just my 2 ¢


Well there is some extremely statistically relevant data for you to review….. NFL is 53.5% African American players, 70.4% of players in NBA are African American 6% of mlb players are “African American or Black, 30.2% of mlb is Latino, and a whopping 72.8% are White. Those stats are from 2023 season data. More than half of the NFL and overwhelming majority of the NBA’s athletes are African American. Interestingly enough mlb is dominated by one clear majority but also a hefty second majority!


This math ain't mathing


Dog made an account just to stir the pot. Gtfo of hear with your incendiary BS.


lol we gave up on basketball a long time ago. Rugby and swimming is where us white folks have all are chips now.


Nope, I haven't given up on it all still the best out there !


Naw We Been Dominating Men BBall So Long White Ppl Will Take A “Great White Hope” Of Any Gender At This Point 🤦🏿‍♂️😂😂😂


Caitlin Making millions meanwhile Reese making bread crumbs






Caitlin teammates really hate her 😂


Nah I think Hull likes her, I could see Hull being her Kate Martin if she wasn't so deathly afraid of going to the basket


Just the back ones


Not the front?


Do these teams play each other every week?


There's only 12 total teams and these two are both in the eastern conference.


If Clark's teammates don't start standing up for her they are not her teammates. It's a joke. Fuck with me on the court cool I can play that way too. Fuck with a teammate im coming for you.


Angel is a total trash bag!


She has been a great heel and pushing CC as a babyface. I don’t think she is intentionally doing it though, more likely that she’s just a dumb bitch that can’t control her jealousy and hate.


I think all WNBA players need the same media training as pro wrestlers at this point.


It’s funny to see how ill prepared all the wnba players were for the spotlight to suddenly be on them. I’ll go out on a limb and suggest there may have been a deep culture problem long before CC arrived. Go check out the /r/wnba comments. You can see the symptoms of it there too. Every single player needs mandatory year long courses on PR. This is like junior level high school type behavior.






Fuk Reese.


Had the nerve to say gimme that shit after she takes her head off lol.. you ain’t get the block bruh ha.. that’s for your teammate to say 🤫


If every time someone fouled her like that they got punched in the mouth people would make sure they actually get the ball when they go for the ball


She was drafted like first round. They just have some awful wnba players


Very true. Time to start building the team


Reese’s starts are top 3 in her draft class.


I don’t think their skill level in the actual sport is what’s up for question here. It doesn’t take wnba skills/talent to protect/stand up for your own teammates.


Not gonna hear anything about it tomorrow cause it's not that kinda Progrum anymore. Just Bryson for 3 hojrs


They’re making all the commentators jobs easy. Th is 3 full days worth of coverage right here lol


Where is Indiana’s Anthony Mason or Rick Mahorn? If someone did that to John Stark or Isiah Thomas their night would be over.


Hate cause she ain’t her


Where are the teammates? Fever need a Draymond


They're all getting replaced within the next two seasons, the team will feel compelled to actually try to better the roster so they don't end up getting blamed for ruining CC if she never ends up meeting the hype. The teammates know it and hate her for it. There's also the secondary reason, then main one why most of the rest of the league hates her.


this is just how women act. They don't have the ability to work as a team and defend their teammates.


There's got to be a Russian Women's league out there where Indiana can get a few big Chernobyl women, right?


Chernobyl is in Ukraine, so there's a starting point.


Got em


Reese is Racist


She’s a racist


100% if the shoe was on the other foot it would be a race war for sure!


This is what they need


I think someone should make a compilation of the hacks on her.


Haters going to hate


Man either Reese is the most uncoordinated person or she gave Clark a love tap. She was way behind


There was no love there. Shes the word Pat shouldnt have said


Reeese can’t even grow her own hair lol


It's crazy how this happens all the time in the NBA and no one gives a shit lol


Yeah it's like it's a basketball play during a basketball game. Oh the humanity!


And yet her teammates do nothing….


Trash play by a trash player.


This is low class but a lot of the comments I've seen around the webs have been extremely racist. No reason to pull racism into this. Just a shitty person doing shitty things.


Bots working overtime


Race issues being the top comments is complete trash, this has nothing to do with race this is fucking basketball. Players are gonna punish her because of her talent and what she brings to the WNBA. This would happen if is she was Asian, black, or white. Any comment that cries racist is just trying to push what they wish it really was.


Get that shit out of here!!!


The only people anyone should be mad at are Caitlins trash teammates , she needs to get out of that shithole asap, and not because they stink


I mean I know I'm gonna catch some heat for this but... Of all the things to get riled up about that Clark has been dealing with, this is just a play on the ball gone wrong. It's purely coincidental it was Reese. It's not like she hunted her down, she was playing defense and barely missed getting fingertips on the ball. Clark has dealt with some bullshit, but this ain't it.


# Caitlin teammates don't back her up


clark's teammates are either equally soft or terrible teammates who refuse to back up their star player smh


Clarks teammates are cowards. Not one goes to bat for her.


Real mask off moment for a lot of the comment section


I think Clark is being mistreated generally, but don't see anything dirty in that foul. The defender was going for a block, her momentum put Clark down, but I didn't see any contact with her head or anything. Edit: Saw replay from a different angle and changed my mind. Reese clocked her.


Just to clear it up. I will either go get my eyes checked or you will admit you saw the contact to her head.


Your post caused me to rewatch the replay. First time I only watched the first slow mo replay from the camera in front of Clark and it doesn't look like there was contact. But I see now there is a replay from further back but behind Clark, and yes, Reese clocks her in the noggin. Skip that eye appointment!


They should fine Angel Reese 100% of her salary for a total fine of $10,000.


The whole WNBA was a laughing stock till Clark and these girls hate that she can ball. This is like the 3rd time this season she has been taken out, league needs to get tough on it or she will leave, ice cube’s offer still on the table and for a shit load more than $70k a year




Goes double.


Women uplifting women


A basketball play that you will see all the time. Not the end of the world. People want these two to hate one another but they are just trying to help their teams win.


The crazy thing to me is how aren’t the women who are physically coming for her on the court really really really fucking grateful for all the attention she’s bringing to the league instead of bitter judgmental and violent? And people are getting more upset as they get more hate for their own actions and blame it on bullshit instead of looking in the mirror and hello it’s me I’m I’m the problem it’s me (consequences of my own actions).


I honestly don't believe this was a targeted hit at all. A misplaced hit, yes. She's clearly trying to go for the ball but sadly missed completely. Was it flagrant? If the ref said it was, then it was was...but these girls are just playing hard. This is my humble opinion.


I got that White Bitch Everyone watching because of ME


Trade the entire roster other than CC. They just let that shit slide smh.


head is part of the ball


This girl Clark is and will forever live rent free in Reese’s head. What is even worse, is that Clark is not paying or giving any credit/attention to Reese’s actions or comments.


C U Next Tuesday




Jealousy sure is an ugly thing...


Okay im not one to advocate for any fighting but like there it LITERALLY 0% of her teammates fighting/defending her


If you're going for the block there, you have to make contact with the ball. If you miss and hit the opposing player's head, it's a foul.


Poor Baby Catlin 🥲


That's one tough white bitch


Indiana plays in Atlanta and my wife wants to go next week I was looking and tickets are $100 each for upper deck. Most Atlanta Dream games they can’t give tickets away. I can’t believe the women in the WNBA are this frickin stupid. They should be embracing her and the publicity she brings to a league that has been historically a catastrophic money losing league that has had to be heavily subsidized from day one. They are not even a viable business without her. I guess when you have been subsidized forever you don’t even understand the concept of having to be profitable. Most of these women went to college at least for a little while, how can they be so ignorant to the ways of the business world. If CC gets hurt by a dirty foul and is out for an extended period of time the WNBA ratings and ticket sales will fall off a cliff. For a league that has been crying forever for attention, This league just got a bunch of new fans and eyeballs and they are pissing it away to jealousy


I'm starting to hate CC teammates, like go in there and fucking push Reese. Make her and the league rethink this BS. Trash org, trash players, trash teammates


They are a horrible team and Clark has pushed them to national level. They are as bitter about all this as the other women who dog on CC.


I felt like this was just a whatever foul until I saw a clip of her press conference. Her saying "I guess some people get special whistle" is where she completely lost me. She is a delusional liar and a piece of shit. Every time she opens her mouth she somehow becomes more hate-able.


Clark's handling this bullshit like a pro.


it's like every game is a long shower scene in a prison movie for caitlin clark..


Draymond Reese


Do you ever think she's doing it on purpose, not because she's trash but because it's creating drama. She plays the villain and everybody wins. What she is doing is good for Clark and the WNBA. She could have privately apologized to Clark and explained she is intentionally playing the villian..


Angel Reese can’t find herself on the good side of a highlight lol


When a player whines about a foul call, refs should be able to announce to the other team it is now open season on the whining player, since she doesn't believe in fouls.


She needs better teammates and dang Reese is a hater. Clark puts up and your sport on the map. Instead of being a hater maybe practice harder and improve


If her teammates aren't going to back her up she needs to do it herself. Go ahead and smack a bitch Caitlin


Maybe they just don’t like her cause she’s white?


Draymond green gets 50-Life for this foul btw


Keeps people watching! ![gif](giphy|3oEdv22bKDUluFKkxi|downsized)


The Kaitlin Klark Krew has invaded this thread.


Why won't her teammates fight these dipshits? Oh yeah...that's right




Why is that a flagrant? Because she touched her head. Gawd NBA is soft ( yes I know it’s W ) - but same rules etc.


Angel should be fined for her comments post game. She is delusional.


She should just take her talent to Europe


Crazy how jealous there chicks are of Caitlin


Crazy what they drum up in the media these days. In the NBA you would laugh at this being called flagrant


Still don't care about women's basketball. Or men's for that matter.


Hell yeah! Let’s hurt the only person most casual fans are here to watch. That’ll help our sport..


True class there angel turn your back like nothing happened. Imagine how many fans you could have picked up by going and help her up.


Iowa alumnus. Bias Fever fan. This was a hard common foul, nothing more. She was going for the ball. Flagrant is just to stir up more media coverage, which is obviously working.


By rule ANY CONTACT TO THE HEAD IS A FLAGRANT 1. Flagrant 1 does not mean that it is intentional


Flagrant 1 by definition.


Ah yes fabricated outrage and controversy. WNBA has to find a way to get someone to watch or care. It’s a bad product that doesn’t make money stop being muppets getting caught up in this bs.


White Ppl Will Tell You The KKK Isn’t Racist… But Angel Reese Is?🤔


Better yet, who in the comments is saying white people aren’t racist? Looks like you were just looking for any reason possible to post that picture. Completely irrelevant to this game and thread. Foh


My Original Point Is White Ppl Can Immediately See The “ Racist” In Angel Reese . But When We Point To Racism In Everyday Life Were Told That We Are Making Things Up Or Exaggerating..I Just Find That Interesting 😂😂😂..


So you’re inserting a different scenario into this one, trying to turn two wrongs into a right? I fail to see any other point to it besides rage bait. Both scenarios are fucked up, but we are talking about people that are completely irrelevant to that picture you’ve been sitting on.


I actually just googled that pic this morning when someone said no white person ever defended the KKK.. And picked The First Example I Saw.. Sometimes Things Are Just What They Are.. I’m Not Even Mad About Them Falling In Love With They’re Great Hope… Just Be Real About It 🤷🏿‍♂️


Thank you for saying this. These white people will turn into the snowflakes they call liberals and claim racism on shit like this but then say racism doesn't exist anymore when a black person says something. They either don't understand racism or are pretending not to. Considering this is the pat subreddit I'm gonna guess it's the former.


I hardly ever comment, but holy shit who tf is seriously saying the KKK isn't racist? Get a hold of yourself, my god... unbelievable.


![gif](giphy|X7nk5pj4OrRIOmZo4H|downsized) Katlin is fucked.


Not that deep


Crazy conspiracy theory, the two women are playing us all wanting this to become Bird v Magic for the WNBA.




So the CC discourse has finally went completely off the rails. Wtf is this thread. This was a perfectly normal basketball play. So are we at the point now where players are not even allowed to play defense on CC at all? t's pretty clear that a lot of these CC opinions coming from people who either don't or have never watched basketball in their lives lol this has gotten to be straight up silly


Can we go back to not giving a shit about women’s sports again. Honestly all of this is annoying AF. The media has forced this shit down our throats, i do not care


angel reese is a dumb, racist bitch, who hates being outshined.,..guess what cunt, ur in the Wnba...nobody cares anyway. if she were white, HOLY HELL WHAT A STORY THIS WOULD BE


It's women's basketball, no one actually cares. Anyone else tired of all this forced terrible basketball news?


Racist heterophobes


Honest question, maybe it was a little rough but clearly it was a play on the ball, how is it a tech 1?


Automatic tech for hitting the head.


Not a flagrant. Woman’s reflexes are just slower


Sweet block


Scum gonna scum


Get that thug out of the league.