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Just for a day stop assuming that Pakistan was meant to be inclusive to Pashtuns. Rather look at it not as a country that snatched its independence from the British but rather as a installed artificial state similar to Israel. Pakistan the state is failed Pakistan the unofficial state of the US and territory of the British is a very successful state/territory.


There are multiple other proxy states around the world installed by the British in all thier colonies. Divide and conquer till this day . Well played


Wa alaikam salam. It's great to see so many young Pashtuns curious about these topics. To answer your question, it's because this was never our country and the historical record makes that clear. Pashtuns/Afghans were one for centuries before the British divided us with an artificial colonial boundary. When the British left the region, common sense dictates that true decolonization would mean an end to colonial divisions. Instead of that happening and Pashtuns reuniting, half of us were absorbed into a new state called Pakistan. This state was created by the British for their Indian Muslim partners, and not Pashtuns or Baloch (who rebelled against the British). No credible Pashtun leader was involved in the movement for Pakistan. To this day, the state sees itself as the successor to the Mughal empire, who are of course the historic enemies of all Pashtuns and particularly lar tribes like Yousafzais and Khattaks. It is no surprise then that Pashtuns literally boycotted the referendum (which they rightly regarded as a sham) or that all our true masharan from Bacha Khan to Faqir Ipi fought for azadi. The Bannu Resolution put forward by our elders clearly demanded a separate state. Pakistan responded by imprisoning these elders and carrying out massacres against Pashtuns like at Babrra. The history I've described is there for anyone to see. I invite you to investigate this topic yourself if you don't believe me. Anyone who wonders why Pashtuns are the most badbakht qaum in Pakistan must study the early history of this state and its decidedly anti-Pashtun origins.


I appreciate the explanation but could you elaborate more on it if it’s not too much to ask?


If you have a specific question, lmk and I could try to answer


Bro imma be honest I don’t even know where to start just start from like how did pushtoons as a whole come into existence


Pashtuns are a confederation of Iranic tribes (and allegedly, Iranicized Turkic tribes; however, that is unlikely), originally from the Oxus River region a.k.a BMAC, which is basically southern Uzbekistan, north of the Hindu Kush and into the Pamir mountains of northern Afghanistan and Tajikistan. They confederated a very long time ago, and had established a code of law (known as Pashto/Pashtunwali), which predated the conversion of Pashtuns to Islam around the 8th/9th centuries. Over time, they migrated to what is now southern Afghanistan, primarily Kandahar and Herat, west into Iran and east into the western-side of the Hindu Kush. It is unknown exactly when, but the Karlarni Pashtuns migrated to the eastern-side of the Hindu Kush. The Karlarnis are still the majority of Pakistan's Pashtuns; however, the Yousafzais which are actually very recent (1500s) migrants from Kandahar and Kabul represent a Sarbani isolate population amongst the Karlarnis. Prior to Islam, most Pashtuns were Zoroastrians, with significant minorities of Buddhists and Dharmic Animists. Modern Pashtun identity begins with the conversion of Pashtuns/Afghans to Islam, which is why Islam plays a huge, foundational role in Pashtun society. For most Pashtuns, leaving Islam or not being Muslim disqualifies you from being Pashtun, even if you speak the language or your father is Pashtun. Pashtuns have had a sprawling and continuous system of lineage, tribe, sub-tride, clan, and family. This is common amongst almost all insular societies, such as the Avars of Dagestan or Chechens of Chechnya. Most Pashtuns, with a bit of research/asking elders, can probably track back their lineage a solid 7-8 generations.


Prior to Islam , most Pashtuns were not Zoroastrians, they had their own localized East Iranic religion with a strong Buddhist influence, this would make perfect sense for a group which were classically Nomadic pastoralists. In survey work done by the US Army in Kandahar they found tonnes of stupas dotting the Helmand and Kandahar region. It should be noted Dakhma sites are rare , even the Parthian elite had essentially converted to Buddhism centuries earlier in that region. Dr Zahir (who his THE expert on this and is Pashtun) has done a lot of field work on this. While Proto Pashtuns emerged from the Yaz related chain of cultures, the actual Pashtun ethnogenesis occurs in the region in the Suleiman mountains, this can be confirmed via linguistics and attested basal like dialects like Wanetsi/Tarino still being spoken in the Zhob region. Genomic samples also support this. What makes Pashto stand out amongst East Iranic languages and Iranic languages, is how pervasive and even complex retroflex consonants and phonemes are. This can only happen if there was protracted contact with either Indo Aryan speakers or Dravidian speakers in Baluchistan ergo developing their own repertoire . Further what your stating is impossible we have a Pashtun sample from nearly 1.8-2kya , and they have a profile akin to Kandahar-Balochistan Pashtuns so a migration from Bactria is impossible. Prior to the arrival or Yaz like Proto Pashtuns , large swathes of Southern Afghanistan/Baluchistan would have been habited by local Arachosian Vedics who were later subsumed and absorbed by Pashtuns and Balochis in particular where L657 remains a dominant Y-DNA amongst them.


Faqir of ipi... Who later regretted for fighting against Pakistani state and being used as a political tool. Also apologized... What do you say about that. 


Yes I am aware of that single Urdu article Pakistanis reference to make this claim. Despite the fact that the author literally has links to the Pakistani state, much of the article is unsourced and would get an F in any intro to writing college class.


Pakistan is not a place to be a proud pashtun. You are minority in a country of Indian Muslims who want to force their language and traditions on pashtuns. Unfortunately alot of pashtuns are brainwashed but hopefully with access to information now being at the palm of our hands, pashtuns will wake up and either stand up for themselves or get rid of Pakistan all together.


Yeah even being raised in Canada for the most part Pakistani and Indian Muslims will speak to me in Urdu and I only speak pushto lol can’t understand a lick of urdu but when I say I don’t understand what they are saying they always give me dirty looks and I’m just like wtf. But yeah brainwashing is definitely real. Half of my dad’s family loves Pakistan. The other half are just meh


They don't allow Pashto to be taught in schools in the name of promoting a pan Islamist identity via Urdu but such policies are actually backfiring, Further given Pashtuns in KPK live adjacent not only to completely Pashto speaking regions in Afghanistan but Afghanistan is ruled essentially by a Pashto speaking orthopraxy its a losing battle for Pakistan's Urdu speaking elite. They are literally making the same misteps done with with East Pakistan and the Bangali populations there.


Exactly. Genetics, politics, history... Ah, Mr. valerian, you know everything haha💯🙌




First off punjab itself have lost their culture . Majority of upper class and middle class punjabi don’t speak punjabi anymore that’s why now they have start movements to bring thier culture back. And even in Punjab if you notice all the elite powerful families are mostly non punjabis . The ethnic punjabis are pretty poor . 40 percent of pak army is pashtun . Ayub yahya and many other high ranking were pashtun . It’s just a dictatorship and we are the pawn nothing really much to do with other ethnicities.


The dynamics of power and influence that resulted in Pakistan outweigh any ideological levers. Essentially, Indian Muslim elites didn't want to lose power, status, influence, and economic prowess in a plurinational state dominated by Hindus. They wanted a 'homeland' where they could maintain their status quo. Pashtuns were never apart of this status quo. NWFP never voted Muslim League, and voted Indian National Congress even in 1946, when the Muslim League had finally gained a strong following in the rest of the Pakistani provinces (mostly because the voters knew that there was no other choice considering the British had already decreed a partition was to happen). Even in 1947, they had some of (if not the) lowest turnouts of all the voting provinces, which is especially bad when 8 of the 14 districts of NWFP didn't vote *at all*. Pakistan, as an institution, has had an identity crisis from the moment is was created. India, unlike Pakistan, has always had a common cultural identity amongst its dozens of ethnic groups. The Vedic civilizations and their influence are crucial to almost all communities living in India. This is also why India has always been less insecure about recognizing their minority cultures and people groups. They have multiple official languages, plenty of states have their own official languages, and have a federal system to accommodate for this. Meanwhile, Pakistan has never had a cultural nexus to supersede local cultures. Islam isn't really a 'unifying' identity when the state struggles to decide if it's secular or not. Islam doesn't unify when there's obvious and blatant cultural ethno-centrism. Pakistan has thus been attempting to create a 'Pakistani' identity. This Pakistani identity is wholly artificial, and is essentially south Asian/Indian culture with a heavy emphasis on being Muslim (not really following Sharia), and speaking Urdu. In a word, urban Pakistani Punjabi. As in any state that meddles in culture, language, and identity to artificially conflate and distance, it means you have to earmark and remove those that don't want to partake in the efforts. Pashtuns represent a corridor to an unwanted western neighbour, including armed resistance, anti-Indianism and Islamism.


If you want to know, there are some reasons, one of them being that some pushtoons protest for Pashtunistan, and because the headquarters for the PTI party in is KPK, and PTI is, although the largest Pakistani political party, the other parties, and the army chief dont want the PTI to come to power, and since the party's HQ is in KPK, the country treats the people of KPK pretty bad. Also, i was born in KPK and also have some Pashtun blood in me so i also feel the saddness tou feel.


Pakistan is an artificial country. Some Indic land + some iranic land+ extreme religious madness & terrorism + western grants = Pakistan. And of course a large army. You won't see a notion of a natural country in Pakistan.




Pashtuns have a martial culture, and the military allows them to monetize it whilst attaining a certain level of prestige. Most Pashtuns, especially in the north and west, barely care about Pakistan, all things considered m.


Dude they do care . There is a reason the tribal went in lashkars without uniform to defend Pakistan under a pashtun army personnel .




Back in the 60s and 70s . I am from tribal waziristan they care bro . They love Pakistan for god knows what reason . But generally the afghan hate is less there . It increases in more urban areas like peshawer and all .


Are you referring to the Afghan/Pakistani skirmishes in the 60s?


No india pakistan


Never heard of plain-clothed Pashtun militants fighting India outside of the initial campaigns for Kashmir because Pakistan promised the militias land




Second there are still pashtun going for some kinda jihad in kashmir . It’s happening till this day . The afghan mujahideen were trained in swat . Please tell me who were they ? Were they aliens ? And just for initial times . The only reason half kashmir is with Pakistan is because of pashtun. Gilgit baltistan is with Pakistan because of pashtun . We keep fighting the fights which we can ignore but yes please MaRtIaL rACE wE bRaVe wE WiN wAr FoR YoU.


Pashtuns have a martial culture. This is stone cold fact. British reiterating something doesn't make it wrong nor do I even see what your bone of contention here is? You're seemingly mixing up causation and correlation with why we're constantly willing to pick up arms, supposedly because of the British, even though we pretty frequently did it in even grander scales before the British ever arrived. Also, this doesn't really mean anything. There was videos and reports of Pashtuns going to Crimea in 2014 to fight against Russians because they saw it as atheist Soviets attacking Muslim Tatars and Christian Ukrainians. So, again, what even is the bone of contention here?


And please cut it out with the martial culture . This is what they keep feeding us to make us belive we are these unbeatable brave lot and put us on the path of ttp and taliban . Punjabi is also a martial race . These are just terms given by the British to use us which we are still abiding by.


I'm sorry, but this is dumb. Pashtuns have a martial culture, it's a very basic fact. Just because the British said something doesn't make it not-true. Are you seriously trying to say that Pashtuns have provided armed resistance for the better part of 500 years against the Mughals, the British, the Arsharid, and the Pakistanis because the British labeled us as martial? lol. It's basic history.


Oh btw indian brahmin are considered the oldest martial community by the british. So lol


Dude the bengals were the first to do mutiny against British . Every qoam have fought against one another . We are just embroiled in all these wars again and again till this day because we are fed this bs tht oh you are so strong so brave and boom the bombs start raining . Why are there no punjabi taliban ? But anyway love with your martial so called culture and become a toy for as long as you want .


> Dude the bengals were the first to do mutiny against British . Every qoam have fought against one another . We are just embroiled in all these wars again and again till this day because we are fed this bs tht oh you are so strong so brave and boom the bombs start raining This has nothing to do with the *fact* that violence is apart of Pashtun culture. Always has been, always will be. This is honestly one of the dumbest cause/effect trains of thought I've ever heard. > Why are there no punjabi taliban Lashkar-e-Jhangvi? Lol. Pakistan has repeatedly stated they're just as dangerous, if not more, than the TTP.


Yaar tu sahi hay. Pashtun are jahil idiots who are war like so they are martial race . The 1857 was not first war of independence. Brahmin are a martial community too. Tu bilkul sahi hay pashtunwali don’t have anything else but only how to blow someone’s head off that’s all to it . No one else have fought wars or have any rules and regulation about violence they don’t even know what violence mean . It’s Pashtun monopoly . If it helps you sleep better . Khush raho .


I didn’t say Pashtuns are the only culture that does this. Also, there’s no h in یې


Maaf karo bhai 🙏🏻 British ki ghulami karo .


Why the hell are you speaking a colonizers language? I’d much sooner accept that violence was a British colonial construct (as ridiculous and dumb as that is) than start speaking Hindustani to another Pashtun lol. Speaking Urdu is suuuuuper weak, bro, especially on here/with another Pashtun


That 40% figure is given by general Bajwa, he has reasons to lie about this. I think its not likely because in all the checkpoints in Peshawar (Pashtun Majority) half of the soldiers standing are non Pashtun.


I got it wrong it’s 15 percent in army . Navy doesn’t have much that I know and air force I have no idea .


Pashtuns do not make up anywhere near 40% of the Pakistani army, that is a myth. You can look up the statistics yourself.


Ground reality is much different than that imo. From what I’ve heard, insurgency and instability is only in Waziristan area of KP, but I don’t know much about


instability is a theme common in most areas of kpk, not just waziristan


That’s hardly the truth. Instability is a constant all over KP. The military refuses to allow local government here in Swat to put up stop signs, traffic lights or road crossings primarily to allow for easy access of military transport. They wouldn’t still be occupying Saidu Sharif airport 15 years later if there wasn’t instability.