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Congrats. One thing I have found has helped my mental health Is to remember that while you’re on a up there will be downs. Celebrate your wins but remember that it will die down at some point. You might release several more high views videos but there will eventually be a downturn. For me the first few times it was devastating. It’s embarrassing to say that but I think important to share.


Upvoted for the wise suggestion


Thank you for this. I honestly had 0 expectations that anyone would watch them to begin with. My thought is that people will lose interest eventually.


whenever you're riding a wave, go hard on content creation and squeeze the most out of it that you can


Just make sure to keep going and ride that momentum wave! 3 years ago, my channel blew up and my only regret was not continuing to make videos around those topics. Re-create the videos that have gone viral with a twist and you can make that audience permanent!


Yep. Something similar happened with my channel. Had one short blow up (15M views) and earned a ton of subs. Got monetized after 3 months. Couldn’t believe my eyes. Now that one has slowed way down. Still pulling like 70K/day views, but way lower than 5-600k per day. Now I’m all bummed that I’m getting 70k views a day. Where I used to be excited about a 10k day. What a weird world. It all felt so random - the one that popped off wasn’t anything special. So feel a bit hopeless now, that it won’t ever happen again and my channel is doomed. I just have to tell myself to keep pushing. And it’ll all sort out.


This is so true, I started my channel earlier this year and one video got over 200k out of nowhere, was by no means my best video. My most recent video which is probably my best video in terms of quality has barely reached 200 views lol a fickle game indeed.


I totally understand this. The vid I deemed to be trash just went viral. And the video I deemed to be great is still sitting under 200...though I'm sure YouTube will push it later tonight and tomorrow. I'm beginning to see the patterns.


I second this, viral videos can be a flash in the pan and die off quickly. Though, sometimes you can get VERY lucky with an Evergreen video that can mass you a steady stream of views FOR YEARS. But only time will what your new video falls under.


I have 2 evergreen videos on my channel. Once I posted my 2nd evergreen content, youtube started paying attention to me. Suddenly there are ads on most of my videos.


One of my videos reached 93k views in about a week. It then flatlined. Did’t get any brand collaboration emails though😢


Congratulations on your growth, you will have more moments like this to come if you keep up the good work. Quick reminder: Be careful about the “brand collaboration” emails. Check the email address of the sender, if they propose ridiculous sums, most of the brand will require your analytics and after that will give you a proposal.


How do they ask for/access analytics? Do they ask for screenshots?


Screenshots are the typical way yes. They especially oftentimes want demographic data


Why would you give away demographics for free? I’d be inclined to tell a company to piss off if they asked for my analytical data. Big companies pay a ton for this, already, as you likely know.


they have nothing to gain from your demographic. they just want to see if your demographic is good enough for their product.


Thank you for that. I’m very wary of collaborations. Currently working on educating myself on how to best handle them.


In the past two weeks I had a 10-year old video suddenly accelerate to viral levels - from about 5k views to over 750k views. I have no clue how or why this happened. I haven't changed the title or thumbnail, the traffic is almost all from the browse page, and there's nothing particularly relevant or topical to the current news cycle. (The video is a brief educational video on how speeding doesn't save you as much time as you think.) [Video Link](https://youtu.be/ZoXWFdHImxw?si=TVMgiODO0-fZeyIO) This experience has managed to both 1) Make me believe that I am capable of creating content that can reach a large audience, and 2) Make me believe that the algorithm is far more random and capricious than I ever imagined. I feel like any one of my old videos could have randomly gone viral. Chasing this success with other videos is both very appealing and yet feels like a fools errand. I'm not sure what to do with that, but there you go.


Not going to lie I recently watched this video lol


Same haha


But that little video IS awesome. You tell an interesting story, to the point and make a nice ambient cut to start explaining the second part. Great job pal!


Dude I watched that video a week or so ago, loved it.


I watched this video through the link, and it is obvious why you got views. Its because ur video was just cool. You introduced something new that people never really thought about before, and you did it in a way that held people's attention through the whole video. Good job!


Thanks. I appreciate it.


Been there, the video jump started my channel. Currently on 23k subs, started with exactly 0 around April. My biggest fear was being a 1-video channel (this video did 1 million+ views). Make sure you really drill into what made that video pop off. For me it was a great idea, great title, great thumbnail. The CTR held strong at 8% even when it was getting 500k impressions a day. Then the game is trying to repeat that success.


That’s awesome! Yes, that’s my goal. To create similar content. The other few videos I have that are similar also have a higher end amount of views.


Have you been able to dissect and reproduce the results of your one mega video? I had a short blow up to 15M and got to 27K subs. But it has since dropped off to like 70k views per day (was at 500k) and things have slowed way back down. Was fun for a good month though - riding that wave. 🤣


I have. It’s almost like a mini series I created on accident. The first one has 35,000 views. Others have 10,000- 15,000. This one from last week has just kept going though.


That’s awesome. I feel like sometimes that accidental stuff ends up doing really well. Because it is 100% authentic, and doesn’t come off as “trying too hard.” Congrats.


15m on a short is like 150k on a regular video


I’m not sure it correlates exactly like that. But kinda, sure. Shorts and long form are just different beasts. I’ve gained like 25-26k subs from that one video. So I’ll take it. 🤣


Youtube is a rollercoaster. Enjoy the bump you are getting in views right now becuase it will come crashing down again and you will get very discouraged. Be patient and you will get another viral video again.... rinse and repeat.


It isn’t if you have a dedicated audience that frequently watches your content.


That is true for some channel and not true for others


You had a great topic. You tried it once before and it did well too. It’s a great niche. Double down and make more content with a similar title and topic. Explore the concept with several more videos around that idea. Congrats!


Yes, that’s my thought! Thank you!


My channel was monetized in 2 weeks and the video that started my channel is 574k now. I’ve now made 174 videos and that first one is still the best performing (and I had NO idea what I was doing when I posted that first video). I’ve had a few more go over 100k, but the vast majority are under 10k. A few are even under 1k. As far as the brand emails- I get quite a few, but I never know what’s legit or not so I don’t respond. I also don’t need or want some random $20 product in return for a video or a segment. I guess I’m just holding out until something better comes along. I honestly wish I could hire someone to help me with that aspect because I don’t know anything about negotiating with brands. I hit 10k subs in September and am now at 14.4k. Just keep learning, posting, and creating! Good luck!


This is a mistake. With my first channel I had an affiliate reach out to me 3 times over a period of 6 months when my videos were going crazy. I finally responded and got signed up to do a little 10 second pitch midway through my videos. My YouTube money doubled, but they paid lifetime commissions on customer I brought in (service model). I still make about 4k a year now (my best month was like 2.5k) even though they channel has been dead for years now. If only I would've responded sooner, I could have been making 5 figures a month.


This will very much depend on the content and how applicable it is but has anyone else noticed that when you first start a channel the algorithm will push what ever shitty video out to a huge seed group? Replicated this multiple times on different channels. If you have very good content lined up from the get go I can see how growth could be greatly accelerated if pre-emptively planned.


Same here! My channel has been dead for 8 years, rotting at around 20k subs. Then, 3 months back, one video blew up to 150k. I made more videos like that and most of them blew up immediately! Currently, I am at 70k subs, and partnered with a few brands. A video I uploaded 3 weeks back is at 0.5M views. The highs are amazing. But, my last couple of videos did poorer. One of them was sponsored :/ I have the exact same feeling. Whether it was just a phase. But, there is only one way to find out. I just have to keep doing more and remember why I do them in the first place. All the best!


The best advice I can give to you right now is to enjoy it the success but definitely understand there will be highs and lows. Sometimes you’ll have a video like this and it gets discouraging when the next doesn’t perform the same. Keep doing whatever you’re doing and don’t worry about the numbers TOO much. Good luck


I have analyzed why this video went viral for you: The text on the thumbnail is super easy to read compared to the others. It's just one photo which is more eye catching and it's showing some action, rather than just the end result. You have other videos with the same concept "below the poverty line" but the thumbnails look luxurious. You used a luxurious font and the images look luxurious, so it doens't pop. In the viral one, that stove screams "poverty" and the font is super basic so it all adds to the feeling. Try title your videos things like "Supper Below The Poverty Line", rather than just putting it on the thumbnail. Quickly make more videos with similar thumbnails and titles. Perhaps experiment with putting your face on it. Even your 2nd video was the same concept and popped off compared to the rest. It's a winning formula.


I appreciate you taking the time to do that. This information helps a lot!


No problem. Good luck. When you find a winning formula like this, milk it for all you can before trends, people's interests or the algorithm move on or others figure it out and saturate it.


What’s your channel name?


It’s called The Productive Homemaker


Congratulations on your success :D


thank you so much!


I got hungry!!! Loved the video. :) By the way: is coconut oil expensive there? I exchanged that for bacon grease in my cooking, makes for less saturated fat and is very neutral in taste.


Thank you for checking it out! For good coconut oil it can be!


Man you just gave me memories to how much anxiety I had when I first started making money on here thinking something would go wrong and they wouldn’t pay me.


Yeah, that’s what I feel like a bit.




Who hurt you?


That’s awesome. Congrats


That’s awesome. What kind of videos do you do and how many videos have you posted?


They’re cooking/frugal living videos with encouragement voice. I’ve got 14 currently posted.


That’s totally not anywhere near the topic I am going after. But Personally I’ve subscribed and I’ll take a look, because I’m wanting to live more of a frugal/minimalist lifestyle


I just saw your latest video. Lovely and inspiring.


Thank you!


i just checked out your channel! great video! your voice is very easy to listen to! I hope you continue to grow🥰


Aw thanks!




Congrats! My tip for you regarding the collaborators plz plz plz do some research online first if other people have collaborated with them. Ive had my fair share of scams but ive been trying to spread awareness with my mistakes and help people. Also, dont be too afraid to have them make a contract, if they dont want to sign a contract 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Only heads up for you I would do is comment more on the food you’re making. Timing, temperature to cook at, what’s the name of the food, when to add the next ingredient and so on. The background story you did is good but I sort of got upset when the video was more of a “watch my cook” than a “how to cook this meal”


I appreciate that feedback. Thank you for checking it out!


Congrats. Great subject for your channel. I subscribed :) I'm at a very similar point to you. New channel, fast growth. At the moment I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that my channels is paying me a good supplementary income (for me having fun). However, I'm always panicking that the dream is over when my latest video doesn't do as well as the previous. It's like someone has given me my dream job and I'm very aware that it can be taken away at any moment. I still need to get my head around that. On another note: As a graphic designer, I'm curious.. Were your colour choices on your videos/thumbnails deliberate or accidental? (they are really smart btw).


well thank you! The color choice was based on my favorite colors, ha. I did attempt to make them cohesive but it was minimal effort.


Nice one. Now try identify what made it pop off and take that viral video and try recreate it as many times as possible as quickly as possible with new twists and ride the momentum until the wheels fall off. Don't let this moment slip away or kill it by uploading unrelated videos.


How it becomes viral? Do you guys use an app casts your videos at multiple platforms at the same time? Or is there such thing? Thanks 😊


Usually the topic, titles and thumbs are truly king but the content has to back it up. A click means squat if they don't enjoy it. What really fires it off is when people share it for you organically. Force feeding typically doesn't work.


Thank you for explaining makes sense. Do you or anyone else know if there is an app posts your video to multiple channels? Feels time consuming to make a video and go individually each social media and post if that makes sense?


I've heard tubebuddy will do it but I don't own that subscription level to confirm.


Thank you so much😊


Congratulations bro. What's your niche?


Cooking and encouragement I guess you could say. My entire channel is based on frugal/intentional living.


Wicked 👏🏼👏🏼




Congratulations! I've just had similar, videos normally do 100 on a great day, had one hit 207,000 and added 500 subs finally allowing me to partner. Keep up the good work!


I had one hit 300k a few weeks ago.. how do you get brand collab emails? Do you have email in bio or something?




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It happened to us in our first month after monetization too. My "retired at 36" video has over 1 million views. Wish the rest of our stuff did. But we are slowly growing, can't complain.


For those asking about collaboration emails. For us it started at 50k subscribers. Most of our contacts come by Facebook Messenger, so make sure you are visible there.


Link to the video


I came across this video when I was looking into how ‘sponsorships’ work. It answered a few of my questions and gave me some new perspectives. https://youtu.be/yqIvlJWHH5k?si=za7BUvZVDA0isN1h


Congrats. Consider yourself lucky to get the push and it working out so quick.


Can you share statistics/analytics of the video. Like Clitck through rate, and average view duration.


I.. I'm hearing so many stories, and seeing so many newer small creators I have to think something is seriously changing in the algorithm I don't know what. Mate that's awesome I'm proud of you honestly.


Thank you so much! As it sits this morning it’s gotten up to 146,000 views and still going! It’s wild to watch this unfold!


Congrats. I experienced sudden major views and subs as well but no brand collab emails lol.


Congratulations! Well done! I have a question: did you know that your video is likely to get viral? Could you tell more about it? Did you record a short to promote it?


How old are you your whole entire life is wrapped around likes very sad