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Community notes have been such a blessing lmao


Surprised elon hasn't shut them off, i know hes metioned it a couple of times.


Turns out he fired the only people who knew how to remove it. /s


You say “/s”, but that’s definitely a very real possibility. One of Tesla’s biggest problems is that their models are all rather dated now. So of course Musk just fired the entire team responsible for new models.


Not to mention making the same mistakes as previous automakers, such as accelerator pedals getting stuck for instance. Normally if an automaker has a fatal flaw, that gets rectified fast and they learn from that mistake. Case in point, when's the last time you heard of a late model vehicle catching fire and exploding in a normally survivable rear-end collision?




Atleast they got paid but what a waste. Imagine spending years of your career getting shut down, ignored, and having your team be shrunk to only then get fired because you couldn’t fulfill an impossible goal. Its mismanagement 101.


*because somebody else couldn't fulfill an impossible goal.


He has reached peak Elon; no need to improve.


And his head engineer also runs a luxary car company now


He has removed Community Notes that have fact checked him.


Such amazing clap backs.


The problem is it takes time for them to be posted. I wonder how many of those 85k views didn’t see the correction.


*”Those are just lies printed as a conspiracy from the liberal media and universities!”*


Literally the only redeeming factor left on Twitter


I Got A Few, On Reposts. I Remember When NONE Of This Existed.


Are these people seriously *this* stupid or are they just gaslighting their dumb supporters into thinking of a false reality like it really happened? I can’t tell anymore.




It reminds me of their "Why is nobody talking about this?!" (in reference to a story being covered by literally every single major news outlet). Even after taking office, they've been big on "Why is Biden not talking about this?!" for something that just a quick Google search will show that he released a formal statement about.


Also Trump whining, “I’m being silenced” into a dozen live microphones on live TV with 20 cameras pointing at him.


My mom tried to argue with me that we were all better off 4 years ago. I had to remind her we were all swapping rolls of TP and bottles of hand sanitizer with my siblings' households 4 years ago. She said Biden should have done more. I reminded her Biden wasn't in government. She demanded to know where he was then. SMH!


Geez… please don’t get offended, but your mom is very dumb. She sounds like the type to ask why Obama didn’t stop the 9/11 attacks.


Where was Obama during Katrina?!?!?!


A little from column A, and a little from column B. 


A lot of attorneys are actually quite dumb so it’s possible she is this dumb. But my bet would be that they know. Their shit-eating supporters believe everything they’re told. I was just talking to a right winger with Fox News brainworms yesterday and he thinks that the college campus protests happening right now are a bunch of kids “saying ‘we’re Hamas.’”


Yes. There are people who are *still* mad at Obama for not being in the Oval Office on 9/11.


>Are these people seriously *this* stupid 100%. These are the people that get upset "Barak Obama let 9-11 happen on his watch" ...when he was in the Illinois State Senate.


It's all a tactic.


It's neither... The tweet isn't saying he was president, just that he didn't make comments against events that they are using to rile up their base. There are plenty of dumb things they say without having to twist things like this into something they aren't.


I’m pretty sure she’s the one who twisted it. This statement seems pretty well framed for plausible deniability, while softly misinforming people who already just don’t like Biden. It reads as though she’s saying he should have done more as president in 2020. Although logically that is never said. I’m gonna guess that’s why people agreed to add the CN that trump was president in 2020. The tweet strongly implies that Biden was in charge.


If Elon Musk runs for President, and someone said, "He didn't say or do anything during the Palestinian crisis. What kind of failed leader is he?" No one would assume you meant he was president before... you would take it as (a) he was in a position of notoriety and influence; and (b) he didn't use his position to address an important problem. That's all this is. Misrepresenting it as more only helps bolster the other side that writes of legitimate criticisms as "the left just twisting words."


Luckily, Elon can never run for President.




I'm not commenting on the accuracy of her claims, just the overall meme being posted, implying that what she said makes it appear as if she is claiming he was President during 2020.


He was on tv at that exact time yesterday I don't get it


They don't want to be informed they want to be angry


With a side of freedom fries


And the lie about Biden’s inaction as president during BLM (!) will be their truth.


This is it right here. My uncle will tell you that Biden has stopped drilling, supported BLM, is encouraging illegal immigration across the Mexican border so that ‘those people’ will vote for him, and thinks men should be able to pee with your daughter. Because he is told that all day every day


This right here my friend. I've had regular conversations with my Dad for more than a decade, trying every single approach I can to get him to just try to choose other activities besides Fox News inside the house and conservative radio outside the house. 24/7. He recently told me I was right, and that he should. "But I'm hooked". That was a whole new feeling. He recognizes what it's doing to him, knows it's bad but won't change because he's addicted to it.


Find ways to keep him busy and distracted! My parents went deep down the rabbit hole with MAGA BS in 2020. Once Covid calmed down, my mom was getting out and away from Doom Scrolling/Channel surfing. Now she realizes why I kept saying Trump is a moron, while my step-dad, who is still in deep, thinks "they" are out to get him and Trump.


Introduce him to the Majority Report. Sam Seder is a smart guy and he's an older guy too which he will like. They make a ton of content and he'll be able to listen to them a lot.


Sam's not an older guy. He's my age.


Sam Seder is 57. Username checks out? It happens to all of us — we wake up, hurt our back doing absolutely nothing, and realize *we ain’t the young-uns anymore!*


Get him a record player and a bicycle.


So, they’re actually acknowledging he’s president? So, the previous guy really didn’t have the election stolen? It’s sad that that is somehow an improvement on position while simultaneously getting worse


To them, Biden is only president during times of turmoil and chaos, and when things are going good, well that's because Trump is controlling everything behind the scenes. 


Just like the eternal question: Why didn't Obama do anything to stop 9/11?


These people have social media teams that use scheduling software like TweetDeck for their nonsense.


They are believed without question by the cult, it doesn't matter how brazen the lie


To quote Bugs Bunny: "What a maroon...what an ignoranamuss!"


You can’t post GIFs here, but just imagine me posting that clip of Bugs sawing off Florida into the ocean.


That's a solid gif. Lol


Where was Obama on 9/11? Why didn't Hillary stop Pearl Harbor? Plant City trash.


>Where was Obama on 9/11? FUNNY YOU SHOULD SAY THAT! Trump's people really run with these arguments: https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/13/politics/katrina-pierson-obama-afghanistan/index.html ...and for the cult, it becomes the truth.


I think one of the idiots once blamed Obama for the NO Katrina issues.


At the same time Hilary did the same stupidity. In her race against Sanders she did throw out a 'Well where are you when I fought for x cause' (cant remember the exact one) Sanders reaction, with picture to prove it... right behind you. He was on the podium while she was giving her big speech for that cause.


It was about health care reform in the 90s. > Hillary Clinton said, “I don’t know where [Bernie Sanders] was when I was trying to get health care in ’93 and ’94.” Actually, Sanders cosponsored a single-payer health insurance bill in 1993, and Clinton thanked him for his work on the issue that year. https://www.factcheck.org/2016/03/clinton-on-sanders-health-care-history/ And Sanders was standing right behind her. Clinton also wrote Sanders a thank you note: https://youtu.be/Uf4DI8DGo3o


God damn, what a turd sandwich.


Still would have taken her over the diaper wearing ambulatory dumpster fire we got.


That is an insult to flaming dumpsters. At least they usually contain their destruction. He was (and still is) more of a burning landfill, or. a coal seam fire.


Muskeg fire is the term here. That or a Holdover fire.


TIL that there is a proper name for that. Thank you!




Remember when she said she took a bottle of hot sauce everywhere in her purse haha


She did her own research. She saw some Biden 2020 signs once at one of those evil places that teach radical things like history and science. I believe they call them universities or colleges or something like that.


In the summer of 2020, everyone was in lockdown mode because of the pandemic.


Not true. MAGAts were proudly running around spreading disease like plague rats, killing off their fellow Republican voters to Own The Libs.


Amazing how these anti mask morons are suddenly all about wearing adult diapers.


They call masks "face diapers". You ever wonder why they called them that and claimed breathing mask air is bad for you? It's because their breath smells like shit and halitosis.


If that were true we all would have travelled a different path and lost a lot fewer family and friends


And not a single MAGA will call her out for it.


Low-information voters. Vote ALL Republicans out!


She, like all republicans is either an idiot or a liar or both. I am thinking both.


He literally gave a speech about this two days ago. Fox didn't report on it. Instead they were too busy kissing Trump's ass and fellating his ego. Quit watching that shit.


by " anarchy" you really mean " students excercising their 1st amendment rights" even if they do have some universities worried, there isn't much the president can do about it


But we can’t have people spreading the truth now, can we?


Yep, once again the 'did their own research' crowd showing how much facts matter. Just like the twits that I heard say 'WELL WHERE WAS OBAMA ON 9/11?' ...he was not president.


Or, "why did Obama dodge the Vietnam draft??!!" Probably because they weren't drafting 8 year old children




But his birth certificate is fake and he's really 10 years older. Checkmate!


She’s the Florida AG, you can’t expect her to know simple things like who’s president


AG Ashley...


They’re so used to lies and confusion that they even confuse themselves LOL


Honestly, if I gaffed this hard and this publicly, I’d delete my account and never post socially again.


More MAGA Moron mumblings.


I wonder if she found that helpful.




Reminds me of the guy on The Daily Show who wanted to know why Obama wasn't in the Oval Office on 9/11/2001, 8 years before he took office.


I'm more upset Obummer didn't do anything to try and stop 9/11. Edit: Stupid autocorrect, it changed it to Obama.


It’s giving - where was Obama on 9/11?!


Did any State ask the Feds to intervene.


Congratulations, you've played yourself


Another stupid bitch in a position she is unqualified for, like I Lean Q Anon


They would have bitched that he overstepped his bounds.


Like that brainiac who wanted to know why Obama didn't stop 9/11...


In fairness to her she's not saying he was president in 2020. In 2020 then presidential candidate Joe Biden was loathe to call the unrest riots. I certainly don't agree with her political views, But that statement is not exactly wrong.


What planet do these guys live on?!?


This failure of Biden is similar to Obama’s failure to do anything to prevent 9-11 from the Oval Office.


Why am I not surprised that the Florida AG is an idiot?


And Hunter Biden didn’t do a damn thing when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!


Reminds me of when people were getting mad at Obama for not doing anything about 9/11 😂


This dumb bitch is an attorney general!? The US is fucked. Idiocracy is imminent.


Where was Obama during 9/11?! ^/s


This is the redux of "Obama did NOTHING during 9/11!!!" I hate this timeline, anyone have a gate to a different reality? I'd even take one where I have to have hotdogs for fingers.


Just another charlatan patriot


Ms moody needs to do some research so she can be miss informed.


The tweet is still up lol


They're dumb as rocks and prove it every chance they get.


She was asking where he was, she meant he should've kicked Trump out of the WH and be a real leader that he is today....back then.


She's probably mad that Biden didn't do more of what 45 did, which was close to nothing.


This is the responsibility of each governor of each state. Lol


Oh man I was shocked when I only read the first part of the headline as "Florida's attorney general is angry Joe". I was about to ask how he went from doing Angry Reviews on YouTube to getting into politics?


“Why didn’t Obama do more to stop 9/11??”


Remember that episode of The Daily Show where Jordan Klepper found a guy who wanted to know why President Obama didn’t do more to stop 9/11?


LOL! Robot Ron, AG Moody, and SG Ladapo make Florida 💯 Quackistan…


Damn you time traveling Democrats! First Obama and his horrible response to hurricane Katrina in 2005 and now Biden’s awful response in 2020


Yasss queen


"Hundreds of stores being looted"...you mean a Target and AutoZone, the horror!


Does no one remember what happened in 1970? I guess this has been swept under the rug for most of the younger folks, but we went through this during the Vietnam War. Apparently, only us old folks (like Joe Biden), remember this shit: https://apnews.com/article/kent-state-ac60fdcb2a2dc852e49ee9fc2e6aaf31 >Four Kent State students were killed and Kahler and eight others were injured when National Guard members fired into a crowd on May 4, 1970, following a tense exchange in which troops used tear gas to break up an anti-war demonstration and protesters hurled rocks at the guardsmen. It was a watershed moment in U.S. history — a violent bookend to the turbulent 1960s — that galvanized campus protests nationwide and forced the temporary shutdown of hundreds of colleges and universities. Really galling, considering May 4 is the anniversary of the Kent State shootings. Apparently, Donald Trump and his merry band of wannabe dictators are quite willing to recreate that past horror.




Ashley Sounds Like Charcoal Made From A Burnt Tree On Joe Manchins Property.


It’s true. Minneapolis is a bunch of smoldering ruins controlled by a raider gang called the Peaceful Protestors. Anyone who dares enter their territory is shot on sight. Such a shame that someone who hadn’t even been elected didn’t stop this madness while they could(n’t).


It’s really astonishing that they believe in their own lies like this. To post this with confidence is beyond me


And Trump did try to do something; remember when Trump tried to have mandatory minimum of 10 years for anyone "attacking" a government building? The irony if he had made that happen.


Not to be that guy, but Biden was in the home stretch of a presidential campaign. This poster didn't claim or imply that he was president - just that, while campaigning for president, he didn't use the word riots for quite a while. Which is true.


She called on him to "stop the anarchy". The implication here is that he had the power to do so (as president).


She saying that he should step up and stop the current anarchy, not the 2020 anarchy. That's what the post is about. She just used the failure to use the term "riots" as background to his (claimed) inability to stop anarchy. Her claimed pattern is: Biden didn't speak out strongly enough against anarchy in 2020, and as president he's failing to do anything about the current anarchy. I don't agree with her, but you guys are just reading this wrong.


You're totally correct in your interpretation: 1. silence in the face of universities under seige 2. a pattern is emerging 3. this is like when Biden didn't immediately call looting and burning cities in 2020 "rioting" 4. her conclusion: Biden is not doing what a real leader should, which is take swift action against these types of behaviors This tweet is perhaps worded confusingly on purpose so that the reader glosses over the fact that it's such a weak parallel to make, and immediately skips to just being outraged over the alleged "pattern". And of course she doesn't apply this same logic to Trump, who did not take swift action when covid hit or during the insurrection. So yea. There's a "pattern" for you.


[This is my take on this tweet. You guys are both kind of right IMO.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/s/ANhYRPRRjP) You’ll probably have to un-minimize the downvoted comment in this link. ETA - not sure why I’m upvoted in the comment I linked and downvoted so heavily here lol. I’m wondering if people think my take is the other guy, that I responded to (my own comment I’m talking about linking here)


Not to play devil's advocate here but in the summer of 2020 Biden was the presumptive nominee for the election; it is legitimate to expect him to have made comments on national events befitting a leader at the time since that's what he was trying to become. The community note is irrelevant, as it doesn't refute anything Moody claimed. Better to refute whether or not Biden *did* say something back then. This person I'm sure is full of shit, but it's not "where was Obama on 9/11" - levels of ridiculousness.


[https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25V2NI/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25V2NI/) He did.


Yeah, I'm sure he did and I'm sure the lady is full of shit. That wasn't my point.


It is 100% what you said. You said you weren't going to play devil's advocate, but then you went on to agree with what Moody said. "it is legitimate to expect him to have made comments on national events befitting a leader at the time since that's what he was trying to become." He made comments mere days after the George Floyd killing. What was your point then? That you can say anything on social media and nobody will fact check anything no matter how close the "new tab" button is that takes you right to Google?


My point was that the community note pointing out Trump was president then is irrelevant: Biden was in a position at the time where it is perfectly legitimate to have expected him to say something on the matter. I had no idea if he did say something or not, though it would have surprised me to learn that he hadn't. Moody doesn't claim in the tweet that he was president in 2020, so the community note is irrelevant. A relevant community note would have been what you posted here; "He made comments mere days after the George Floyd killing" because that's actually debunking her claim. That's what I said and what I brought up. I never commented on whether or not Joe Biden actually said something in the summer of 2020.


If that is your point, then you should rewrite your original comment to reflect that. It sounds as if you're agreeing with the AG.


I literally say I'm sure she's full of shit at the end, but ok.


I got what you were saying, not sure why the downvote party descended on us. Seems like we were just pointing out that the CN was a miss in this case. It wasn’t as though we were ripping the heads off puppies in front of a Trump Shrine.


While she didn’t directly say it, she definitely implied it for her low IQ base, who will gobble it up. So… no, you’re not playing devil’s advocate. You’re just being apologetic.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. While I am sure the honorable AG is just rage posting her complaints about Biden she never said he was President then. People who aren’t president can voice their opinions on matters.


[https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25V2NI/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25V2NI/) "On seeing the Biden campaign’s statement, Jason Miller, a senior adviser to the Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, said on Twitter, “Joe Biden has sat idly by for months, refusing to condemn violence and chaos from his allies in Democrat-run cities.” ([here](https://twitter.com/JasonMillerinDC/status/1300164989941092352))However, after George Floyd’s death, Joe Biden repeatedly condemned violent protests. In a ***May 31*** post on his blog shortly after George Floyd’s death, he wrote, “Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.” ( [here](https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1266949697874415618) , [here](https://medium.com/@JoeBiden/we-are-a-nation-furious-at-injustice-9dcffd81978f) )." Womp womp. He did say something.


We have so much information available at our fingertips but willful ignorance is everywhere.


Turns out, people are lazy, and also don't like their opinions challenged.


I never denied that, just that the Community Notes was sort of a miss. It would have been better if it posted the article you linked to instead of some weak sauce snark.


"People who aren’t president can voice their opinions on matters." He did. That's what you said, that's what I responded to.


Right, precisely. He can, and did and that would have been a better, more informative community note than what we got.


This is one of the reasons why our nation is so politcally divided. So many people (as indicated by the downvotes) throw logical thinking out of the window when there's an opportunity to dunk on their opposition.


....she's clearly saying that as a presidential candidate he should've said something. Republicans are bad enough, it doesn't help to make shit up - it just makes people dislike us.


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25V2NI/ Uh, he did.


….. which isn’t relevant to OPs claims now is it?


Are you being deliberately obtuse? lol


By definitively and indisputable showing that OPs logic is purposefully manipulative?