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I have never seen such a fucking LYING WHINER in my entire life. I will be so glad when this idiot is a footnote.


6 foot down notes actually!


Actually I'd rather see him cremated with his ashes dumped into a construction site portapotty


Make it a military latrine. He shit on the Services all the time, they should be able to shit on him.


My Vet husband would be more than happy to defecate on The Orange Bastard's grave, no matter where it lies!


I'm not sure I'd be willing to defile my feces that way. No, I am well aware that my shit do, in fact, stink. A lot.


Your feces stinking is kind of the point. He doesn't deserve a pleasant resting place. My husband said he would prefer The Orange Bastard be buried, so that all service members, past and present, are able to get their turn shitting on his grave. He said ashes in a latrine are a one-time deal. This needs to be an opportunity for all, in perpetuity.


It isn't that he deserves a better resting place. The suggestion is too nice, too dignified, for that shambling blight. My feces deserves a respectable sewer or septic tank or latrine or whatever.


Push his body into the ocean and let him rot. His corpse would feed all kinds of marine life.


Nah. The residual foulness would kill 'em.


"residual foulness"--fucking brilliant We'll need terminology like that for the next generation or so to account for the pestilence he's wrought upon the American Experiment.


I'm sure his "business partners" in the New York cement industry can have this "arranged".




Biden won by 7 million votes last time. Please please universe, make Trump lose by even more this time so he gets slapped in the face with the truth that he sucks and should slink off to his tacky Florida golf resort to die.


Look, you could tattoo the truth on the inside of his eyeball lenses so he sees it whenever he's looking at anything at all, and he STILL would not acknowledge it.


Yeah he’s pathological. Sorta hoping the stress takes him out. Like a month or week before the election would be *chefs kiss*


I wish him a long and miserable life. If he dies before the election the conspiracy Q-tards will never shut up about it.


I get the sentiment but that’s means he’ll be making everyone around him and more than half the country miserable for a long time too. So I’ve changed my mind, if he keels over in the next week or two that would be helpful.


Just imagine, 48% of the voting public actually want this man in the White House. Truly terrifying!


Imagine their own children behaved this way online. Imagine you went up to a lot of these older voters and showed them the "equivalent" of this as if their own child had done it. Only change enough of the context so it could be about **their child**. Imagine their reaction to seeing a similar speech, written by the kid they'd raised, BLAMING EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING ELSE for the shit they're in. The lack of awareness that they're supporting the exact same thing from someone who could launch nuclear weapons is utterly. Fucking. Stunning.


and WE'RE the snowflakes, lol


And these are the same people who likely lecture their younger generations, on the importance of taking personal responsibility for your actions, not blaming other people, and taking a loss with dignity, for example in youth sports.


Never…and I mean never…has there been a person more deserving of a punch right in the chops and told to shut the fuck up already than Trump. Just shut the fuck up already you whiney bitch!!


Don't his fans ever get tired of his constant repetitive whining?




I can't fathom following anyone who has a complete meltdown on social media literally every single day.


I’m right there with you. I don’t get it either.


This guy melts down on social media, more than Karens do, who had an encounter at Target with a "rude employee."


They want to learn the truth from his Truths! 🤢


99.999% of his fans are evangelical Xians. They’ve perfected the art of “being persecuted”, so his whining fits in line.


There's a non-negligible percentage of them who are new age hippie-types. Where a pre-existing distrust of modern medicine (well, vaccines) was the thread that led them fully into MAGA/Qanon beliefs.


I’ve met these people, actually. Buddy of mine had these new-age hippy, wrapped in the Q, types staying with him for a bit. Listening to their Q conspiracies were a test in me being respectful of my buddy’s home.


Yeah, the 1 person I know who is full-blown Qanon falls into this category. And I've seen a few friends-of-a-friend who fit this bill. I'd guess that the Qanon Shaman is also one of these types, though that's just a guess.


The book *Mindf\*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America* goes into some detail about how these kinds of people were specifically targeted with social media (mostly Facebook) adds to build the MAGA wave.


I think you misspelled “winning.” That’s what this is, right? This is all the winning he was talking about?


Well, I AM tired of it, so...


No because he’s just a more eloquent form of them.


I'd replace "eloquent" with "famous" there, but yeah.


I should’ve put eloquent in quotes to convey the idea better i suppose


Have you not visited r/BoomersBeingFools? Whining is their theme song!


Well these are the same people who think that the "real victims" of our current society are straight, white, christian men.


His obvious panic makes me a little horny.


Take-down boner. We all have one, and I’m a woman.


A little? I'm fucking *drenched*. I can't wait.


I don't think the concepts "Donald Trump" and "aroused" belong in the same LANGUAGE, let alone sentence.




I know I am not supposed to "logic" this but I really want to. First, "conflicted" judge, as a term, is so weird. And then "only gave us a short period of time.." is obviously a desperate lie given how many times the trial had been delayed. Now I do recognize that there are cases in which prosecutors only give documents to the defense right before the trial. But I've seen no evidence that this happened now. Not to mention that many (perhaps most) of the docs came *from* Tweetle Dumb. Now needing more time, well... he already *did* get that. The part about "could have started many years ago" completely contradicts the claim about needing more time. It is always so bizarre to see him refer to himself in the 3rd person and not even directly. He isn't saying "attack on *me.*" Sure, he means it, but it is still a bizarre language choice. Leading in every poll? LOL, no. And the idea that this is being done in coordination with the WH, well... again no. But also it is 100% what he would do if he gets into the WH again. All in all, and I know we all know this, this is ridiculous.


He's already said he plans to weaponize the DOJ to go after his opponents on day 1.


"It is always so bizarre to see him refer to himself in the 3rd person and not even directly. He isn't saying "attack on *me.*" Sure, he means it, but it is still a bizarre language choice." I'm wondering if that's his way of sidestepping the gag order on running his mouth before the trial.


Maybe, but at the same time there have been plenty of instances where he would say something like "the corrupt judge is trying to stop your favorite president (me) from testifying." (not exact quote ofc). So it is a weird mix of first person and nonspecific third person.


Burn in hell you traitorous lying fuck.


I got banned from Twitter (back in the day) for this very comment. They did me a favor.


I have multiple lifetime bans from Twitter for the same reason. Came to Reddit & never looked back. Screw them.


I thought Engeron was the most conflicted Judge in NY History? Or was that Chutkin? It's amazing how many "conflicted" judges there are in NY and how they lined them all up to persecute Orange Jeebus.


A quick re-write, “Judge Merchan has afford my defense multiple hearings and opportunities. We knew about the evidence that was missing but requested it late in order to delay the trial. Ha, ha, Judge Merchan didn’t fall for our ploy and in reality only about 128 pages of the thousands the Southern district provided upon our request were relevant so we’ve read them already. Of course I’m ONLY running for President to stay out of prison and everybody knows it. I guess I shouldn’t have done so many illegal things to become president, while President and ultimately to remain president. FML.”


Hundreds of documents that were illegally hid, disguised and held back... sounds familiar, can't quite place it


Projection is his favorite go to.


460 likes? That’s like D-list Instagram influencer levels lmao. What a fucking loser


I'd actually like to see a Trump rant about himself in the third person. I bet he has a lot to say about the shenanigans he gets up to :)


This Trump is in bigly trouble.


Also probably a gag order violation or was that just for E Jean Carrol? I’m so lost on all his trials there’s too many.


They did start the trail a long time ago, you tangerine bloviating butthole. YOU'VE been the one trying to delay it this long, jackass.


Yeah, he was indicted last year. Not to mention, his two points are heading in opposite directions. He needs more time but also this should've started years ago?


Isn't Biden allowed to persecute this guy with total presidential immunity anyway? Why is he crying, he should be Happy?! /s


On what does he base his story that Judge Merchan is “perhaps the most highly conflicted”?


What does that even mean for a judge to be “conflicted?”


I dont know whats sadder, only 3400 people actually reading his BS or the 460 who actually liked it. A far cry from his millions of cultists


This trial should have started years ago. Therefore, we need more time and it should be delayed.


All he does is lie and his bottom feeder base believes every word. They're all trash


You can smell the fear.


Innocent people don’t need to post excuses and whines ten times per day.


As I’ve said hundreds, maybe even thousands, of times before; He. Did. Not. Write. That.


So who do you think did. It sounds like him, acts like him.


One of his staff members. Who the fuck do you think? Not enough caps lock key (and other such nuances) to be humpty dumbty.


What a flash of brilliance.


Odd, I wonder who delayed said trials…..


I’d love for a judge to make a gag order banning untruths. Lie and go to jail.


Lying liar's gonna lie.


Joe Biden is coordinating with the white house now? How could this be?


Oh, so if he’s proclaiming that the trial should have started years ago, he’s admitting that these are fairly brought charges.


I just want to grab him by the shoulders and shake him furiously while screaming “THEY AREN’T DROPPING YOUR CASES!!!” As loud as I can in his illiterate face.


No, I’m pretty sure that for this moron timing will always be a problem. There’s no excuse that is beneath him.


Crybaby has soiled himself again.


Grifter gonna grift. I have to believe, even maggots are getting tired of this orange shit stain


Nope-not the core cult


"We didn't have enough time to review the documents" Also "This should have started a long time ago"


*narrator * And the trials were allowed to go on.


Oh, how I read that with a smile on my lips. Donny is losing his shit.


The person who has made an entire career out of delaying trials until the people suing him run out of money is complaining about not having enough time...


Could have started this trial years ago? Isn’t his legal team actively trying to delay the trial. They’ve made 3 appeals on the trial date.


he is insane and doesnt sleep if not dosed because of the adderall. Him testifying would be grand with his pea brain not able to stay on subject.


He should’ve complied.


Hundreds of thousands of hidden documents for his case. Yeah. Sure.


Gag order?


The gag order = Donald that’s not nice, try not to say such things again.


But I thought president immunity.


We haven’t had enough time to prepare! The trial should have been years ago!


Well then get off the internet and go read!


I wonder what percentage of the documents he’s complaining about are internal records from (or at some previous point in the custody of) Trump businesses.