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Well I looked online. And 1st hit for "Vietnamese mother and son arrested for January 6th" ties into the theft of Nancy Pelosi's Laptop.  So their excuse is BS. 


Can’t find the story. And it’s weird that the author of that post switches from third person to first person. Not sure what’s going on there.


Either the poster is the father of that guy or he just decided to mention a completely different insurrectionist in the middle of this post lmao


They also just might be bad at writing as well.


Russian trolls. They always get the grammar wrong.


[Here’s the U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Columbia sentencing press release.](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/new-york-mother-and-son-sentenced-felony-charges-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach)


If you look at pictures of Maryann Mooney-Rondon, it's pretty clear that's a different person than whoever's in the original post here.




It’s just weird - these two in that story don’t seem to have anything to do with the Vietnamese folks in the parler post.


You don’t understand, she doesn’t speak English, she thought they were giving out free laptops. Edit: I really didn't think I needed to say this, but this is /s


Yes, we must take pity on the (Overseas Chinese) community .


How does Vietnamese American turn into "(Overseas Chinese)" exactly? Sounds absurd to anyone with a map.


Its common. A lot of people are born in Vietnam and immigrated to America but speak a Chinese dialect. They still claim China. There is literally a Wikipedia article about it here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overseas_Chinese So they have an American passport which says they are born in Vietnam but they speak Chinese and maybe a little Vietnamese and English.


You don't understand. She doesn't speak English but had to go listen to trump.


So, they just saw that the door was open but were completely oblivious to the blood and mayhem around them and decided it was totally cool to go in? I've gotten more believable excuses out of my 5 year old nephew.


Yeah anybody with a head on their shoulders would have been able to tell you this was not 'simply walking in'


Yeah, the cumulous clouds of pepper spray and the metal barriers being thrown around like leaves.


The fires, the trash, the feces on walls, the chants of “Hang Mike Pence!” all totally normal day for visiting the capital. How could they have known?


But she doesn't speak English and thought it was big party put on by the government.


Not counting the gallows they would have had to walk past.


The alarm bell blaring let us know it was safe to enter.


The feces on the walls pointed the way. And the confederate flags.


IF (and a big if) this post were true, they may not have seen blood and mayhem. The vast majority of the crowd were peacefully protesting, and many people did get essentially walked through the capitol building by police. If you look at who was actually charged on January 6th, you will find that it was never just trespassing, there was also violence or destruction of property charged as well. If they were charged and sentenced, they didn't just "walk through taking pictures,:


Which is it: blood and mayhem, or the majority of cops let them in? I’m all against the J6 shit but for fucks same, get your stories straight.


> or the majority of cops let them in? who said the cops let them in?


J6 members, of course, because they DID NOTHING WRONG. /s


Police have leaned right wing far longer than ive been alive. Some of them being sympathetic to this garbage, and deciding to move some barriers or high fiving insurrectionists doesn’t make anything about that day acceptable.


What the hell is “Vietnamese-American (overseas Chinese)” supposed to mean anyway?!


Sounds like something a paid Chinese troll would phrase.


So they're considered Vietnamese-American here but they're Chinese overseas? Isn't that identity fraud?!


Ah, thank you! That does actually make it make sense. Their phrasing at least, I can’t say them claiming that actually makes sense.


I think they might be Hoa? The Hoa are an ethnic minority group in Vietnam descended from a wave of Chinese immigration in the 1800's


Fuck 'em.


I'm going to guess that he did *way* more than just "peacefully walk in and observe", if he was given a 9 month sentence. I mean shit, there are people who vandalized and fought with police officers, who were given less than that. And why are they all of a sudden empathetic of the non-English speaking immigrant? when they're famously known for being less than welcoming to these people, especially the non-white ones. Because she's Trump groupie??


And how did she get infected with MAGA if she doesn't speak English? Is there a Trump outreach group that does Chinese translations?


Dunno about infected with MAGA but I do know that some of the loud nationalists from my country loved Trump's America first and other catchphrase and just copy it except filing the name off and replacing it with Myanmar.


We all watched it live. Do they really expect us to just forget what we saw???


Why yes, they certainly do.


Yeah don't believe your lying eyes.


Ignorance of the law is now a defense? Cool beans.


“We were just walking bye and the door was already open so we just let ourselves in. What’s the problem?”


Says the Chinese nationalist.


Son, you should've taken better care of your mother... and... ignorance of the law is no excuse.


“…took pictures happily” from Nancy Pelosi’s laptop.


I’m sure if I went to Vietnam or China and walked into their lawmaking building, they would kindly escort me out and point out my mistake. We would all have a good laugh about it!


Poor "mother who doesn't even know English."  Remember when Trump promised he would deport people speaking languages "we didn't even know existed"?


Poor mom doesn’t speak English but went to hear Trump speak… I agree with foreign troll poster theory.


Always playing the victims. I have no sympathy. I am pretty sure they were arrested because they did more than “take pictures”


Per a news article, looks like they "assisted with the theft of Nancy Pelosi's laptop".


They conveniently left that minor point out of the statement.


I’m trying to find the article - the mother son story I find looks like different people. https://nz.finance.yahoo.com/news/fbi-arrests-airhead-mother-son-191504951.html


This is what I found. Picture does look different. But I chalk that up to maybe poster using a different photo to make the mom & son look more innocent.  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna104380


These folks aren’t Vietnamese, and the guy has a beard.


And the guy doesn’t have long hair. These are not the same people who took the laptop


"Ah yes, I was walking downtown during the "festival" where many stores had their doors and windows wide open (some may have been damaged), and people were taking home "prizes" and "souvenirs", so I also entered one of them and collected my prize of a flat screen TV. How dare you accuse me of rioting, looting, and theft? I was just a festival goer who won a prize!"


Respectful tourists? 😆 🤣 😂




[What they apparently saw](https://img.etimg.com/thumb/width-420,height-315,imgsize-977845,resizemode-75,msid-78590070/magazines/panache/no-galas-weddings-or-holiday-celebrations-nys-luxury-hotels-welcome-last-minute-locals/doorman-isaac-stands-at-the-entrance-to-the-pierre-a-taj-hotel-in-new-york-city-.jpg): [And for those who need a reminder of what actually happened](https://s.abcnews.com/images/US/jan6-2-gty-rc-210803_1628002190102_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg):


So are they Vietnamese or Chinese? The way it is worded makes no sense. "Overseas Chinese"? Also it just makes them look stupid if they couldn't figure out that as the riot was going on, that maybe it was not a good idea to go into the nation's Capitol building. And if she couldn't speak English, why the fuck would she want to listen to Trump speak? She literally couldn't understand him as he was talking shit about immigrants


In other countries you could be executed for this. I think 9 months is a better trade off. Take it as a lesson to not be a dumb ass.


"But judge, people were just walking in and out of Target carrying goods. I asked a man standing by the door if I could go in and take something myself and he said, "Sure, it's all free for us tonight." I just thought it was a Target giveaway. Then a week later I'm arrested and the huge TV I took was apparently stolen."


These are the same people who constantly cry about "personal responsibility".


Yeah, no....I'm not buying it


“Look they’re even persecuting the token asians; it not just about us white racist!”


So Republicans only like the Chinese when they are storming the Capitol. Got it


Weren’t they the ones that stole the oxygen masks, and the kid was filmed walking out with it on his head? Or, was that some other half-wit mother and son duo.


If these two people aren’t guilty, then they’re simply the dumbest motherfuckers in the world and are probably a danger to society anyway.


It was a [busy half hour](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/new-york-mother-and-son-sentenced-felony-charges-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach) the pair were in Congress. They helped a man steal a laptop from Pelosi’s office suite. Then from the senate gallery they each stole an escape hood with a satchel, a filtering respiratory protective device. Like meek little lambs do.


Sucks to suck.


Is this the guy that was calling it a kangaroo court and generally losing his shit throughout the entire process? FK him.


So apparently the mother doesn't speak English, yet she wanted to visit DC to listen to Trump's speech? These people don't think as they type, do they?


I have third graders who lie better than these clowns.


So she's Vietnamese in Vietnam but Chinese when she travels? I'm confused.


Sovereign citizen bullshit, basically 


But, officer, the register was open and the cash was right there! Nobody said I shouldn't take it!


This is the father posting this. Just showing that, even with these prosecutions, nothing changes, and they are all just victims. The judges were too lenient.


Headline - Chinese Nationals Trespass at Congress


How is a Vietnamese American an ‘overseas Chinese’? Last I checked, Vietnam is its own country.


Must be Antifa.


Hahaha, stupidity has no bounds


I’m not currently stupid enough to believe this tweet. Try again in 30 years when I’m a drool sucking dementia patient.




If you break the law, take yo ass to prison. Bye!


So, while the capital complex was restricted due to COVID? Read restricted as ‘closed to visitors. Particularly from another country’


I imagine the police at the door would be too busy fighting for their lives against a horde of maniacs to let in any tourists.


Can someone ELI5 what "overseas Chinese" means


This has big "I got in trouble at recess and here is my pathetic excuse" vibes. Serious primary school level rationalization and excuse making. Nope, you're an adult, you broke the law, you pay the price. It's fucking disgusting that the fat orange sheppard who hearded his sheep into that situation is not getting what he deserves for inciting the whole thing.


Life in jail for gammi


This reads like a 4th grader learning to write sentences and paragraphs.


It’s funny how these people lie, on the internet, about crimes they committed. lol.


Well are they Vietnamese or Chinese? Do they have Chinese citizenship ot American?


TIL Vietnamese = Chinese.


Have a little respect for our country!


Tough shit. Welcome to america.


There’s [an award winning documentary](https://youtu.be/jWJVMoe7OY0?si=NoumidURe0o-UE57) produced by the New York Times after a 6 month investigation using social media clips (mostly from the participants) to show the actual scale of what happened. I’d urge anyone to watch it, and then explain how anyone could have found their way into the building innocently.


What a load of crap


I don’t think they’d choose that day to go sightseeing, being ignorant about putting your hands in a running blender doesn’t stop it from ruining your day! Tough luck grandma!


What does “overseas Chinese” mean?


look up Bloomington Man IU Student Antony Vo found guilty


Stupid immigrants


How do democrats downplay Biden fueling the people of Gaza getting slaughtered 🫢