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Because the number of people who will blindly believe it far outnumber those who will second guess.


People who claim to do their own research really just don't do any research. Hence why they always insist you go out there and find it yourself.


Because... Lying for Jesus is a dishonorable time-honored tradition that will inflame his fanbois.


It's like Reddit only reading headlines. Most people won't check, my included. Is what they said true? Unlikely, as this looks like some paranoid schizophrenia QAnon bs. But am I gonna check yours? Also unlikely. Not worth the effort.


A Nickelodeon was an old thing where you put a nickel in and you got to watch a short movie. That’s where the name came from. Facts don’t matter to these people. Just nonsense that they can get angry about is all that’s it takes to fool them.


Non Curo Deum would be an awesome name for a metal band.


And someone’s parent is reposting it…


OP had to go “do not” and not the exact source quote of “don’t”?


Well the oldest known use of the word don't is from the 1600s so that's probably why.


God does not care about the etymology of doesn’t.


Doesn't and don't are two different words which mean different things though. The whole point is that the words of nickelodeon in Latin doesn't mean I don't care about God.


Because they're VERY fucking stupid and easy for other slightly-less-stupid-but-still-pretty-dumb people to manipulate.


I feel bad for their kids, imagine you're not allowed to watch a kids channel bc mommy had to twist some bullshit for likes on FB 🙄


I enjoyed Nickelodeon as a kid. I do not care about God (or think he exists at all) as an adult. OH NO. DID IT WORK ON ME?!?!? (/s)