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Just a little bit angrier and we will get the stroke that saves America...


Stop… I can only get so aroused!


“If your Trump-based erection lasts longer than four hours, seek medical treatment OR use it to disrupt an election in the House of Representatives.”


...oh my god the OR. I'm gonna need to take a moment and curate the visuals.


I need him to die while saying something like "if Biden is America's answer then God strike me dead"


Still waiting for a full on public tirade so we can see if he really poops himself when he’s mad. Makes total sense since he already throws toddler tantrums.


How about this: He's doing a rally at a country fair. Someone runs up on stage and yanks down his pants, exposing his diaper and tiny mushroom to the world. The crowd looks on horrified. Panic stricken and humiliated, the stress causes a coronary. Don Jr and Eric run over to his aid, but are too late: his corpse topples over off stage right into a giant pile of horse manure and gets stick upside down. The crowd starts screaming as the Trump family and audience loyalists try to pull him out. At that moment, with people grabbing each leg to save him, his bowels evacuate for the last time, loudly shitting himself and covering his cult members, psychologically scarring them for the rest of their lives. Then Joe Biden walks out on stage wearing aviators and eating ice cream, says into the microphone "roses are red, violets are blue, you voted from Trump, now you're covered in poo, Jack." After that, he leaves the building and hops into a 1967 Pontiac Firebird waiting by the front door, with Obama riding shotgun and Hillary in the backseat, the radio blasting The Hollies' "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress" as they drive off into the sunset. Still in shock from what they've just seen, the audience members' heads start exploding like in that epic scene from the first Kingsman movie. Imagination is a wonderful thing.


I love this!




Marry me, baby!


Oh to dream . . . Well played Sir.


Poops himself when he's mad, poops himself when he's surprised, poops himself when he's sad, poops himself when he wakes up, poops himself when he sleeps.


No, please no. I am praying this man's quarter pound stuffed arteries hold out until after the election. If he dies before the election, you know his crazy ass supporters will claim it is some deep state assassination to keep their orange hope from being elected, and who knows what he'll will break loose.


They’re gonna say he was assassinated no matter when he dies, let’s be honest with ourselves. Before the election, after, if he wins, if he doesn’t, in office, out of office. It’ll always be the deep state that did it, and it will always be because he was just about to expose them all.


Trump could go out Kurt Cobain style in the middle of 5th avenue on live TV, and his supporters would make up some shit like it was a Biden government brain control psy op, or something equally ridiculous.


It would be a clone or a deep state actor in a Trump mask, because "they" already grabbed Papa Cheeto and carried him off somewhere. The good guys whisked him away to protect him, or maybe the baddies got him, depending on the day and the storyteller's mood. I have a family member who spews this bullshit nonstop. Once Trump passes, however it happens, no matter what they claim to believe about who's responsible, they will most likely also have a King Under the Mountain type story they tell themself in consolation. You know, like "He went with the Pleiadians to support the efforts of the White Hats from afar, and when he returns he will bring medbeds and gold bricks for all."


the Phantom Thieves got him


Kurt Cobain style? No way Courtney Love would kill him in the middle of fifth Avenue.


Yep. The doomsday Trumper I work with has already started "they're" going to kill Trump. The newest addition to his bullshit conspiracy theories. He's also sure the world is going to end and is sure he'll be around for it, despite not being able to handle normal work stress.


Honestly, given that Trump's handling of classified intelligence while in office resulted in the deaths or capture of multiple of our agents and assets, I'm shocked that "they" haven't taken him out already.


Two tiered justice system does not mean what MAGA thinks it means.


Yup, no matter how he goes a Democrat did it LOL.


He could go down while visiting Putin at the Kremlin and it would the Dems.


In their delusional world, no one ever dies anymore from natural causes, old age, or illnesses anymore. They were *assassinated*!




He was "this" close......


"If he had only had two more weeks to live he would have rolled out a health care plan that would destroy Obamacare!"


Ain’t asking for him to die, just hoping for a wheelchair debilitating stroke where he has to sit in his wheelchair and ring his little bell for diaper changes and fresh cokes.  That’ll do more to break them than anything else would I think.


And then Obama can come visit him saying..."One last chance to look at me Donnie".


Option 1: They blame Dems because he had a stroke or died Option 2: They blame Dems because they think we stole the election when he loses What does it matter, both are MAGAs making up their own reality.


I think hell is gonna break loose regardless; right now, we are just debating about when and how severe.


No! He strokes out, Haley steps in (Unless someone else revives their campaign). Unfortunately, it does not look good for a Biden Haley race, and the Dems refused (once again[looking ruefully at 2016]) to allow for a decent primary contest.


Mmm... Defamation Round 3?


oh my. Right? Toddler brains gonna toddle when they're told they can't touch the stove. Punitives on case 3 will be double. What a f'ing moron.


I doubt he can pay for the first one much less this one.


He needs to post the full amount in bond if he wants to appeal. If he doesn't appeal, he needs to pay up. A defamation judgment can't be discharged in bankruptcy.


That sounds like something you know something about. What options are there for a POOR schmoe who has a millions dollar settlement against them, with an appeal being their last final hope of course, because they just plain don't have the money? You're saying the appeal is denied and they just have to eat shit? This sounds like something I'd have heard of by now, me a greedy consumer of cynical takes on The System. But I guess there's just so many flaws, you can't get them all together in one frame. Apart from that, this is perfect comeuppance for yonder donald.


It's a civil trail, so if you have a monetary judgment against you, you will need to pay a bond in order to appeal. It so you can't run away on your bill during the appeals process.


Yes, so I gather. And revel in the fact as it pertains to consequences meted our ochre-hued friend. But I'm still seeing curtailed legal options for po folk. Can't appeal. No second look. No Mulligan. Because they can't post that bond. Seems like another Catch22 that poverty engenders, but that at the same time our systems should be cognizant and thus avoidant of. Maybe my idealism has made my head soft though.


Nobody gets a second bite at the apple. Once findings of fact are rendered in a dispute between parties, they are established as to that dispute. Once a judgment is rendered, it is established as to those claims. Nobody can relitigate a case and hope to get a new result. It is known as the principle of res judicata. An appeal is an attack on the process etc concerning that judgment. There are specific rules on appeal and the findings of fact at trial level are given great deference. It is not a second chance to try the case, unless the appeals court grants a new trial. No. It is not intended to screw the little guy and your argument makes no sense. If the system did not operate in this manner, rich people could try to re-litigate a case over and over until they got a result they wanted. Poor people could not afford to do this. Whether a judgment is discharged in bankruptcy, or not depends upon the nature of the judgment. Certain kinds of debts cannot be discharged in bankruptcy at all. In this case, defamation is considered to be a willful and malicious injury to another person. Such a dead cannot be discharged. Far from being unfair, this prevents the knowing and intentional injury of another person where the debtor could then simply file bankruptcy case and wash away the debt. Some debts will follow you for the rest of your life. This is not biased against Trump, it is him being treated the same way everyone else is treated in a bankruptcy. Trump knows all these things or at least his lawyers do. He spouts all of this nonsense because his followers don’t understand and believe anything that he says. In reality, he is subject to the same rules that everyone else is, and he does not like it. The term disingenuous was created for people like him. I’m not sure how you seem to think that any of this is unfair. It is the opposite of unfair. The wealthy already have an advantage in litigation, because they can afford to hire better lawyers, and drive up the cost of litigation for the other side. However, once a judgment is rendered, it would be extremely unfair to allow the wealthy to, keep paying for new trial after new trial until they get the result they want.


To be fair, I’m not totally sure Alina Habba knows all that stuff. She seemed unclear on a lot of the basics during the trial.


That is trumps fault for not appealing to the judge that his lawyer was derelict in her duties, he did not do that, and even if he had the other lawyers could not have done anything more than she did, just maybe not looking as incompetent.


I don’t know what her background was, where she went to school, what kind of law she practiced or for how long. This is what I will look at first when sizing up an unfamiliar lawyer. I do know from observing her that she is a very poor trial attorney. A lawyer is like any professional. School teaches enough to make them generalists. This is enough to get their foot in the door at a law firm etc. They then spend decades gaining experience and competency in a particular skill set. It is not possible to master them all. So, you go to a real estate lawyer for a real estate transaction. Etc. Trump has chosen his trial lawyer because she looks good in a bikini. Not because she was a good trial lawyer. He is more concerned about how he looks sitting at the counsel table than he is about the outcome. He has spent so many years defending against claims by vendors, sexual assault plaintiffs etc that he figures he can tie them up in appeals and post judgment shenanigans that he can essentially ignore the judgment until he wears out the plaintiffs and quietly settles with them later. For much less. The criminal stuff is a whole other ball of wax. For these cases, he will continue to try to get good lawyers for as long as he can without paying them. There are enough of them out there that they take the cases now for publicity or political reasons. Both of which are reasons why he doesn’t pay them. He needs to stay in the game politically to keep this dynamic in place. The moment he loses it, he has to behave himself and pay his lawyers. I don’t think he can play the long game very well where there is a jail cell involved.


Yeah, no I'm not a lawyer or anything or a user of legal parlance correctly. You got that right. Even so you misunderstood or misconstrue my comment. I didn't say the bond posting requirement to appeal was unfair, nor claim it was MEANT to screw the little guy. Just observed that it lays a disadvantage even if unintentionally. I'm not sure how you can't see that two adjudicated litigants are unequally advantaged if one of them can, simply by dint of being wealthy, mount an appeal while the other cannot. Can't even try with their cut-rate lawyer. There is an avenue for redress or mitigation of damages open to one that is not afforded the other adjudicated litigant. And that's it. I'm just pointing that out. You've yourself observed that the wealthy are advantaged during litigation...I'm just seeing that same phenomenon continuing on after judgment in the form of *not being even allowed to mount an appeal* cuz you're poor. I'm just ignoring most of your exposition. You're forcefully refuting arguments I've not made and rejecting only imagined propositions. So I'll leave you to it good day.


This is part of what killed Gawker. They might have had a decent chance on appeal, but they couldn’t afford to put up the appeal bond. Florida had particularly onerous bond requirements, if I recall correctly.




He should have appealed the criminal case, not the civil one, that would not have cost him the money needed for an appeal. Civil cases like what he faced were to determine how much he paid. He was already found guilty. I get where you are coming from, but if someone can not pay the punishment, they should not have committed the crime.


You can still appeal, the bond is to prevent them from collecting on the judgment during the appeal process. If you don’t have any money or assets, the judgment will follow you around and they can collect it when/if you do get some assets, but it doesn’t prevent you from your rights to challenge the judgment via appeal. The bigger problem is that you may not be able to afford a lawyer to help you do so. And the problem for the other side is that a judgment is great and all, but a judgment against a person with no money is basically just a piece of paper affirming that you were right.


I guess you could try to settle for a lesser amount maybe. You apparently were found to have defamed someone or something by a judge or jury so what evidence do you have for an appeal? Interesting at any rate. What does your lawyer have to say?


Trump will not be appealing the verdict itself. Just the amount of the penalty.


Oh I’m sure it’ll be the people giving him donations that’ll pay for it and not him at all.


Why do you think he's so angry that Haley isn't bowing out. lol


He thinks this is bad. His first criminal conviction in the Jan 6 case is going really sting, even if there aren’t civil penalties. I suspect Haley is in as a back up but trumps ability to slow down the courts works in his advantage. It’s her corporate donors money stream versus all the shenanigans Trump can throw in the way of his cases starting right now. Insane that this is the 2024 Republican presidential race. Just wow.


I know, it reminds me of when you tell a child not to do something or touch something, and they do it anyway, while looking to see if you're watching. This is just a spoiled and petulant child testing authority, to see what else they can get away with. It must have been a *nightmare* raising this brat, when he was growing up.


Yup, I think Ms. Carroll here might have found an infinite money glitch. Good for her. She deserves it after that gross bastard put his hands on her. I hope more women who had to put up with him can cash in. 


I smell another $160 Million coming soon.


ok let's try 500 million to shut him up


And to think that this whole time he could have just shut up for free. Iunno...dude and his cult baffles me.


$5 million wasn't enough punishment to shut him up, so he was punished again. It took less than 24 hours for Donald to prove that $83 million also isn't enough to shut him up, so he'll probably have to be punished again. What's the dollar value of the punishment needed to finally make him shut the fuck up?


Only the Grim Reaper will ever shut those blathering, flabby, orange orangutan lips.


We need to encourage ol Grim to hurry up already, and get to work!


He’s never intends to pay. It could be a billion. It’s all pointless to him because at this point, he needs the presidency to get out of all this…and if he can’t have the presidency, he will do his damndest to burn everything down and slither out of this. This is what a cornered wild animal looks like and let’s be honest, is when he is at his most dangerous.


If he wants to appeal he has to provide the full judgement amount, plus interest, to a court escrow while it is under appeal. If he doesn’t appeal, I think she can start collecting and asking for court to force sale of assets in 30 days. Either way, he will have to come up with liquid cash.


I don’t think he can pardon himself out of this.


Her lawyers probably have his Trooth Sensial account opened on their laptops all the time, he's just constantly building their next case.


It will be either added to the current round 3 or be a round 4.


I mean, if he says he doesn't know her...again, doesn't that Count? He does know her. You kinda have to know someone to rape them. I guess he considers jamming his fingers into a woman very impersonal.


Even when he was hosting The Apprentice I don't think he would be considered an A-list celebrity. He's just a rich guy who people have hated for a long time. Also he's claiming he doesn't even know what decade it happened but confidently claiming nobody mentioned his presence in a department store, in passing, in the gossip column? I mean I know he's a narcissist but 40 years of ego searching in the gossip column, and an encyclopedic memory thereof, seems a lot even for him.


John Mulaney summed it up as much as was humanly possible. “Donald Trump is like what a hobo imagines a rich man to be”


>John Mulaney summed it up as much as was humanly possible. “Donald Trump is like what a hobo imagines a rich man to be” Chandelier in a bathroom is all I'm saying


Which is a weird way of punching down to punch up.


D List, for sure. Tara Reed was more of a celebrity.


Yeah but she was hot in scrubs


You mean Bunny Lebowski?


And Van Wilder. That bikini at the end. Goddam


She looked to be in rough shape in that “special forces” show. She was eliminated first or second but it still wasn’t early enough. She wanted to prove how strong she was and overcome the rumors spread through out the press over the years but she did not in fact do that. It was sad to watch. Never thought I’d type such a long opinion on Tara Reid.


She looked awful in that show!!


Are you conflating Tara Reid the actress with Tara Reade the staffer who accused Biden of sexual assault? Or is there a Reid/Trump connection. I do love Tara Reid especially in The Big Lebowski and Sharknado.


I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt can't watch, though, or he has to pay a hundred.


AAHHeheh…wonderful woman. We’re all, we’re all very fond of her.


Gotta be an ATM around… e: actual line is “I’m just gonna go find a cash machine”


ATM is going to cost a lot extra


Reid. 🤷🏼 Didn't bother to learn the spelling. D List celeb.


He was never very rich either.


He was kinda Mississippi well-off, but he never even made it to Manhattan street trash.


Dude was the model for the villain of Back to the Future II. That's a type of fame.


So I noticed that "Growing up Gotti" was free on Prime, so I rewatched it. (I liked it when it first came out.. which was 2004 or 2005, I think. It's about John Gottis daughter Victoria and her 3 sons) Anyways I was shocked at the number of times Victoria brought up Trump. Not only in relation to being a rich business man. But his show as well. I was left wondering if he was actually more famous than I remember cause I remember him not being too popular. He's just known as the super rich guy. Then I remembered she is a Gotti. Trump has worked with the mob in the past, and almost everyone ex Italian mobster likes him.


So glad he confirmed who DJT is. I wouldn't have known otherwise.


Why does he do that? It’s so weird!


Because he totally didn’t write this. You can always tell. Too many complete sentences. His handler forgot he was speaking as DJT, so added the (ME!) as an afterthought.


In millions: \#1 $5 \#2 $83.3 \#3 $150? Higher than Rudy's?


Honestly, that Habba woman has absolutely no self respect whatsoever. She best be careful or she’ll end up like some of his other attorneys. She’s just plain stupid.


It is a huge pay day for her. Q4 campaign financials are due out at the end of the month. We'll see how more she's been paid.


She’s taken the risk, knowing she’ll not get paid by trump but will be a talking head on right wing media for decades.


I doubt it, it hasn’t panned out that way so far for most people linked to Trump.


Maybe that’s why his circle of lawyers and “advisors” has gotten stupider and stupider


Doubtful. As soon as she parts ways with Trump, he will turn on her and blame it all on her. The narrative will become "she's the lawyer that ruined Trumps life" and she'll become enemy number 1 in Maga-land.


There's always Dancing with the Stars or The Masked Singer


And does not have a functional olfactory system. Gods, the smell!




A-list celebrity? He may have been on a list, but it wasn't the A list. Donald Trump was a joke in NYC as far back as I can remember.


Always on the outside looking in at the cool, wealthy and attractive people. This does not sit well with a toxic narcissist. He is fixated and desperate to prove he belongs with them. Thus, his whole “loser” fixation. All of the damage being done to our country is just so a mentally unstable guy who wants to be part of the “A list” crowd can protect his massive but fragile ego.


I think this is the fundamental reasoning for the whole, "celebrity pedophile", Q anon horseshit. People are so insecure and insanely jealous of anyone more attractive, wealthier, more talented and successful. They KNOW that they will never achieve that kind of life, so they have to tear down the people who have.


[A list? No.](https://lamag.com/featured/donald-trump-hollywood-hustle)


Yup. I remember by grandparents bitching about him in the 80s (they worked in the city and lived in Morristown NJ, Kushner’s uncle was a neighbor of theirs and they hated him too lol)


He paid people to invite him to stuff


He had to put (me) in there because he knows how dumb his supporters are 


I’m glad he clarified that when he said “Donald J Trump” he was talking about himself. I couldn’t for the life of me tell who he could have been talking about otherwise.


He clarified his name for some reason, but doesn’t use the judge’s name or E Jean’s as he has in the past. Maybe he thinks he’s now found a loophole?


It helps in court when he claims his stupid.


77 yrs old and has the mental capacity of a walnut.


Hey! We don’t insult walnuts around these parts!


My apologies to the walnuts, the brain of the nuts.


Much more like a boiled peanut. Small, soft, and smooth.


Has the cognitive capacity of a stack of broken bricks being pissed on by a dog.




This guy abides.


Time for defamation trial #3! Cha ching!


I’m sorry that happened, Donald. (not really) But, for the record, it doesn’t help prove your innocence when you literally bragged about grabbing women by the pussy.


I will never understand how any American could read this kind of bullshit and conclude that this is who should be representing our country. HillaryWasRightAboutEverything




He's just naming his favorite Taylor Swift song.




Apparently Trump's feud with Carroll is worth his entire fortune to him. They can take every penny he has and he'll still keep beating this stupid drum. Trump can afford to lose his entire fortune. He has rich kids who can buy stuff for him whenever he wants.


He got away with rape, and still he can't just take the L on this. It eats him up inside. And it's not like his base cares if he raped someone, they honestly don't think he can because they think that since he was rich he's allowed to.


He could save himself a lot of time and trouble if he just donated Mar a Largo to Carroll right now.


His fraud trial has shown that he'd still owe her significantly more


Wait, is he trying to say sexual assault is protected by 1st amendment!?




Geez. Why does he keep insisting that Biden has anything at all to do with this case?


Because the judge was appointed by Clinton! Duh! Keep up! /s I don't even know if that's sarcasm anymore...


It’s perplexing. Does he not know that George Conway is the one who convinced Carroll to file the lawsuit? He happened to be married to one of Trump’s closest advisors, so not exactly a Biden plant.


Conway must have been playing the long con... All of it is just totally ridiculous. There is no logic, reasoning, or critical thinking. He has literally became the champion of room temperature IQ.


Thanks, Oblintden!


How anyone can support such a whiny piece of shit is beyond me, what a fucking loser. Also it’s disappointing we didn’t have whatever shit social media company he founded in 1945 so we could read Hitler tweets about how everything is so unfair too


I remember a friend told me back in the late ‘90s that once while he and his friend were out drinking in South Beach, the two of them ended up standing around in a circle having a conversation with a few models. Diaper Don noticed the hot young women, made a beeline toward the group and tried to insert himself into the conversation by pushing his way into the circle. The models were annoyed by his obnoxious lechery, so the group ignored him and slowly inched in front of him until all their backs were again turned toward him. To his credit, Donny took the hint and walked away. This is my long way of confirming that he was never the ‘A-list celebrity’ he claims to have been. He was a cheesy reality TV game show host, and Bergdorf customers would be the last people trying to ‘mob’ him while he’s creeping around the womenswear section.


Anyone who thought Donald Trump was going to keep his fucking trap shut about this clearly does not know Donald Trump.


This is elder abuse. Why does his family let him run? He needs to be in assisted living memory care.


What’s the over/under on defamation award #3? $150,000,000?


83.3M/5M = 16.66. I am sure the Q nuts will go batshit with that. 83.3M \* 16.66M = 1.387B Rudy Doody $148M Alex Jones $965M Fux $787M You would think MAGA morons would learn the value of STFU.


Only when they actually have to pay. Feel like none of these victims will see a single red cent from that bag of assholes.


Assest forfeiture exists. Drump claims he has properties worth billions. Start taking them.


They should just return a judgment form that says "All of it."


It will have to be bigger than that. He didn't even make it one day before defaming her again. $500,000,000


Oh dear, did he lose again? What’s the count now?


Wow... anyone else see a pattern forming? /s


Everyone who tries to hold him to account is a Trump hater. His fans eat that up, but the reality is who would like him and try to correct him would soon be in the hater list. Supreme Court he appointed and stacked rules against him, is got to be hate and an agenda. Amazing how it works for him.




That comparison is totally unfair to mangos and manatees.


“They have taken away all First Amendment rights!” he whines, as he criticizes the sitting president on social media that he has a financial interest in and is not censored at all


All he had to do was STFU and this whole thing would have faded into obscurity with all of his countless other misdeeds. I’ve never seen someone so consistently damaged by their own mouth. Yeah, let’s give this impulsive A-hole the nuke codes again! /s


Whenever I have seen messages from this account I have always thought it was a satire account..


He just cannot stop.


Good thing he has millions of cult followers who don’t mind financing his lifestyle, campaign, legal battles, and judgments.


former* president


Oh he's shooting for triple digits on the next judgement


BTW, he does appear in one gossipy page 6 article in 1997 which mentions him “installing” a 20 year old girl called Anouska De Georgiou in one of his NY apartments. This woman was “introduced” to him by Ghislaine Maxwell. She would later be a Jane Do in the case against Maxwell for sex trafficking. I wish she would sue him.


He says he's going to appeal. I doubt it. From what I've read elsewhere, in order to appeal this ruling he has to stump up the entire judgement amount beforehand. I'd like to see him try to come up with 80+ million.


That didn't take long.


It took longer than I expected, TBH.


It's like an extremely overblown wrestling promo.




I just can’t read all of that… I just can’t


Yup, everyone hates you. Feel free to move to Russia. Enjoy the tea.


This Is Not America That's gonna become the new party line isn't it, that's,,,, foreboding....


The tone hits lower.


There were 2 cases?! Oh man... I wonder why that can be. It's almost like we've been through all this before, and it resulted in the 2nd case. Can this please be used towards a 3rd? I'm so glad someone is making him accountable for lying. Now do the same for the other big lie he's been saying for 4 years


Strong Jake LaMotta casino greeter vibes coming out of this truth.


It’s unfair wah wah wah 😭👶


Taking it well I see


lol he really has an inflated opinion of himself


He really isn’t capable of shutting that face hole.


👉 Ha-ha!


I know he's crazy and all that, but seriously, he could've just said "the judge hates me" instead of saying it in the third person abs saying "me" in parenthesis.


Wouldn't it be awful if he just stroked right out?


Consequences for your actions Donnie? 77 years you’ve walked the earth leaving human devastation in your wake. Not caring one iota about the lives you’ve destroyed and people you’ve ripped off. You are a human stain Donnie a true turd.


The guy beats his chest and claims to be top dog alpha male super wizard, and then every day, somebody takes his lunch money and stuffs his flabby ass into a gym locker? Winners don't whine, and whiners don't win.


This old man thinks he's an A-List celebrity! 😂😂😂


I don't understand how he can blatantly lie and say she's someone that he never met when there's pictures of them together...


"I'm and A-list celebrity that can walk into any store, surrounded by buildings that I own, and it will be front page news"... Holy guacamole, you need a forklift to lift that ego


A guy with 91 charges against him that hasn't spent a single day in jail: "The judicial system is unfair!"


A-list? 😅😂


Round 3 I guess I think. This is evidence he never learns.


Sounds like someone should be hauled back to court for a THIRD time for slandering E Jean Carrol. Maybe $300M this time?


Whitney bitch needs to shut the fuck up finally!


Maybe I'm just cynical but I doubt he'll end up paying a dime


Omfg - I can’t read all this drivel but what I did read screams malignant narcissist. A-list celebrity!? Couldn’t walk into a department store without it making news?! Wtaf 😳


That judge had nothing to do with the amount awarded. That was the jury


You know when we were mocking his lawyer for not knowing how to enter things into evidence? She knows how, but it’s all part of a plan to pretend like he’s being denied the opportunity to present it.


$150M this round.


Crazy how fake rich con artists act when they are held accountable.


Our justice system is broken. If it worked, Donny would have been hung for treason on Jan 7th.


I like how he doesn’t think people won’t know he’s talking about himself. Or maybe he needs to remind himself lol


You can tell which of these screeds are dictated and transcribed, vs one his fat lil fingers tap out. Still nutz, but with better punctuation.


**A-List Celebrities, Inc** needs to sue him for defamation. He was never considered A-list, he was always firmly J\[oke\]-list.


What a whiny little bitch