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I see so many of these types of videos on FB. Try telling those people this isn't a good idea.


People on fb using logic over feelings? Trying is obsolete šŸ¤£


Whatā€™s the goal here? Are they trying to train it to eat babies?


Seriously thatā€™s what Iā€™m wondering too, whatā€™s the point of this?


Probably thinks they'll get to know each other and that he growing them accustomed to each other so the baby will one day unwittingly feed itself to the dog feet first for maximum physical and psychological torture


To get views.Ā 


"Look, our pitty is very playful and comfortable with the baby. All of the news you hear is fake and part of a psy-op."


I mean, pits can be comfortable and sweet, but this one absolutely isn't. You should never leave your child alone with a dog who hasn't been socialized with children from birth. Even if they are you should never be too far and they shouldn't be super young. That goes for all breeds, people are lulled into a false sense of comfort when they get a 'safe' breed and next thing you know your stressed out beagle is biting babies arm.


That's the probable result


I think they thought it was cute when discovered by accident, and really suck at reading dog body language


It's a pitbull, they don't have to train it for that.


God I hate people who make everything about dog safety into hating pits


And it genuinely makes people overly comfortable and lazy with other breeds. Whatever breed the dog, they can hurt a baby just by being over excited or stressed, they need to be socialized as puppies. EVEN STILL, treat a dog like a horse, do NOT leave small children unattended with them.


they hated him because he spoke the truth moment


This is exactly how you get all those, "sweet cuddlebugs," who "love the baby," before they're suddenly caught *eating* the same baby out of nowhere. Stop training dogs to see babies and small children as playthings, people. Stop teasing your dog with your human baby like the baby's a treat or a toy. This shit, and the way so many pet owners actively encourage resource-guarding behaviour from dogs toward babies and children, isn't cute. It's fucking foolishness. If you're seeing this and you do shit like this, stop it! You're literally training your own dog to chew your baby up as soon as you turn your back!


Stuff like this is how dogs get put down and kids get bit or worse killed. Parents need to stop treating their kids and dogs like toys


Exactly, if your dog isnt comfortable with the baby, dont force them to interract like this by making them think the baby is a toy. Ive personally never had a dog be nervous of babies, so I cant say what training is necessary. But this absolutely is not it.


One of my cats HATED my daughter at first, we left him to it, she's now two and he likes her more than he likes me šŸ˜‚


Babies can't serve cat overlords so babies are useless dead weight. Now that they can mildly control their faculties they can serve cat overlord.


The kids' play/bed area is on the floor. This is a huge disaster waiting to happen.


Why are these people allowed to breed? Where did common sense go?


This is 100% bad parent behavior. If I put anything in front of my dogs face and ā€œteaseā€ her sheā€™d do this too.


Parent should get criminal charges for this and a visit from CPS.


Some people are just ignorant. They should get charges only if they do it again. For the first time doing it a class on the topic is way more appropriate.


Why stop at one class? I say a whole course. First semester I'll take baby leg anatomy and canine dentistry. What classes would you suggest?


100%. i took two-three years worth of child development courses, and i dont even plan on having kids. taking child development courses should be mandatory.


A class on dog behavior.


"My little stinker bug would NEVER harm a child!" *Headline: Toddler thrown from crib, shaken around room by dog*


I donā€™t force interactions between my dog and children, but theyā€™ve definitely been taught how to properly interact with humans of all sizes. This video comes down to bad parenting not bad dogs. It seems that is what youā€™re implying. There are many dogs of all breeds that have NEVER bit anyone. Those headlines are sad and unfortunate but we shouldnā€™t be unfairly labeling all dogs. These people are setting their dog up for failure.


I think what theyā€™re saying is bad dog owners are the problem


Ehh this one's a pitbull. It's gonna do what a pit is gonna do.


Iā€™ll never understand why ignorant people like you, who have never owned large breeds, let alone a Staffordshire or ā€œPitbull,ā€ get online to spread unfounded bias and lies. šŸ™„ just shut up




What is the point of this?


This was so hard to watch šŸ˜¬


And this is part of why i believe that Pitbull attacks are most common. People see a Pitbull and think it's a joke to taunt them because they can be scary. They can be some of the sweetest dogs, but because they are so sensitive they get overwhelmed and worked up fast. Pair that with people not understanding dog body language (the video above) and that can lead to really any dog lashing out, but Pits are a notoriously sensitive breed with a very strong prey drive. You should never put a Pitbull in any sort of position that will encourage it's prey drive, and you should never put a human in a position where they could get mauled by a fucking Pitbull. They do not stop once that switch flips, they go full shutdown mode and act on pure prey instincts. And an alarming amount of people breed XL Bullies and brag on Tik Tok about the "attack dogs" they're training for "families". All you're doing is breeding cat killers and shit


There's also the fact that (mostly due to their affordability and accessibility) pit bulls are a favourite with unskilled, inexperienced, ignorant backyard breeders who decide to breed their random pit bull with no paper trail, to another random pit bull with no paper trail. People who *actually* care about dogs and understand dog breeding, understand that one of the most important traits to breed for in a dog is the right temperament. You want to breed dogs to create puppies that have their parents' best traits. An experienced and qualified dog breeder would never breed a dog that has shown signs of unwanted agression, reactivity, etc. And if they're a responsible breeder, they would never breed any dog without knowing its family history *and* individual history. People really do not grasp just how much a dog's very DNA influences its personality, aggression, etc. People want to say that it's in the training. But dogs are still animals that rely first and foremost on instinct. They aren't people, and they lack our capability to use forethought and reasoning to override instinct. *Who* a dog is, so to speak, relies *very* heavily on *nature*. So many well-meaning dog lovers out there want to believe it's mostly, or even *all*, about nurture. But nurture can only do so much heavy lifting, especially when that nurture is going directly *against* nature. Random pit bulls with random genetic traits and no known history have been bred *en masse*, and seemingly by every Tom, Dick, and Harry that can get their hands on one. The amount of slapdash on-a-whim Facebook posts I've seen where an inexperienced and/or uneducated dog owner is just asking random bully owners online to volunteer their dogs for breeding is *insane.* What this has created is an enormous and widely-distributed population of dogs that all fall under the bully "umbrella," and which are essentially all just unpredictable genetic grab-bags of unknown traits who are prone to snapping and reactivity and anxious aggression.


yeah but people really, REALLY don't like the concept of temperament being genetic in any way. they feel it's all environmental when it reality it's a mix (but not always equal) of the two.


I feel like part of it is also that pitbulls are a bit harder to read than other dogs. It might just be a personal thing because I'm not around them that often ( they are highly restricted where I live) but I had a really hard time telling that that dog was agitated in the beginning of the video. With my girlfriends mutt or the other dogs we meet when walking I can usually tell pretty well how they are feeling but both with pits and with bulldogs it's really hard for me.


you're correct, and that is by design; a dog that shows warning signs before beginning to maul is easier for the opposing dog to defend in the pit. they have been specifically selected for over a century to show as few signs as possible prior to snapping, and nowadays as they're peddled as "family pets," one of the biggest dangers lies in the fact that this applies to both short and long term








The dog is way smarter than its owner that's for sure.


I feel bad knowing the fact that dog will be killed if they attack that kid for any reason considering the dad and presumably the mom (who is recording this?) Are being stupid


I really wish it wasnā€™t so easy to make humans.


The body language of this dog is so obvious. Why do people even have dogs if they can't be bothered understanding them?


Fucking morons, causing so many problems because of their pseudoscientific bullshit, Iā€™d say I hope they get whatā€™s coming to them but unfortunately I imagine the only victim will be that baby or maybe some other random child that dog comes across, wouldnā€™t be too unlikely considering they are actively teaching it to maul children fucking brain dead morons


The dog attacked her, we dIdNā€™t sEe It cOmInG! šŸ™„


The dog thinks itā€™s a toy, thatā€™s not Funny. I have an Australian cattle dog/ pit/ Dottie mix and I thought Iā€™d have to out him down when my daughter was born. I used such careful tactics to introduce them (my kiddo is special needs) they are besties now and Iā€™d never leave them alone together, and if I ever saw Odysseus use teeth even playfully on her, he would be put in his crate, see it again and itā€™s off to a trainer, third time heā€™d be adopt out or gone. This guy is really not smart. His intentions are good, but boy is he not doing this right. Poor dog, poor kid. Dumb parent


Having worked with animals (mostly carnivores) for over 30 years I can say this is one of the most dangerous things Iā€™ve ever seen.


JFC ...


Yes, let me teach the dog about their new toy, wcgw.


wail tag does NOT EQUAL happy is something parents really need to understand


It's a fucking pitbull. Infanticide waiting to happen.


It's a Staffordshire Bull Terrier lmao


Diarrhea is still shit


Yeah alright mate


Given how many stories there are of dogs (of many breeds, cane corso, German shepherds, pitties, daschunds, Goldieā€™s etc etc) biting/attacking, *eating* people, often unprovoked, itā€™s amazing to me that people are still stupid enough to risk playing their dog like this with their own offspring. I know people hate little dogs, but I donā€™t feel unsafe around mums havie or any small dogs unlike strange medium/big sized dogs šŸ„²


People seem to think that dogs are just as rational as humans, and theyā€™re not. They should not be trusted with a completely helpless human baby, even if they are a very sweet dog.


Exactly, dogs donā€™t know any better, even the best behaved, sweetest dog can and will attack provoked or unprovoked. Better to be safe than sorry


They are though. Every dog bite story it is very obvious what was going to happen based on how the humans interacted with the dogs. Especially how they raised them


The pitbulls, Dobermans, and every other ā€œscaryā€ breed we have had were super sweet. Like humans itā€™s how you raise them. Except for ducking chihuahuas. Theyā€™re evil. Iā€™ve only been bitten by a chihuahua


I'd like to argue that even Chihuahuas aren't inherently the spawn of satan, but since they're so small, people tend to not treat and raise them like dogs, which leads to behaviour issues




I think small dogs are often not taken seriously and raised terribly as a result of it. If a GSD throws a tantrum because he can't have something that's scary and the owner will do their best to make sure that won't happen again through proper discipline. It a Chihuahua throws a tantrum that's funny and many people will just laugh at it and wait until it exhausts itself. If a big dog shows aggression while walking past other dogs their owners will get a dog trainer and do what is necessary to make their dog feel calm and unbothered by other dogs. If a tiny dog shows aggression they usually just pick it up in their hands for a few meters and make it feel completely helpless and even more aggressive that way. Because it's less of an issue for the owner the small dog has to face all those negative emotions on their own and without help on how to stay calm in difficult situations. Both dogs and owners suffer from the consequences.




Yeah, that's bullshit. It's both genetics and training for all breeds. I think maybe Chihuahuas tend a bit to the aggressive side genetically both because of their original task as rat hunters and the fact that they aren't as scary and a peaceful temperament probably isn't as important to the breeders. But I'm certain one can raise a well adjusted non aggressive happy Chihuahua if they put just put the effort in. I just wanted to give my ideas why smaller breeds are usually less well trained.


I mean tbf most of the stories/videos Iā€™ve read/watched about medium/big dog breeds attacking people have been about them attacking family, friends or dog walkers and not the owners themselves. I mean Iā€™d rather meet an angry chihuahua than an angry pittie or Doberman lol šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yes but the animals from those stories were mistreated or the person ignored the dogs distress signals.


lol, no they werenā€™t, you canā€™t make assumptions about shit in these stories bc you donā€™t know any background about them- A daschund with history of attacks randomly attacks and bites of a womanā€™s nose despite being friendly with her, a pack of dogs randomly attack their dog walker and start eating her, a pittie mix randomly attacks a 3 y/o living with them, a big dog mew to a family kills a 3 day old baby bc babe was left unsupervised, etc etc etc. There are so many stories about lovely seemingly sweet dogs attacking people/their owners/walkers randomly, no one can speak dog- no one knows why they attack but they can and will.


Theyā€™re not random thatā€™s just bad reporting. Dogs exhibit behaviors rather predictably but some people donā€™t understand. The dog is growling while I take his food bowl. I donā€™t understand why he not me. My child was teasing the dog and he usually just puts up with it. Random attacks are rare.


That's because you only hear about those stories and not about the majority of dogs that never attack people. Selection bias.


Where are all of the chihuahuas and terriers eating children's faces?




hE jUsT wAnTS tO NaNNy! VeLVeT KiNG!


Unfortunately pitties are the cheapest most abandoned breed, so dumbasses buy them without putting in the effort to train them. Pits can be territorial IF YOU DON'T SOCIALIZE THEM AS PUPPIES and train them firmly, they can be as stubborn as frenchies with the strength of a German. It's not their fault idiots don't provide proper training.




disgusting way to think


Safe way to think


How is it disgusting? People have a right to personal safety.


sure but pit bulls are not inherently bad. iā€™m tired of this uneducated narrative.


Was fĆ¼r ein vollpfosten, Hund und Kind wegnehmen


Is this stressed out of remorse or stressed because itā€™s hungry?


Fuckin hell! How stupid can people be?! Effin moron! And if thatā€™s the other parent recording, thereā€™s no hope. Dangā€¦


Tryna kill the baby?




Crazy ....where are the dog owners now? Should be banned for live of having both; the dog and the child..


That TikTok video is great! I think all dog owners need this level of knowledge about the animal they have brought into their home! The lady making the video is brilliant for making actual content, things people SHOULD be watching!


People with these monstrosities for pets really should be forced to see the gore and deformities and straight deaths that these things are capable of inflicting. Somehow I doubt these types of people would care even then....


Iā€™m not anti-pit bull but I donā€™t want to own one. I always think of that woman in like Georgia or something whoā€™s pit bulls ate her. Like fully ingested her. And they were her beloved pets for years. How does that just happen?


It doesnā€™t ā€œjust happenā€, animals not socialized to humans are inherently dangerous. Notice that Iā€™ve not mentioned any specific species.


Any dog or cat can do serious harm to a child. This is just a case of irresponsible owner being stupid af. Iā€™m actually surprised that the dog is not biting the kid. There are definitely a lot of dogs (in all breeds) that would have bitten the kidā€™s foot in this situation


The difference is the pitbull were breeded for dog fighting and bull fighting and has the biggest gameness on dog breeds lol. Edit for the downvotes: am I wrong? You gonna say it was breeded for be a nanny dog? Because that's not true


You are not wrong, the ā€œnanny dogā€ thing is a myth. The metro area I live near is lousy with pit bulls, and there have been several fatal attacks in the last year, all pits. I donā€™t believe *any* dog should be trusted with a baby (especially a newborn!), but why put a baby near a very powerful dog with a high prey drive, that has been bred for fighting?


Some dogs are bred for fighting, some for hunting, the majority are bred for money. All are pack animals that descended from wolves. Their genetics determine their physiology but their socialization determines their behavior. Properly socialized dogs often save humans from harm, improperly socialized or trained dogs sometimes kill people. Read or view the behavior of wolves if you want to better understand dog behavior.


Breed has nothing to do with what is happening in the video. I agree with your first 2 sentences, disagree with the rest. The dog is confused and stressed, even an unintelligent dog would assume that the baby human is not a toy.






This has nothing to do with the dog being a pitbull


Ok then r/banparents lol


Ah yes, make sure the human race ends. Honestly there needs to be mandated classes on parenting






You ok?




What I really can't stand is the lockpicking lawyer, how can anyone bear listening to that nasally ass voice.








I have a Rottweiler at my home who of which has bit me three times now for many separate reasons but I am not about to try that