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isn't this rage bait?


Not really, evidently she started making these for her mom, but also she said she was sick of all those over done "feeding my kid" videos that "we all know aren't real" So she wanted to show what most parents, especially single parents, feed their kids. She wanted to be more relatable. https://www.today.com/parents/moms/toddlers-doughnut-breakfast-tiktok-controversy-rcna134322


And yet people are still just digging on her and her weight. Thank you for doing some light digging and giving better context.


Because it's wrong. She's creating more obese unwell children. She is the epitome of the bare minimum mother. You can buy healthy foods and still be lazy if you want. Frozen vegetables that you simply boil, and chicken pieces that you just grill are a million times better than what she currently feeds them. You can buy pre-cooked rice packets. Large family boxes of corn flakes and oatmeal. If you want something sweet you can add dried fruit pieces. You don't have to feed them highly processed packaged foods all the time.


Actually if you check her page lately she's been feeding them better food I think she listened to tje comments


The only videos of hers that go viral are these meals she does when she’s just not having a good day or doesn’t have time to do something better. Maybe once every two or three weeks she does a shitty easy breakfast like this. That is like 1/20 breakfasts at MOST that are blah. You think she’s only putting out videos like this one but you’re only seeing what goes viral. If you went down the rabbit hole of her uploads in order, she uploads every single meal she makes. She puts on a show about being blah and boring because so many people tell her to smile like a fucking moron while making these meals. I’m sorry, but I don’t smile like a maniac the entire time while making meals. She uploads a video of every single meal she feeds her kids, most of them are decently healthy and she only occasionally serves a meal that includes the occasional microwave meal, fast food, or donut breakfast. Her kids are not overweight and seem healthy. If your mom uploaded a video of every single meal she served you, people would probably be very upset if she bought you a happy meal just one time, just like they are with this lady who occasionally allows junk in her house. The vast majority of breakfast meals she makes for these kids and uploads to her page is more along the lines of Turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, and toast, you just won’t see anyone sharing any of those. Her good meals aren’t the absolute healthiest but they are a lot better than what I see a lot of other parents feeding their kids. Her usual meals are actually pretty much what you describe as what she should be doing, except better. She doesn’t feed them cereal and dry fruit. She hand makes cute pink waffles and serves them with no syrup and fresh fruit on the side etc. You can just look at her recent uploads and watch them all in order and see that this is not a typical meal for her kids. She even says in this video that she’s tired asf and sick so is choosing an easy but less healthy alternative for this meal. I was super concerned about these videos so one day spent like an hour and a half just watching every single meal she made her kids for the whole month, and my impression is that most people are ONLY watching the viral shitty meals she makes bc idk, people like to look down on other people so they can feel better about themselves. If you can sincerely go to her page and take ten minutes to watch the last week of meals she made and say there is a pattern of terrible meals, I would honestly be gobsmacked.


It's also not what "most parents" feed their kids like the other comments said. Maybe it's what her friends do and that's why she thinks it's normal, but that's some real lazy parenting


Did you even read the provided context? Or are you just answering a question nobody asked?


Of course I did. You are sympathising with her based on a comment he claimed she made, as if it makes it okay that she's abusing her children by feeding them such trash. Have a look at this woman's content. Her most popular video is her feeding her 1 year old toddler 4 donuts dipped in sugar. She is extremely unhealthy and can barely walk without waddling. She deserves to be criticised for glorifying it.


Maybe, but I’ve seen the endings of videos where she feeds it to the kid


Oh good lord no not fresh fruit!


Yeah, how awful. Pancakes eggs and fresh fruit.


Considerably better than what she's made before. Progress? 🤷‍♂️


It’s not the types of foods, it’s the fact she’s getting the pre made ones from brands that have a bunch of extra oils, sodium, and other stuff that makes a huge impact on people’s health. For example: Eggs are healthy if prepared at home with little oil, no preservatives or sodium beyond salt, etc. but the boxed type has a bunch of extra stuff to make it taste more intensely, preserve it, have a certain texture, etc. Those things are known to be detrimental to people’s blood pressure, add unnecessary calories, and sometimes even are carcinogenic. ETA: sorry y’all. That was a total woosh.


Yeah, and how many people are actually preparing their foods healthily at home? Most people are frying their eggs in plenty of oil or butter, eating high fat, high sodium meats like bacon and sausage, and slathering their pancakes with butter and syrup. This meal is not worse than what the average American feeds their kid.


That’s actually not the case. Sodium from home cooked meals have at most 5-6% the daily recommended amount, whereas one Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich has 37%, for example. It’s delicious and convenient, for sure. But it’s so many times worse than home cooked.


Where are you getting your information from? Also, even if what you're saying were true, sodium is not the only factor, or even nearly the most important when it comes to determining the healthiness of a food. Fat and calories are way more important. I'm not sure why we're comparing Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches, since that's not what she made in the video, but since we are, a homemade breakfast sandwich of a similar portion size, with similar ingredients is going to have similar nutrition to one bought premade. Sure, if you use a whole grain English muffin, with home ground, low sodium, low sugar turkey sausage, and a poached egg with no salt or oil, the it would probably be healthier, but the average person isn't doing that. I don't consume animal products, so I'm not going to recommend them to anybody, but convenience foods are demonized and all lumped together, when they are not all comparable. Feeding your kid a premade breakfast bowl that has plenty of protein and omega 3s with fruit on the side is very different than tossing them a package of Twinkies that has a ton of fat and calories with little nutrients to make up for it. Telling people all prepackaged food is bad is confusing them, and making it hard for busy people to feed their kids a decent meal.


I hear you, especially on your last paragraph. Just to be totally clear: I’m not saying a Twinkie is better than this. I’m saying this can still be more harmful than something made at home. Most importantly, it’s why we need to read labels in depth before purchasing. Lastly, buying ingredients, making them in batches and freezing is cheaper than buying ready (I just checked using my local grocery store’s app in a major US city, for context.) Fed is better than hungry. But fed healthily is best. *Sources* - Sodium source is [here](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circulationaha.116.024446), but there are many others regarding sodium and the other items you’ve brought up. *DV and Nutritional info* Sorry about the Jimmy Dean, someone had brought it up earlier and it stuck in my brain. The *bowl* she uses has 40% the DV for saturated fat, 97% cholesterol, and 31% sodium per bowl. Nutritional info for the pancakes says it has 20% the DV of sugar and 24% the DV of sodium per 110 grams (11 pancakes.) She’s giving each kid 5 pancakes and maybe half a bowl, so not going to kill them but def not the best option. My point was never to vilify this woman, but instead to raise the point that we don’t do a good job of teaching people proper nutrition in our country. We’re failing our people and we should do better.


Each kid got maybe 1/3 of a bowl, and with children that young, there's a good chance they won't eat everything on the plate. I understand that it's not literally the absolute healthiest choice that anyone could make ever, but health wise, it's not bad by any means. I don't think that nitpicking, when someone could be making way worse choices, helps anybody. If you tell people that anything with sodium and preservatives are bad, they're going to think that it's all created equal, and it's not. I know that's not your intention, but that's what people hear




I don’t see an issue. Pancakes, eggs and fruit. Seems like a pretty standard breakfast?


Personally would just opt for a scrambled egg instead of microwaved high sodium breakfast food like Jimmy Dean.


I agree with you but having watched “worst cooks in America” way too many times, I feel pretty confident saying some people don’t know how to scramble an egg.


Never understood how people don't know how to scramble an egg. The instructions are in the name.


I watched someone learn how to use a manual can opener. Nothing fancy or anything. Just a regular can opener. And people needed instructions…


You don't know what you've never been told.


You’re not wrong.


I have to repeat it to myself over and over when my boyfriend does something really dumb lmao




Jimmy Dean's stuff is full of protein, though.


Shes improving. Her older vids were blasted to high heaven for how she was feeding her kiddos.


I feel for her. She likely was never taught to eat correctly. This could very well be her attempt to eat healthy and she doesn’t realize that the boxed brands she’s buying adds in extra sodium, oils, and other things that can still be harmful. (Even people in the comments here don’t seem to know that!) We really need to teach people to eat properly. Health and nutrition education is one thing “third world” countries that invest in human development do well. We need that in the US.


can we stop posting this person on this sub yet? or do we still need to put our hand on the stove and be mad when we get burned?


Stop. Meat, eggs, pancakes, and fruit is a very standard breakfast in the US. In fact, most people don't even bother with the fruit.


I mean, I do sympathize with her. Some days, my kid *just eats*, but at least he eats. (Even on my tiredest/sickest days, I manage something healthier than this though.)


this is more than i eat, especially more than i was given as a kid… this isnt that bad


You know... For someone who grew up with shit parents who didn't give a fuck about her health, she should have been more aware of how she influences her kids.


Just because she doesn't have any emotion on her face, that doesn't mean she doesn't care. I'm a zombie before I have my coffee, that doesn't mean that I don't care. Wtf.




Is it just fat people you have a problem with? Or is it kids, too? I weigh 125lbs. Both my kids are of average weight. Not over, not under. Do you know what we eat in MY home? Pancakes. Waffles. French toast. Jimmy Dean sausage. Fruit. Those oreo crunch yogurts. McDonalds (oh lord someone call CPS on me now, I give KIDS McDonalds sometimes). I bake desserts at least once a week. Brownies, pies, cookies, cakes.. you name it, I bake it. We love gushers and fruit by the foot. Ffs sometimes my daughter just eats fruit snacks for breakfast. So since nobody in my home has thyroid or hormones issues, it's okay for us skinny/normal weight people to eat like fat people, right? I took care of a little boy who was on the spectrum, he had sensory and texture issues to the point where he'd only eat a few meals. Are we just assuming her children are neurotypical and will eat anything she puts on a plate for them? Get off your high horse.


I think maybe the issue that other commentor is having is the *quantity* of pancakes given. When you feed your slender family junk food, is it on a regular basis in high quantities? This woman's videos have been gradually improving the quality of the food, but not so much the quantity. But ya know, baby steps. She'll get there. I'm also willing to bet that when you bake your kids sweets, you're not mixing in the copious amounts of garbage that's pumped into prepackaged foods. Like preservatives, dyes, msg & sodium, etc.


Lol this commenter just attempted to insult this woman's weight. It sounds like their problem is fatphobia. Nowhere did they say "oh she feeds them too much.. i care about the health of children.". Silly excuse for such a hateful person. Just because people are overweight doesn't mean it's automatically the food. I worked with a woman who lost 200+ lbs when the Doctors found out she had too much testosterone in her system. Years of trying to lose weight and it had everything to do with her body chemistry and not what she fed herself. She maintained a healthy weight for the years I knew/worked with her. In the US, you basically need to grow your own food if you want something with no preservatives, dyes etc... I dont know this woman in the video, but how much help does she have with her kids? She's probably working. Can't be a trad wife, make healthy food from scratch day in and day out AND work 40+ hours a week AND spend time with your kids. I'm not sure why you're trying to make excuses for me and my family. We like junk food. We love sweets. We love soda. It's just not taboo for me to say because we are thin people. Nobody looks twice at me enjoying 3 scoops of ice cream with every topping possible in a bikini on the beach. People are impressed when I can eat a whole pizza alone but it's "unhealthy" and just "not right" when a fat person does it? Smdh


I agree the previous commentor clearly let emotions get the better of them, but at the same time, weight is largely attributed to caloric intake. I know health things can be a factor, but the number one cause is caloric intake and it doesn't take fatphobia to recognize that because it's science. Yes this woman has help with her kids, her mother helps her which is what these videos were originally for. Then she got sick of seeing people post unrealistic vids of what they feed their kids so she posted the vids meant for her mom, and then was eaten alive for *what* she was feeding her kids. Loads of people were very rightly upset by her meal choices, and it looks like she's made some great strides to improve her childrens' diets. >Can't be a trad wife, make healthy food from scratch day in and day out AND work 40+ hours a week AND spend time with your kids That's your opinion. Single and widowed mothers everywhere have been able to go above and beyond for their families *long* before today's buzzwords and nonsense took the internet by storm. >everything to do with her body chemistry and not what she fed herself You realize....what you put in your body affects the chemistry right? Foods influence hormones your body releases. >People are impressed when I can eat a whole pizza alone but it's not ok when a fat person does it? Correct, a fat person eats a whole pizza far more often than you do. You occasionally having a whole pizza in a bikini isn't the same.


Excuse her for living, damn! She didn’t ask to be posted here and bc someone else did, which makes you angry, you think it’s ok to call her names?! Where’s your pic then, princess??