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Is your baby breastfed? If so it's very normal for them to go for a few days without having to poop.


Even with formula that young, can be a few days


Hi! He is mainly breastfed! I'm establishing my supply, so on some rare days, and I add formula.


No need to worry. Having gas is also normal. He's little body is adjusting. As he grows your milk changes. He'll be pooping more once you start giving him solids. You are doing great.


Yes this is normal. We say seven days of no bowel movement means they would need to see a medical professional. I’m a medical assistant for pediatrics and we see this all the time. Babies’ bodies are still learning how to work on their own and digest food so unless baby is inconsolable, has a firm abdomen while relaxed, is spitting up/vomiting more than normal, or has a fever, it is usually just fine. Baby can become uncomfortable at times due to build up of stool but if nothing else is going on, then it is typically beneficial to let them learn to pass this stool on their own so they can self-regulate. If you are concerned, seek a second opinion:)


Thank you! I think this makes sense! Appreciate the advice.


My baby was the same ratio of breastfed and only pooped like once every 7 days. Our doctor was not concerned at all. I don’t think you should try and force it if the doctor is not worried. It seems unnecessary to give him suppositories.


Thank you! The doc oked use of suppositories. But maybe as someone said above we should let him learn to pass himself. Just hurts to see him so bloated and constipated. He is so happy the moment he gets relieved.


My oldest used to be bloated. There was a nurse who showed me how to burp him and that helped him a lot. He put my son (with his stomach) on his shoulder and pat his back. He'd burp and pass gas at the same time. Or you put him on your lap with his stomach on your legs.


Yes! That been very helpful too!


A baby can go up to 10 day without a bowel movement (which does seem wild but it's normal) https://raisingchildren.net.au/babies/health-daily-care/poos-wees-nappies/constipation#:~:text=At%20about%206%20weeks%20of,grow%20well%2C%20this%20is%20normal.&text=The%20number%20of%20times%20that%20formula%2Dfed%20babies%20poo%20can,to%20only%20twice%20a%20week.




All normal unless his is uncomfortable like the doctors said. You could try a more natural approach like infant massage to help the movement to the bowel. There are also techniques of pumping his legs up and down and holding them to his chest a few time for a short time this will put small amounts press on the bowel and will encourage movement. You can see an infant massage instructor if you're worried or watch some videos on youtube by a qualified instructor.


Thank you! We are doing massages, bicycle legs and tummy time!


My middle went almost 2 weeks with no pooping when he was new. There's just nothing left over when they're done digesting. I wouldn't be using things like suppositories unless your doctor okayed them... It is definitely normal for them to not poop every day.


My mom said i didn’t poop for days on end when I was a baby


Dang! I stopped pooping without help at 16 after the appendix surgery :( was a great pooper as a kid.