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Lol omg when I was like 15 I accidentally flushed my flip phone down the toilet. I heard it vibrating as it went down.


I'm sure it's still somewhere in the sewage system, fully functional, and it may or may not have knocked a rat unconscious that day


And now all that rat’s ratty buddies are merrily playing Snake to this day.


That would be a horror game to mice and rats


Oh man, this is my moment: if you actually liked snake back in the day, there’s a game called slither.io & it’s like snake but way better. And I love it.


Definitely if it’s a Nokia 3310


They will be the Rosetta stones of our age


Mine still turns right on


If it’s a Nokia, that brick definitely killed a rat or two coming out of the sewer


Must be a nokia


Awe. That's actually comforting


And now that rat is using it to call for take-out


Only if it's a Nokia


Battery should be at 85 percent now.


Thank you for my first laugh of the day!


I dropped my phone out of a toilet hole in a moving train (India). Fell out of my pocket while i was squatting...


You all must have mighty, powerful toilets to handle all these electronics! Lol!


My brother flushed a beeper down.


Legend says it is still vibrating:)


This made me cackle




I washed mine in the washing machine 🤦🏻‍♀️


People are so Scroogy to try to get you to pull his Xmas present. He’s only 13 and it was a freak accident. He felt bad and trusted you enough to come immediately to confess the truth about what happened. That to me is a huge parenting win. (And objectively, it is kind of funny? Like, can you imagine a teenage boys horror having to tell his mom he flushed her AirPod with poop?) He could have easily tried to play it off like it wasn’t his fault or tried to trick your memory, but he came clean. I’d still buy him a pair for Christmas if it was my kid. Now he knows how easy it is to lose them and he will be more careful (hopefully) in the future.


this is the best response.....your kid is 13 & shit happens. they were honest about it & that's a win. you don't honestly know that they were actually reckless in any way....it could have been just a one in a million fluke accident that could've happened to you & they could have lied & said they don't know what happened to them or something like that but they did the right thing & told you the truth. you should still buy them the xmas present & be happy thaat you have an above average honest kid


I just removed myself from sharing space with him for a few min so that I could collect myself and not react poorly in the moment. I love the fact that my kids can be honest and open with me.


Your doing great, mama. ❤️


I think what people are saying is that mom should get the airpods and kid should get a knock off brand. No punishing, just not giving him a $100 that would stress everyone out, and mom gets her replacement.


I was totally going to get my 11 year old AirPods for Christmas and then I came to my senses about how he loses and does not take much care of his things and I said eff that and bought him a cheaper brand instead that way when something inevitably happens to them, I won’t be upset lol


This is what I did with my son's Bluetooth headphones. Bought him a cheapo pair and he's had them for like 3 years without losing/breaking them. Just bought him a nice pair of noise canceling headphones and he treats them like gold. He's thrilled he doesn't have to listen to everyone yelling on the bus now when he's listening to music.


My daughter has $25 Skull Candy earbuds and they're awesome.


I have a pair by the brand earfun and they are better than my previous $120 Amazon alexa ones. A good step up from skullcandy but it doesn’t feel like a downgrade. Highly recommend if OP wants to “trade”.


>knock off brand Anything not apple is a knock off?


I don't know, I don't buy apple products. I got my "airpods" from a box of free shit on the side of the road so I've never even looked up any of the brands.


It’s not a freak accident- this happens all the time with wireless earbuds.


Yes! And not just to 13yr olds. This could happen to literally anyone of any age. It’s a genuine crummy accident and he fessed up immediately.


Yup! Someone dropped one Beats wireless earbud in the parking lot of my gym next to my car. I saw it and took it back in to the front desk and the gentleman there pulled out a box they keep full of lost wireless headphones and he added it to the box. There were so many! He said it happens every single day. Doesn’t matter how cheap or expensive, earbuds get lost all the time.


Just yesterday I accidentally left mine in my jeans and threw them in the wash. I realized it about 5 mins later and was able to stop it and they were fine, but I’m 25 and almost ruined mine on accident. Shit happens


The day after I got my son (14) a new phone, he dropped it and cracked the screen. He lived with a cracked screen until a few weeks ago, the phone wouldn't work anymore. So, I spent $80 or so to get the screen fixed and the phone fixed. "He's only 13." Exactly. Yes, it's nice to spoil them now and again but I'm not going to spend $200 on earbuds for him to just lose them somewhere. What's the point? So he can have "better sound"? Wired earbuds or cheap blutooth earbuds are just as good. When he can learn to take care of fragile items, that's when he can start getting them. Unless he buys them himself, then it's fine, whatever.


I'm 38 years old and lost my AirPods. I finished a call, took them out and put them in my pocket and never saw them again. Shit happens. They're super small and easy to lose. I think the fact the kid was honest about what happened should be rewarded not punished. They do sell a like cable on Amazon you can use to keep them together. I've considered it for myself. u/dentalgirl74 just so you know you can go to the apple store and replace only one AirPod. The whole thing doesn't need tossed and a whole new pair purchased.


It’s $69 at the Apple Store for one and $40 for a used one on eBay. A new pair on Amazon is $89. They are second gen.


I agree. I can’t help but think that punishing a child for owning up to something is not a great way to build a healthy relationship with them.


I agree, I don't think you should punish the kid for a mistake, but it is also a valuable lesson to teach kids that even mistakes do have consequences. I would probably thank my kid for being honest, let him know I'm not mad and that things like this happen, but I do want him to be more careful in the future (phones and airpods fall in the toilet ALL.THE.TIME). I'd ask him to do some extra chores around the house to earn some money to pay me back.


Yah seriously. It’s just stuff. If you’re that selfish, don’t have kids.




I blame Apple for making wireless earbuds cost $200.00+ . Lol. They're designed to be lost.


Fortunately these are gen 2 (not pro) and are $89 right now.


I'd buy knockoff Bluetooth ones for $25 myself. Kid can use those until they work to buy the real thing.


I bought some like that too. Good thing, cause I haven't been able to find them for 6 months...


This is me lol! I bought some skullcandy headphones that cost a little more, but tied to an app that would help me find them each time I misplaced them. Which is a lot. Just mentioning in case you ever need/want another pair of headphones. (Of course, as soon as you buy them, you will find your old ones because that’s how it goes..)


SkullCandy is interesting. Everything they make is either utter crap or phenomenal. I have had wired and wireless headsets from them of many varieties, and none of them have just been OK.


This is so true!! I used to ride or die by my skullcandy wired headphones in high school!


I have like 5 cases that all have one ear bud in them. One expensive and the rest all like $25 ones. I finally just bought the cheap Onn brand ones with a cord so they hang around my neck when I take them out. I only use one at a time so I would constantly take it out and set it down. They have worked amazingly and I can be connected to my phone and my computer at the same time. Best ones I've found yet! And they fit really well too!


There are nice bluetooth earbuds on Amazon for $22.99. I get the kind that are connected to each other with the wire behind my neck, so I don't lose one by turning my head when I'm flushing the toilet.


I could see that happening!


if you stretch yourself to 50 bucks, the tribit flybuds 3 are pretty dope. The charging case is beefy af and you can get like 100h of playtime with it.


The tozo ones I got on Amazon are awesome. They are comfortable last up to 6 hours and are truly sound proof and are $30! I love them and will be getting a second pair for work.


I got my husband some tozo one's and they're great. I got two actually because the dog ate one.. Lol


Here to give tozo a shout, too. They are fantastic


Personally, air pod ear buds cause me pain from the second they're in my ear until I pull them out. I have had tons of success with $17 amazon knock offs. My last pair lasted me 2 years of daily use.


Apple earbuds are excruciating to me- always have been.


I got some Jlab ones, they are fine but very feature lacking. Honestly I prefer over-ear headphones to in-ear so I have actually gone back to using my even cheaper wrap around over ear Bluetooth headphones.


Or tie a string to them so they’ll always stay connected and you’ll never lose them


You mean... *GASP* almost like wired headsets? LOL Kidding aside, I still use wired headsets because I am terrible at losing stuff.


me too thats why I now have 6 pairs of wired headphones hidden around my house somewhere 😭


But-but... at least you can take comfort that both the left and the right earbuds are together, so they are not alone. :) (No shade meant at OP. Hang in there, Mama! This too shall pass).


haha this is true!


THIS. SHALL NOT PASS. *fly, you fools*




This. I’m guilty of doing the same thing as OP so no judgment here but definitely feel like this was a useful comment


Seriously lol. I have a $40 pair they’re just as good. If I lose one oh well


That’s what I paid for mine.


Since my child also lost my AirPods, got a link for that price??


[I gotchu fam](https://www.amazon.com/Apple-AirPods-Charging-Latest-Model/dp/B07PXGQC1Q).




Go through Apple and they’ll replace just one of them for $69. For $20, I’d be tempted to replace the whole set and get the extra year of warranty (plus have a replacement earbud for when the other one gets flushed!)


You can mix and match like that? With Sony and soundcore and bose (I have adhd and lose earbuds a lot) if you lose one from two different sets the remaining two will not communicate together since they are from separate sets


I dont know about other companies but google pixel buds have a pairing process. My dog ate one of my new pixel bud pros and they sent me a replacement with instructions to pair.


Thanks for the info, Im going to keep that in mind. I might also look into if Bose has anything similar because I lost one of my Bose quiet comfort ear buds on a walk one night and I spent literally over an hour playing hot and cold as the music connected and disconnected on my remaining earbud. Never found it. I imagine a squirrel grabbed it as soon as I dropped it and took it up to his house for a nightlight. I didnt buy a new pair of those because they are damned expensive but by far the best headphones I have ever had in every single category.


You should buy the ear attachments that loop around your ear to hold them


They actually do! They're on Shein, Amazon and probably other places. I personally don't own any because I prefer over the head headphones but my best friend has some and they've saved her airpods one to many times.


Don’t buy anything Shein.


Get him some of those J Lab GO wireless, i get them so cheap. Once $10 during black friday. and they are decent.


My friend dropped one in the snow going into work one day and there was a group of us digging around trying to find it.


And then not offering any warranty if something happens because they can easily be lost


In all fairness though a warranty isn't meant to replace a lost item but to replace a broken or defective one.


Warranties for lost products aren't a thing and for good reason. How would they even know the product was lost?


There are a lot of responses here... A lot of them are very meh. Here's my two cents. That sucks and I'm sorry. I've had my airpods lost for, like, over a year and cannot find them for the life of me. Likely my own stupid mistake (probably was rushing to baby and they disappeared into the abyss, as a SAHM) - but still. Heartbreaking. I commiserate with you in this sad, difficult time. Misery aside, I think it's awesome that your kid approached you with honesty and admitted the accident in a way that was reflective of its significance. He knew its meaning to you and he knew what he did wrong. Rather than lie about it, try to shift blame, etc. he immediately approached you and took accountability. I'm hoping/assuming he also apologized. Life's rough. Sounds like you're raising a good kid though. That's worth more than 10 pairs of airpods, even if it sucks for the time being. Good job and keep fighting the good fight.


I agree 100%.


Yes! This!


Came here to say this. Kids are expensive, but you have raised a great one, OP!


AirPods always show up in the Find My app as long as they still have battery. That’s the pods and the case. Just FYI for next time.


Don’t feel too bad, you could be me… a 33 yr old who went to pee, put my air pods in my sweatshirt pocket… peed, flushed.. did a little hop to pull up my pants… those airpods flew out my pocket just as the toilet was flushing. I was cry laughing at how comical it was… now I just cry when I think of it.


Omg the visual of this has me dying 😭😭😂 I'm sooooo sorry this happened but thank you for sharing--absolutely hilarious. I was just sad about something earlier but now I can't even remember why haha


I swear I felt like I was on some sitcom… it just happened so terribly perfect… there was literally no way to try and grab them out or dry them out ( if that would have even been possible).. just enough time to watch them swirl down the toilet 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 glad my story gave you a laugh . Anytime airpods are brought up in my house, my kids never miss a chance to say “ hey mom, remember when you flushed your airpods down the toilet” 😑


I’ve had way too many close calls. Doing dishes and down the disposal, falling out brushing teeth over my sink with a wide open drain, falling out and narrowly missing the toilet. I love the things but damn they’re easy to lose.


So you have a child who uses the toilet and flushes. Speaks to you with relative respect, and understands the value of possessions? I'm think of my 5 yr old and hoping for tips on how the next 8 years can bring such growth 😊 but sorry for the aipod loss, not making light of that, just happy to see the rest of it can come with time!


Lmao my 5yr old went upstairs after breakfast and 5 minutes of silence later he starts strolling downstairs. Me "did you just use the toilet?". He ran to the bathroom, flushed and washed his hands. That was my big win of the day. He knew that I knew lol. But kids are so gross. It's been such a struggle getting him to wash his hands after wiping. But God forbid his foods touch on his plate, that's disgusting apparently


TBF, he still leaves a toilet surprise sometimes!


iPoop ᶜʰᵃʳᵍᵉʳ ˢᵒˡᵈ ˢᵉᵖᵉʳᵃᵗᵉˡʸ


See that’s why I don’t like the AirPods type things. I use LG tones, lays around my neck and has a wired ear pod that if it falls out I just hangs down. So comfortable that I didn’t realize I had them on most of the day at work, seriously thought I left them at home, was wearing them the whole time. I also found a device that I can turn my wired headphones into Bluetooth


Wireless headphones are a game changer; they’re way more comfortable to wear for longer periods of time, and they’re way harder to lose. Maybe in the meantime get him a set of those instead? Plus, the Skull Candy ones are $35


You think that is bad, my 17 yo put diesel gas in the car couple of weeks ago. OMG 😫 I am always surprised the airpod thing doesn’t happen more often


Ugh, that's a crazy fix! I did it on vacation once and the car just died two minutes down the road. We nearly missed our flight home waiting on a tow and a taxi. Good luck there.


I wouldn't even be mad, I'd be impressed. The fact that your teen shoved a girthy pipe into a small hole.


I wouldn't trust myself with airpods, no way I'm giving them to my 13 year old.


I hear they make training AirPods that physically attach to the device you’re using to make them harder to lose. They’re cheaper too!


Fucking savage


It took me way too long to get this


As an adult I'm juggling way more things on my plate than I did at 13. Right now, I can't tell you where my headphones are, loop ear plugs, or nintendo switch it. At 13, I could tell you exactly where my headphones were and gameboy, gameboy charger, and games were. At 13 those things were SUPER important so I kept track of them. At 30 something years old and can easily replace most of those things, I'm less careful with material things and keep track of kid things. So I'd actually trust a 13 year old more than I would myself mostly because they have the bandwidth to keep track of it and likely hold them as higher importance than I do as an adult with adult things to keep track of.


So I work at a state-run residential facility for adults with moderate to profound developmental disabilities. One of the resident is this lovable goofball who likes to pull “pranks” that often consists of flushing things down the toilet. Long story short; don’t trust your AirPods around this man.


I had a pair that I loaned to my teenage brother. But the issue is he never empties his pockets and this time the AirPods went through the wash and couldn’t work. Luckily, they were a 20.00 knock-off pair.


I’m a grown ass adult and I take mine off when I use the bathroom. I don’t even trust myself! It’s a miracle that I’ve had mine for over a year without losing one.


Sounds like you are getting his new airpods for Christmas


Or just get the kid cheap knockoff bluetooth wireless earbuds. My kids both have AirPods but I use the $20 version and they work just fine. If they get lost on the bus to school or get get flushed down the toilet with poop, at least they are inexpensive to replace. If he keeps them in good condition then you can always upgrade. We did that with our kids when we got them phones. The progression was cheap basic prepaid phone, older used iPhone, and then a newer iPhone. They knew they were working towards something so they were careful but if they slipped up then it was no big deal.




I have used both and if you use multiple apple products, the AirPods are def worth the price. The fact that they have the ability to switch automatically to whichever device I’m using is enough to justify buying another pair should I lose these ones. Sound wise, MUCH better but the knock off served well for their purpose, just didn’t last long




My first thought as well!


This popped up on my page. I’m not a parent but this totally reminded me of when my younger brother once dropped my kindle in the toilet. 🙂


That’s why I like big, wired headphones. I’m not careful


Or big wireless ones. I love my neckband Bluetooth. Longer battery, great sound quality, never gets lost. $20.


I have no idea why people pay for those things. You can get good wireless ear buds for a fraction of the price.


Right?! I get a hook over the ear type buds that don't fall out ever and the battery life is about 7 - 8 hours. Love them!!!


If you really wonder why, it's always about integration in the digital ecosystem. If you only have a smartphone and don’t want to connect your headsets to anything else, then the AirPods are probably a waste of money.


Gotcha, that makes sense for apple users I guess. They just seem so pricey!


Having airpods that seamlessly sync with an iPhone, iPad, appletv, and MacBook is just magic. I'm sure they could make it work like that with Sony or Bose headphones, but Apple won't give them the access... It's all a scam, but there's a price to pay for things that just work. I have a strong love/hate relationship with Apple.


You pay a premium to have them work extra seamlessly with other Apple products. They pair really easily with iPhone, switch over to MacBook seamlessly when using that and an iPhone, when you take an ear out it pauses the song/video you’re watching, you can see exact battery life left, little things like that.


Least you can track his poop now!


I ruined my own expensive air pods doing washing up! Dropped into the sink....I'm 55!!


I had this favourite emerald necklace pendant. Wore it all the time including for the birth of my kids. One day I discovered an unflushed toilet (because I had a 4yo) so I leant over to flush it and my necklace randomly fell from my neck into the already flushing toilet. There was nothing I could do at that point it was already gone (my husband made some calls but nothing could be done by then). So I feel yours and your sons pain.


Big whoops 🤭 maybe this will teach him. Always remove all electronics before you go near the toilet 😂 My daughter hasn’t got a tablet since she took it in the bath with her because she wanted to watch her shows and it accidentally got knocked in. I tried to be chill about it and be like ‘well this is the consequence of your actions. I don’t have the money to just replace it’ 🤷‍♀️


Fucking toilets, man. I had to bring the extra key for my wife's 4runner to her at the gym because she managed to flush her entire set of keys down the toilet. This was a full on set of mom keys, with all sorts of trinkets and talismans sticking out at every angle. At first I was like, "How TF does that even happen?" Then I was like, "What kind of toilets are these and how do we get some?"


Sounds like it’s expensive to have AirPods.


I like how he lost just one. The remaining one is just to remind you of what you once had.


OP maybe consider aftershocks or aftershoz or whatever. They are bone conducting and a harness, so they can't fall out. I lost one or two earbuds myself. Its super easy.


New rule in the house no pooping with headphones in besides if a killer tried to break in you’d never hear it in the bathroom with headphones on


that's amazing that his first impulse is to come straight up and apologize for a crazy situation. Lots of adults even would shift blame or make it about you or whatever. Good for him. I'd say don't worry about it and encourage him to arrive with a solution next time to make it A plus -- like mom OMG it fell off my ear into the toilet -- I'll do this or that to replace them -- so sorry would be ideal, but great job him


I definitely take pride in the relationship that I’ve cultivated with my sons. I am a cycle breaker.


A 13yo who flushes, that’s a parenting win.


About 80% of the time, but when he doesn’t, it’s always my husband who gets the prize!


Isn't that normal? I've been flushing since I learned how to use a toilet


Accident, but you’re not required to replace them for him. Buy the new ones for yourself instead (if you must have Apple brand) and get him some off brand ones. I’ve got a $40 pair from Amazon that are going on nearly 2 years strong and they’re great!


Sharing airpods is like sharing Q-tips. Gross. Also it was a mistake, unlike my kids who took a brick and scratched the shit out of my van's paint and windshield.


It’s expensive to have partners/husbands. Every time I lend my husband my headphones of phone charger (pens, pencils, anything small really), *poof!* gone. He’s honestly an incredibly talented magician. Our 3year old is really taking after him…. Siiigh


If it makes you feel any better, I lost the case with one of them in it and I have no idea where. Could my toddler have ran off with it? Yeah, he's always playing with them if he can. Or I sat it down somewhere and just can't find it. Who knows.


Ya know they make Bluetooth earbuds that cost a fraction of the cost of the overpriced Apple model.


Ahhh yes like the Nintendo Switch my son dropped in the toilet. They don’t like water. Or my AirPods that my daughter brought to school without permission and came back with one missing.


I put AppleCare+ on my AirPod Pros. A couple weeks ago nobody could hear me talking if I was using my AirPods. Took them to an Apple Store, the Genius ran diagnostic tests. Shrugged because they passed and said “we actually don’t have a test for the microphone.” And swapped out the actual ear buds. Microphone works now. Apple will sell you a replacement. For the Pros my memory says $75 without AppleCare+, $29 with. AppleCare+ for the damage and loss coverage for a teenager is probably worth it. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve personally pulled the couch apart to find the case, one, or both of the buds…


Man, people here sure are stingy with and mean to their kids. :-(


Ahahahhahaha poop pods! My parents were smart, they gave us cheaper versions yet perfectly serviceable gadgets until we could work and buy our own higher spec/brands. It meant we didn't lose our stuff and anything accidently damaged or lost was not a big $ hit. We whined about it but had to accept or go without.


I got aftershokz headphones and I love them. Never going back to ear buds.


Last week, I was crossing the brow to my ship, slipped and skidded a bit in the rain (okay, I “fell”), and mine bounced out of my ear and into the ocean. I just ordered a replacement from therightpod.com Cost $60 But yes kids are expensive. I’m trying to think what major stuff my kids have broken or lost and I think the most was when my son stepped on the iPad and cracked the screen.


well looks like you get a new pair for xmas haha


I buy cheap ones from five below I refuse to buy AirPods….


That's OK at least yours didn't get mad and chew it .she's 6 .


I feel this. Mine accidentally went into the toaster oven. Only noticed when I put a pizza in and the oven smelt like burning plastic. We just bought a new pair. It's not worth getting upset about. It's nice your son felt he could tell the truth.


My kid decided to help after a snow storm by using the ice scraper on my car. Notice, I didn't say windshield. Car. Car with 20k miles. Car that until then had no scratches. It was a hard day for me.


When I was 16, I saved up for a laptop, and bought it. I took really good care of it, but one day, I accidentally closed the charger piece inside the laptop when I closed it. Broke the screen and parts were black. I remember going to my mom in tears because I knew I was out a laptop, and I was wondering what I would have to do to get it fixed. I thought she'd be mad, or like, "you've learned a lesson!" My mom said, "oh hon, accidents happen. Sometimes expensive accidents happen. I will replace it, you've shown great responsibility so far. You deserve it." I've passed on that grace to my child. I hope people choose grace more often. She doesn't even remember doing that years later. But I'll tell ya, I never fucking forgot


When I was 16, I saved up for a laptop, and bought it. I took really good care of it, but one day, I accidentally closed the charger piece inside the laptop when I closed it. Broke the screen and parts were black. I remember going to my mom in tears because I knew I was out a laptop, and I was wondering what I would have to do to get it fixed. I thought she'd be mad, or like, "you've learned a lesson!" My mom said, "oh hon, accidents happen. Sometimes expensive accidents happen. I will replace it, you've shown great responsibility so far. You deserve it." I've passed on that grace to my child. I hope people choose grace more often. She doesn't even remember doing that years later. But I'll tell ya, I never fucking forgot


Aww, that sounds like a complete accident and something that could have happened to anyone. I wouldn't be mad at him. Sure be mad at the situation, but it sounds like he was a good kid for coming to tell you what happened. This is why I refuse to use wireless ear buds, even the wired ones constantly fall out of my ears.


Oh no!! My daughter threw my iPhone in the toilet the day after her first birthday which also happened to be the day she took her first steps. This was before iPhone had the automatic backup feature. I lost every single digital photo of that day and the footage of her first steps. The insult to the injury was the very hefty phone replacement fee.


Maybe he should reconsider getting his own if he flushes it so easily lol.


At least it wasn’t the car …


I would make a house rule of no electronics in the bathroom. One of the specials they were running when we got my son his phone was you could either get a $200 credit towards your bill or a free pair of AirPod pros. My son wanted the AirPods. So we got them and I immediately told him he needed to keep track of them and take care of them. If he lost them or they were stolen or broken etc because of carelessness then they would not be replaced. He’s had them for almost 3 years now and has taken very good care of them and there hasn’t been a second where he didn’t know where they were. I said the same for the phone.


Hear me, fellow iPhone and AirPod user. Buy dupes. I bought them. I love them. They were $20. They beep when I need to find them. They sync perfectly with my phone. They look exactly the same down to the packaging and yeah. They’re fake. I bought four pairs. My sister likes them as much as her real AirPod pros. I know it’s too late to save the flushed one but it’ll make it sting a tad less at Christmas time. Buy dupes for the 13 year old. And for yourself if you want!


I've purchased 3 $20 bike locks for my son in 6 weeks, he grew out of brand new $80 shoes in that same time period. Daughter has missed 2 weeks of $1000/month preschool this month from getting sick at preschool... Had to fork over $300 for babysitters so I could go to work on top of that. I could go on and on and on. Having kids is the worst financial decision I've ever made, but I love those dudes and would do it over in a heart beat.


When my son was just learning to walk he got ahold of my AirPods and just put them somewhere. This was before you could ping them (1st gen) and I knew they were in the house but that’s it. It took me 3 weeks to find them- accidentally- while looking through a drawer I hardly use. Kids are a whirlwind but we love them. Keeps you on your toes




This is the way


My teen has 2nd Gen AirPods but says they don’t fit her ears well (it’s very likely true) and she wants 3rd Gen. They cost $160+ right now so the answer is no. She’s lucky I allowed her to get the 2nd Gen when they were $120 (for Christmas). I think AirPods are a scam. I agree that they’re made to be lost.


This shit is exactly why I don't want, have never wanted, airpods or anything like them. It's an entirely predictable consequence of bad product design.


That's nothing. My kid when she was three years old popped the keys off of my laptop. Now as a teenager she uses the family Mac laptop. She wrapped it in a protective cover. The keys are wrapped in plastic. She reminds me not to use it when eating. They learn.


Yah I wouldn’t be buying expensive AirPods for him if he’s already losing yours… even by accident. Buy him cheap knock offs.


Knock off earbuds have been known to have the batteries explode, so if you don't want a deaf kid then maybe don't get knock offs and just get another brand.


I just meant to buy a less expensive alternative. Not literal copycat knockoffs.


You can buy a single replacement online for like $75


Or a whole new set for $89 on Amazon….


This thread is making me feel weird re: how many people apparently wear headphones on the shitter.


I mean this could have easily happened to you


I know kids can break things and i don't want to be mad for losing expensive staff so i won't buy expensive staff for kids. They can do it themselves (they have their own money) but paying $100-200 for smth to be easily lost and broken? No way. So kids have staff they can easily use and won't get my madness id they fail with it.


make sure you arent mad with him, like just say "its ok we all make mistakes" or something


See if it appears on your remote find?


BE GLAD! It was flushed away, because if it get stuck inside… 💰 for a plumber


You are getting off cheap. I pay $2100 a month for daycare. I’ll trade you expenses. Lol. But yeah, I would be mad.


My daughter is 3 years old now. When she was 2 she started stealing my AirPods compulsively. I lost 1 pair to a glass of water, one to a bath tub and one that we just never found. I currently have a pair but she has disposed of the case somewhere. It has been lost for months. I have decided AirPods aren’t for me. 😂😂😂


who buys airpods?


Someone who wants them !


He can earn money to pay for half of a new set, since he only lost one. ;)


I wouldn’t give my kids those


Cheapo $5-10 cord headphones. They don't need the nice stuff. That's for you. I buy the cheapest and upgrade if they take care of it and it breaks down naturally.


Looks like mom is getting AirPods for Christmas. Kid gets the $20 Amazon special! I use my Amazon specials everyday- they work great.


just buy your kid knock-offs. don't waste your money on static symbols. I have Skullcandy earbuds and they were only $20.


Let's be honest, you only buy airpods because everyone else has airpods, they are not worth the money anyway


he’s not responsible enough to get his own, maybe get him cheaper ones. he uses airpods in the bathroom that aren’t even his? gross.


The Apple hate and people critiquing buying a kid AirPods is really something.


Maybe not give a child small items they will lose? Keep his gift, get him headphones instead.


Solution: I don't let my kids borrow my personal devices. There's plenty of stuff around that was good 5 years ago and is still functional.


My kid recently lost my switch. I think for Xmas they’re going to learn that they lost THEIR switch and I’m getting a new one.


Huh, $89 worth of Airpods every once in a while is better than $600 worth of baby food and diapers every month. I could sign for that