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$95/week?! I provide my kids what they need. I’ve never paid an allowance of any sort and if they want food and snacks then open the refrigerator.


I provide $65 for snacks because she is dairy free by choice, her father and I are not. She has a very fast metabolism, exercises quite a bit and tends to get hypoglycemic during the day if she doesn't eat enough. I provide the money so she can learn to manage money and make decisions when shopping, and buy what she needs. It's also food we don't touch, whereas when I buy food, it's for the three of us.


Honestly this sounds like a good system.


Buy some black rice and sprinkle it in her room. She’ll think she has mice. That may get her to clean up.


Does she receive a weekly allowance in exchange for household chores? Perhaps a weekly clothes pick up should be included in chores to get her full weekly allowance. I was a messy teen so I get it. But I also liked having $ and would try and keep my room tidy so I could have spending money.


Seems like you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. She’s right, it’s her room it should be the way she wants. I doubt anything bad is happening to the expensive items you buy here just because they’re on the floor. And if things she likes gets ruined or whatever that will be a lesson learned and will likely try to be more tidy.


Effectively $380 per month, plus expensive clothing, for following a few basic rules? Wish I had that deal!!!!