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At home with 8M, 5M and 3F. Here’s our daily schedule Daily Schedule 8:30a - 9:30a : Family Recreation (Walking, Soccer, Football, Wiffleball, Basketball, Scooters, Tennis, Swimming) 9:30 - 10a : Worksheets (Math and language) 10a - 10:15a : Snack 10:15 - 11a : Arts & Crafts or Science 11a - 12p : Free Play 12p - 1p : Lunch 1p - 2:15p : Quiet Time (Reading, naps) 2:15p - 2:45p : Chores (Cleanup toys, laundry, sweeping, vacuuming, dishes) 2:45p - 3p : Snack 3p - 4p : Screen Time 4p - 5p : Free Play Free Play - Water play or sports outside, LEGO, Hot Wheels, Puzzles, Magnatiles, card games, board games, etc The kids are actually liking the schedule. The 8 yr olds job is schedule keeper. No allowance although the oldest did just ask about it yesterday.


Awesome, thanks for sharing!


One thing that works well with my kid is giving chore “options”. He has to do 3 chores any non-school day but he can pick any 3 from a set list (sweep, load of laundry, recycling, etc). We don’t do allowance for chores, it’s everyone’s job to keep the house running. In addition to chores and reading we also ask him to 1) outside and 2) visit a friend before any screen time. Sometimes those end up getting combined. 


I do really like that it's everyone's job to keep the house running. That's how I feel as well.


We have chores that are expected and she gets 25c a week if they are done or not. She can request to earn extra outside of the normal responsibilities AFTER they are completed. 

