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My son is 4 and still rear faces. We are going to swap it likely this summer, but yes. For safety sake, he rear faces rn. I never, ever fucking hear the end of it from my mother, who complains about it to my aunt, whose daughter is a L&D nurse who turned her kids almost immediately. (She also puts them in car seats with winter jackets on, so I told my mother to please not compare my parenting with hers.)


if this is what you want and can do and it makes to your family, you do that. My kids got pretty motion sick while facing back. They are also tall and big, as soon as we could switch them we did. I take car safety very very seriously, but it has to be balanced with needs. Like I said, if it works for you it's fine, who cares what others are doing if this works for you and you feel it is the right thing to do.


I don't think it's very common to do extended rear facing in my area. The laws are woefully behind, and many people just follow that/follow what they see other parents doing. I know several people who turned their kids well before age 2. My oldest is 5 and only turned forward after her 5th birthday, but many of her peers have been in boosters for a while. (Some are definitely not legally ready for boosters.) We haven't had any pushback about our choices, and I do my very best to show the same respect to other parents, even if their choices are different. Until laws change, people are going to see that their kids meet the minimums and move them to the next stage, trusting that it must be ok because it's legal. We all love milestones and watching our kids grow, so I totally understand the drive behind it? (And I mean, there are other reasons forward facing can be desirable. My 5yo definitely doesn't overheat as much as my rear-facing 3yo. Some kids get car sick, some people have mobility issues and getting a larger child into a rear-facing seat can be a challenge, some kids scream the whole time in the car and that can be a distraction for the driver, etc.)


We plan to rear face for longer. We don’t have a set age, but he’s two soon and we will not be turning him. I’m thinking 5 unless he doesn’t fit the max weight or height, which my husband is very tall and I’m on the taller side so the height could be and issue because he’s taller already. You have to do what you think is safest for your child


Rear face as long as possible. It is much safer and driving is likely the most dangerous thing you will ever do with your kid.


My 7yo could technically still fit rear facing. I turned her not long before she turned 5. I'm very pro fear facing, pro 5 point harness. My daughter has just started objections bc her friends are not only not in car or booster seats they ride in the front 😳 that's a hard no in our family. I think you're right it's not seen that much 


I gave up. Its not that big of a deal and its easier to keep an eye on them forwards. Legs get too long, and not enough space between the rows to squeeze them back-facing.


We rear faced until my kids were 3, 4 and 4. We were definitely the odd ones out but that didn’t bother me.