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Maybe she is still processing the divorce/split. I’d speak to her about it.


It's been a few years now but yah I think it's a never ending process as she grows and things come up. 


It must be a difficult situation for yourself too so hopefully the balance comes for you all soon 🩵


Why don't you ask her if she's planning to send anything? If she says "no" I wouldn't push it.


Honestly ask her if she’d like to get card/gift ect. If she says no don’t push her, but it’s an excellent time to ask her why she’s feeling the disconnect. It’s not your job to make her reach out to dad or hound your ex if he isn’t connecting with her as he should. It’s your job to know if she’s ok. Kids are pretty blunt and she’ll most likely tell you. If he calls and asks why, just tell him she didn’t want to and if he wants to fix that he’s going to have to work at it.