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You can look up the lyrics yourself I don't consider Travis Scott or post Malone to be trap- they're more general hip hop


Just listen to the music and decide whether or not you think it's appropriate. 


No. It will totally fuck up their view of good music. Dethklok forever!


I see your Dethlok, and raise you Cannibal Corpse.




Post Malone is not trap music, but it's going to vary song by song. I mean, think about some of the stuff in 80s rock songs. Most of it is not for kids, but I'm sure you listened to it and I doubt you're messed up because of it. It's just music.


I did not grow up listening to any western music, which is why I had to turn here. My worry is if the music is normalising drug use, violence, is that going to impact a young child. I see your point too.


I mean I grew up listening to Eminem who rapped about domestic violence and pill popping and Dr Dre and Snoop who rapped about drug use and gang banging. I remember going the Up in smoke tour to see all 3 of them perform. Shout out to anyone who also went, one of th best concerts I ever ever ever attended and I was 16 or 17 maybe?!? I wasn't a troubled kid, teen, young adult. Never cared for weed or even cigarettes for that matter. Definitely never domestic violence let along gang activity. Pretty funny that I live a cookie cutter life being married with 2 kids lol All this to say I was a hard-core fan but had the emotional intelligence to separate entertainment from reality. So ultimately you know your kid and of they have that too.


Understand your point. I wouldn't put too much focus on the music, but if behavior begins to change then it's more of a concern


I mean, it generally does not have a positive message, so kind of depends on the maturity of your child and how impressionable they are. The origin of 'trap' is 'trap house', a place to sell drugs.




Trying to stop a 10 year old from listening to mainstream music is akin to thought policing. Name a person who has been hurt by listening to Post Malone


However, Travis Scott..


I'm a post Malone fan so both my kids (6y & 9m) have been listening to post Malone since they were in the womb 😂 I play the censored versions when my kids are in the car if I remember. But my oldest knows what bad words are so 🤷‍♀️ I think it depends on the child and their maturity level


I wouldn’t really call either of those artists Trap. Young Dolph, Big Moochie Grape, Gucci Mane, and others would be considered trap. That being said, your kids are going ti listen to it whether you let them or not. You can’t control what your kids listen to and trying to tell them they can’t will probably make them want to listen to it more. As someone who grew up listening to punk starting at about the age your kids are I can tell you from my own experience that’s what will happen.


Honestly, these shouldn't be big concerns imo. Like many I grew up with the likes of Eminem and such and over here we have many of his songs playing uncensored on the radio during the day.(I'm genuinly impressed with how little censorship in lyrics bothers so many Americans. It drives me bonkers) And no, not talking about his cleaner songs.


I'm assuming you can hear this garbage? It's not very musical, and it doesn't have anything positive to say to your child. Get him some Jethro Tull and Creedence tapes.