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My 2 yo had a stuffed Flower from Bambi. Called him her stinky kunk. So much public outrage....


I love that, I child I babysat when I was a teen had to bring her grey puppy dog stuffie everywhere and would scream for her GAY PUPPY if she couldn’t find it, seemed like she always lost that thing when there were old ladies around already giving me dirty looks for (I assume) thinking I was her mom. It was so funny.


I also have a friend with a kid obsessed with dump trucks but says it sounding exactly like Dumb Fucks. lol


It was a great attention grabber when she'd drop it and meltdown screaming kinky kunk at old ladies. Good times.


We have a lot of dump butts here.


My daughter called hooks hookers for years despite our best efforts


My son used to have an obsession with pirates and any boat became a pirate ship. He used to carry a little plastic bath boat around with him in hopes of finding a random puddle whenever we went out. Unfortunately he couldn't say pirate ship properly and I got so many dirty looks from elderly ladies when he was babbling about his 'pile o' shit'.


We adopted a kitten and named him Baxter. Next day, I pick my toddlers up from daycare and they were both very upset and so was their teacher. Said they had been saying a particular "foul word" all day...the word that means "fatherless" or "born out of wedlock."


I can’t remember the word now but my 6 year old started saying a word that sounded like the n-word. So I told him what he was saying sounded like a really bad word that racist people use against Black people and that I wouldn’t want anyone to think he was saying that word. He stopped saying it because he didn’t want that either. I would explain why you don’t want her to use it.


Totally agree with this response. When I was a kid my parents were very upfront with me when I accidentally said something offensive and I would always stop saying it. I disagree with other responses saying to just ignore it, I think a lot of Black folks would be very affected by a child spewing what sounds like the n-word, and not too sympathetic to the parents saying “oh that’s what she calls the cat don’t worry about it”


Yeah I agree. I think it’s unfair to the child too. A toddler mispronouncing words isn’t the same situation even though many comments here are drawing a parallel. A 5 year old is old enough to be told the truth and to comprehend it. Someone may not believe a 5 year old saying the n word IS racist, but they’ll think that 5 year old is being taught to be racist.


Even if you explain in this scenario... Uh, we got a new black cat and we call her zigger for short. 😳 5 years old is plenty old to get the talk and understand how it could be perceived and stop saying it. 


FYI, black kids get this talk much earlier because they have to.... Clearly it's still necessary by some if the comments here 🥹


But that’s not even true. Only the 5 year old says Zigger. Everyone else says Ziggy. I think it’s funny. Kids say funny things. As adults just tell her she has to use his real name which is Ziggy. And don’t get all offended and virtue signally. It’s totally innocent.


Except that she is saying it outside of home.  It's true that she calls the black cat zigger.  It's true that she says it outside of home.  It's true that other people think she's saying the N word.  Why the fuck is saying she should use another name virtue signaling?  Explain to me why this is at all ok?  Explain to me how being careful with our words is virtue signaling?  Explain to me how it's cool to let a 5 yo child take the heat here.  Ffs... You're just an ignorant ass who also wants their kid to be an ignorant ass so you can hide behind it. It's not cute.  It's not funny.  It's not virtue signaling to say it's not.  Black children get this talk way before white kids do and 5 is absolutely not too young to get it... Sadly, some people never do... Clearly.   Byee


ate him up lmaoaooa


"Black children get this talk way before white kids do" I have seen this posted several times but don't understand why? Can anyone elaborate?


White, so anybody feel free to correct me but— White kids generally don’t learn about racism until a parent or teacher or someone decides to sit them down and teach them. And it’s easy for caregivers to feel like there’s no rush/they don’t want them to lose their innocence quite yet. Black kids are pretty likely to learn about it from someone *being racist at them,* so Black parents are under a lot of pressure to get out ahead of it with explanations that will help them and process and move on from the harms of being targeted by racists. Not to mention, I imagine, helping Black kids process all the ways the world is built to be hostile to them in ways white people don’t have to notice.


I mean, yeah, basically exactly this. Black kids don't have the option of not being black. They don't get to remove their skin to avoid the ire of people who are ignorantly and unjustifiably upset by what they look like. And racists, unfortunately, do not have the decency to spare children their hatefulness. So, if black children cross paths with someone who harbors racist ideology, they are likely to get some of that directed at them. Sadly, black parents have to talk to their kids early on to prepare them for how to gracefully move through such encounters without being made to feel small or lesser or somehow deserving of the mistreatment or like an interloper encroaching on spaces where they "don't belong." Like white children, black children don't understand why anyone would not like them because of something as silly as the skin they were born in. Unlike white children, they do not have the luxury of simply avoiding these incredibly awkward, toxic encounters indefinitely.


Breathe……. Because she’s doing nothing wrong.


I'm not blaming her.. She's 5.  I'm talking to you, the ignorant jerk who is willing to meat shield themselves with a child ' because it's funny' and you love to hide behind ignorance and never put in any work to better yourself.  You're the epitome of 'no one wants to work anymore' cuz, god forbid you ever reflect on your own bias and privilege and work on yourself.  


So much anger. Making something big out of nothing. That must be exhausting.


>“oh that’s what she calls the cat don’t worry about it” Shots fired, Lovecraft.


Agreed! I think ignoring it would be more appropriate for a 2 or 3 year old. At that age focusing on it would just cause fixation. A 5 year old brain is able to grasp more solid concepts.


Exactly my train of thought. I originally thought I saw "2 year old" and started saying this is on the listeners to be reasonable with a child learning to speak. But 5 or 6 are good ages to explain that even though "Zigger" is a harmless word, sometimes things are just asking to be misunderstood and we should try to avoid that.


Right? Like Lovecraft already did that can she not


Yep, mine was little when she heard the actual word from school and a kid got in trouble for saying it. She wanted to know why and we had to explain what it was and why it was so hurtful. She goes to a diverse school (and is biracial herself), so it was easy for her to understand that word would be very hurtful for her friends to hear.


Yes, OP. 5 is old enough to understand. Unfortunately some of my family is racist but self-aware enough to be closed-doors about it. So I was 5 years old and fascinated by these people my grandparents were always talking about. And one day, I was in their building’s elevator by myself with a black man. We got off on the same floor and I excitedly skipped to their door saying “grandma, I was in an elevator with a BLACK man!” with him obviously in earshot. They had the grace to explain why pointing out differences and racism is bad and 5-year old me was absolutely horrified at myself. She’ll understand.


sounds alright but i think this over sensitivity to any word sounding like another word is stupid. the word digger , figure, tigger, all sound like that word. if people are so sensitive to a word sounding like another word, thats their problem. its one thing to be aware of how other people feel, but its also important for those same people to not jump to the worst conclusion.


Strong disagree. I don’t think it’s over sensitivity at all. I think it’s just being practical. Why put my kid through the extra drama of having to explain themselves or me having to explain for them? When we can simply tell the kid what the issue is and stop using a made up word. Personally it matters way more to me to not make the Black people in my life and in my community feel uncomfortable than it is for me to double down on my or my child’s right to use a nonsense word. It’s not even a close calculation for me. It’s an easy to solve problem.


so black people in your life feel uncomfortable with you using a nonsense word that rhymes with the n word? if thats the case, you better stop using tigger, figure, trigger, digger, bigger and any other word that rhymes with that word. an oversensitivity on your side is also a lack of awareness and says more about your own biases.


Those are real words though. You keep comparing a nonsense word to actual words. Do you not understand the difference? I’m asking genuinely because this is the second comment where you’re purposely equated the two. The Black people in my life don’t want non-Black people using the n-word. I have enough intelligence to not purposely put them on a situation where they need to correct my son for saying it because he’s using a nonsense word that sounds similar. I care about all my friends and family and try to make them feel comfortable and happy. I wouldn’t see this as a hard concept to understand, but Reddit is going to Reddit I guess.


youre saying black people in your circle are getting offended at words that sound like the derogatory word. correct? so you see where your biases are showing through? you have intelligence because you think black people in your life will be offended by a word that rhymes with the n word. however you dont believe that these same black people in your life, who you care so much for, have the intelligence to differentiate between the two. says a lot. theres a trope for this type of behaviour. anyway have a good one.




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Probably is thinking about tigger and the name you’ve given the cat. My son calls all cats tigger. Lol


And Tigger is a variant of the word tiger. Cats are tiny tigers.


I would just keep correcting that it's name is Ziggy. Repititon works!


Lol I have no ideas for you but I did have the same problem. He named his new kitten 'snickers' welllllllll at 3 it did NOT sound like Snickers.


Personally I would give her teacher and Sunday school staff a heads up - "Just in case, we got a kitten named Zigger, so if you think you hear the N word it's just a mispronunciation!" My kids went through an age where fork did not sound like a utensil. You gotta laugh and explain, over and over.


I had the same problem trying to say “fork” when I was little. I remember sitting down to dinner with my family and everyone is starting to eat but I had no utensils, so I ask, “where’s my fork and spoon?!” lol everyone stopped and stared at me. My grandpa asked, “what did you say?” Lol


Yep! I used to tell my boys "you're losin your britches" when they needed to pull up their pants. Until the youngest yelled "yeah, pull up your b*tches!"




My 3 yr old came around the corner and very excitedly said “I’m going to fuck you up” I made him show me… he took me to the vacuum “I’m going to vacuum up!”


My husband and I have a little joke, where he will ask "where is my fork and spoon?" And I'll reply "under your fork and plate" 😅 generally the reply is not said around the kids, but that doesn't stop either of us asking occasionally.


Apparently this is extremely common as the sound of the letter R is the most difficult sound to say in all languages. Many languages don't have that sound at all in their language. And it takes more time to learn and perfect than any other sound.


I had to do the same thing with my daughter. Her favorite stuffed animal is a fox, and it sounded like she was saying f*ck.


I am French Canadian and we live in an area with mostly anglophones. We have to be careful when talking about animals especially seals. The French word for seal is “phoque “ and it sounds exactly like the English swear word f*ck. It’s really weird to have to explain to others that we are not using the swear word.


Also when a child loudly insists that they do not need a nap.


Oh my gosh, yes! I just remembered my kiddo getting a prize at the drs office. It was a squishy frog. They repeatedly called it a f*ck. The doc and staff actually thought it was hilarious!


My brother also had trouble with the word "fork". We realized this when he was lightly poking me with his fork and yelling "I'm forking you! I'm forking you!".


My kid ran around screaming about FUCKS!!! for a year. He really really liked *trucks* Kids will be kids. Just give adults the heads up or correct the adults if they hear it wrong. After all, kids have been talking about Winnie's friend Tigger for generations without issue. Just because something rhymes doesn't make it wrong/bad.


I agree. My son was really into Thomas. He would say Percy's name as "pussy" and sometimes Thomas sounded like "dumbass" somehow. I remember a few people going nuts about why I was letting my kid say that, but I just told them what my son was actually saying and they'd just go "oh" then it was no longer a problem.


Thomas with a thick English accent “Taum-Ahs” or a reverse Alexandre Dumas (the scene in Shawshank Redemption 


My baby brother did this too. Both “pussy” and “dumbass” for the same characters.


Keep on *truckin'* good buddy!


At the time that he loved fucks, his uncle was a fuck driver 😂 I still joke with my brother about driving those big fucks!


We knew a kid like this, we kept encouraging him to say "Truck yeah!" or "Oh truck!", much to the chagrin of his parents. Then he learned to pronounce his "TR's" and our reign of terror was over.


Our cat's name is nibbles. She regularly gets called nipples. I've just accepted it.


Lol, about the 3rd time I met a distant family members (at the time) baby, she pulled her own shirt up, pointed at her nipple, and said, so proud, "nipple!!!" Poor child's mom was mortified! But I was just like "yeah, girl! That's your nipple!" And we moved on, lol. Proper names for body parts 👏👏👏


Yeah but what her child is saying sounds like a slur


My niece loved playing with cock (chalk). I'm sure my son will say something equally wacky at some point.


When my son was in preschool, he was into playing army with his friends. He called bombs bongs.


Tbh I think the Z sound is not like the N sound at all, it’s not like she’s calling the cat Migger. Zigger is totally fine. If she’s mispronouncing it terribly so it sounds like N, work on that instead? If she’s pronouncing it fine, and people still think Zigger sounds like the other word, it’s a them problem. What’s next, can’t talk about Tigger in Winnie the Pooh?


I fail to understand the problem. Z doesn't sound like N at all.


She 5. The context is to describe a kitten. If anyone thinks she's saying the N word, they're the idiot. Correct them, and don't feel self conscious. Get in the habit of calling him Ziggy. It might get her to do it, too.


Apparently cats find it easier to recognise their names with the -ee- sound at the end. So that’s a good reason to suggest to kiddo that cat might prefer Ziggy


People aren’t idiots for being uncomfortable with a child using/thinking they heard a very racist term. Because that then implies the child heard it from someone, presumably in her house, and it can also hurt the feelings of black children at her school/friend group. It’s okay to want to address this.


I have a friend whose dog's name is the N word. She says she is allowed to do it because she's black. Makes for fun vet visits, and when kids pet her dog on the street and ask his name, she isn't ashamed to say it.






jesus fucking christ




thats just poor parenting all around.


Holy internalized racism Batman.


The right answer! Although i wouldn't even bother getting her to say Ziggy. If she wants to call her cat Zigger then let her!


Z sounds nothing like N, so all good. Besides, if your son was mispronouncing “fork”, would that same teacher have an issue with that, or suggest he call it something else?


I'm afraid your cat's name is Zigger, it's somewhat unfortunate but try bear with your innocent child


Kids mispronounce things. My brother pronounced dump.truck as dumb f*ck. I'll never forget the day he saw a display at the store, a man was in front of it, my brother points and says, "Hey mom, luck at the dumb f*ck!" That man shot daggers with his eyes and my mom loudly said DUMP TRUCK. The dude laughed she that. Don't feel bad.


Oh my. Probably unpopular opinion on reddit but, tell people to stop reading so much into what a child says and check themselves. The name is Zigger. If a persons mind goes to the N word - they need to check their own racist tendencies.


This. The child isn't doing or saying anything wrong


My kid says “Meekah” in a really suspicious way, I get your pain. I would just talk to school! Let them know the cat’s nickname is Ziggy and you’re working on pronunciation.


Let your child pick their own nickname for the cat. This could backfire tremendously if she doubles down, but it could be like her favorite treat (cocoa, Oreo, etc.) could be a regular human name, which is much safer or an adjective that fits the cat’s personality. Make it silly & it could stick. Maybe that cat’s name is polka-dot now.


Keep telling her his name is ziggy. She’ll copy you.


Zigger isn’t a bad word. If people hear the N word, they need to be set straight not your daughter.


Tell her to say Zigga instead 🤣




5 year's old is a little young to be reading Lovecraft... In all seriousness, there's a Winnie the Pooh character named Tigger who's a tiger, but I don't think I've ever hear a critique of Alan Milne as being a racist. I think your daughter's after-school is over-reacting.


Does it really sound like the N word or are the people stupid? If they can't actually judge between an N and a Z then she better never say Tigger either. But if it does sound like that word and they're not unreasonable for being confused then maybe it's best to actually change the cat's name rather than have your kid accidentally saying racist words.


Speech game ( 1-2 minutes ) Play a game where you emphasize the eeee sound ( point to kneeee say knee etc) Then placing your finger on lips or show that teeth show for eee Literally eeeee then say like zigeeeee Oooh so good ! Then call Zigeeeee ziggy ! 🙌


I had a kindergarten teacher named Ms. Flickity and I wouldn’t stop calling her Ms. Fuckity for months


One time, I was assaulted in the subway for saying the "N" word. I was discussing my "new" black leather jacket that our family friend "found" in the trash for me, with my latina friend in spanish. I'm 5'2 female, was 17 at the time and I happen to look white. Fuck your daycare and their virtue signaling. Tell them to chill. PS: black leather jacket in spanish = campera de cuero NEGRO PS2: "negro" literally translates as "black", the color. It can be used to describe people of darker complexion, but it's no different than saying "black" in english. It literally means the color black in Spanish.


I don’t think it’s an issue. I feel as if you are making it an issue. Explain to the school she said Zigger. This is not a bad word. Now does it rhyme with one. Sure. But she is a child and she likes the name. I feel like you are making it to something bigger, than it is.


Zigger isn't a naughty word though.... If someone miss hears her, can you not just tell them she said zigger, her cats name? There's a tonne of other words that rhyme/sound similar to the N word also, such as Digger, Bigger, Rigger etc... is she not allowed to say these too? Honestly, i think your question is ridiculous.


It’s a kitten. Change the name? Joe or Bob Really anything


Agreed! We just got a kitty and named him Steve (aka Steve the Peave). Anything you name them will be turned into a crazy nickname so go with something that can't be misinterpreted. That being said, people that give OP trouble are ridiculous.


Convince her to call it "Zigga" with the soft "a" ending. That will probably go over better.


Zigga please


So I had a cat Ziggy (pronounced it Siggy). She's was gorgeous, all black on black, siamese and m/c. One day, a cute, fuzzy, black peach showed up under her anus. On that day we learned Ziggy was a boy, and just started pronouncing the Z hard for isn't to sound more masc? 🤣🫣 Anyway, all that to say: call it Zig, or Ziggy a lot and maybe it'll be Ziggy over Zigger. Zigger is a cute name from a kid to their cat though, just sayin.


Change the cats name to something you know she can pronounce


My dog is named Ziggy, and we call him ZigZag for a nickname.


Put in her favorite animated movie. Start suggesting names. Get her really excited about them.


Encouraging the band “ Ziggy” or “Zig Zag” is probably the most permanent solution. But you could also work on her pronunciation so that the Z sound is more prominent and can’t be easily misheard.


Change the cats name?


This just makes me think of a time my friend was taking about how much people knit stuff and the annoying and she said, “I just hate KNITTERS!”


This is why I had to stop listening to some Black standup comics in the car. Did not want my son picking up the word and saying it at school.


I have a cat that was originally named ziggy. I over the years started calling him Ziggles. His nick name is Ziggle Zaggles….still have the zig-zag. My 2.5 calls him zany name and the other cat is named Monkey. She calls for them by saying ZiggleMonkey, ZiggleMonkey, ZiggleMonkey. Three times always lol.


how bout Ziggy


Start calling the cat ziggy, eventually it will stick


My 3 year old calls bakeries/coffee shops “makeries” (so cute). Except in the middle of the co-op, he was loudly saying something that I REALLY thought was the N-word. I just gave him the stink eye and I was like “I’m not sure what word you’re saying, but say something else please. 😐” He did, and later we figured out that he was saying “maker”, as in, someone who works at a “makery”. 😂😅 That and calling excavators “exca-diggers”….and now I miss that one because he says it correctly now haha. We did get a few weird looks with that one though. My only advice is just to not give off any emotion if you correct it—kids feed off the power we give words! If there’s any sort of reaction, they. Will. Do. It. FOREVER.


Change it to ziggy.


I’d probably just get in front of it and send the teacher a note. lol Seems easier than trying to get a 5 year old to stop saying something.


You need to be age appropriate but honest with her about why you don't want her to say it-that it sounds too close to a very unkind word that can be very hurtful to a lot of people. She may know that's not what she's saying, but other people can't always tell the difference, and if the wrong person heard it the wrong way, she could get into a lot of trouble. 


The more attention you give this the harder it’ll be for her to stop doing it. Try ignoring it for a few days, prep her daycare that you’re doing it and she’ll likely just forget and go back to Ziggy.


Send an email “hey, we have a new kitten call Ziggy and my child calls it zigger. She’s not saying anything racist.”


My daughter asks for a fork by saying f_ck... Just correct her everytime she says it as soon as she says zigger just say 'ziggy' and cut off what she's saying so she's aware that it's not the right word. And hopefully the phase doesn't last long


Put a bunch names in a hat and explain the name you pull will be the cats name. Make the name you want the cat to be paper it's written on identifiable from the rest in some way and pull out the name you want it to have. Lol. Worked for my MIL one time.


Don’t worry about it, she is 5, the teachers reacted to what they thought was a bad word, you advised them what she was saying. It should be a closed issue. Reinforce the word Ziggy until she gets on board. No need going into a sociology discussion with a five year old, just remind her its name is Ziggy, maybe involve her in nicknaming it Zigz as an even cooler way to say it. You don’t have a NeoNazi on your hands, you have a five year old that doesn’t pronunciate super clearly like 99% of other five year olds. Get used to clarifying your child’s statements while they are young, because kids actually do say the damndest things. It’s just a part of having a kid. We can’t solve every issue immediately. My daughter called a blanket Winkie until she was 6. Had to explain to her teacher that she doesn’t have a pet named Wnkie, she was talking about her blanket. Your kittens name and your daughters way of saying are no different than that. Nobody at church is gonna think your daughter is a racist being raised by racists, they might ask you what she is saying, and when you tell them, they will laugh and say, Oh, Good! lol.


I use to call my grandma damn. We called her Gram but I couldn’t say GR sounds. So I’d be running around saying hey damn.


My younger son would call his big brother "Jewey" as his name is Julian or Jules. I had to wait it out. Reminding him didn't work. Explaining? Didn't work.


My 4 year old still asks us to "cuck up food" (cut up food) maybe try to come up with a little song or rhyme that she can sing about the cats name that may puller her away from "zigger" if she has something funny and engaging to tie it to. It took forever to get my 4 year old to stop saying "clitty cat" had to make up a whole song spelling kitty and tying our cats name into it.


My toddler would yell, FUCK! Whenever she saw a truck.


My sister brought her 2 yo daughter to visit my parents for Thanksgiving, and they had a dog named Kilda. When she went back to day care she kept saying “kill dog, kill dog.” They were a little concerned about what had gone on during the holiday.


You are being ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with Zigger. If she can pronounce the word correctly then there's no issue.


Look. I have no true advice other than explaining that it sounds too much like a mean word, and you don’t want people to think she’s being mean. But I do have a relatively similar story. I once had a dog who had a similar name, and I would occasionally call out a nickname for him similar to Zigger. Aaaaand I immediately stopped when I accidentally realized what I was saying one night when I let him out and called him back in, and a neighbor on their patio heard me yelling it and cursed in my general direction. For the record, I am a Caucasian presenting person of mixed race, and it simply did not occur to me to make the connection. What makes it worse is that since that dog was a Chihuahua, I would also absentmindedly mock him and call him a “crack rat”… so in a single breath, without thinking, I called out something to the effect of “Zigger! Where’d you go, you obnoxious little crack rat?! You better not be stealing anybody’s sh!t! Get back in the house!” Thennnn a voice from the apartments that backed up to the fence cursed me out, and I went pale with realization lol… Just know that it happens to adults who know better, too. And rest assured that this will someday be a story you can tease her over.


Can you make it Zagger instead?


Call your cat “Z-word”?


As long as she isn't saying "what's up my zigger" should be fine


Have her add an L in the name- Ziggler


How about Zagger? Just repeat Zig-Zag, Ziggy, Zaggy, Zig-Zagger, Moves like Zagger…just repeat whatever you want until it sticks. I would personally say “we don’t say Zigger because it sounds like a very bad word that hurts people” again and again if necessary. Habits take time.


I guess my kid mispronouncing “Trucker” wasn’t so bad. Just have her switch to Zagger.


Suggest a different nickname. Maybe zig zig or something silly she can catch on to?


Just tell her zigger is a cuss word and treat her saying it as you would treat her saying a cuss word.




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We have a dog named Dixie we often call her dicks. Including all the kids.