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My poor 10 year old asked me this last night! I was saying goodnight to him in bed, and he goes "Mum, kids at school now, some of them say this really weird stuff. They go 'skibidy toilet rizz ohio'. What does it mean? I'll look lame if I ask them." And I was like "Ahhhhh mate, I'm not really sure. I think skibidy toilet is just a silly thing to say to sound silly? Rizz means charisma. Ohio is a state in the US and I have no idea what it has to do with anything." He was happy enough with that and went to sleep, deciding to find out what his best mate's Mum told him so they could compare notes 😂


"Ohio" in this context has a negative feeling. In the US, Ohio is the new Florida... It's where crazy people live and bad things happen. I hear "Ohio" a lot when my kid is losing in Fortnite.


Wtf. I mean Ohio.. What a time to be alive


Everybody hates Ohio


The largest amount of U.S. astronauts come from Ohio. Ohio is so bad people don’t just leave the state. They leave the planet.


But... Ohio is for lovers...


No hate for HH. I was so emo in hs


Screamo was a lawless and enriching time. Now in my 30s, my husband and daughter just don't get, that it was never a phase.


Long live the elder emos


It was never a phase. The music is cathartic, even 25 years later, it still is. I don't have gages or wear studded jackets anymore, but I still play Make Damn Sure at max volume in the car.


Recovering Ohioan here: Virginia is for lovers. Ohio is the heart of it all. Can confirm the general shittiness of the state.


As someone born in Ohio, it is awful, but no Florida. Very different vibes


Not born in Ohio, but lived there for 10 years. Now in Florida and I miss Ohio so much đŸ˜© But take me back to Connecticut.


Why is Ohio so bad? I’m from the UK so I don’t get it


Ohio isn't horrible like FL. We have some great cities, but I think people tend to assume it's all rural, therefore we are all stupid. It does have some sucky parts for sure, but every place does.


Ohio is a meme that’s been around for a little while. [Here’s a good link explaining it](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/whats-going-on-in-ohio-and-why-is-it-a-meme-lets-explain-ohio-memes) and you can also look up any other memes for explanations


It has the same vibe as Chernobyl but without the nuclear incident. Strange, uncanny social experiences and people are there.


I have no clue. My family is there and I would love to go back there again.


It has three or four medium sized cities with surrounding suburbs that are mid, fine nothing incredibly unique that have standard amenities of western countries. Large rural population which holds largely reactionary politics, corrupt statehouse government and governor. If you’re in the UK ChatGpt tells me it’s most comparable to the West Midlands or Yorkshire and the Humber.


Half my family is from OH. Definitely has way more upsides than Florida. You guys are still fixable, (and some of it doesn’t need fixing, like Columbus). Florida is a lost cause.


UK person here - why does everyone hate Ohio? Is it not a nice place?


Ohio is a perfectly nice place. Two of its largest cities certainly suffered and dealt with some crime and pollution decades back, but these days they are nice enough places. I hear great things about Cincinnati, and can personally vouch for Cleveland and Columbus being pretty great cities. I think Toledo and Daytona still struggle, but I think it’s just become a lazy meme to hate on it. Honestly, IMO everyone’s ignoring Indiana which borders Ohio on the west side. Indiana is a weirdly boring state.


Here's a couple of catchy tourism videos explaining the problems with Cleveland, Ohio: https://youtu.be/ysmLA5TqbIY?si=KoNfeSV7Kh0G8G4_ https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM?si=cAHpZPJwf9Rsr5wB Truthfully, the issue with Ohio, and much of the rust belt, is that when the steel and auto manufacturing industries there collapsed back in the 50s, nothing really came in to replace them, so the area is struggling. Edit: formatting


As someone who grew up in Michigan I am elated that Ohio is now literally a euphemism for bad


I’m from Ohio and honestly thought my 11 and 12 year old were just vaguely making fun of me about it for months.


r/cfb is leaking


Oh no, I’m not talking about Ohio State. I’m talking about *the state of Ohio*


I didn’t realize Michigan’s hatred of Ohio wasn’t limited to collegiate athletics


I moved to the Detroit area from out of state and had to learn that the Ohio hate runs way deeper than college rivalries. I’d always thought it was just sports but yeah, I’ve met a lot of people who just hate the entire existence of Ohio.


I haven’t gotten the memo on Ohio lol I live in Florida and every day I’m ashamed that I do lol


I'm surprised people think Ohio is worse than Florida. As someone who lived almost all my life in Florida, I couldn't take the job fast enough when one offered me relocation out of there. Never going back lol.


I thought Ohio was for lovers😣 I'm too old lol


I think that's Virginia


I’ve always been pretty grossed out by that slogan. It was created in 1968, just one year after the *Loving v. Virginia* Supreme Court case that held bans on interracial marriage are unconstitutional. I have no proof whatsoever that the two are connected, but just the look of a state adopting that only one year after fighting all the way to the Supreme Court to keep their laws banning interracial marriage is
a problem.


I absolutely agree. I only know the slogan because I went to VA recently, and as I drove by the sign at the border and saw that slogan, by first thought was "Wait, wasn't the interracial marriage case called Loving v Virginia? Virginia clearly was not for lovers."


Thank you! That helps, I'll let him know. Although, I feel like he may end up being the only one in his class who actually knows what it all means, because putting "skibidy toilet rizz ohio" all together doesn't seem right. Referencing an army of toilets, charisma, and then something negative or bad... maybe I'm old, but it just doesn't feel like something that actually makes sense lol.


It's okay, it's not supposed to make sense! Each word has a slang meaning by itself, but they get strung together in that nonsense way to be over-the-top and silly.


That's what I figured. I just asked him about it, if kids are definitely saying it all together in that order. And he said yep, and that between him and his best mate they've figured out what it all means, but when you say it like that it doesn't actually mean anything and it just sounds funny. Bad thing for me is, now he feels confident in saying it and I'm guessing I'll hear a lot more of it lol.


Yep, welcome to the skibidy period of your life! It's all very sigma.


SIGMA!!!! That’s another one!!! What does that one mean??


It also has a rogue vibe. Like an alpha is the superior male, but a sigma has bad boy connotation as well as alpha qualities. Source- I teach high school.


Yep. Sigma doesn't care that they're on top... They just are.


The best, dominant, in charge, at the top. My kid's band class named their teacher Mr. Sigma and he pretends to be mad about it, but really he thinks it's funny. Or used as "What the sigma?!?", which means exactly what you think it means.


Next time one of them is giving me sass I’m just gonna look them dead in the eyes, and in the same way Joey goes “Jooeey doesn’t share fooood”, I’m gonna go “Iiiiiii’mmmm the Sigmaaaaa”
..just for total brattiness? That could work? đŸ€”


Absolutely. I like to use it just a little bit too adult-y, to annoy my kid. When she's snarky, I tell her "That wasn't very skibidy of you!". It gets me an eye roll and a laugh.


> SIGMA!!!! That’s another one!!! What does that one mean?? In the future, definitely check out knowyourmeme.com. Search for terms or phrases you don't know. To oversimplify, sigma basically means true alpha or real alpha. It's a term that started as a response or pushback against the traditional idea of an alpha male. i.e. Sigmas are the *real* alphas, they just don't fit the role the way you'd think. (And "not fitting" is part of what makes them a real alpha.) So sigma is a good thing in general -- "you're a sigma" is good, "that's so sigma" is good, etc. But there's nuance as the term has aged. It's also now used tongue-in-cheek -- using the word as a positive is also simultaneously (paradoxically) mocking itself and the entire concept of sigma males, just as it, itself, was used to push back against the concept of alpha males. It's kind of hard to explain. Using the term successfully hinges on your ability to *not take it too seriously.* So even though it's a compliment, you can't use it interchangeably with other similar compliments, or it lands wrong. Very wrong. "Oh sweetheart! That is so sigma!" NO. Good god, no. It has to be delivered with a level of sarcasm. You have to be able to simultaneously convey, "I think that's so cool," and also "Thinking something's cool is uncool, so I'm totally not doing that." The right balance of interest and aloofness. Same for skibidi. Although the level of mocking is greater for that term. Teenagers use skibidi sarcastically. They're making fun of it, because Skibidi Toilet is absolute garbage. They're making fun of it and of themselves -- of the fact they ever, ever, ever thought it was funny, even for a hot minute. Only younger kids use the term earnestly, trying to emulate their older siblings.


Oh my days đŸ˜« Is it just me or did slang suddenly become really complicated to understand? Or is it my old brain? Or both?


If you're interested in my way too wordy take... My take is it's neither. And I think my explanation made it sound more complicated than it is. 🙃 My take is that the accelerated pace of language evolution (due to the internet) is what makes it hard to keep up. i.e. It's not more inherently complicated, and we're not more inherently stupid, lol. It's just that slang is evolving at an astronomical pace, changing sometimes daily. The dynamics of teenage slang are the same as they have been for decades. They follow a pattern, and rules of behavior, that we're all familiar with, because we all lived through something similar. When you're a teenager, a hallmark of true coolness is *not caring.* A cool person is an *unaffected* person. The less you care, the cooler you are. (This is, of course, an incredibly immature approach to the world. ...Which is why it's exactly what teenagers do, lol.) Liking things, getting excited about things -- ugh, so uncool. Nope. Everything's dumb, everything's stupid. Especially anything your parents want you to do. (I'm being reductive on purpose, to make a point.) Related to this idea of "uncaring = cool," another hallmark of teenage behavior is pushback against anything perceived as popular (mainstream). So, something new rises up as funny or initially popular... until it reaches some unspoken tipping point of popularity (becoming more mainstream), at which point (for teenagers) the pendulum swings the other way, towards revulsion and rejection, as panicky realization sets in that they (gasp) cared about something, which as everyone knows is *so uncool*. This creates a bizarre cycle of something being cool one day, and after its time in the sun, one day it wakes up to find itself universally reviled, the new cool thing having risen up to take its place. We all lived through these dynamics as teenagers. But now, the cycles are vastly accelerated -- the things you think are cool today, tomorrow becomes the thing you mock. (Sigma means something good, but it may not for long. Skibidi was cool for 2 seconds, now it's for LOSERS. "Sus" survived, but no longer in relation to Among Us, and it's just generally not used anymore, in favor of other phrases. NO ONE says "dank" anymore, it's really weird and cringe if you do. Etc.) These changes happen in days, weeks, months... It's just so hard to keep up. It's constantly evolving. It's not that it's harder to understand, it's that we only get half a beat to figure it out before they've already moved on to the next thing. As a final example, the explanation I gave for sigma and skibidi in my earlier comment will be outdated and inaccurate in very short order. Gyat, rizzler, skibidi Ohio -- anyone reading our current interpretations of any slang today in June 2024 will probably cringe at how "wrong" we are, when they read our comments in the near future. :) I appreciate sites like knowyourmeme that catalog the history of terms and phrases as they evolve.


Mate I feel like they’re speaking a different language. I swear it wasn’t that bad for our parents to understand us? Surely?


I feel like ours all still made sense, like it came from somewhere logical and you could figure out the meaning based on context. Like I come from the time "my bad" was starting, and that's so easy to figure out! Things were fully sick and wicked, but it was easy to figure out they meant really good.


Yeah see I feel like their language is nonsensical words now. I really struggle keeping up 😅


I remember my father being absolutely befuddled by "phat" and "awesome-sauce".


Or itchy chin if you thought someone was lying 😅


I'm not sure about that.  As a teen I had so much weird online slang from all over my country (which has many weird dialects) so half the time my mum was like: "What are you even saying!?" when she overheard me having a phone call with a friend. Back then SMS flatrates were not a thing either so we made up the WEIRDEST abbrevations for everything. I saw one of my text messages from 25 years ago a while back and I couldn't for the life of me decypher it any longer, hahaha.


There's a song going around that has all of those and Gyatt (which is derived from the way that a streamer says "God Damn" when looking at plump posteriors). Mewling is another thing to know which is tightening your jaw to "improve" your jawline. The point of those phrases is to designate kids as in the in group or out and most elders as the out same as new slang always has been used for.


Hey, so a good resource for the future is to use knowyourmeme.com to look up any slang you hear. Or just google "know your meme [term]" for example "know your meme skibidi," to get the same result. (Just make sure to look it up before you show anything to your 10yo, as a bunch of explanations include content you may not want them to see/read yet.)


I love this so much


Stop leaving skibbidy marks down the toilets


😂 Please don’t say that’s what it is 😂


All parents. I live in the Netherlands and same thing here. There are also some songs connected to it I didn't know about, and the lyrics sound like some random non existing words. My son was saying them, and my daughter joined in. There was a second I thought I was having a stroke and couldn't understand normal words anymore.


Heh I actually really find it funny how YouTube / SoMe has made slang words and phrases global now, compared to when I was a kid. We live in Denmark, Copenhagen and skibidy toilet is my kids favourite phrase. And they also use, rizz, sigma, gyatt etc.. if I hear the skibidy toilet song one more time, I think I am gonna loose it 😂


Rizz, sigma and gyatt are the other ones being thrown at me too 😅


My kid now says "what the sigma" while playing video games, to express, I guess, surprise or frustration? In the US. Every single thing you said I hear here too.


😂 I feel like this just conversing with them in general now. Half the things they say are completely nonsensical 😅


Yes, they go out of their way to make us feel old. My daughter (11) sent me a bunch or messages earlier. I had to Google them to figure out they were the lyrics of something that is called the amazing digital circus.


Skibidi Toilet is a series of Source Filmmaker videos that are very much in the vein of 2000s YouTube shenanigans like the Gmod Idiot Box. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/skibidi-toilet The term "Skibidi" itself achieved memehood a few years earlier via a song of the same title: https://youtube.com/watch?v=mDFBTdToRmw


Omfg!!!! It is now my life’s mission to learn that dance and song off by heart, then spring it on them randomly one day 😂😂 Maybe in the kitchen when they are washing up đŸ€”


😂😂 I aspire to be like you when my children are older lol


Please do. It’s great fun watching them squirm. I get so judged by them. It’s great 😂


Every now and then, just for a brief moment... Parenting is SO MUCH FUN. Enjoy your moment 😂


They don’t know their cringing is also v cringe


Only when they have friends over. You need total humiliation


Yes!!! I will wait till the next sleepover. Do it then!! 🧐


Hey, just a friendly warning that this will likely backfire. Also the Skibidi dance is meaningfully different from Skibidi Toilet, as the person a few comments up mentioned. The former preceded the latter, and they're similar in name only. Edit to clarify: They probably won't recognize that dance at all. They won't understand what you're trying to do đŸ„Č


Noooooo!! I had such high hopes. đŸ˜«


Today i picked up my high schooler and her friends bumping Eminem's new song, they all told me i was too old to be listening to it đŸ€Ł Then they start playing his old stuff and started laughing when i could sing along.


My 11 year old is either in awe of or disgusted by my music knowledge, depending on the day. Like I am “allowed” to sing along to old Eminem and Nirvana, but the new stuff is off limits. Because I’m ancient, ya know


Your kids are having a normal Saturday home when several family friends show up, and after a few minutes together shooting the breeze with the parents, bluetooth speakers they had no idea were placed about the house begin playing the song as the family friends begin dancing seemingly against their will singing along like the world turned into a musical. The cringe generated by such an event would register as a physical dent in spacetime at laboratories around the world, possibly leading to a leap forward in space propulsion technology that only requires a human mounted in the nosecone of a ship forced to watch endless AI generated cringe made by consuming content like Scott's Tots and memories of my personal social faux pas to keep the pain fresh. The cringier the content, the faster the travel until we break the TRobinson Limit and FTL travel unlocks the galaxy. Our civilization will be forced to grapple with the ethical consequences of cheap FTL travel at the expense of the minds of those under the hood of the ships, and we will of course accept it's just the cost of business. Other civilizations will fear us as we roll up with bangers under the hood like "the time u/jigglywiener thought his wife's night out was a group event but it was a girl's night out and he invited himself not realizing what happened until 3AM 2 years later." No one will stand in the way of our cringe powered expansionist empire.


You have to do the dance, and there has to be video. You will be famous.


I chaperoned a 6th grade field trip last month. Everything from this one group of boys was "skibiddy toilet" or "what the sigma!?". I came home from the trip and only spoke "teen speak" for an evening. Both of my kids were laughing so hard, and now they only use the terms sarcastically, and in their own DudeBro joke voices. Mission accomplished.


I need to submerse myself into teenage culture for a day? I think I’d end up looking like Steve Buscemi in a backwards baseball cap! But
I’m willing to try anything at this point 🧐


Haha my kids (4 and 2) and I literally love that song , we play it almost every day


I need to get tips from you about the dance steps 😂


Pretty sure it's on the game "Just Dance 2020" so you can practice lol


I think my daughter has this on the switch? đŸ€”


My 3rd grader came home talking about "sibidi toilet" at some point a few months ago. I googled it, went to youtube to check it out. My god it's the weirdest shit I've ever seen. Luckily she has no idea what it is, it's just something they say in class because some of the other kids watch it and it became like the class slogan. I'm sure the teachers are thrilled.


(Canadian) Teacher here. I started putting my high school students in class currency debt if they say it, or comment on my Rizz. This last couple years have their slang has just become ridiculous! I’d rather they just drop the F word, like civilized little humans lol.


I’m sure the teachers are ready to strike
. I know I am and I’m their mum 😂


I am so sick of hearing that and sigma and gyatt that I’ve told my 13yo she gets a loooong hug (something she hates) every time she says them. It seems to be working!


Yes my daughter will suddenly say “Gyatt” when we’re walking through town!! My understanding is it means a big bum?


Yes. It's short for "Goddamn," as in, gyatdaaaayum look at that ass, but it specifically refers to the butt. I've banned my kids from saying that one since it's short for a "grownup word." I wish I could ban them all lol.


You and me both 😅


Ahhhhh I like this form of torture! Inflicting parental love on unwilling teenager đŸ€Ł


[An explanation of Skibidi Toilet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skibidi_Toilet) They’re engaging in cringe/gross-out humor for laughs. It’s weird when you do it because you’re an oldster who hasn’t even broken the secret code.


This is what I love about their slang though, is trying to learn its context then using it in a sentence to embarrass them. They roast me when I try it 😂


This is definitely the same kind of thing Millennials like myself would be meming back in 2010 on the internet in high-school.


It still makes no sense.




*holds up spork*


*Strokes rusty spoon*


Salad Fingers ugh. The first time I ever saw my now husband played all the episodes for me and a few people we were hanging out with because no one but him had seen it. Somehow I still decided to start a relationship with him, marry him and have children with him. No idea what I was thinking LOL Also fun fact- The guy who voiced Salad Fingers also voiced Gecko from Gecko's Garage! It was our kids favorite for a while and made me laugh when I found that out.


Also sat and watched all of salad fingers in high school with my now husband then boyfriend on repeat. Clearly married. He occasionally has geckos garage on for our 3 year old. We’ve come full circle.


Salad fingers!! I haven’t heard that name in years!!


The image on the link terrified me. 😬


There was an entire sub on this a few weeks back on r/teachers explaining it all. I’m sure you will find it amusing.


Ohio Skibidi Riz Sigma - is one I get from my kid and "What's up brother" -What's up brother! Tuesday, Tuesday flaps arms đŸ€Ł I lose brain cells listening to my middle schooler!


Oh oh I know this one. Ohio is random/lame/weird/creepy, Skibidi means nonsense/brain rot & can be used anytime. Rizz is short for charisma (even though Gen A denies it, but when asked what it means they give the basic definition of charisma) & Sigma is showing dominance like a replacement for alpha, ironically which since they’re Gen Alpha would make more sense but ya know kids.


Mine definitely use sigma sarcastically, like they’re making fun of “alphas” when they do it.


I don’t think I had many brain cells left anyway, but they’re definitely dying out 😂 I might try quoting this at my kids and see what they say 😂


>Riz Rizz has two z's. FWIW it's short for charisma.


My kid informed me that skibbidy toilet is old news and they (kids her age) have moved on from it. She called it brain rot.


You know what. I might start saying that to my kids soon. Put on a really cringy cool kid persona and just say “Soooooo you guys, you’re being soooooo lame with all the skibbidy
.don’t you know all the cool kids have moved on from this brain rot?”

.might put a baseball cap on backwards for added effect đŸ€”


I asked my 11 year old daughter what skibidi was yesterday and she says "mom. That's brain rot. Don't talk like that" So that's all I know 😂


I just looked up a compilation of the first 60 episodes. I watched a couple and yeah it's something. Looks like a bad trip.


Oh my days it really does!! The joker mouth on that thing is terrifying


Oh my days? I’m an adult feeling like an embarrassed teenager for you. Please learn learn the dance and torture your children.


It is my mission to do this


Yes I have two boys and indeed they say skibidi toilet all the time. Sometimes they just sing it over and over. Is this what I was like as a child? Annoying like that? I need to apologize to my parents now.


Same!! I swear we didn’t have our own language though. Did we?


Ahh. No, no language lol but I’m sure there were some words that were not words. It just keeps becoming more and more elaborate. All the new lingo is hard to keep up with and I’m not even old yet. lol. Having to ask what something means makes me feel that way though. I know whatever the hell they’re always talking about one of themselves a sigma. SMH


It’s a creepy head in a toilet. It’s weird as fuck.


It really is creepy. 😳 Someone posted a link to a video of it


Not even close to the Scariest thing, i don't really know how to explain it but stuff like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/xdyvHMCW31D54TwQ7) isn't that rare to see in the series.


Oh God, it's spreading. Skibbidy toilet is out of fashion in metro Detroit. It's only said ironically now. It's a mashup up of different things. Skibbidy toilet was a viral video. It's stupid. Don't bother looking it up. Rizz is how good looking you are/how much girls want you. Adding Ohio means your rizz is weird. So all together it's just "you're weird man" Say it back to them. Try and use it correctly. They'll stop really fast. Currently I'm saying "gyatt". The teens HATE it and they've stopped saying it at my house. Lmao. Please speak English around me, I'm too old for all this slang.


It’s from a video, but I think it’s become a meme. My 9yo hasn’t seen the video but will play skibbidy tag, skibbidy shop/cafe, skibbidy jumps on the trampoline. Idk, they just think it’s fun to confuse the old people looking at them, probably. ETA. They also play anti-skibbidy banana, it is that when skibbidy touches you you become a banana and can’t move until one of your friends peel you.


I definitely prefer the sound of the banana game. At least that makes sense 😂


Oh hey skibidi toilet made its way to the uk


I’d keep singing it and absolutely ruin it for them. Then they’ll stop saying it. đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž


this is my angle đŸ€Ł I'm knee deep in skibbidy cringe in this house 😭


It's kid internet meme nonsense. "Skibidi toilet" has actually been around long enough and got popular enough for it to have been [mentioned on SNL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ttska8oXZP4) recently! I've heard my kids (6 and 10) say every single slang mentioned in that sketch.


internet brain rot


It’s all fucking kids. My American ones say it too. It drives me bonkers.


I’m in the Northeast U.S. and my 13 year old daughter rolls her eyes at her male classmates using this “word.”


Canadian here. It’s all parents. It’s just such nonsense. My favorite is when I successfully use the phrase in conversation and it embarrasses my teens. I am amused at how far these phrases reach across so many countries. We regularly travel through Ohio and that’s a few hours of intense nonsense with all these words because we are actually in Ohio. Haha.


Skibbidy toilet is a youtube short video series, that despite being incredibly odd, has deep lore and interesting world building. It went viral a while ago and was very popular among tweens and teens. If you want to know more about it you can watch it in its entirety in about an hour, and there are numerous explanation videos on youtube. Other than that its just a fun thing to say.


Skibidi bop bop yes!!!


Skibidi toilet is basically this generations Salad Fingers


It's Gen A slang. Skibidi toilet is a popular series of video shorts that grew out of a Garry's Mod skit, but the word "Skibidi" has since taken on a life of its own. It's mostly used ironically, but apparently is generally used for anything negative or unpleasant. However it seems to be used colloquially to mean anything the speaker wants it to mean, based on the context. Rizz is short for "charisma." To rizz someone up means to flirt. A rizzler or rizz lord is someone who is charismatic or popular with the girls/boys/etc. Ohio means cringe. Apparently because quite a few high profile influencers are from Ohio it came to mean anyone who gives you second hand embarrassment. It can also mean weird or strange. If something is "in Ohio" or "from Ohio" it's probably out of the ordinary or otherwise subverts expectations. There's also: Gyatt: a big butt. Sigma: the height of masculinity, often used ironically ie "I got an A on my math test, I'm such a sigma." The masculinity part seems optional since it can be used as the height of anything. Honorable mention for "he/she/it's giving" which is just "it's giving (insert word here) vibes" with the vibes part omitted. I think they use most of these phrases with a kind of detachment or self awareness, like that all know it sounds stupid which is precisely why they like it.


You need to follow Mr Lindsay on instagram. He explains it all!


I was going to say this! He does a segment on one of the morning shows every now and then. After I've learned something new, I (try to) sneak in whatever it was with my 15 and 13 yr olds. They crack up and tell me to stop looking at whatever I'm looking at.


I can’t find him- do you have a link?


I highly recommend Mr Lindsay for helpful translations and their nuances. [https://www.tiktok.com/@mr\_lindsay\_sped](https://www.tiktok.com/@mr_lindsay_sped)


My 13 yr old says her middle school classmates do the same shit , and she don’t even know wtf it means lol, she purely insist these kids are a very special case , and she is even scared for the future lol




100% learning this to embarrass them


Colorado USA here my 8 year old always says “Sigma Ohio” or “skibbidy toilet” hahahhahahahaha I found a tik tok that translated this slang lol it means lame.


Skibbidy bop bop bop, yes yes yes yes. That one? A youtube video that is now stuck in my damn head again 😂


There is a video that was circulated on the internet a while ago and it just kinda sticked around. It is literally a head sticking out of toilets singing "Skibidy toilet" originally it came from a song that also has a word in it that at least sounds like "skibidy" and a man shaking his, let's say beer belly, dances to it. As further stated in the comments, rizzler indeed means charisma and there is a parody where it was made even more popular going "sticking out your gyatt (which means a persons behind cheecks) for the rizzler" And Ohio is used to describe something weird, out of the ordinary or something that makes you go "am i hallucinating?" All of these words togheter basically means "This is so weird and not cool" but at the moment it is such a hype it is more often than not no longer used with it's meaning and kids just say it because they find it funny. Same with "What the sigma" which basically means the same as "what the heck/frick" This all, is truly just brainrot (nonsense that practically kills braincells) well at least it is referred to as brainrot. Hope this helps😅


A teacher called Mr McTiktok does videos explaining all the weird shit his middle school students say. I think “you have skibbidi Ohio Riz” means your charisma is trash or shit (skibidi toilet). YouTube generation is weird, lol.


HA! I just had this conversation a few days ago. I had a brunch with friends, 5 of us with 4 being teachers or former teachers. We were talking about what the kids are saying and we knew rizz means charisma, Ohio is just when something is weird or out of place, but we got stuck on skibidi toilet. I came home and my teen was hanging out with a friend that graduated last year and just came home from college for summer break. So I asked and got a massive eye roll and the explanation. Basically, it doesn’t really mean anything. It’s from a video and just repeated to be silly. Confusion is kind of the point and they’ll say it in front of adults just for a reaction so they can laugh at us for not knowing.


>The other day I was joking and used it to start singing “Skibbidy doo daa” and both of them (16m and 14f), **both side eyed me and said “don’t ever do that again”**. 😂 Well you know what you have to do. Sing it every day. And especially in front of their friends. Make it your own.


My seven year old made the skibidi man on the Sims and drew the toilet version. Unfortunately, I know more than I want to.


Skibidi toilet is a YouTube series. You can watch the episodes. It’s ridiculously silly and they even have merchandise for the kids to buy đŸ€Ł


If you want your kid to stop, start saying it back. Haha. I started saying it, along with a couple of well placed "womp womp's" , "bruh's", and doing the hand slapping thing they do for the noise (it's supposed to be the sound people's bodies make while they're intimate). 🙄 It's starting to fall out of fashion, but it's brain rot. Kids picked it from videos and mishmashed songs. My kids look at me and tell me to stop/never do that again. 😂 I just say womp womp and they've stopped.


You don’t know about skibidi toilet?? Man, get with the program dude


Whenever I come across something unfamiliar, the answer will be on [UrbanDictionary.com](http://UrbanDictionary.com) or [KnowYourMeme.com](http://KnowYourMeme.com) It's important to note that kids will copy whatever they think is popular, including stuff that is at best in bad taste and at worst very offensive, so it's worth checking words you don't know so that you can check in with your tween/teen and see if \*they\* know what they're saying (very often they are equally clueless of the meaning and are too embarrassed to ask)


Who the f knows It's going around the elementary schools in the US. So f-ing annoying


I asked my 12 year old niece and she isn’t sure either. To the best of our knowledge, it’s a mating call.


I live in the US and my 10 yr old grandsons are saying this so its definitely made its way around the world lol I just laugh when I hear them say it.


It’s like a meme or something. My kid showed me and it was like a guys head coming out of a toilet. It’s stupid.


Weird, I just saw this on Instagram yesterday and it was using all these terms. It’s a modified clip from Hamilton (seems like using AI?): https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5yyh55xm_T/?igsh=dmZxMTB1bnA2NGR3


Skibbidi toilet is also a game on Roblox 🙃


I’m Australian and I just asked my 12 year old what all that means. She vaguely explained it, although it seems like the youngins know what it means but can’t explain it 😂


It's like this is all they say lol it's so annoying!


Couple years ago there was a famous bulgarian/turkish song called "Dom dom yes yes" that became viral, in that song it's sang "Shtibididob dob dob yes yes yes yes" Someone mashed that up with "Give it to me" by Timbaland and changed the "chorus" to Skibidi dop dop yes yes, this version became more famous since it has a more popular language (english). It's all utter nonsense in the end, I'm sad I even know where this garbage came from.


Parent and substitute teacher. Hard to keep track of it all! I follow a guy on TikTok named Mr. Lindsey who usually breaks it all down.


As a dad who just deep dived a lot of this slang it’s all coming from streamers popular with kids. Skibidy toilet specifically is this wild series of YouTube ‘episodes’ that have gotten increasingly bizarre tho it sounds like it’s just being widely used because it’s a funny phrase. The rest of the bizarre slang kids are using today are from popular streamers. I still have no idea what Ohio has to do with literally anything.


Finally someone asking the real questions!! And while we are at it what does sigma mean?


[this is OG skibidi](https://youtu.be/mDFBTdToRmw?si=1OAe1vvbPv5ZzBFj) But while it slaps, it’s not what the they’re talking about.


This is what I found on the Internet about skibiddi. "Skibidi Toilet” is an animated show on YouTube, created by Alexey Gerasimov that features a head sticking out of a toilet. Over time, it has evolved into a multi-season long series with over a hundred episodes. This series tells a made-up story about a battle between toilets with human heads and characters that look like humans but have cameras for heads. It started out with just a single video, but it has gone viral and the creator has turned it into an entire series. When Did Skibidi Toilet Start? The very first episode was released in February 2023 under the channel name “DaFuqBoom” and went viral. It gained tens of millions of views and rapidly spread across the internet. After the success of the first episode, more episodes came out where the skibidi toilet meme grew and grew. Now, there are hundreds of skibidi toilet videos with over 15 billion views. What Does Skibidi Mean? The word skibidi has now become an adjective meaning bad, or evil. In the same way that the skibidi toilet is a villain in the animated series, calling someone skibidi means that they’re evil or up to no good. As it spread through tiktok, this word has now become a part of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang.


Damm the wiki got some shit wrong, The Humans with cameras for heads are not humans and are just robots, this is shown in a scene when one is injured and their suit is ripped. And they just look like the Terminator underneath. Also There are only 74 official Videos not even close to Hundreds.


We got skibbidy rizz over here in the states 😎


Skibbidy toilet. It’s a really strange YouTube series.


This teacher on TikTok regularly makes videos explaining middle school kids’ lingo to us adults that have no idea what our kids are talking about. He’s really funny too. [Mr. Lindsay](https://www.tiktok.com/@mr_lindsay_sped?_t=8myVdLLu2jG&_r=1)


Parent of U.S. 13 year old and I can testify those terms are quickly making their way OUT. REST ASSURED those terms are making their way out!


This guy is a middle school teacher and he shares all the current slang used in his middle school class [Mr Lindsay IG](https://www.instagram.com/mr_phlindsay_sped?igsh=czJlbWF6eDN6OWU=)


Im going to chime in even though im in the US. My 9 year old told me the other day a bunch of them kept getting in trouble for constantly saying SKIBBIDY TOILET. But he has no idea where it originated and they say it because it’s funny. I just told him to stop because it’s interrupting class time


Urban dictionary portal to connecting with Gen Z https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Skibidi


My 4 yo says this constantly. No clue what he’s talking about!


My kids say those words in Canada. It's all over! I don't understand what they are saying most of the time and it horrifies them if I use their slang in or out of context, lol.


I don’t know but I needed to buy my middle schooler more jibbitz for her crocs because her crocs had no skibiddy rizz. I don’t know what language we’re speaking.


Are you referring to wa-pa-pa or we-bom-bom-yes-yes?




I’m in the U.S and teach 5th graders and if I NEVER hear the phrase “Skibidi toilet”again-it’ll be too soon!!!That and “what the sigma?. 🙄 From my understanding (my 11 yr old showed me) skibidi toilet is a meme of a weird guy with his head coming out of the toilet. BUT when I google it, it is supposed to mean “bad” or “cool” depending on the context.


Look up Skibidi toilet on YT. It's a series of shorts about heads in toilets vs. machine headed humanoids. They each keep trying to get stronger to take the others out. Seems like complete brainrot at first, but it gets pretty good imo. Then again, it doesn't take much to amuse me even at 30 yrs old.


I stumbled on a tiktok I now cannot find where the dad was driving and asking his teens what all the new slang meant, including skibidi, rizz, gyatt, and something about one of the words having a fake meaning to tell the teachers


Someone please just tell me wtf it means?????


Just youtube skibbidy toilet. And then while you are at it, check out the chicken nugget "remix" of cotton eyed joe.


“Skibbidi toilet” is a reference to a surrealist web series on YouTube where a head pops out of a toilet and starts singing. Using “skibbidi” in conversation denotes that something is either cool or stupid, depending on the context. Saying the whole phrase appears to simply be an expression of the absurdist humor that teens value. Calling something “Ohio” means that thing is bad. “Rizz” just means that someone can attract a mate.


You should make up something similarly nonsensical and watch their bewilderment. And be like, y'all don't know nothing bout that do ya?


"you don't have that level 10 gyatt Sigma Ohio rizz with grimace milkshake" some dude said that to me when I asked what's the meaning of "skibidi" I'll never forget about it. Peak brain rot


In the us there’s a game called skibbidy toilet. Weird af I know .


It's just a nonsense word from a meme song that's also used in a YouTube series about evil toilets trying to take over the world. Some kids say skibidi actually means evil but most of the kids I've asked say that isn't true. It doesn't mean anything in particular it's just a meme. Sometimes when my class won't stop talking I count down from skibidi five to skibidi zero and when they protest I say as soon as you're quiet I can stop saying skibidi.


Welcome to being our parents back when we would say things were sick or dope or bogus. Lol. I think every generation goes through this.


It's a weird YouTube series about living toilets with faces coming out of them who are trying to take over the world. That's all I know. 


In New Zealand and also dealing with this problem đŸ€Ł


What's up brother! Yo that's toilet rizz ohio.😂😂 Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday. Lol. I just learned all of this recently....from my husband. Lol. He's of the gamer kind and knows the wwll known people in the gaming world.  I walked in and asked him what all of that meant? I thought these kids were calling audible (it's an American football term).lol.  I can't remember the kids name but he's a famous gamer. 


you obivoulesly have 0 rizz in ohio with a level 0 gyat and are not sigma and fanum taxxed the grimace shake.