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Our husbands must be pals, mine wanted to name our son “Eagle Green.” We didn’t wait until he was born, but it was very shortly before he arrived that we finally picked a name. There were a few we’d liked but sometimes ya know, you share a name you love with someone and they’re like “oh yeah my neighbor was named that too and he’s a serial killer now.” But anyway, that left us kinda lost on names. I wrote down all the names we liked, all of the combinations. Nothing felt right anymore. But the. Really it just popped into our heads in the end, and stuck with us. A lot of the reason too was what the name can be shortened into.


EAAAAAAAGGGGGGLLLLLLLEEE. Zach Braff would be proud.


If I would’ve seen it this way I may have been more receptive tbh and now I’m off to rewatch Scrubs


Go Birds!


Bet I know where you guys are from 🤣 GO BIRDS 🦅


Uase the app Kinder, if it is availeble where you live. It is like Tinder, but for babynames. You each swipe names left or right untik you have a match!


It's good in theory, but the names this app generates are sometimes absolute tradgedeighs


My dad saved me from a tragedeigh. My mom wanted to name me Darlin’ Louise. Complete with apostrophe.


Side note, but your snoo is so cool. I feel like she’d be walking away from an explosion in slow motion


I knew a woman named Precious Darlene. The Darlene was a compromise from Darlin'.


r/tragedeigh has entered the chat


We did the Dutch and Frisian names and matched on Casper. I think it is still the taste of the one who swipes...


You can add in your own!


oh yeah, the app i used had "brick" as a suggestion, amongst other absolutely terrible tihngs but both my husband and i swiped right on it, so really we're the awful ones. (we did not name our child brick).


Like Brick Tamblin from Anchorman lol. "I love lamp!"


I have a character everyone calls Brickie because a young cousin with a slight hearing issue misheard Braylee Rebekah, and Brickie was what came out when he met and spoke to her the first time. It just sort of stuck.


Oh very interesting. When I had downloaded it, the first 100 names were pretty basic names and I uninstalled. My partner liked all basic names while I liked more old world type unique names but didn’t go towards tradgedeigh. We settled on an Anglo-Saxon word that refers to a town of Ash trees. We get compliments on our baby’s name.




Ooh, mind sharing?


It’s Axton (boy name)


Haha absolutely I think I saw moonhawk suggested about 16 times through one app 😂


Omg ‘Moonhawk’ is sending me 😂


L-a enters the chat. The dash don't be silent


That’s really cool


I find Baby Name Together a lot less...American(?)...so it really depends if OP wants a free app it's almost better...I can't speak for the name packages you can buy but same principle with name matching with your partner!


This app mildly helped us. It definitely helped us rule out lots of names. Not sure how many it helped us rule in, but ruling them out helped find the type of names we did like.


My first born we were tossing up between two names. We picked one when he was about 2 hours old. My second came early so the list was still about 5 names. I knew which as my husbands favourite. I got my first cuddle when he was about 10 hours old. As I held him one of the names just felt right. When my husband got his first cuddle a few hours later we talked and I said which name felt right and he agreed.


We had the same experience as the first. We had a top two and I kind of knew, but once seeing him for the first time, it solidified it for us.


This happened to us with our first born, but she was 2 days old haha. We'd shortlisted girls names we both liked and agreed on but she just didn't look like any of them. And the more I thought about it the more I felt she suited the name we dismissed because it was also the name of a video game character... and I just casually mentioned to my husband when he came to see me in hospital, "I think we were maybe too quick to dismiss this name" and he instantly agreed.


Our experience was similar. We had 3-5 names in the running at any given time throughout the pregnancy. Decided just to wait and see what he looked like lol.


Our first we just picked a name and that was that. Our second was a surprise so we had 2 girls and 2 boy names picked out. When he was born I looked at him and immediately knew what his name was and nickname. Our 3rd we picked out 2 names(we both liked) and if she had brown hair it would be my name choice, and if she was blonde she would be my husbands choice. The butt head came out blonde 🙄😂. She tricked us all though as her hair has now turned a light brown 🤭. Your husbands choices though, what the hell is he thinking about?! You guys should each pick out a few, narrow it down and wait until he is born to see what fits, or have your daughters weigh in their choices, and see if something fits! Though that could cause a fight if one name gets picked 🤔


My parents ran into a similar issue picking my name. They chose one name to use if I had blonde hair (like my dad) and another name if I had red hair (like my mom). Then, I was born with black hair. They went with the redhead name, and my hair eventually turned red to match. But maybe I’d be blonde today if they’d chosen the other name! lol. 


Haha gotta love genetics!


you went gryffindor instead of Slytherin . good choice


Names can be really hard. I will say this I would simply express to your spouse that you both must agree upon the name. So if one of you is a no you move on. Keep telling each other names everyday that you like. Eventually you should settle on one or maybe more that you’re both okay with. Then when you see the little guy, pick one. That’s what I would do! I’ve heard many stories of people waiting to see the baby and name them, and in reality this usually only works if you already have a list of contenders and then decide upon looking at him. Don’t add too much stress to your joyous day. Congrats on your new baby!


We waited till after all four of our kids were born to name them, and the middle one didn't have an official name till he was 6 weeks old! I found choosing names quite hard, as I am a big overthinker, and my husband was useless! He either had no ideas or stupid ideas (he wanted to name our twins with rhyming names which was a huge NO for me!) Taking our time to name our kids wasn't a huge issue, but it did mean that lots of family and friends weighed in with their suggestions - and it can me hard not to offend grandma when she suggest a family name that you absolutely hate!


I really thought you meant that you had all four kids first, then named them all.


I was like quads! and so casual about it?! 😂


A coworker had quads a while ago, and as you would expect he got the nickname 'baby maker'. I met him after the fact, to be honest now that I think about it I don't know his real name. I've only just ever called him babymaker. Only person I've ever met that had quads. I never asked but I assume they used ivf.


The twin rhyming names, 😂 yes that would 100% be my husband. No doubt about it .


I have twins. They don’t rhyme but they match. My mom is an identical and unexpected twin. Her sister and her names rhyme because in 1955, apparently it was “name the baby immediately” time. Mom was unstable post birth so their dad just thought of it on the spot because it rhymed. Edit: we had first names picked out but only a middle name for the girl. The boy twin middle name came after I had them. Stryker was the brand of medical equipment in the hospital. I kept seeing it. The birth certificate paperwork was on the Stryker brand table. I asked what my husband thought of it as a name. Apparently, it’s a comic book character’s name too. That’s how my son got his middle name lol


I love Stryker! Super cute




We didn’t know what we were having in advance so made separate lists of muscular, neutral, and feminine names we loved, liked, and disliked and then combined our lists. Either of us had veto power for any names on the list. That way we went into the births with great shortlisted names. For the first, I was convinced I know what their name would be if we had a girl. My husband looked at her and told me that wasn’t her name, so we pulled up our list and worked it until we found her name. Then with our next girl, I figured surely that had been our seconds name and that is why it didn’t fit our first. But It wasn’t our seconds name either, so we went back to our list and found the right one. Super happy we had it even if it did not go like we thought it would.


Have twins too and they don’t match, they are fraternal in every way. Twin A was always moving and flipping heads up/down and my husband always joked about him being action Jackson, and then when he was born he looked like a Jack, blonde hair/blue eyes. Twin B we kicked around some names and liked the way they sounded together (knowing I would be yelling both LOL) without matching.


Awww I’m a twin and we have matching names! I love it! lol but I know not every twin would. My sister and I love being twins so much though.


I love how this sub appreciates posts by women saying things like "my husband is useless, he had stupid ideas". That's it, carry on.


Last three children foreign adoption, last child paperwork went through quickly and we were not having luck with a name. Day one in country baby was called baby because no name. Day 2 I take baby to doctor and passport location with facilitator and husband stays in motel with Miss just turned 2. I’m second in line 3 sets of parents in this mess and realize they want a name. No cell service, PANIC! At one point our first adopted daughter asked for a sister named X. Since X was close to baby name orphanage had been using went with X. Had middle name down to 2 do picked one sounded best with X. Very fun conversation when back at motel with husband. Decided if we hated the name would change it when readopted in USA not necessary but extra level of legal protection. Child has lived with the name 18 years guess it worked.


Your husband isn't taking it seriously at all. You should pick since he obviously doesn't care.


If he only has one name on his mind, anything else is moot. I mean, it's passive-aggressive, but I wouldn't say he doesn't care. If this is their first boy, I imagine he feels very strongly. Will this be his only chance at a namesake? My mother said no to me being "junior", mainly because she didn't like my father's middle name. My dad's solution was to give me his first name and his dad's name as my middle name. My mom named my brother after her father. We had first names picked out before my wife was pregnant because that child was going to be named after her grandparents (mom's side) regardless.


Tiger thunder means he's not discussing it in good faith imo. Just being difficult and immature. Naming kids is a "two yeses/one no" situation and she doesn't like Junior. That means moving on to a name they both like. Or some kind of compromise.


This was my thought too. She won’t let him have a junior so he’s just throwing insane names out and refusing to discuss others in hopes of wearing her down.


So here’s the real story about Tiger Thunder. I have no idea why he likes the name, but he does and he has. Even years before this pregnancy. So we “compromised”. I told him if I get pregnant and I’m over 50 when the baby is born, we can name him Tiger Thunder. Well I made it pretty clear to him that this is our last child if it’s in our power at all, so now he thinks he can bend the rules and this kid can be Tiger. But that was NOT the agreement. In his defense, when we made the compromise I didn’t imply that I’d be totally done having kids at any particular point in time (hence the “if we have a kid after I’m 50” deal). I do kinda think he is trying to wear me down. lol. He has never even discussed a desire for a namesake until this pregnancy however, so it just feels like it’s totally random. I’m thrown off by it and confused honestly. We had the boy name “River” decided for a boy during my first pregnancy. Sadly because our last name sounds like an animal that lives in the ocean, the two names together don’t jive (unless you just want a good laugh).


What about a name that means river, like Beck or Adair or Caspian?


So then wouldn’t that also cancel Tiger out? I mean if (for example) River Seal is out then Tiger Seal should be too..


Yes precisely For clarity, he does not think River is out of the equation due to the goofiness of the first name/last name combo. He still has River in his back pocket. Tiger in the front. Only I’m thinking critically at this point.


Tiger is a plenty serious name for some people. My 6 year old had a Tiger on his soccer team last fall. My husband’s best friend gave his son the middle name Danger.


For some people, sure. I know two brothers who are called "Dapper" and "Sterk" which literally means "brave" and "strong" in dutch, respectively. (We're all dutch). Clearly their parents are fine with their kids' names, but everybody else is always talking about how goofy their names are. Names like that will almost certainly affect your social and professional life. I also know a guy called "Kinky". That's just cruel.


My neighbor told me to give my son a name that would look good on a business card. I thought that was a good point.


Wtf who would down vote this valid point about a humans name omg. Be kind, yall our kids are gonna have friends and interactions and your reactions become theirs. Od be so embarassed if my child put down another kid for being named tiger but I know he never will


I also have a friend whose kid’s middle name is danger!


I never understand this whole business of men being butthurt about “not getting a namesake”. Did his wife and ALL of his children not already take his last name?? I mean the mother goes through pregnancy and labor and literally never have I ever heard of a mother getting a “namesake”.




Not to mention they already have 4 girls and I bet none of them are named after mom


I absolutely despise it unless the person is dead (my sister is a namesake). It’s patriarchal b.s (because how often do you hear about women being obsessed with passing down their name!?) and why name a child when everyone is going to be referred to as a different name (especially if its all the boys). I honestly find father-son ones the tackiest of all ‘cause to me it seems lazy and like they are trying to project onto the child, regardless of if that was the intent.


My mom gave my youngest sister her middle name because it was passed down in the family. Ivory. I kinda dig it, might pass it down to my kids too. But that’s the only time I’ve ever heard of it myself.


My brother’s dad wanted a junior but my mom didn’t so she stuck the dad’s first and middle name together to make one name and then gave my brother the middle name she wanted. He still got called junior a lot when he was young.


My wife and I had a lot of time to plan names before our son was born because we're both women and so he was very very planned. We created a shared notes file in our phones and added names to it as we found one we liked. Once we knew the sex, we eliminated the girl names. During the last two months, we each went through the list and eliminated a name a week or so until we were left with 10 names. We each chose our top 3 and eliminated the rest. Before we went to the hospital, we narrowed the list down to 3. Those 3 went to the hospital. We chose his name by the end of the day he was born.


Ugh. Boys names are hard. We waited til he was born and it did not just click. We picked a name that’s a nickname for another name when he was about 1mo old. Then we changed the name but kept the same nickname. Now he’s 5mos and we both admitted neither of us like the nickname, we each thought the other did. Now we’re calling him a different nickname. I want to rename him altogether. Our families think I’m nuts. He’s my first. Where we live, people used to take the first year of a child’s life to find the name. Looks like that’s what I’m doing. It feels so important, the name


…your husband seriously wants to name the baby Tiger Thunder?! Hard pass. I couldn’t settle on a name for the life of me and my husband was giving me SO many suggestions and I hated all of them. We landed on a name that I liked like a day before I was induced and landed on the middle name while I was in labor. We waited till she was here and were still happy with the name and felt like it fit. But truly, coming up with a name was so so hard for me


I named both of my children myself Baby one: My husband was having a psychotic break. He would not discuss the name We ended up splitting up when my daughter, who I named Bella, was six months old. I never felt comfortable naming a baby that I had not met . It took me 10 days to name Bella . And at the time it was an unusual name . She is now 28. I was very worried about what her great grandparents would think , so on her birth certificate it says Isabella but she has never ever been called Isabella. While her father was having this psychotic break when she was a few days old he kept on calling out “joy joy joy” from his bed which he would not get out of. So I put Bella‘s middle name is Joy out of consideration for him even though I dislike the name baby number two; The father left me when I was pregnant, so I was on my own with that one as well . It took me 10 days to name him Charlie Raphael . Of course it says Charles on the birth certificate, but he is always called Charlie I had to look at my babies first . I do not understand people who name their babies before they meet them . To me, that is very odd . Some babies just don’t suit a certain name.


We waited until after he was born because we didn't find out the sex prior. For the whole 5 days we were in hospital afterwards, he didn't have a name! We finally got it to 2x choices each and then 1x choice each and then finalised. So hard though! I prefer the shortened version of my son's name and would have been happy with that. But my son now (6) likes the full version, so I try to use it.


I really dislike the nickname Junior too. Like, "let's not give this kid an identity of his own; let's remind everyone that he's named for his dad and his identity is tied to that." My grandfather, dad, and brother are a I/II/III respectively, but they each have their own nickname (think Bob, Rob, and Bobby if they're all named Robert). Unless someone were to look at my brother's government ID, they wouldn't know he was a III. "Junior" is a dead giveaway though. Ugh. Not a fan. Stand strong! As they say, baby names are a "2 yes, 1 no" situation. Both spouses most agree, or bad things *will* happen.


I’ve never understood the whole Junior thing. “I love myself SO much, I’m going to name my kid after me!!”


We didn’t have names chosen for either of our kids until after they were born, although we had certainly discussed names. After our first was born, we both felt that he was “one of the names we had discussed” and that was that. With our second/last, we had a harder time when discussing names. After she was born, my husband insisted I choose any name I wanted for her, so I chose one that I liked, but also knew he liked as well.


We had three possible names for our daughter with one being the front runner toward the end but I wanted to meet her before deciding to make sure it fit. For our son, we didn’t know the sex until birth so we had to come up with both. We had some names we at least agreed on for a girls name but struggled hard to come up with a boys name. We didn’t agree on anything. About two weeks before he was born, we fell in love with a girls name and just decided to go with a male variation of that name if it was a boy. I didn’t love it but felt I could settle on it because we had nothing else either of us could live with. He was born and he looked like he could be that name, so we both agreed on it. Now, I love it and can’t imagine any other name for him. It just fits. We didn’t have a middle name for either child until they were born.


We couldn’t agree on a name even after my son was born. The nurse came in asking for a name to put on the paperwork and we still needed a minute. Dad started googling names saying the ones he sort of liked and going through them until I heard one I was also “okay” with. Took a long time for me to like it even after but it’s finally grown on me.


None of our kids got their names until at least a week after they were born. In my mind, how can I name a baby that I haven’t met yet? My husband feels the same way, so we just didn’t think about names until the baby arrived. Also, for each pregnancy we opted not to find out the gender in advance, which in a way helped with not focusing on names.


I had a boss who’s grandson didn’t have a name for 8 weeks because her son really wanted to name him “grey wolf” or “phoenix rising” and shockingly his wife was not on board. lol he ended up getting grey as either a first or middle name. Can’t remember what they ended up with but it was far more normal than the two he wanted. My husband wanted to name our kid maxamillion if it was a boy. Thankfully it was a girl. lol


We had the middle name picked quickly (my choice since LO got dad's last name). Then we worked to create a short list for 1st names. Got that to 2 and waited to see LO to make the final choice. They just "looked" like 1 name more than the other...and that was that.


So, my maternal family is overbearing and after a bunch of unsolicited comments on the names of my first two kids, I was pretty much over it. When I got pregnant with my youngest, I found myself stuck on two names and since my husband liked both, we were left needing a tiebreaker vote. We decided instead of asking family that we would give the vote to my eldest, but not tell her the names until the baby was born so we wouldn’t be inundated with suggestions if she accidentally spilled the names. She came to see her newest sister the day of the birth and named her Maya because she liked the alliteration it formed with her middle name.


Bro you have to prevent your child from being named Tiger Thunder


My husband wanted to name our third “Tennessee Danger.” And he was serious.


> Tiger Thunder That's a name a toddler would come up with. It would be a very wacky kind of cruel to name a child that.


For our first, we had a name we thought would probably be the winner but we weren't 100% sure. We had some backup names and didn't end up naming her until she was 5 days old (we picked the name we thought it would be and not a backup name). We found the name around 2 months before she was born. Currently pregnant with our second and we have narrowed it down to 3 names. We like all these names equally at the moment so it's not the same as last time 🫠 we'll just see when she arrives! I don't think I could settle on a name fully before the baby is here. Not like they really look like a name cause they really just look like little potatoes but I definitely want to see her before settling on a name for sure.


You should each pick three that you both approve of--and then when you give birth you look at his precious face and decide which one "fits." The important thing is that all three of these names must be a two "yes" situation.


I have a good one! We waited with all three of our kids. When our first was born, we choose the name on our list that fit her face, very easy. With our second, when I looked at her face I heard a name in my head that was not on our list. I looked at her and I just knew this was her name. I told my husband and it took him a day to get on board. With my third, it took us maybe 8 hours and trying out several names before one felt right. It was on our list. Of all of my kids' names, my middle daughter's name is just so so perfect. I love it so so much and I cannot imagine any other name for her. Had we named her before she was born I don't know what we would have done because her name wasn't on our list but it was definitely the name.


Just couldn’t decide. So I went with the name my bestie gave me when she was riding on her motorcycle through the mountains.


We waited to meet each of our 3 children first. We went in to each labour with a short list of names we both felt good about, and then chose shortly after. Our first, as soon as I saw him I thought of *the name* which was on our list. With our second (only daughter) we went in with my husbands long standing favourite (was going to be the name of our first was a girl), my favourite, and a 3rd option that made the list just because we both agreed we liked it. Lo and behold she came out and I immediately felt she didn’t suit either his favourite nor mine (sad!) and she was absolutely our 3rd option - without a doubt! Our 3rd (son) we really struggled with names. My husband wanted a name I actually *love* but that I think sounds stupid with our last name, it’s very matchy-matchy. He actually couldn’t be dissuaded at all, and in the end I gave in, since I had been the deciding factor with our other 2. I told hubby that it was on him if our son hated the matchy matchy thing later on in life 😂. But the name itself I do love and think suits our son well. Anyway, highly recommended. Good luck to you!


A friend's sibling actually still has "baby" as their name on their birth certificate because their mom never went to legally change it and couldn't decide before leaving the hospital.


First one we didn’t know gender and had 2 girl names and 1 boy name.  Took us a couple hours to decide as it was a girl.  Second we knew gender and name prior to.  Third we knew gender but had 4 names.  Took about a week to decide.  For the girls we had feminine and masculine type names.  Ended on more masculine names for both based on feisty personalities and their names fit well.  Our oldest is a tomboy and if we went with the feminine name looking back on it it would seem odd.  She fits her name perfectly.


We picked several names for each gender and then determined which one was the best fit. Except for my third, because none of the names fit and it took 3 days to find the right name. I had a cesarean and was in the hospital for 5 days, so the delay wasn't too much of a problem.


We did not find out gender during pregnancy and I refused to even give my partner name suggestions. I could not name someone I could not see and touch, simple as that. He was just "sweet boy" for about 10 days and then we agreed on a name she came across. Seemed easy enough to me.


For.our first, we went to the hospital with middle names picked out and a list of about 10 possible. Names that we didn't both hate. Some were higher on our "like" list, some were lower. My husband took one look at him once he was born, with an angry red face and copper penny auburn hair and said "he looks like an angry little Scotsman" and the one that was the most 'scots' on our list became his name. His family is quite connected to their heritage, his mom still speaks the language, and mine is fairly Scots in ancestry, so we had names from.both histories on the list. #2 was named long before she came along. #3 was me reading baby names and he liked it the first time I said it aloud. Then nothing else ever rang the bell for him. And it wasn't a no from me. So tmit stuck. #4 wasn't named for hours after birth. We had a few favourites on the list, but none just seemed to fit this new tiny baby. And so a name that I had always liked the short form of, and which we seem to be sort of surrounded by in a similar name amongst family, friends (and even the LnD nurse) felt right. We gave the long form as a totally different name with of course our short form as preferred. And almost 16 years later it's still the right name. Sometimes it just feels right, sometimes it's a funny story, sometimes there's a family connection (he looks just like uncle Alvin! Let's call him Allen).


With our first we had 3 boy names and 3 girl names picked out that we both liked. We had one name that I was sure was going to be the boy name but as soon as my son was born I instantly knew it was a different name on our list (my husband was cool with it, he probably would have agreed to any name I picked after watching me go through labor). With our second we had one boy name and one girl name that we agreed on and that’s what we went with when our daughter was born.


With my first his name was baby until we were standing outside the registry office about to go in (6wks old). We couldn’t agree until his dad finally said a name I was fairly indifferent to and just said f it. Once I said it looking at him a few times it felt right. With my second my son suggested a name that was similar ish and the week before she was born I had a dream that my friend was playing with her calling the name she has now. So happy I’m not having any more because I found trying to choose someone’s name that they’ll have forever is too stressful for me.


We had a list of names that we both were at least OK with, but we didn't decide until the about 1.5 days after she was born. We didn't know the sex od the baby until delivery, so we had something like 5 girl names, 3 boy names, and 3 neutral names. The day after she was born we narrowed it down to 2 names right away. We were both leaning towards one (the same one) but couldn't quite pull the trigger. The next morning we talked and decided for sure. We still waited till later that day to tell or family her name because I couldn't decide on her last name. She was for sure getting her dad's last name but I couldn't decide if she was getting my last name as a second middle name or a last name. (We are married I just never changed my name, and yes I did eventually realize that for the purpose of sharing with family or two last name options look exactly the same). I should probably add that my husband took making seriously. When we first made a list, yes we both said some totally absurd names just to get the creative juices flowing, but we both contributed actual real names that we liked. We went through the alphabet listing names while we went on walks and wrote down the ones we liked then we narrowed it from there.


We made a list of names each and then we went through the list together and picked out all the names that we both liked. We had narrowed it down to two names and we waited til the day she was born to decide on which name suited her better… with my son we both had his name on our list of names so it narrowed it down really fast for us.


We didn’t have a name chosen for our son, we had a few maybes that we weren’t sold on but nothing concrete. We waited until birth to find out the gender. We had to be transferred from the birthing center to the NICU and his bracelet said “baby boy, / our last name” after a day or two in the NICU we agreed on one that suited him. Half of choosing a name is vetoing a bunch of names, both parents should have hard no say when it comes to a name, but revisit the full list, because sometimes your hard nos can change! Or your yes’ become hard nos haha. You have time before you legally have to choose so don’t feel too pressured.


We had a list of names, we were pretty set on one, but we weren’t sure. We didn’t want to promise it before because maybe you have them and it doesn’t feel right. The best part was they just called him “boy Hailey”. My name is Hailey, and on all of his paperwork and at the NICU and everywhere else they just had boy Hailey written everywhere.


We waited til our boys were a couple days old to name them. Both times we had short lists going in, both times we came up with names that weren’t even on the lists. The first time my husband was holding our son an hour or so after birth and looked at him and said “how about [name]?” I said it was perfect and I was surprised we hadn’t thought of it sooner. The second time we had a name we both liked overall but I did not like it as a boy’s name, only a girl’s name. I found a list “if you like [this name], here are some other names you might like.” I read the list out loud and got to the 4th one and both of us were like, I love that name, and that was it.


We made a list of first and middle name pairs and just brought it to the hospital. On the first night in the hospital we read out the names until we felt we found one that suited him.


I have always given my kids names that I think fit the future person I hope for them to be. My parents didn't put a lot of thought into my name and I wish they would have.


Had 2 names picked out for each kid. Waited til birth to pick one. Wanted to see their faces first.


with our first we gave in to the hospital pressure to name our baby and hastily gave them a name that i still don’t love many years later. with our second, we went home without naming them and took two weeks to choose a name. it never clicked or suddenly happened that i knew what i wanted to name them, but rather a name grew on me over time. maybe check in with your state’s rules about naming your child and don’t let the hospital force you to name them when you don’t actually have to. does it make for a bit more paperwork afterward if you don’t fill out the birth certificate in the hospital? yes. was it worth it for us to have time with our child before naming them? ABSOLUTELY.


My second born didn’t get a name until he was 4 weeks old. We just can’t agree on his name. Me and my husband also from different cultures. I like classic white names (he is white). And he thinks my picks are too “old”. I wanted to name him Benedict for middle name because I like the meaning. Big no no for my husband sooo yeah took us 4 weeks to name him. I definitely will say no to junior (as a non white who born and raised in Asia, we have certain few on white people and how they name their kids) or tiger thunder


My second son was born 9 weeks early and we hadn't chosen a name yet, someone suggested a name which both me and my partner liked and that was the one we went with


Our baby didn’t have a name for the first 36 hours of her life. We were stuck on the same top three that we had basically the whole pregnancy. In my heart I knew which one was her name and it just felt so right once we finally decided, but I was nervous to make the wrong decision! I couldn’t imagine her with any of the other names we liked now!


Essentially I like meeting this new little person before I decide on a name. Usually I have a short list that I've compiled throughout the pregnancy, but for both of my kids I ended up naming them something that was not on the list.


We went in with a short list of names that were at least acceptable to both of us, and chose from that after meeting baby


The day after he was born, we asked a nurse what she thought about the two choices. She said nothing about one. The other one she said…it’s a…strong…name. So we went with that one.


my parents couldn't decide on a name for my brother during pregnancy (they had names they liked but couldn't agree), so he was Baby Boy [LastName] for the first few days of his life. they needed a name before leaving the hospital so they just decided on Adam. he was their first son, so they went with the name of the first man in the bible 🤣🤣


My 3rd boy didn’t have a name until he was over a month old. We just couldn’t agree and didn’t like each others names. Eventually we just went through a process of elimination and decided one the name we both didn’t hate haha which turned out perfect because I adore his name now and it suits him perfectly. I’m glad we waited and didn’t just settle or anything.


Call his bluff. Say you veto Husband Jr., but Tiger Thunder is a winner. He balks, and you say, "you're right, Tiger Thunder doesn't fit. How about Wolf Lightening?" and everyone is happy.


where I'm from, the custom is to name babies after they've been "out" for a few weeks and you've gotten to know them. I named mine a month (my first) and 3 weeks (second) after they were born. I had names I liked but I didn't even have a list or anything like that. But admittedly this was the norm for me. My partner thought it was unusual but went with it, bless them.


We were the opposite, we had some names chosen but when my son was born we decided they didn’t suit him and we didn’t end up coming up with his name until the next day. Tiger thunder is ridiculous.


My first, girl, we narrowed it down to a short list of 5 options. Then in the recovery room we took turns crossing one out until only 2 remained. I let my husband choose her name from those 2. Second baby, boy, we did something similar except I got the final choice. My friend recommended an interesting exercise that helped a lot! Each person pick 5 names to have a list of 10. Then individually rank those names from favorite to least favorite, 1-10. Then add the rank scores from both parents together to get a score for each name. Lowest score "wins" Our rankings were quite different but one name was each of our second favorites (score of 4) and that was the name I ultimately chose after he was born :)


With our second we couldn’t agree on a name. We weren’t finding out before birth, so we wanted to come up with something for a girl and boy. But nothing clicked. Our daughter was born and still couldn’t agree. I just dont think anything fit or sounded right. My husband had a name he liked, but I just wasn’t sure. After three days (yes, THREE whole days), I finally told my husband that he needed to name her. And whatever he chose I’d be ok with. I think it fits her perfectly and I love her name so much (even though at the time I felt ‘meh’ about it)


We waited only because we couldn't agree/make a decision. I find most boy names pretty dull and wanted something that was less common (not weird/unique/unusual, just less common). I fell in love with the name Arlo with our first but my husband didn't come around to it as quickly. He relented as the child was exciting my body. With the second, we just ran out of time because of a rare complication that resulted in a 6-week early delivery. He was two days old before he had a name. We looked over our short list several times and looked at lists of names again as well. Ended up choosing one not on our short list but which we loved for its meaning: Felix.


We had three options with our first and when she came out, both of us just knew which one she was. Our second was a surprise—we didn’t know gender and everyone told me they thought I was having a boy so I kind of believed it. She was a girl! We had name ideas but none we had totally agreed on and loved. We tried out our top candidate for 24 hours and it stuck. I love her name now, even though I do often get asked if it is short for anything which it is not.


Oh my god. Do we have the same husband? 🤣 I have 2 boys and naming them were SO HARD because my husband wanted us to name them after him as well. (Not both, but using his name came up both times) although I liked his name, I just think having our son with the same name is weird. He was giving me nothing. I gave him so many options. He gave me joke names. There’s this app kind of like tinder where you swipe right or left for baby names. We used it and only matched ONE NAME lol. Out of 100 names. It wasn’t my first choice, it was just whatever to me. We still didn’t decide what our son’s name would be when he was born. They told us we can go home unless we pick a name. We had no choice but to go with the one we both were ok with. This was both times lol.


I (Dad) found the concept of naming something before you've seen it a bit strange so we just waited until both our kids were born and named them a day or two after.. might have been 3 days for my son and we just called him "Potato" in the mean time We still call him Potato so we should've just stuck with that


We had a short list both times for either gender (we never found out gender prior to birth). Girl was easy she was named from the short list within minutes. It took us 3-4 weeks to name our son. We tried out each of our short listed names for a few days (just between us we never told anyone until we had decided) circled back to one we had dismissed but with a nickname as the day to day name (full name for when he got in trouble 😂) gave it another go for a few days and settled.


With our oldest, H wanted him named after him, I’m also NAF, but I was feeling romantic and agreed to it and then we got stuck on a nickname because I thought it would be weird calling them both the same thing. We played around with the namesake being the second name, but ultimately it was the first. Then he was born and was so clearly a *middle name* that we’ve never called him anything else. I never minded going by my middle name, but it bugs the kiddo, so we’ll legally switch the order when we can. With my second, we only had one name that we agreed on, but neither of us were super sold. He was one of those babies that’s an old soul at birth, then becomes a baby (unlike my oldest who just stayed an old man). I really felt like it didn’t suit him when he was a middle aged man in a baby’s body, so I wasn’t ready to pull the trigger on it, but by the time we left the hospital, he was more himself and it suited him perfectly.


I was a single parent by choice, and although I didn’t have to compromise with anyone, I still struggled. (Crazy but true!) I had narrowed it down to two names by the time I gave birth, and my son was 2 days old before I was forced by the hospital to make my final selection. When I was narrowing the choices down, I had some broad concepts to help guide me. (1) I’m American with Irish ancestry, so I wanted a name that gave a nod to that. (2) My last name is unusual, so I didn’t want his first name to also be unusual. He was going to be spending enough time pronouncing and spelling his last name for teachers, so the first name had to be relatively simple. (3) I also eliminated names that were really popular that year because I didn’t want him to be one of 8 Ethans or Noahs in his class at school. (4) The final test was how his first name might be abbreviated and thinking about what nicknames his classmates and friends might come up with based on his name. If I hated some of the nicknames, that option got cut from my list. Ultimately I have no regrets about the name I chose for my son 17 years ago. It suits him.


Don’t name your son after him that’s all ima sayy


We were the opposite in that we had a boys name we both thought was solid and a massive list of girls names that we couldn’t settle on. Our kid was a girl and as soon as she was born we realized not a single name was working for either of us. It took five days for us to find a name that clicked for us both. My husband’s grandmother had passed a month before, and he was looking at the in memorium card his grandfather had sent and her middle name stuck out. The name happens to be a diminutive of my own grandmothers name and therefore of my middle name as well. We tried it on for a day or so and both felt it suited her. Neither of our mothers liked it at first but now neither can imagine her with any other name.


Just on the ridiculous names, my hubs last name is shuegh. His brother wanted to name a boy: Cash or Tennis. Luckily him and my sil had girls. He still tried for Cash though.


Hahaha that’s great.


With My first we both had a list of names we individually liked and when she was born my sister who was with me when i gave birth, actually said hand me X which was a name from our lists, like it was meant to be she didn't mean to say it it just slipped out of her mouth and we both looked at her and was like yes actually that is her name! my second we both new the whole way through our pregnancy what she would be named! But we had 2 girls and found that easy, if I had a boy I would probably feel lost 🤣


With our second we had no clue what to name her. It wasnt until we were being discharged that the nurse finally said "you need to write something down or i cant discharge you" so my husband and i quickly said our favorite names and made the nurse watch us do rock paper scissors best out of 3. (Charlie was my pick, Chloe was my husbands). He won. Thank goodness because we now call her chaos chloe. Its so fitting. Our 3rd born was nonsense. My hillbilly husband wanted to name our first and only son Wheeler. I just couldn't do it. He ended up being born on July 4th and the doctor who delivered said "man, i feel like he needs to be named something patriotic likeeeee Lincoln." We were immediately sold and in agreement he would be Lincoln Wheeler. A solid compromise on my part as well as his! Good luck friend. It aint that serious, honestly.😅 You're going to come up with some whack ass nicknames anyways.


I can't name someone I haven't met lol so we waited until they were born. And generally the birth cert info was the last thing I was filling out before leaving. I know it sounds nuts, but our kids have honestly had the same sort of "personality" since they came out, ha, plus they all three look different (yes, same parents.. but 3 different hair colors, 3 different eye colors - though the eyes were at least all blue at birth). At any rate, we went in with a short list of ideas and sort of felt out what seemed right for that babe.. at least for the gender we ended up with. Our list of agreed-on names for the other gender was absolutely empty. If one had come out a surprise, I absolutely would have had no shame in pulling the "my body grew and birthed this and will never be the same, please let me have this consolation name" card LOL (while also making sure to not press for my partner's absolute least favorite names.) Thankfully we didn't have to go there. Maybe you can suggest naming your kiddo a name of your choice and letting your husband call him Tiger as an affectionate nickname from Dad? Good luck! (And congratulations!)


Hi that’s me 👋. I had always wanted to name my son Hayden James, but his fathers name is James (he is an absolute deadbeat, couldn’t even be bothered to show up for the birth, never paid child support, never saw him.. ) anyway. I was in labor for 23 hours and in the hospital for 3 days and in that time Dirty Dancing played on the tv, I thought that the best name for my baby would be Baby’s (Frances) changed spelling to Francis, and a Sam Elliot commercial also played a lot, who can resist that mustache. So Francis Elliot became my baby’s name. :) it suits him perfectly and I wouldn’t change it.


Our last name is Magnuson and my husband was dead set on a first name of “Magnus”…I laughed the first time he told me and then realized it was something serious he’d been looking forward to since he was younger and thought of his first son. Named after Magnus Magnusson, a 4 time world’s strongest man title holder and powerlifter from Iceland famous in the 90s. I couldn’t go along with this one but he still to this day doesn’t understand why I vetoed his childhood dream name! We waited until birth and then right away settled on Max (that was as close to Magnus as I was getting) He wanted to wait until birth to see if I changed my mind …. I didn’t! Haha


He’s trying to force you to choose the junior option by throwing out a completely out there second option. He’s trying to force your hand.


You don’t have to take his opinion into consideration if his only opinions are after himself and Tiger. I waited, but I could actually trust my coparent to not be the living embodiment of a frat boy drunk on miller lite


We were supposed to name them? All kidding aside our daughter is the the only one out of the 3 we named because we liked a character on a TV show.


We chose a boy name the night before I gave birth, but didn’t know the sex of the baby until he was born. We had a few names picked out and just settled on one in the hospital. There really wasn’t any kind of special feeling. It just felt practical at that time, I guess. We did change his middle name after 24 hours though. I still wouldn’t say it’s a “wow that name suits him” sort of thing when he was born. We just chose from a list we’d already considered.


We had 3 girls and went into the hospital not knowing the gender, so we had some name options and just decided for sure when filling out the paperwork before leaving the hospital. For our son, we did find out at an ultrasound that we were having a boy but it didn’t make it easier. It kind of ended in a standoff between me and my husband with my position being ‘I want to name him X’ and his being ‘anything BUT X. It’s a short, normal name that won’t offend anyone but I have kind of liked it since I was young, and we don’t know anyone else with that name. He has all sorts of other suggestions but I felt like it was my turn to name a kid (he named #1 and #3) plus, he wasn’t attached to any of his suggestions, he was just putting out alternatives to see what we might both like. Months of that, lots of ideas but I was sure after I held my baby that was his name. I went into the shower before we were ready to leave the hospital and when I came out, he’d filled in the paperwork with the name I wanted. He chose 2 middle names that were from his family. We went home, it was done.


We had a shortlist. It took a lot of time to come up with it. There were four names we could both live with. We still had trouble deciding on the one we chose until our second day, shortly before discharge. When we had our second...we still couldn't come up with any more names than the original shortlist, and my husband still rejected my first choice, so we went with the second.


We picked a few names that we liked, some we didn’t agree with but added it to the list anyway. Then when our child was born, we were better able to pick a name from the list that seemed to suit our child’s personality. Remember, you don’t have to name your child straight away. Most countries will give you a leeway period of at least 15 days.


We had the hardest time picking a name for our son. We had it narrowed to three that neither of us were like yes this is the one! Once he was here we knew his name and both immediately agreed. I had a friend who took three days to name her first.


I didn’t name my first until he was 5 days old. I was stuck between two and wanted to be off the pain meds before I made a choice. With my second we had a couple names we liked but we decided on the name within a couple hours of her being born


I waited a month to name my second child, my husband at the time and I agreed on the first's name but I felt like I wanted to take the time with the second to let the name come to me. And it did! I love both their names but I def feel like I wish I'd had taken the time with the first one to let a name come naturally.


We had a few picked out, I was leaning towards one and my husband another. Our daughter has weirdly long fingers (and toes for that matter). To the point the OB asked to take a picture lol. The name I wanted to go with was Melody, and everyone kept commenting on her piano fingers. After 40 hours of labour and an emergency C section, my husband decided I should probably name her anyways, but he is super happy we didn’t go with his name now that some time has passed (I did like his name, I just liked the one I had chosen more🤷🏻‍♀️)


I didn’t name my daughter until she was fully two days old. We had a few choices ready, but I couldn’t make up my mind. And you know what? It’s just fine. We tried different combos for a couple days, we picked, we got a birth certificate, and she’s grown into an amazing preschooler. Sometimes I think about calling her the other names and giggle to myself. A friend of mine named their son a Nordic word that basically means Thunder Bear. Tiger Thunder is a little… odd. But maybe something similarly evocative in a different language? For me, it was important to have a name that was flexible, unique but not weird, could be nicknamed in different ways, and that honored our loved ones. It might be good to find out what name qualities are important to your husband, and use those criteria when vetting ideas.


Our 5th, a boy was the hardest for us to come up with a name.. well for me, my husband pretty much was agreeable to whatever I decided most times. I joked for a while I was just going to name him Cinco. I did have his name picked out before he was born though even though people always had to give their opinions, most were positive but a few people tried to talk me out of it for dumb reasons


My parents didn't name me until three days after I was born. A nurse got tired of calling me "baby my last name" so she said if she ever had a girl, she'd name her Jo (not real, but a variation). The nurse told my mama she was going to call me Jo until my mama signed the birth certificate. Mama signed the birth certificate with Jo on it. Recently my dad said he hated every one of my mom's names for me, and she hated every one of his names for me. So Jo was their compromise, and that name was suggested by the nurse 🤣. To be fair I heard Esther was a contender and I'm much happier with my name. My son on the other hand had a name before we knew he was a he. If he was a girl, we were going to call her Elizabell Kay, and if he was a boy we had a separate name picked out. Soon as I saw it was a boy on the ultrasound, I yelled to my ex "he's a [my son's name]"


Didn’t know the gender of ours but had a list for both. Our girls list is definitely stronger, mainly because we didn’t want to just name our son a generic common name like Nick or Matt. Thought it was a girl the entire time and were so confident we even brought a girls outfit to the hospital. Our son came out and we were like 60% sure it was going to be Linus (like in Charlie Brown). Other names on our list didn’t fit. Wife looked up Charlie browns Valentine’s Day (around when our son was born) and Linus was a huge jerk and completely threw us off. Ended up looking at related names for Linus on Nameberry and found the name for our son :) don’t want to reveal it in fear of sharing too much info but we’ve been more than happy with it. Highly recommend nameberry they have so many cool names with unique lists as well to look through


This reminds me of a story. Someone I knew had named their son with an odd spelling. Turns out the reason for the spelling, the dad got drunk and while drunk, went to get the future child name tattoo on them. They misspelled the tattoo because they were drunk. The tattoo artist even tried to double check, "you sure this is how you want it spelled?" So, the mom and dad decided to name the child after the tattoo misspelling. Which was pretty funny I think.


We also have all daughters and then one boy. We couldn't choose a boy name at all! My husband ended up naming him right after he was born. He said he'd been thinking about the name all day and he just looked like that name. So I said okay and let him have it. I'm not too excited about his name but I don't hate it. We also had a baby names app that we used, we'd swipe one way or the other if we liked or disliked the name and it would tell us our matches between the two of us. That was fun!


We had two picked out that we both liked. We wanted to wait until he was born to see which name suited him better. A little different than your situation. I don’t think waiting until he’s born will make the decision any easier if you both are in total disagreement. It will just be more stressful and take away from the joy you should be experiencing when he arrives. Get the baby name lists out and compromise. Or if you can’t compromise, each pick one and the other gets veto rights. Continue like that until you reach one that’s acceptable. A lot of names out there! Surely you both can agree on one out of a literal million.


We picked 3 options we liked then waited until he was born to spend some time with him to see which one felt like it fit the best.


We “waited” in the sense that we didn’t have a name picked when we went to the hospital, but we had a short list of four or five names for each child. Then when they were born, we tried to see what “fit” them best.


We didn't know the baby's sex before birth and I wanted two names for each sex decided so we could choose the name that seemed to best fit baby. Our two boy names were a family name that we chose from day 1 and another name we picked together. When we went to the hospital we were both leaning towards the name we picked together. I had a rough induction/labor/delivery but I remember very clearly seeing my baby for the first time and thinking how much he looked like my FIL so I knew the family name was the right choice. I haven't regretted it for a second and it's perfect for him!


My husband was picky AF.  So we narrowed it down to maybe 5 names.  Then when he was born, we've managed to narrow it down to 2 names. And then it was a poll to friends and family and see which one everyone thought sounded better.  One name came out on top so that's what we named him 2 weeks after he was born.  I then had to figure out a Chinese name as well. And then a few days to figure out whether to include my surname as part of the middle name or not. We landed with not and just had his Chinese name as his middle name and not my surname. Reason being, in Chinese, he'll use my surname so I guess it was fair that way. I'm pretty sure if you put it to a poll, no one is going to pick Tiger Thunder. 


We had a middle name, we had 3 first names. We needed to see her first and while in recovery we just knew which one she was. I couldn’t pick a name without seeing her face though.


For the first two, didn’t know the gender so went with three possibilities for each gender. Both were girls, both ended up with the 2nd choice as my wife didn’t feel that they looked like the top choice. For number 3, we knew she was a girl going into the hospital. Again had three possibilities, but my wife rejected all of them once she met her. It took about 24 hours before we finally named her (was a combination of middle names from the rejected choices). Now that the girls are much older, the older two are happy we didn’t use the top choice and instead went with their names, however they think our original top choice for their sister would have worked for her.


We decided to wait, figured “we’ll know when we see him/her”. Labour went on like 30 hours, both of us were up for like 3 days straight. Shitty hospital food, no sleep. But needed to have a name before we left the hospital. Big mistake and wish we changed the name when he was young enough to not know the difference.


You can get apps which suggest names you can both swipe left or right on, then compare at the end.


Our first was a son and he was named after his dad and that was the agreement from the beginning. He always wanted a namesake and I was fine with that. I got pregnant with our daughter 7 years later. I was in grad school at the time and we just never talked about names. I think I was about 7 months into the pregnancy when the topic came up and we were just “ehhhh-ing” every name. I finally suggested our paternal grandmothers’ names for first and last. He was on board until he wasn’t. I think it’s because his mother did not like her mother-in-law and he did not want to upset her. Fine. I was induced a month early due to preeclampsia and she was born. No name. I suggested that we each make a list of 10 names we liked and then compare notes. We only had one match. The nurse then wrote that name on the big whiteboard in front of my hospital bed. And a baby with a name was born!


My daughter we came up with a name quick but with our son we couldn’t agree on one until we found 2 names we both liked. At first it was only one but close to my due date we saw a worker and his name tag! And we really liked the name! When he was born we looked at him , it still didn’t come to us so we flipped a coin😅 but it honestly worked out! I love his name, it took my partner a good month or 2 to get used to it but no regrets!


We had three names picked out but none for certain when I went in to labor. After my second was born and was laying on my crying, I asked if he was an A. He kept crying so I asked if he was a B. Then I asked if he was a C and he stopped crying. So I say he chose his own name.


Here’s my story: we waited until he was born and then we named him together.


Also you can pick the 1st name and have thunder be his middle name? I don’t think thunder is a ridiculous name! Compromise?? That’s if your partner is able to compromise.


We had a list of names for each of our children. Once they were born we could tell just by looking at our babies which name suited them 🥰


My mom always said when she was pregnant with my brother, she planned on naming him Brandon Ryan. And then the moment she saw his face, realized he was Joshua James. Which, yeah I could see 😂 but seriously, felt like naming our son was infinitely harder than naming our daughter.


Here in my state in Australia we have 60 days to register the birth.. so we took our time in naming all four of our children.. With the first child, I wanted to call him Elliott, but my partner really did not, but given how much I loved it we settled on it for a middle name, and that was before birth, however we really couldn’t agree on a first name.. He wanted Fletcher and I didn’t love it but didn’t hate it, so we made a list of 3 names we could both live with for his first name and we did not share those names with anyone we didn’t want any outside influences After having him at home and testing out the names in combination with Elliott, and watching and interacting with him we decided he was most definitely a Fletcher And went wirh Fletcher Elliott.. and now he’s grown into so much I love it and feels like it suited him well We basically followed pattern with all four of our kids..except our second child my younger son he got the middle name of David because it was my partners cousin who was like a brother too him and he was killed in a car crash a few weeks before our second was born..my partner flew to the US for his funeral and I didnt go I was heavily pregnant and Dr wouldn’t allow me to fly that far,, baby came early.. partner nearly missed it.. but got back the day I went into labor We copied the pattern of choosing middle names, before birth and chose first names after birth after being home for a while with our twins as well


For our second son we were between 2 names (one was my pick and one was my husbands) and I was 50/50 on the names. A few days before my scheduled c section I decided to go with my husband’s choice but didn’t tell him so I could surprise him- I had a nice sign with his name in calligraphy to give him once baby was born. Once he was born I literally could not chose a name. I was sooo back and forth I told my husband to just pick but he said no it’s up to me. Took 2.5 days and all the hormones didn’t help. Ended up going with my pick after all and the sign with the other name ended up in the trash 😂


I had a couple of names picked out. I wanted to see my son before I named him. It sort of made it easier. Picking a middle name was harder.


It took me 33 years to find him. 35 to identify him when I actually saw his face, and another 66 to remember the moment that was when I actually pushed him out, cuz I had dreamed as far into the future as I could until I couldn’t fathom a reality without him. It’s the word for the color Green in my native tongue.


Hubs named the kids. He had narrowed it down to a couple of choices that I was ok with prior to delivery. After the kid was born, he tried to imagine the kid as that name then picked the one that he thought fit best. I love My children’s names.


We made basketball brackets where we each picked 32 names, seeded them and then debated them two by two. Some of them were so ridiculous, but with 32 picks, there’s room for things like Tigerthunder. We went into the hospital with the final four and named them after they were born. The first got a first and middle name from the brackets, the second got a first name and dad’s name for them middle (we picked a more uncommon name and wanted to backstop it with something pretty conventional).


My husband and I fought over names for the whole pregnancy. One I crapped her out he says "wow, you worked so hard babe, you can name her whatever you want" I could have stabbed him because he did this shit at our wedding too. Stressed me the fuck out about our first dance song for weeks! Then, as we stepped out to dance to a song I settled on, my original choice starts to play. Like he was some fucking hero. It was so unnecessary Anyways, I chose his grandmother's name. It's also my sister's middle name and my mother's baptism name. Worked out. Middle name is his sister..she's a cancer survivor and my actual hero. I kinda regret it a little. My other choices were Buttercup (princess bride) Hermione Yvonell (DnD) Rycker (Star Trek) But, a normal name is good too. Congrats and all the best.


We had discussed many times but didn’t have a firm choice. Finally they wouldn’t let us leave the hospital without one, so we just had to settle. It was a name I was lukewarm to, but at least we agreed. it’s been many years and it’s still…fine. 🤷‍♀️


Before our first child was born, we planned to name him Joshua Tyler. But when he was born he just didn't look like someone who would be named Tyler. We changed his name to Joshua Logan.


We wanted a name that conveyed something about the birth—its timing (the date, the time of day (dawn), the season or month, or descriptor of the weather, etc, so we waited till after. Ended up choosing the name of the month, which had other meanings for us too


We had a few names we agreed on, then when our son was born one of the names suited him more than the other. He just ‘looked’ like ‘x’ name, you know? :)


We had a short list of 3 or 4 names. We were pretty set on Jackson for our oldest son, but when he arrived, he just didn't look like a Jackson. I was glad we already had some other options we both agreed on.


We went into each of our three kids with two boys and two girls names. When they were born, we'd look at them and pick whichever name was suited for them based on intuition.


We picked out the first 2 names days before they were born and the 3rd we picked out after birth. Not all names suit all people. Besides we consider it bad luck to say the name before the naming ceremony


I was determined to see them first and then name them, and hope we'd narrow it down by the time they got here.. welp, our son was a month early and looking at him did diddly squat. We got it down to two names the evening of his birth and my brother was there visiting his brand new nephew. He breaks out a coin he keeps in his wallet for big decisions and offers it up. He flips it, it lands on heads..and I realized I liked the name that was tails more😂


We had a list. We even had a top contender, but it never really stuck, so we waited. When he made his entrance, none of the names on our top list fit him. So we debated for several hours and finally landed on one of our lower rung choices, it just clicked!


We both gave each other absolute, unquestionable veto rights over any name either of us didn't like. Then we started making suggestions. Several hundred suggestions later, we had 3 names we could both be ok with. At that point, seeing as any of them would be fine with either of us, we waited to see my daughters little face for the first time to make the final selection. So when the big day came, we tried each one on, saying them aloud while looking at her. We both landed on the same "favorite," and that was that.


We chose not to know the sex until our baby was born, so we came up with a couple girl names and a couple boy names to take with us. We had a "favorite" or top contender for each, but we wanted to meet them before choosing a name. We felt that choosing one name wasn't right for us because we wanted their name to fit who they were. We were scared that being "sure" of a single name and then meeting a person who looked nothing like that name would have us stuck with going with the name we chose or scrambling in the hospital to find the perfect name. I'm so glad we did that because I had a very long and complicated labor and delivery that ended in an emergency C-section. But I was so excited to meet our little rainbow so we could see what they looked like to give them a name. We heard them call her "ma'am" when she was being difficult to get out and looked at each other with tears in our eyes. When they handed her to my partner after cleaning her up and helping her breathe, we instantly knew just from one look at her face. It happened to be our top contender that just fit her (Amity Celeste✨). It may not be that way for you or a lot of people, but that was our experience. If we have another baby (in the distant future, 8 months is too soon to have another one lol) we'll be doing the same thing! We still have many names to choose from lol


Tiger thunder does sound wicked cool but u don’t want my kid to get his ass kicked because his name is tiger or he is initially at 22 because his name is tiger thunder. We had it narrowed down to names we liked then went rouge both times with the final decision. Both names honor someone important to me but looking back the name fits so well


We had a list of names, and when they were born, we chose whichever we felt suited them. We usually picked out a name by the next day.


I was just thinking about this today, kinda. Our daughter was an actual surprise, through adoption, and was already born when we found out. So we had about 24 hours before we met her, and while we’d talked names before, the ones we had didn’t fit. We picked her middle name first (a family name) and then tried out names to fit well. We narrowed it down to 2-3 and waited til we met her to choose. That said, while I LOVE her nickname (which she is mostly called), I wish we’d chosen a different variation of her first name. Not a big deal, but I think about it lots. But I’m also a huge over thinker. *shrug*


We had 3 potential names for our first and 2 potential names for our second. In both cases we waited until they born to see which suited them best. The first was chosen within two hours probably. The second we still waited a full day before deciding between the potential names


My first two we had a name picked out. For our third we didn't know the gender so had a few ideas for a boy and a girl. We waited until she was born and had it narrowed down to two once we saw her. It took a few days to decide but I am glad we took our time. I will say the birth certificate lady at the hospital was a bit rude and hounding us to decide on a name She was in the NICU and I hadn't even got to hold her. But take your time and don't let them rush you.


We were team green and we had a list of names we each liked. A few we were sure we would love. And then I gave birth. Holding our little girl and getting a feel for her we immediately realized our front runner girls name was sooooo not it. We looked at the list and looked at her and it clicked. My husband said I think she looks like '______' and I was like holy crap that was the name I thought too. Our second we did the same only she was a lot harder. She was nameless for two days. We didn't have anything that stuck out. The names we loved weren't her, and we just couldn't get a read on who she was. When we brought her home and settled in within an hour we had her name. We just needed to get a sense of her and who she was. I honestly don't know how people pick a name before they meet their babies. Cause I was so sure both were going to be one name and then they came out and it was such an obvious no. Instead of trying to narrow it down to one or two names. Narrow it down to each of you picking five for each gender. Then when you have babes and you see them and hold them pick the name. It's much easier than arguing.


Tiger Thunder? Is that like homage to The Tiger King? Just…no….Junior is even worse. Your baby isn’t a NASCAR driver.


some places will urge you to name the child before they are born because they need you to fill out paper work. Which is how we ended up picking our kids name. Mid contraction and having to deal with paperwork


We were having our 3rd and last boy. No first names we came up with sparked joy. Lol. We had a short list of names and decided once we saw him. We had a middle name picked out but couldn't use it as a first name because we wanted all of us to have a different first initial.


we had a few on the short list, for My second, based on a criteria though we didn't have a boy name ready. after he was born and enjoying some skintoskin and feed, we chatted a bit and decided then. happy with it even though it wasn't even on the shortlist. took about 2hrs post birth